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Business & Management

The Role of E-commerce in Commercializing Entrepreneurship Ventures at Mak



E-commerce, the process of buying and selling goods using the internet, is a great facilitator of trade. Owing to the reduced cost of doing business – in most some cases there is no need for a physical shop, increased efficiency – orders and stock are easily tracked, and increased access to geographically distant markets, E-commerce has become a game changer for businesses that have adopted it. Unfortunately, student entrepreneurs at Makerere University have not been keen to make the most of this avenue of doing business.

According to a team of researchers led by Dr. Hellen Namawejje from the Department of
Statistical Methods and Actuarial Science, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), less than 10% of the business enterprises exhibited at the 2018 Annual Students’ Entrepreneurship Expo organized by the College were using pure e-commerce. With partial e-commerce, goods and services are sold through internet, but hand-delivered to customers while with pure e-commerce, all the process involved are digital.

Dr. Patricia Ndugga – Department of Population Studies

The team, with funding from the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), therefore sought to understand this low uptake through a study titled “Commercializing of Entrepreneurship Ventures using E-Commerce: Evidence from Makerere University, Uganda”. Other members of the research team were; Dr. Proscovia Katumba-Department of Marketing
and Management, CoBAMS, Dr. Patricia Ndugga-Department of Population Studies, CoBAMS, Mr. Augustine Ssekyondwa, Directorate of E-Government Services, National Information Technology Authority-Uganda (NITA-U) and Dr. Isaac Shinyekwa-Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC).

Dr. Proscovia Katumba – Department of Marketing
and Management.

Speaking at the dissemination event held in the CoBAMS Conference Room and virtually on Thursday 17th December, 2020, members of the Mak-RIF Grants Management Committee (GMC) in attendance thanked Government of Uganda for the generous funding that enabled the research team to conduct studies that can help address youth unemployment in Uganda. They equally paid tribute to the Chairperson GMC, Prof. William Bazeyo for his negotiation skills that influenced the Government to allocate the funding.

Mr. Augustine Ssekyondwa, Directorate of E-Government Services, National Information Technology Authority-Uganda (NITA-U)

“With 70% of youth in Uganda currently unemployed, this study will be of great assistance in addressing this pertinent issue,” remarked Dr. John Mutenyo, a GMC Member. “I urge you to disseminate these findings widely so that the youth can know that there are other avenues through which they can get employment” he added.

Dr. Mutenyo reminded the audience that the call for RIF 3 (the third round of Mak-RIF funding) will go out early next year and urged them to prepare good proposals that can attract Government funding especially in research areas that address NDP III (the Third National Development Plan) and the SDGs.

“Entrepreneurship and E-commerce are currently big players in the economy of any country in the world. I believe that these findings are not going to end here but will be taken down to potential users and hopefully help them. This will boost the impact that we ought to see from these research funds” added Dr. Isa Kabenge, another GMC member.

When it comes to understanding business ventures, it is always advisable to hear from an established practitioner. E-commerce ought not to be the exception. Delivering a brief keynote address, Makerere University alumnus and Founder, Xente Tech Limited, Mr. Allan Rwakatungu paid tribute to his alma mater and the research team in particular for taking steps to bring more Ugandans into the digital economy.  

Xente is a platform founded in 2016 with a vision to make every person and business join the digital economy. “The opportunities out there are immense, not only for users of the platforms but also for entrepreneurs who are able to harness them” shared Mr. Rwakatungu.

Taking an example of Jumia, he noted that although the company controls less than 3% of the total retail market in Africa, it is worth billions of US dollars. “To show you what that actually means, the percentage covered by Alibaba is about 25%, and when you look at the size of the Chinese market, the opportunities for growth are immense” he added.

According to Wikipedia, the Alibaba Group recorded a net income of US$ 19.82 Billion in 2020 and had over 117,000 employees as at 31st March 2020.

