The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications from Diploma Holders only for admission under the Government Sponsorship Scheme (not exceeding...
Second RUFORUM Biennial Regional Conference Agronomy Effects of chicken and cattle manure on wheat production and soil properties in the high terrace and Karu soils in...
Second RUFORUM Biennial Regional Conference Diseases The reaction of maize genotypes to maize streak virus disease in central Uganda Detection and screening of yellow and sweet...
Second RUFORUM Biennial Regional Conference Pests Diversity and colonization of permanent and semi-permanent breeding habitats by Anopheles mosquitoes in a semi-arid ecosystem of Baringo district in...
Second RUFORUM Biennial Regional Conference Plant Breeding Development of improved scald tolerant barley varieties with superior enduse (malt) and nutritional quality for dry land areas of...
Second RUFORUM Biennial Regional Conference Natural Resources Management Effect of drip irrigation system and fertigation on growth, yield and quality of banana cv. Grand Nain (Musa...