72nd Graduation: Doctoral Citations – CHS
3 years agoon
AGABA Bekiita Bosco
Molecular Epidemiological Surveillance of pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 gene deletions in Plasmodium falciparum parasite populations in Uganda
Mr. AGABA Bekiita Bosco investigated the biological and molecular changes in malaria parasites that make them difficult to be detected in malaria infected individuals. Once these parasites evade detection, individuals remain untreated leading to severe disease and risk of mortality. The results provide the first large-scale evidence reporting the presence of pfhrp2/3 gene deletions in P. falciparum parasites in Uganda and demonstrated that gene deletions are not confined but rather spread across regions. Further, the study showed that these parasites emerge independently and sponteneously. The findings inform national guidelines for malaria case management and policy for the introduction and deployment of new malaria diagnotic tests. The study was funded by the NIH-Fogarty Malaria training grant and the WHO collaborating center in Australia. The work was supervised by Prof. Moses R. Kamya, Prof. Chae Seung Lim, Dr. Adoke Yeka and Dr. Samuel Nsobya.
Understanding Trends and Trajectories of Repeat Adolescent Birth in Uganda
Ms. AMONGIN Dinah studied the magnitude and explanation for repeat adolescent birth (i.e. a second or higher order live birth before age 20 years, following a first birth before age 18 years) and its later life consequences in Uganda. Her results revealed high repeat adolescent births (over 1 in 2) with slight decline in the 30 years of observation (1988/89-2016) although more women over the years wanted to have this repeat birth later. Results suggest life-long negative socio-economic and reproductive health outcomes among women with repeat adolescent births compared to those without. Further, escalation of the socio-economic distress following first birth, domestic violence, and partner coercion, predisposed adolescent girls to sexual exploitation and unwanted marriages. Interventions should focus on preventing repeat adolescent pregnancy and increasing opportunities for adolescent mothers, with a primary focus on: improving school retention/continuation, strengthening family planning services, and preventing early marriage. This study was funded by Training Health Researchers into Vocational Excellence (THRiVE-2) and was supervised by Assoc. Prof Annettee Nakimuli, Assoc. Prof Lenka Benova, Assoc. Prof Lynn Atuyambe, and Assoc. Prof Claudia Hanson.
Genotypic And Phenotypic Characterization Of Hiv-1 Transmitted/Founder Viruses And Their Effect On Cytokine Profiles And Disease Progression Among Acutely Infected Ugandans
Ms. KAPAATA ANDAMA Anne looked at Genotypic and Phenotypic Characterization of HIV-1 transmitted/founder viruses and their effect on cytokine profiles and disease progression among acutely infected Ugandans. Subtype analysis of inferred transmitted/founder viruses showed a high transmission rate of inter-subtype recombinants (69%) involving mainly A1/D, while pure subtype D variants accounted for one- third of infections (31%). The signal peptide-C1 region and gp41 transmembrane domain were hotspots for A1/D recombination events. She documented diversity in the functional protein domains across the Gag-Pol region of the HIV virus and identified differences in the Gag-p6 domain that were frequently associated with higher in vitro replication. She also found that HIV-1 subtype D infections had higher concentrations of different cytokines than subtype Ainfections. cytokines IL-12/23p40 and IL-1α were associated with faster CD4+T cell count decline while basic fibroblast growth factor was associated with maintenance of CD4+T cell count above 350cells/microliter. This work was funded by the International AIDS Vaccine initiative and supervised by Prof. Pontiano Kaleebu, Eric Hunter and Moses Joloba and Dr Jesus Salazar Gonzalez.
Modern contraceptive use among female refugee adolescents in northern Uganda: prevalence, effect of peer counselling, adherence and experiences
Ms. BAKESIIMA Ritah studied modern contraceptive use among female refugee adolescents northern Uganda: the prevalence, effect of peer counselling, adherence, and experiences. She found that the use of modern contraceptives among sexually active adolescents was very low with less than 10% using a method, and yet they wanted to delay child birth. This highlights a high unmet need of contraceptives in this population. She also found that peer counselling had a positive effect on acceptance of modern contraceptives; participants who received peer counselling were more likely to accept a contraceptive method compared to those who received routine counselling. The commonest reasons for non-acceptance of a method were partner prohibition and fear of side effects. She recommends that refugee adolescents, together with their partners, are further sensitized of the dangers of teenage pregnancy, and the benefits of contraception in preventing teenage pregnancy and associated complications. This research was funded by SIDA and supervised by Assoc. Prof Elin Larsson, Dr. Jolly Beyeza-Kashesya, Prof. Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson, Dr. Amanda Cleeve, and Dr. Rose Chalo Nabirye.