Addressing participants, the Dean School of Business, CoBAMS-Dr. Godfrey Akileng observed that the current disruptions occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic have provided us all with an opportunity to rethink how we can better manage and do business. “Those who will not embrace international electronic payment systems will struggle as the pandemic continues to sustain itself.”

He added that the mix of entrepreneurship and e-commerce presents students of business with an opportunity to reflect further on the contribution of these areas to development. “Uganda is considered among top ten most enterprising countries in the world but unfortunately, the demise of these business startups is very high. I hope this research will help us illustrate how e-commerce can find a lasting solution in terms of sustainability of these firms.”

Giving an overview of the project, Dr. Prossy Katumba identified absence of delivery infrastructure and secure payment methods as two major barriers to the wider acceptance of E-commerce in Africa. “Several countries lack an organized physical address system, and cash on delivery is the main payment method that online merchants such as Jumia, SafeBoda, Café Javas, Xente among others must deal with.”

She added that the entrepreneurship course offered to all undergraduate students at the Schools of Economics and Business, CoBAMS as well as Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and Masters of Economic Policy and Management students equips them with skills that enable learners to start their own enterprises.

“We have some success stories that have come out of this entrepreneurship course such as Dalausi Juice in Wandegeya, which has become a must-have at high-end parties” shared Dr. Katumba. “This thriving business was birthed out of a simple coursework idea” she added.

Dr. Katumba equally made mention of Andrew Mupuya, who as a result of his course work in entrepreneurship went into the production of recycled paper, “and has as a result won many awards from various international organizations and been featured on CNN – we encourage our students to start small and grow their ideas into a formidable business,” she explained.

Presenting the findings, the Principal Investigator-Dr. Namawejje shared that 796 out of 1,320 students that took part in the 2018 Entrepreneurship Expo were surveyed. 47% of these were female while 53% were male. 77% of participants were below the age of 24 while 23% were aged 24 years and above. In terms of origin, 38% of participants were from the Western region, while 32% were from Central, 16% from Eastern, 8% from Northern and 6% either from other regions or of different nationalities.

Technology is an essential driver of e-commerce uptake. 88% of the 796 respondents used smart phones, while 52% used laptops, 4% used either desktops or tablets and 9% had no device to use. The high percentages recorded in the use of smart phones and laptops could imply that some respondents used more than one device.

Additional drivers of E-commerce uptake reported included; the Annual Students’ Entrepreneurship Expo that enabled budding entrepreneurs to practice what they had learnt in class and a regulatory environment that was conducive to doing business online – there are no restrictions imposed on entrepreneurs who posted their products and services on various platforms. The natural shift of businesses online due to the COVID-19 pandemic was also another driver of e-commerce uptake by both entrepreneurs and customers.

The findings further revealed that entrepreneurs employed three main models of E-commerce; Business to Customer (B2C), Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Government (B2G). At 80%, B2C had the largest share while B2G was understandably at only 1%. “Owing to the capital intensive nature of doing business with Government, we did not expect the B2G model to feature prominently in our findings” explained Dr. Namawejje.

At 95%, the use of Social Media Platforms dominated the channels employed by students to reach their customers. This was followed by Websites at 21%, Email at 18%, Mobile Short Codes (SMS Codes) at 4%, Word of Mouth at 1.8% and Making Calls at 0.8%. Platforms such as Facebook have already taken advantage of this trend by introducing Facebook Shops – enabling businesses to create online stores on Facebook and Instagram free of charge.

Despite the availability of free options for entrepreneurs to easily embrace e-commerce, it became apparent to the research team that some barriers were impeding this. The lack of e-commerce knowledge topped this list with 73% of entrepreneurs citing it. This was followed by the high cost of internet at 67%, Lack of access to gadgets at 54% and Poor Internet connections at 49%. Trust and cyber security issues were cited by 45% of respondents while Conservatism among community members accounted for 20%.

