The East African Journal for Peace and Human Rights (EAJPHR) is an international, peer-reviewed, bi-annual scholarly publication of the Human...
On Monday 14th November 2022, a delegation from the Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands visited Makerere University to discuss capacity building, scholarships, research and approaches to...
Researchers at Makerere University College of Health Sciences have given recommendations on how the education and health sectors can support HIV/AIDS prevention among students. The researchers...
Makerere University researchers have released research findings showing that some blood donors in Uganda have low iron levels,low iron stores are common in blood donors, and...
On Thursday 17th and Friday 18th November 2022, the Embassy of Sweden in Uganda and Makerere University celebrated the essential role of research, science, and innovation...
Advancing locally driven forest restoration WWF, through the Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program (EFN), seeks to support local communities and organizations to restore native...