Staff of the School of Business converged for a staff retreat to discuss the strategic direction of the School. The...
The Makerere University iGEM Team emerged among the top 10 winners of Opentrons OT-2 Robot in the just concluded iGEM Team global Challenge. The OT-2 is...
The Office of the Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released the admission lists for Government sponsored students for Bachelor of Laws for the Academic Year 2018/2019. Please note that the...
There is unreliability of food security in Uganda caused by over reliance on rain fed agriculture by the biggest percentage (97%) of households in Uganda. Prolonged...
One Health Central and Eastern Africa (OHCEA) initiated in 2010, is an international network in eight countries in Eastern, Central and Western Africa, rooted in 24...
The Makerere University School of Women and Gender Studies (SWGS) has received funding for a Gender Equality Project (GEP) from the Democratic Governance Facility (DGF). This...