To help boost the commercialization of entrepreneurship ventures using e-commerce, the research team made the following recommendations at policy level;

  1. Government should provide subsidized or free Internet to Makerere University to enable students easily utilise online platforms for generating and nurturing entrepreneurship ideas and projects.
  2. Taxes on e-commerce enablers such as Internet and smart phones should be reduced as a way of attracting business enterprises especially the start-ups to take up e-commerce in their operations.
  3. Government should support building of e-commerce infrastructure at Makerere University since it’s a Government institution.

The dissemination event was moderated by Dr. Anthony Tibaingana from the School of Statistics and Planning, who last week disseminated his findings on “The impact of Skilling the Youth and Women in Household Enterprise Start-Up and Performance in Uganda”.

Article by Public Relations Office

Business & Management

Dept. of Population Studies Staff Complete Training on Doctoral Supervision



Dr. Patricia Ndugga (Seated Right) with facilitators from CEES and some of the participants that took part in the training. Department of Population Studies, School of Statistics and Planning comprehensive three-day training on Doctoral Supervision by faculty from the College of Education and External Studies and experts from the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, 28th - 30th June 2024, the Conference Room, Level 2, Block B, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Staff members from the Department of Population Studies, within the School of Statistics and Planning at Makerere University, have successfully completed a comprehensive three-day training on Doctoral Supervision. The training, held from June 28 to June 30, 2024, was meticulously conducted by esteemed faculty from the College of Education and External Studies, alongside experts from the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training.

The initiative, aimed at enhancing the supervisory skills of doctoral advisors, underscores Makerere University‘s commitment to academic excellence and robust research mentorship. The Deputy Principal of the College of Business and Management Sciences, Prof. James Wokadala, officiated the closing ceremony, commending the participants for their dedication and active engagement throughout the training sessions.

Dr. James Wokadala gives his remarks at the close of the training. Department of Population Studies, School of Statistics and Planning comprehensive three-day training on Doctoral Supervision by faculty from the College of Education and External Studies and experts from the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, 28th - 30th June 2024, the Conference Room, Level 2, Block B, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

“We are committed to fostering a supportive and rigorous research environment for our doctoral candidates. This training is a testament to our dedication to academic excellence and effective mentorship,” remarked Prof. Wokadala in his closing address.

He said the college has got plans to improve PhD graduation levels, some of which include appointing two PhD coordinators per school. He asked the staff to exhibit high ethical standards while supervising the students.

Dr. James Wokadala (Seated Centre) with participants at the training. Department of Population Studies, School of Statistics and Planning comprehensive three-day training on Doctoral Supervision by faculty from the College of Education and External Studies and experts from the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, 28th - 30th June 2024, the Conference Room, Level 2, Block B, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The training program was generously funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, secured by Dr. Patricia Ndugga. The grant facilitated a series of interactive workshops, case studies, and collaborative discussions, designed to equip the faculty with advanced supervisory techniques and strategies to support doctoral students effectively.

Dr. Patricia Ndugga expressed her gratitude for the support, stating, “This training is a significant step towards enhancing the quality of doctoral supervision at Makerere University. We are grateful to the Carnegie Corporation for their continued support in our quest to improve research training and mentorship.”

Dr. Patricia Ndugga (Left) with other participants at the training. Department of Population Studies, School of Statistics and Planning comprehensive three-day training on Doctoral Supervision by faculty from the College of Education and External Studies and experts from the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, 28th - 30th June 2024, the Conference Room, Level 2, Block B, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The participants, who included both seasoned and emerging academic staff, have expressed their enthusiasm for applying the new skills and knowledge gained to their supervisory roles, thereby enriching the academic journey of their doctoral students.

Makerere University remains steadfast in its mission to provide top-tier education and research training, continuously seeking avenues to enhance the capabilities of its faculty and the academic experience of its students.

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Business & Management

MBA Shortlist for Graduate Admission Test (GAT) 2024/2025



The School of Business, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University, invites all shortlisted candidates who applied for the Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme offered at Makerere University Main Campus; College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS) for academic year 2024/2025 for a Graduate Admission Test (GAT).

