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Mak 70th Grad PhD Citations Session 1, Part 3



College of Health Sciences (CHS)


BBOSA Nicholas

A molecular phylogenetic and modelling approach towards understanding the transmission dynamics and genetic diversity of HIV-1 in the fishing communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda

Dr. BBOSA Nicholas used molecular phylogenetic and modelling approaches to dissect the transmission dynamics of HIV in the fishing communities of Lake Victoria. The fishing communities are disproportionately affected by HIV relative to the general population and for a long time, the dynamics of HIV transmission were not well understood. His research revealed for the first time in Uganda that the fishing communities were a sink for HIV transmission from the general population and negated the generally held assumption of the fishing communities being viral reservoirs. The findings have contributed towards informing public health policies on the implementation of targeted interventions for effective HIV epidemic control in most at-risk populations. This study was funded by the UK Medical research council, and was supervised by Prof. Pontiano Kaleebu, Prof. Andrew Leigh-Brown, Dr. Bernard S. Bagaya, Assoc. Prof Noah Kiwanuka and Dr. Rebecca N. Nsubuga.


BWIRE Godfrey

Molecular characterization and rapid detection of Vibrio cholerae in Uganda: the relationship between human pathogens and aquatic environment.

Dr. BWIRE Godfrey studied Vibrio cholerae, the bacteria responsible for repeated cholera outbreaks in Uganda to determine their genetic profile, spread, transmission, virulence, aquatic environmental reservoirs and a field cholera rapid diagnostic test (RDT). The study found that cholera outbreaks in Uganda were due to three genetically related V. cholerae clones. The clones showed transmission within Uganda, East and Central African regions. The surface water sources in Uganda were possibly not reservoirs for the epidemic V. cholerae. The accuracy of the cholera RDT, a modified Crystal VC® dipsticks was high. This study enhances our understanding of cholera outbreaks and may help in prevention, control and elimination of cholera in Uganda. The study was jointly funded by the Uganda Ministry of Health and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (USA) and supervised by Prof. Christopher Garimoi Orach (MakSPH) and Prof. David Allen Sack (John Hopkins University, USA).



Human B and T cell responses to novel Schistosoma mansoni skin-stage antigens

Mr. EGESA Moses studied human immune responses to parasite components expressed at the vulnerable skin larva stage of the human blood fluke, Schistosoma. It was not known how endemic populations respond to recombinant components of the larvae and how these immune responses relate with intensity of infection when people get re-infected. The recombinant antigens induced inflammatory cytokine responses. Additionally, antibodies to these antigens were detectable and were affected by treatment. Although not associated with reinfection intensity, the information generated informs the selection and prioritization of vaccine targets. This study was funded by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award and the DELTAS Africa Initiative and supported by European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme, and was supervised by Dr. Bernard Bagaya, Prof. Maria Yazdanbakhsh and Dr. Stephen Cose.



Sodium intake in post-stroke patients – its influence on blood pressure, knowledge and perceptions and stroke outcomes in Uganda

Dr. KADDUMUKASA Martin’s thesis focuses on salt intake and cardiovascular stroke. He estimates the daily intake and its association with blood pressure and stroke. He further investigates knowledge, perceptions, and consumption decisions after stroke. He uses 24-hour urine to determine the salt intake in stroke patients. He notes that stroke survivors with high blood pressure have twice the levels of salt compared to stroke survivors without blood pressure. Poor knowledge, perceptions, and salt use beliefs. Finally, a high frequency of stroke recurrence and death was observed in this group. This study recommends primary stroke prevention through salt intake reduction and population salt awareness through education. This study was supported by NIH MEPI-linked Neurology Award (No. 5R24TW008886), Fogarty International Centre and was supervised by Prof. E. Katabira, Prof. Martha Sajatovic, Prof. Larry Goldstein and Dr. Pundik.



