The Gender Mainstreaming Directorate (GMD) on Friday 13th March, 2020 embarked on a series of workshops to sensitize staff on the Makerere University Policy and Regulations...
With support from Resolve To Save Lives, the Executive Director of the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI), Dr. Andrew Kambugu today, Friday 13th March, 2020 handed over...
The Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) Global Health Security Programme (GHSP) and Health Systems Strengthening E-AMAKA project organized a three-day Infection Prevention and Control training for 20...
The Makerere University Council has received updates from its Committee on Quality Assurance (QA) and Gender Mainstreaming (GM) on the progress of restructuring academic programmes at...
Stakeholders and experts convened at Imperial Golf View Hotel, Entebbe on the 9th to 10th March for a workshop held to finalise curriculum and set-up of...
The African Union (AU) Member States in 2013 crafted an African driven vision, Agenda 2063: the Africa We Want, to define how the African continent should...
People are getting older and not just in Western countries. Societal pressures from extended life expectancy are now emerging in low-income countries. The picture of ageing...
Mr. Kakembo Galabuzi Brian a Makerere University Alumnus has in addition to the Africa and Europe prize scooped the overall prize of 2020 Commonwealth Young Person...
Microsoft actively seeks to foster greater levels of diversity in our workforce and in our pipeline of future researchers. We are always looking for the best...
We are all aware that on 31st December 2019, The Peoples Republic of China notified the World Health Organization (WHO) of an outbreak of a pneumonia-causing...