The 75th Graduation Ceremony of Makerere University will be held at the Freedom Square. A total of 143 PhDs (64...
The East African Journal for Peace and Human Rights (EAJPHR) is an international, peer-reviewed, bi-annual scholarly publication of the Human...
Prior to the conference, a number of activities were conducted including trainings in Mapping using unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Wetland Vulnerability Analysis, both of which...
Makerere University College of Computing & Information Sciences ‘Centre for Innovations and Professional Skills Development (CIPSD) is a highly regarded unit in Makerere University and plays...
Main Theme: Nature-based and Bankable Nature Solutions for Environmental Sustainability “Leaving No One Behind” Host: UNESCO Chair on Ecohydrology and Transboundary Water Management, Sokoine University of...
Background: Water ESSENCE – Creating synergy to meet the global challenges is a NORHED project funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). The aim...
Officials from the College of IT Engineering, School of Electronics Engineering Kyungpook National University in South Korea were in Uganda for a week to renew and...