Hypertension in Uganda: epidemiology and association with HIV infection and genetics

Dr. KAYIMA James investigated the association of HIV infection and selected genes with blood pressure traits among Ugandans. He observed that, unlike the western populations, the frequency of hypertension was lower among HIV-infected compared to uninfected subjects in Uganda. Further, he uncovered the profound negative effect of SUB/NPR3 gene on systolic blood pressure. These finding suggest a protective effect of HIV on hypertension; and a potential modifying effect of SUB/NPR3 gene on hypertension in African populations. This work elucidates the role of HIV and population-specific genetic factors in the control of hypertension risk. It builds a foundation for formulation of prevention efforts for cardiovascular disease among high-risk groups; and for pharmacogenetic studies to identify appropriate medication for hypertensive black populations. This study was funded by Medical Education Partnership Initiative on Cardiovascular Disease (MEPI-CVD), and was supervised by Dr. Achilles Katamba, Prof. Harriet Mayanja Kizza, Prof. Xiaofeng Zhu and Prof. Mahboob Rahman.



Functional host-genetic loci associated with pediatric HIV-disease progression in Uganda and Botswana

Dr. MBOOWA Gerald used genomics and bioinformatics approaches to identify a set of genes that informs us which person if HIV-infected will take many years to develop AIDS (symptoms) without HIV-treatment. His research revealed that following HIV infection, there are two groups of people; Rapid-AIDS progressors (develop symptoms in 3-years or less after infection) and Long-term non-progressors (>10-years to develop symptoms) without HIV-treatment. These findings have implications for the current “Test-and-Treat and Treat-for-Life” HIV-treatment policy; when one tests HIV-positive and started on treatment-for-life exposing them to drugs’ dangerous side-effects yet some HIV-infected people have nature ability to stay for many years without developing symptoms in absence of HIV-treatment. This study was funded by the Collaborative African Genomics Network-(CAfGEN) and Training Health Researchers into Vocational Excellence in East Africa-(THRiVE-2), and supervised by Prof Moses Joloba and Dr. David Kateete.


MPIMBAZA Arthur Mwambari

Determinants of severe malaria among children hospitalised at Jinja Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda

Dr. MPIMBAZA Arthur Mwambari studied determinants of severe malaria among children in the Busoga sub-region. Risk factors for severe malaria included delayed care seeking by more than 24 hours after fever onset and seeking care at a drug shop as the initial response. For convenience, drug shops were the most common provider sought by caregivers of children with severe malaria. However, drug shops offered sub-optimal healthcare services compared to public health facilities. Hemoglobin S heterozygotes, alpha thalassemia heterozygosity and homozygosity were associated with protection against severe malaria. Drug shops were a problem, contributing to delay and severe malaria. The role of drug shops in caring for children with malaria needs to be re-evaluated and services at public health facilities strengthened. This study was funded by NIH Fogarty International Center (TW009343 and TW007375) and was supervised by Assoc. Prof. Charles Karamagi, Prof. Anne Katahoire, Grace Ndeezi and Philip J Rosenthal.



Innate immune system recovery after long-term antiretroviral therapy in an African cohort

Dr. NABATANZI Rose studied whether key blood cell populations of HIV infected adults recover completely after at least seven years of treatment with antiretroviral therapy (ART). This research found that despite at least seven years of effective ART, key first line defence cells among HIV-infected individuals were still fewer and produced low chemical mediators of first line defence against invading germs; compared with age-matched healthy HIV uninfected individuals. More emphasis should be put on ways of improving the body’s defence system for individuals on long-term ART to levels comparable to HIV-uninfected individuals, to prevent or delay HIV-associated complications among adults aging with the disease. This study was funded by DELTAS Africa Initiative, the Wellcome Trust and UK government and Alliance for Global Health and Science at University of California, Berkeley, USA; and was supervised by Prof. Damalie Nakanjako, Prof. Moses Joloba, Prof. Stephen Cose and Prof. Sarah Rowland Jones.


NAJJUKA Christine Florence (Ms)

Characterisation of extended spectrum Beta lactamases elaborated in Enterobactereaceae in Uganda

Dr. NAJJUKA Christine Florence investigated the prevalence of Extended Spectrum beta-Lactamases (ESBLs), the factors associated with gastrointestinal carriage, genotypes, transmission dynamics and co-resistance among clients attending outpatient clinics in Kampala, Kayunga and Mpigi Districts. She found predominance of cefotaximase in Kampala and presence of plasmid-mediated AmpC beta-lactamase genes, especially in ceftriaxone-susceptible Escherichia coli. Use of ciprofloxacin, inoculation and routine health follow up were risk factors, while rural residency and visiting lower health centres were protective of carriage of resistant bacteria. Transmission was predominantly by horizontal gene transfer of cefotaximase with at least two non-beta-lactam resistance genes. The findings inform widespread gut colonisation by bacteria resistant to 3rd generation cephalosporins and commonly used non beta-lactam agents, a source for transmission and infection with unpredictable and limited treatment options. This study was funded by Sida-Makerere Bilateral Research Programme and the Carnegie Cooperation of New York, and was supervised by Prof. Moses L. Joloba and Prof. Sabiha Y. Essack.


