The Office of Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released the admission list of candidates admitted under the Disability, Sports and District...
The research documented medicinal plants used to manage diabetes mellitus by community of Bukomero sub county, in Kiboga district, Central Uganda in January, 2018. The study...
Uganda is experiencing an energy crisis especially in the agro processing subsector of the economy. This is partly due to the small distribution network of the...
Makerere University’s Regional Centre for Crop Improvement (MaRCCI) has initiated two breeding programmes on cowpea and sorghum not only for research but also to address the...
In consultation with key stakeholders, especially the students, University Council has approved a new user-friendly fees policy, which will make the experience of the University for...
The 3rd Network Meeting for Sida and International Science Programme (ISP) funded PhD Students and Postdocs in mathematics will be held on 20th-24th August 2018 at...