Role of Vaginal Microbiome in Host Susceptibility of HIV Infection in Pregnant Ugandan Women: Inflammatory Response and Epithelial Barrier Integrity
Mr. BAYIGGA Lois investigated the virginal microbial diversity and its immune-modulatory effects on host susceptibility to HIV among pregnant women in Uganda. In the results, the vaginal microbiome of pregnant women in the cross-sectional study was categorised into four distinct cervicotypes. In conclusion, African women had a more diverse vaginal microbiome relative to women in the America and Europe as observed in the literature. This work was supervised by Prof. Damalie Nakanjako, Dr. David Patrict Kateete, Dr. Musa Sekikubo and Prof. Deborah Anderson.
MIJUMBI Deve Rhona
Rapid Response Services to Support Policymaking in Uganda
Ms. MIJUMBI Deve Rhona evaluated the rapid response mechanisms aimed at providing evidence for policymaking in Uganda, including their feasibility and establishment, their uptake amongst the users along with these users’ experiences with them. She was able to determine and confirm the feasibility of an RRS in Uganda and map the establishment, growth, and evolution of the service. She was also able to document the important factors that led to the establishment of the service, then used this information to develop a theoretical framework combining the structural and temporal components of the development of an RRS and the factors important at each stage. She also established the important factors that influence the uptake of the RRS amongst its actual and potential users and also explored the users’ experience with the rapid response (RR) briefs produced by the RRS and used her findings to improve these briefs. The findings from this work are important to enable the use of evidence for decision-making at different levels of governance globally, especially in complex situations where time is barred. The work was funded by the International Development Research Center’s International Research Chairs Initiative and supervised by Prof. Nelson Sewankambo, Prof. John Lavis, and Dr. Andrew Oxman.
An analysis of evolutions in maternal health policies and implementation adaptations in Uganda during the MDG period (2000-2015)
Mr. MUKURU Moses analysed Uganda’s maternal health policies introduced during the fifteen years of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG period) to understand policy failure. This followed the persistence of high preventable maternal mortality, which closed at a Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) of 368 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2015 below the target of 131 deaths per 100,000 live births. While most studies explain the failure to achieve maternal health policy targets from epidemiological, interventional and health systems perspectives, this study examined how elite interests underpinning maternal health policies, policy design and implementation influenced maternal health policy failure in Uganda. The study found that the failure to achieve policy targets and persistence of high maternal mortality despite introducing fourteen policy shifts emanated from a complex interplay of factors at the policy formulation, design and implementation levels. Policy elites developed policies which mainly served their selfish political and economic interests while paying limited attention to the goal of reducing maternal mortality. The policy instruments introduced were incoherent, inconsistent and incomprehensive to cover all the causes of maternal mortality rendering the policies ineffective in design. Consequently, maternal health policies could not be fully operationalised at the frontline to support timely response to all the emergencies that cause maternal death. The study was funded by DAAD, the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, Switzerland, through the University of Cape Town, South Africa, the “Support Policy Engagements for Evidence informed (SPEED)” and was supervised by Professor Freddie Ssengooba and Dr Suzanne Kiwanuka.