ZIDA Andre

Creating and institutionalizing supports for evidence-informed decision making, including a rapid response service, in the Burkina Faso health system

Dr. ZIDA Andre’s research focused on decision making in the Burkina Faso health system. His investigation focused on the institutionalization of a policy support unit called rapid response to provide evidence for urgent decision-making. The study showed that the institutionalization of decision support units demands a robust framework and political will. It can be non-linear, and it depends on the leadership of unit managers to implement relevant activities, mobilize funding, and recruit and maintain sufficient human resources. This study developed a clear roadmap for evidence-informed decision-making and policy unit institutionalization. This study was funded by International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the European Union, and was supervised by Prof. Nelson K. Sewankambo, John N. Lavis and Dr. Bocar Kouyate.


Please click the links below to navigate to the PhD Citations for the respective Sessions.

< Director’s Message | Session 1: Part1 : Part2 : Part3 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 >


Mark Wamai

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Office of the Academic Registrar Lauded for Groundbreaking Achievements In Digitalization



Mr. Charles Ssentongo (5th Left), together with Office of the Academic Registrar staff members are joined by Dr. Dickson Kalungi (4th Right) and MUST Registrars for a group photo in front of the Senate Building on 25th March 2025.

By Gerald Ochwo

On 25th March 2025, a delegation of Registrars from Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) undertook a benchmarking exercise at Makerere University, with a specific focus on the latter’s pioneering efforts in academic records digitalization. The delegation, led by Dr. Dickson Kalungi, Ag. Deputy Academic Registrar was received by Mr. Charles Ssentongo, Deputy Academic Registrar in charge of Admissions and Records Division, who represented the Academic Registrar (AR), Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi.

The visit was prompted by Makerere University‘s trailblazing achievements in digitalizing academic records, as exemplified by the Digitalization of Academic Records Project (DARP). This initiative has been instrumental in creating a centralized, digital one stop repository of all University’s academic records, thereby enhancing the efficiency, accuracy, and security of academic records management.

In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Ssentongo conveyed the Academic Registrar’s message and highlighted Makerere University‘s efforts to digitalize all its processes and records. He further noted that the university is intentional about creating a digital ecosystem that makes academic records retrieval easy and efficient.

As a university, we are now intentional with the digitalization of all our processes including, digitization of our manual records that date as way back as the inception of Makerere University. Currently, the DARP project as gone as far as creating a one stop center for both Academic document verification and certification, whereby our former graduates, will only need to access the online verification and certification portal and submit their documents without necessarily having to travel many physical distances to Makerere University” Mr. Ssentongo remarked.

Registrars from MAK and MUST pose for a group photo after the meeting. Left is article author Gerald Ochwo.
Registrars from MAK and MUST pose for a group photo after the meeting. Left is article author Gerald Ochwo.

In his appreciation remarks, the MUST head of delegation, Dr. Dickson Kalungi, thanked the Academic Registrar for honoring their request to come and learn from the best practices that exist at Makerere University and particularly commended the Department for the great steps and strides made in pioneering modern Academic records storage management systems.

“I want to sincerely thank the Office of the Academic Registrar for sparing time and organizing this meeting. As a University, we have embarked on a transformative change drive whereby we intend to automate all our registry processes including, the management of Academic Records. The DARP project at Makerere University, has been one project where we draw a number of lessons and we are eager to go and implement some of the best practices we have observed here today”


The benchmarking exercise undertaken by Mbarara University of Science and Technology demonstrates the significance of Makerere University and particularly, the Office of the Academic Registrar’s achievements in academic records digitalization. The DARP project serves as a model for other institutions to follow, highlighting the importance of investing in digital solutions to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and security of academic records management. It further demonstrates the university’s commitment to sharing knowledge and best practices with other institutions. Makerere University‘s efforts in digitalizing academic records have set a high standard for other universities to emulate, and the DARP project is a shining example of innovation and excellence in academic records management.

