On Friday 26th July 2024, the Contractor- National Enterprise Corporation (NEC) handed over the renovated Lumumba Hall of Residence to...
LWANYAGA Joseph DdumbaApplication of process technologies for improved salt production from Lake Katwe, Uganda Eng. LWANYAGA Joseph Ddumba designed a process that selectively extracts salt from...
The best performing students in the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine in the 72nd Graduation are products of Universal Primary Education (UPE) and Universal Secondary Education (USE)....
Students from The College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio Security (CoVAB) on Wednesday May 25, 2022 were awarded PhDs, degrees and Diplomas during the...
MUKISA K AmbroseRole of blood lead on the anemia status of malaria infected children. Mr. MUKISA K. Ambrose investigated the effect of concomitant exposure to both...
BALINANDI Karabyo StephenTicks and tick-borne diseases of cattle in selected districts of Uganda: zoonotic potential and public health implications Dr. BALINANDI Karabyo Stephen investigated the diversity...