Graduation statistics The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) has presented 638 students for the award of degrees and...
Thank you Dr. Hlami Ngwenya, University of Free State, South Africa the Moderator for this 9th RUFORUM Webinar on the topic Delivering Agricultural Advisory Services in...
Summary This award, established in 2010, provides professional development opportunities for women working in wheat during the early stages of their career. The award is named...
WaPOR is the portal to monitor Water Productivity through Open-access of Remotely sensed derived data ( and has been developed by FAO. The WaPOR programme assists...
The advent of COVID-19 has exacerbated challenges in Africa’s education system and reinforces the need for fit for context, innovative and scalable solutions in education. DOTSS[1]...
I thank you so much for choosing to read our Newsletter and welcome you to enjoy the contents of this issue in which we highlight MLI’s...