Obstructed labour in Eastern Uganda: risk factors, electrolyte derangements, and effect of bicarbonate on obstetric outcomes
Dr. MUSABA Milton studied the risk factors, electrolyte derangements, and effect of bicarbonate on obstetric outcomes among women with Obstructed labour (OL). Failure of a woman to give birth normally is called OL. It is often associated with poor outcomes for both the mother and baby, if the intervention (surgical) is not timely. In Uganda, one in five maternal deaths and two in five perinatal deaths are attributed to OL. The risk factors were being a first-time mother, using herbal medicines, and being referred in labour. While being married, having a delivery plan, and an educated partner were protective. Perioperatively, multiple electrolyte derangements were common. Perinatal death was four times higher than the national average, and the predictors were being referred and having a high maternal blood lactate level. Sodium bicarbonate infusion had no significant beneficial or harmful effect. Developing birth and complication readiness plans may help to minimize delays and multiple referrals in case of an emergency. To minimize the effects of metabolic and electrolyte derangements in OL, healthcare providers need to ensure that these patients are well rehydrated especially during transfer to a higher facility. This study was funded by NORHED/NORAD and was supervised by Prof. Grace Ndeezi, Prof. Julius N. Wandabwa, Dr. Justus K. Barageine, and Prof. Andrew D. Weeks
NAMAZZI Gertrude
Burden and risk factors for child developmental disability among infants in Busoga region, in Uganda
Dr. NAMAZZI Gertrude investigated the burden and risk factors for child developmental disability among infants in Busoga region, in Uganda. The study revealed a high burden of child developmental disability at population level and among preterm babies. The caretakers of children with developmental disability expressed emotional stress and an impoverishing experience with limited support from the community and the health system. The key risk factors included: birth asphyxia, malnutrition, newborn infections, and a mother having more than three children. The study findings indicate the need to improve the quality of care during delivery and the postnatal period to prevent birth asphyxia, neonatal infections and malnutrition so as to curb the burden of child developmental disability. In addition, parents should limit the number of children to those they are able to nurture and care for adequately. The study recommends to government to improve the health facility readiness to respond to caretakers’ needs and the needs of children with developmental disability so as to empower families, while respecting their beliefs, to cope with adversity. The study was funded by SIDA and was supervised by Prof. James Tumwine, Assoc. Prof. Peter Waiswa and Assoc. Prof. Helena.
NANKYA Mutyoba Eron Joan
Hepatitis B. Among Ugandan pregnant women: Studies on Epidemiology, knowledge, perceptions and behavioural intentions
Ms. NANKYA Mutyoba Eron Joan investigated the epidemiology, knowledge, perceptions and behavioural intentions associated with Hepatitis B among Ugandan pregnant women. The study was conducted among pregnant women attending routine Antenatal Care in public health facilities in Kampala, Wakiso and Arua Districts. In the results, the overall prevalence of Hepatitis B. Virus infection was 6.1%. Pregnant women in Uganda have a high burden of the virus with significant regional differences, low knowledge and inaccurate perceptions of the virus. This study was funded by SIDA and was supervised by Assoc Prof. Ponsiano Ocama, Asoc Prof. Fredrick Makumbi and Assoc Prof. Lynn Atuyambe.
Retrospective analysis of concurrently wasted and stunted children 6-59 months in the outpatient therapeutic feeding programme in Karamoja: burden, characteristics, detection, response to treatment and outcomes
Ms. ODEI Obeng-Amoako Gloria Adobea examined the burden, characteristics and detection of concurrently wasted and stunted among children under 5 years, and their response to treatment and outcomes in the outpatient therapeutic feeding programme in Karamoja. She found that 5% of children under-5 years in Karamoja were wasted and stunted concurrently. Concurrent wasting and stunting was common among children younger than 3 years and particularly males. She identified optimal weight for age z-score (WAZ) and mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) thresholds for detecting children with concurrent wasting and stunting. Nearly half (49%) of children with severe acute malnutrition receiving outpatient therapeutic care were concurrently wasted and stunted and had lower recovery rate. The study will inform decision-making on integrated wasting and stunting prevention and treatment policy and programme. This study was funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York through RUFORUM, UNICEF Uganda; and African Union and European Union-Intra-ACP Mobility Partnering for Health Professionals Training in African Universities (P4HPT) and supervised by Assoc. Prof Charles A. S. Karamagi and Dr. Henry Wamani.
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Exciting PhD Opportunity in Health Innovation – Starting 2025
2 weeks agoon
January 22, 2025By
Mak EditorWe are happy to share this exciting PhD studentship opportunity through the NTU-Makerere University partnership under the theme Health Innovation. Starting in 2025, this project will focus on One Health drivers of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections in rural Ugandan communities.
The research will combine microbiological and public health approaches to explore the prevalence, transmission, and contributing factors of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in these communities. Key research questions include:
- What human, animal, and environmental factors contribute to the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
- How can Community Health Workers (CHWs) help mitigate their spread?
- Essential: Willingness to spend time in both Uganda and the UK during the project and proficiency in Luganda.
- Desirable: Wet lab microbiology skills.