Gerald Ochwo is the Liaison Officer, Office of the Academic Registrar

Mak Editor

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Press Release: Launch of #MakRun2025



Makerere University officially launches the 5th Edition of the Makerere University Marathon #MakRun2025, 27th March 2025, Main Hall, Main Building, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.


27th March 2025


Makerere University is pleased to announce the launch of the 5th edition of the Makerere
University Marathon, also known as #MakRun2025, under the theme “Run the Hills for the Future” which is scheduled to take place on 17th August 2025.

The MakRun2025 is targeting 10,000 participants drawn from the university community, corporate entities, sports enthusiasts, and the general public. Proceeds from this year’s marathon will go towards further equipping the Makerere University Disability Support Unit and strengthening the Makerere University Endowment Fund.

Speaking as the Guest of Honour, the Minister for Sports, Hon. Peter Ogwang, emphasized the unifying power of sports, stating that the “#MakRun2025 is not only about physical endurance it is a uniting force that brings people together from all walks of life, driving us towards a common goal, advancing education and inclusivity for all.”

As part of the launch event, Makerere University officially handed over assistive equipment to the Disability Support Unit, procured from proceeds of the #MakRun2024. The equipment includes:

  • Focus Blue 40 Braille Display – 5th Generation for the Visually Impaired
  • Everest D5 Braille Embosser
  • DUXBURY Braille Transcription Software
  • And other essential assistive tools to support students living with disabilities.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, reaffirmed the importance of this annual event, stating that “This event has become one of the most significant social and community engagement activities in our university calendar, bringing together students, staff, alumni, corporate partners, and members of the wider public for a good cause.”

In his remarks, the Ag. Chairperson of the Makerere University Endowment Fund, Mr. Barnabas Tumusingize, highlighted the growth of the initiative: “What started as a small university event has now evolved into a major attraction. To professionalize the event, we are incorporating race timing chips, cash prizes for winners, among other enhancements, with a vision of making it a regionally recognized major race by 2027.”

We call upon all members of the Makerere University community and the general public to participate and support this noble cause.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Tuhirirwe Karane
Communications Officer
Makerere University Endowment Fund
+256 414 660 416/+256 703 647496

Mak Editor

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Call For Abstracts: Global Symposium on Insects for Food, Feed & Food Security in Africa



Some of the speakers lined up for the Global Symposium on Insects for Food, Feed, and Food Security in Africa, 5th–6th June 2025, Onomo Hotel, Nakasero, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Makerere University, in collaboration with Michigan State University, invites researchers, development actors, regulators, and practitioners to submit abstracts for the Global Symposium on Insects for Food, Feed, and Food Security in Africa.

The symposium will be held from 5th–6th June 2025 at Onomo Hotel in Kampala, under the theme: Advancing the role of insects in African farming systems for feed, food, and food security. The symposium aims to share knowledge and experiences in advancing the use of insects as a solution to Africa’s food, feed, and food security challenges. Contributions on the following sub-themes are welcome.

  1. Insects as animal feed for sustainable livestock production livelihoods
  2. Insects for human food and food security, including indigenous insect food systems
  3. Insects for improved soil health and crop production
  4. Commercialization of insect farming and products, including regulation and standardization

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: 18th April 2025
Feedback to Participants: 2nd May 2025

Registration Fee:  Participants will be required to pay a fee of USD 45, which will cover meals and venue costs. Limited scholarship slots are available for students and farmers. Please note that participants are responsible for their transportation and accommodation.

Submission Guidelines: Abstracts should align with the symposium themes and must be submitted by the deadline. Further details on submission formats and requirements will be provided upon request.

For further information about the symposium and Abstract submission, please refer to the contact below.

Dr. Amulen Deborah Ruth (PhD)
Makerere University
College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity
Department of Livestock Industrial Resources
P.O. Box 7062, Kampala
Phone: +256 782 315 636

Mak Editor

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