Kampala, 01 August, 2024- The Regional Universities Forum for capacity building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) aiming to transform agriculture in Africa...
ATUHAIRE RuthDisparities in Utilization of Maternal Health Care Services in Uganda Ms. ATUHAIRE Ruth investigated the disparities in utilization of maternal healthcare services in Uganda. The...
AMPAIRE AnneCareer Stereotypes and Aspiration as Predictors of Students’ Independence in Career Choice at Education Transitional Levels in Uganda Ms. AMPAIRE Anne examined the extent to...
KABASIITA JessicaAntecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour among Academic Staff in Universities in Uganda Ms. KABASIITA Jessica investigated antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) among academic staff...
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) has presented the highest number of PhD graduands for the Makerere University 72nd Graduation that started on Monday...
ABEN CharlesParticipatory Land use governance and livelihoods in Awoja Watershed, Uganda Mr. ABEN Charles examined the effects of participatory natural resource governance on livelihoods in Awoja...