For full details, visit:
otic-resistant-bacterial-infections-in-rural-ugandan-communities> NTU Health Innovation PhD Studentships.
Application Deadline: Friday, 14 February 2025.
For inquiries, contact Dr. David Musoke at or Jody Winter at
75th Graduation Ceremony of Makerere University: MakCHS presents Graduands
3 weeks agoon
January 14, 2025By
Zaam SsaliThe Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS), College of Natural Sciences, and College of Business and Management Sciences presented graduands for conferment of degrees on the 14th January, 2025 which was the day 2 of the 75th Graduation Ceremony of Makerere University that commenced on Monday 13th January 2025.
MakCHS presented a total of 886 graduands including (23) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), (456) Masters and (407) Bachelors. For the second year, MakCHS produced the researcher with the biggest number of publications, Prof. Moses Kamya and he received an award for the achievement.
Speaking to the congregation, Professor Barnabas Nawangwe – Vice Chancellor, Makerere University welcomed everyone to Makerere University’s 75th Graduation. He congratulated the 13,658 graduates, including 143 PhD recipients, 53% female graduates and 47% male graduands who will be awarded degrees through the graduation week. He commended the efforts of staff, parents, and sponsors in supporting the students’ journeys. Professor Nawangwe praised the achievements of Makerere’s Colleges and Schools, he commended MakCHS for the leadership in research and innovation flying the Makerere flag globally. He noted, ‘The College of Health Sciences is our flagship college for research and community engagement. This college accounts for 50% of all research grants won and also 50% of all the publications by the University. The College celebrated 100 years last year, making it the oldest college at Makerere University’.
Prof. Nawangwe reiterated Makerere’s transformation to a research-led institution supported by the government funded Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF). “We are addressing national priorities, such as improving the Parish Development Model and advancing e-governance,” he stated. The Vice Chancellor also congratulated Dr. Crispus Kiyonga on his appointment as Chancellor and urged graduates to leverage their education to create solutions for societal challenges.
Professor Nawangwe advised the graduands thus, ‘We have equipped you with the knowledge and skills that will make you employable or to create your own businesses and employ others. Do not despair if you cannot find employment, instead reflect on the immense opportunities around you and raise them as an entrepreneur.’
Professor Puleng LenkaBula, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of South Africa (UNISA) delivered the commencement speech where she called on the graduands to remain resilient and emancipate Africa’s people. Her address titled “The Power of Resilience – African Woman, Find Your Generational Mission and Redefine Your Worth”, Professor LenkaBula highlighted the critical role of African women in shaping the continent’s destiny.
Professor LenkaBula expressed gratitude for being invited to such a significant occasion and extended greetings from South Africa, including from UNISA’s Chancellor, former South African President Dr. Thabo Mbeki. She praised Makerere University for its legacy of academic excellence and contributions to the African continent, emphasizing its role in anti-colonial struggles, post-colonial development, and its steadfast commitment to African unity. She called for a renewed focus on gender equity in academia and leadership, noting the disproportionate burdens faced by women in society. Citing the achievements of Makerere University in gender mainstreaming, she expressed optimism about the role of young leaders in dismantling patriarchal systems and fostering inclusive development.
Professor LenkaBula concluded her address to graduands with a call to action: “Your graduation is not merely a personal achievement but a contribution to Africa’s collective progress. History has thrust upon you the task of creating a future defined by resilience, innovation, and equality.”
In his remarks, Dr. Crispus Kiyonga – Chancellor, Makerere University congratulated graduands upon making it to the 75th Graduation Ceremony of Makerere University. Dr. Suruma expressed his appreciation of His Excellency the President and First Lady/Minister of Education and Sports for giving him the opportunity to serve Uganda and for the continuous support extended to Makerere University, requesting the congregation to join him and give them a warm applause. Dr. Kiyonga reiterated President Museveni’s directive to Makerere University to integrate the teaching of political economy across all courses to enhance students’ understanding of the country’s socioeconomic conditions. The directive, welcomed by the university’s top management, will be incorporated into the curriculum to align education with the needs of the people and the nation.
He expressed appreciation that the government has pledged to bolster Makerere’s research funding and he encouraged the University to strengthen partnerships with the private sector to commercialize innovations developed at the institution.
