Students from Economics program at the College of Business and Management Sciences, Makerere University in conjunction with Research Fellows from Environment for Development (EfD), Makerere University,...
A team of researchers from Makerere University Centre for Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak  Center) on Friday 3rd May 2024 went to Parliament to share study...
In 2023, the Ugandan team comprising Dr. Peter Babyenda of Makerere University EfD-Mak Centre, Christine Mugyenyi and Rukundo Tom from the National Forest Authority went to...
The Inclusive Green Economy program of the Environment for Development Initiative in Uganda on 17th November hosted stakeholders across the country’s sectors to get their perspectives on...
Over 120 students under the School of Economics at the College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS) and the Environment for Development Project (EfD) have donated...
Over 80 participants from the environment and natural resources sector including, senior civil servants, the academia, civil society organisation, members of the public and students converged...
Uganda’s Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) Fellows have called for national policy instruments that are clear with objectives and implementation plans.The need for reliance on information-based instruments...