The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications from Diploma Holders only for admission under the Government Sponsorship Scheme (not exceeding...
Born in 1949, Mutebile holds BA joint honours degree in economics and politics from Durham University, UK, an MA equivalent from Oxford University and an honorary...
The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) is pleased to once again announce the Ministerial Conference on Higher Education in Agriculture (CHEA) due...
After what appears a long time, academic staff and researchers at Makerere are now able to receive timely information about available funds to support research in...
The Austrian Development Agency is pleased to announce that the second call for submissions to APPEAR – Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for...
Day in, day out, our hearts, tears and prayers went out to them. As we prayed in churches, in mosques, in groups, at home, and as...