Applications for Fully-Funded International Research Scholarships (FIRS) to commence full time PhD research study in any Faculty at the University of Leeds are invited from high...
The pageant has, over the last month, carried out auditions in six universities: Makerere, Kyambogo, Kampala International, Kampala University, Makerere University Business School and Nkumba. Each...
Established in 1989, as a unit within the University Secretary’s Office, the Planning and Development Department (PDD) evolved into a fully fledged department in 1992 with...
The EuroAfrica-ICT initiative, funded by the European Commission (DG INFSO) with the aim to foster cooperation on ICT research between Europe and Africa, is currently conducting...
The Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) was established in 2004 to support the rapid development of health care capacity in Uganda and the region, to enable scale...