The International Conference on Geographical Science for Resilient Communities, Ecosystems and Livelihoods Under Global Environmental Change (GORILLA) seeks to contribute...
The University Management has funded renovation works to the tune of UGX.100million to ensure sustained supply of water to the Makerere University community. The renovation of...
Makerere University has received funds from SIDA/SAREC to be used for supply and installation of Network Equipment for the Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Support...
Makerere University has allocated funds to be used for acquisition of a single cabin Pick-Up 4WD for the Biological Field Station, College of Agricultural and Environmental...
Michael Niyitegeka is a lecturer at the School of Computing and Informatics Technology at Makerere University and an adjunct lecturer at ESAMI Business School.
The Rotary Club of Kampala City Makerere (RCMAK), launched a ‘Tree Planting Campaign’ around Makerere University on the 24th November 2012. The campaign, to be rolled...