The new Chancellor pledged support to the University management in saving its land and urged that an agro-industrial park be established. “This park would serve three purposes: teaching, generating income, and acting as a demonstration site for communities across the country,” Dr. Kiyonga noted. He also emphasized the urgency of addressing Uganda’s food insecurity, highlighting that 40% of children in the Rwenzori region are stunted, with malnutrition affecting most regions of the country.
Dr. Kiyonga also pointed out Africa’s underperformance despite its vast resources, describing it as a contradiction. “It is our responsibility to change the conditions of our people and ensure Africa rises to its potential,” he urged.
The ceremony was graced by Hon. Joyce Moriku Kaducu, Minister of State for Primary Education, who represented the First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Hon. Janet Kataaha Museveni. Other dignitaries included members of Parliament, the judiciary, the diplomatic corps, and academics.
The Minister lauded Makerere University for its dedication to academic excellence and innovation. “Today reflects the resilience, hard work, and commitment of our graduates, supported by the university staff, management, and parents,” she said. The Minister commended the Vice Chancellor and management for fostering research and innovation while urging them to maintain robust quality control systems to uphold the institution’s integrity.
She also reflected on Makerere’s recent milestones, including the commissioning of a new the launch of the School of Graduate Studies and Research. “Your achievements stem from hard work, transparency, and accountability. They set Makerere apart as a leader in higher education,” she noted. Addressing the graduates, Hon. Kaducu encouraged them to apply their skills to solve societal challenges. “Makerere has equipped you with critical thinking and creativity. Use this to seize opportunities, make a difference, and shine wherever you go,” she concluded. During the 75th graduation ceremony held from the 13th -17th January, 2025, a total of 13,658 graduands were awarded degrees and diplomas in various disciplines. Of these, 143 received PhDs, 1,813 Masters Degrees, 243 postgraduate Diplomas, and 11,454 Bachelor’s Degrees. 53% of the graduands are female and 47% are male. 44% of the PhD graduands are female. A total of 491 graduands received first class degrees.
Certificate in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 2025
2 months agoon
December 17, 2024By
Mak EditorCourse Objectives
The course is intended to strengthen the capacity of practicing workers to successfully identify and manage Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) opportunities and problems by facilitating the acquisition of adequate knowledge, development of skills and attitudes through understanding and use of the 6 essential services of WASH. These are to:
- Monitor WASH status to identify and solve community environmental health problems.
- Diagnose and investigate WASH problems and health hazards in the community.
- Inform, educate and empower people about WASH issues.
- Mobilise community partnerships and actions to identify and solve WASH problems.
- Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility and quality of personal and population-based WASH services.
- Research for new insights and innovative solutions to WASH problems.
Course Structure
The course is an 8-weeks programme of study. Participants will spend 3 weeks (full-time) at Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) while 4 weeks will be spent at suitable workplaces / field sites. The final week of the course will be spent at MakSPH for presentation of project / field work, final examination, and the certificate awarding ceremony. This is a day programme and will run from 26th May to 18th July 2025.
Course Modules
- Water Resources Management
- Environmental Sanitation
- Hygiene Promotion
- WASH Policy, Planning and Financing
- Field / Project Work
Mode of delivery of the course includes lectures, tutorials, seminars, practicals and field work.
Dates | 26th May to 18th July 2025 | |
Fees | Ugandans | Internationals |
UGX 900,000 | USD 500 |
Who should apply?
- Practicing officers in the WASH sector including those working in local government, non governmental organizations (NGOs) or the private sector.
- Environmental Health workers who wish to broaden their knowledge and skills as a form of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) so as to be better equipped to implement WASH activities.
Entry requirements for admission to the course are Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) or its equivalent with at least 1 year working experience in WASH.
How to apply?
Application forms and procedure can be obtained from the Department of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Makerere University School of Public Health, New Mulago Hospital Complex or from the website below:
The deadline for receiving applications is Wednesday 26th March 2025.
For further details, contact:
Course Administrator
Ms. Irene Nassazi
Makerere University School of Public Health
New Mulago Hospital Complex
E-mail: Tel. +256771671354
Course Coordinator
Dr. David Musoke
Makerere University School of Public Health
New Mulago Hospital Complex
E-mail: Tel. +256788572129
Co-Course Coordinator
Mr. Allan Ssembuusi
Makerere University School of Public Health
New Mulago Hospital Complex
E-mail: Tel. +256759955067
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