The clouds gathered as the clock struck midday, threatening to pour out their rain, perhaps to bless the day’s proceedings, as the Muslim community gathered on...
Officially opened on Monday 28th November 2022, the first ever Makerere-University of Bergen Research School (MBRS) came to a lively end as student participants cheered each...
The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) through the School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS) on 6th December launched the first CAES Botanical Gardens...
Makerere University College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), in partnership with AARHUS University, ICIPE, University of Nairobi, and Marula Proteen Limited, is undertaking a research...
Updated 14th Dec 2022 The Office of the Academic Registrar Makerere University is pleased to announce that the following candidates have been verified by their respective Districts for admission...
In fulfilment of Article XII Section 12.1 of the constitution of the Makerere University Convocation, members of the Makerere University Convocation are hereby notified on the...
The International Conference on Geographical Science for Resilient Communities, Ecosystems and Livelihoods Under Global Environmental Change (GORILLA) seeks to contribute to the realization of the Global...
PhD Fellows of Makerere University (PF@mak) invites all PhD and other graduate scholars of Makerere University to the annual doctoral convention slated for 23rd February 2023....
By Bernard Buteera On Saturday 3rd December 2022, residents of Okudu-Teyaa Village, Adilang sub-county in Agago district, Northern Uganda, were thrown into a frenzy of excitement,...
On Wednesday 30th November 2022, Mr. Lawrence Alionzi (Reg. No.19/U/0486) from the College of Engineering, Design Art and Technology was elected the 88th Guild President in...