Welcome to this edition of the CHUSS Bi-Annual Newsletter. The issue highlights major activities that have unfolded in the college...
Researchers from the University of Chicago have visited the College of Business and Management Sciences to discuss areas of collaboration. The team comprising Dr. Benjamin Krause,...
Science, Technology and Innovation Minister, Hon. Dr. Musenero Monica Masanza has urged Universities to build stronger linkages and focus on specialization to harness science, technology and...
History Lecturers can now use videos, animations, avatars, illustrations and maps to spice up the teaching of history in higher institutions of learning. Training geared at...
The Academic Registrar (AR) and Directorate for ICT Support (DICTS) team went to the Makerere University Jinja Campus on Friday the 11th of March 2022. The...
The long-awaited Laptop Loan Scheme for Students and Staff at Makerere University finally got underway on Thursday 10th March 2022 at ceremony presided over by the...