The test is scheduled to take place on Saturday 13th July, 2024 starting 9:00 AM at CoBAMS.

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Business & Management

New Development Economics program gathers support at stakeholder workshop



The Principal-Prof. Edward Bbaale (2nd Right), Dean School of Economics-Prof. Ibrahim Mike Okumu (Right), Deputy Principal CoNAS-Prof. Juma Kasozi (Left) and other officals that attended the stakeholder workshop on 20th June 2024. College of Business and Management Sciences’ School of Economics, stakeholders workshop to envision the future of economic education in Uganda, unveiling of the proposed Bachelor of Science in Development Economics, 20th June 2024, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

In a key gathering at College of Business and Management Sciences’ School of Economics, stakeholders from diverse sectors convened yesterday (June 20, 24) to envision the future of economic education in Uganda. The occasion centered around the unveiling of the proposed Bachelor of Science in Development Economics, a program poised to reshape how economic challenges are addressed and opportunities harnessed in the country.

Among the esteemed speakers were Prof. Edward Bbaale, Principal of the college, and Prof. Ibrahim Mike Okumu, Dean of the School of Economics, whose shared enthusiasm for the new program underscored its potential impact. “This initiative aligns seamlessly with Uganda’s Development Goal Vision 2030 and the National Development Plan III (NDPIII),” Prof. Bbaale remarked. “Our aim is to empower students with the knowledge and skills to drive sustainable development across the nation.”

Prof. Edward Bbaale addresses participants at the workshop. College of Business and Management Sciences’ School of Economics, stakeholders workshop to envision the future of economic education in Uganda, unveiling of the proposed Bachelor of Science in Development Economics, 20th June 2024, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

“Our aim is not only to contribute to the development of Uganda but also to impact the wider African region and beyond,” Prof. Bbaale said.

Development Economics, as emphasized by Prof. Okumu, represents a fusion of economic theory and practical application aimed at fostering inclusive growth and poverty reduction. “This program,” he explained, “is not just about classroom learning; it’s about preparing future economists to engage directly with real-world challenges and policy-making processes.”

With an emphasis on research-led teaching and innovative approaches to economic analysis, the Bachelor of Science in Development Economics aims to position graduates as thought leaders capable of driving sustainable economic growth and development.

Participants included Deputy Principals of CoNAS and CHUSS, Prof. Juma Kasozi (Left) and Prof. Eric Awich Ochen (2nd Left) respectively. College of Business and Management Sciences’ School of Economics, stakeholders workshop to envision the future of economic education in Uganda, unveiling of the proposed Bachelor of Science in Development Economics, 20th June 2024, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The workshop provided a dynamic forum for stakeholders from the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, as well as representatives from KCCA, CHUSS, CONAS, URA, and the private sector, to offer valuable insights. Discussions centered on curriculum design, industry relevance, and collaborative opportunities, reflecting a shared commitment to equipping graduates with the skills demanded by today’s economy.

“The Ministry of Finance recognizes the pivotal role of this program in advancing Uganda’s economic agenda,” noted a representative during the workshop. “By focusing on development economics, we are fostering a cadre of professionals capable of driving innovation and sustainable growth.”

Participants at the workshop follow proceedings. College of Business and Management Sciences’ School of Economics, stakeholders workshop to envision the future of economic education in Uganda, unveiling of the proposed Bachelor of Science in Development Economics, 20th June 2024, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

From the private sector, there was a clear call for graduates who possess not only theoretical knowledge but also practical experience. “We look forward to collaborating with the School of Economics to ensure that students gain hands-on skills that are directly applicable to our evolving business landscape,” remarked a representative from a leading industry player.

Looking forward, the School of Economics aims to integrate stakeholder feedback into finalizing the program’s curriculum and securing necessary accreditation. With an emphasis on research and policy analysis, the Bachelor of Science in Development Economics aims to prepare graduates to become catalysts for change, equipped to navigate Uganda’s economic complexities.

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