The Office of Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released lists of Diploma/Degree Holder applicants admitted under Private/Self Sponsorship for Bachelor of...
ADOCH Caroline Access to Gender Justice in Uganda: A Feminist Analysis of the Experiences of Rape Victims in the Reporting and Prosecution Processes Ms. ADOCH Caroline...
ANGOLE Okelo RichardOntology-Based Model for Integrating Knowledge of Modern and Traditional Medicine Mr. ANGOLE Okelo Richard developed ontology model for integrating complex knowledge of African traditional...
ADAKU ChristopherChemical Structure and Properties of Anthocyanins from Selected Plant Species from Uganda. Mr. ADAKU Christopher investigated a class of bioactive phytochemicals known as anthocyanins from...
AGABA Bekiita BoscoMolecular Epidemiological Surveillance of pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 gene deletions in Plasmodium falciparum parasite populations in Uganda Mr. AGABA Bekiita Bosco investigated the biological and...
Over 600 graduands from the College of Computing and Information Sciences (CoCIS) have received Degrees and Diplomas of Makerere University in different disciplines during the 72nd...