By Bernard Buteera In its quest to become a research-led university and in line with its vision 2030; a thought...
The International Development Design Summit (IDDS) Uganda 2019: Transforming Household Livelihoods took place from August 21 to September 7, 2019, with 28 participants and 18 organizers...
The partners organising the Second Kampala Geopolitics Conference on Wednesday 2nd October, 2019 officially released the programme for the two-day event scheduled to take place on...
I congratulate Halima Nakaayi upon winning the 800 meters race in Doha. You have made Uganda proud.
I am glad to inform students and staff that supply and installation of modern furniture for the new Buildings; Central Teaching Facility 1 & 2 (CTF...
I thank H.E Ambassador Per Lindgärde for personally attending the 2019 annual review of the Makerere Research Program supported by the Government of Sweden. The program...