Are you passionate about tackling climate-related challenges and empowering climate-affected communities in Africa? Do you aspire to complete academic research with a real-world impact? Join Climares,...
Kampala, 01 August, 2024- The Regional Universities Forum for capacity building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) aiming to transform agriculture in Africa through innovative scientific research, educational and...
******Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project aims to develop, implement and validate innovative, scalable, and sustainable technologies aimed at supporting the nutrition performance...
*****Funded by the Danish Fellowship Centre under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark, the Project, Nature-based Solutions for Climate-Resilient Tea Production in Uganda (NbS4Tea), is envisaged...
Overview While notable strides have been made to enhance household food and nutrition security, reduce poverty and improve household incomes through agriculture, Northern Uganda is still...
68% of Uganda’s farming households are engaged in subsistence rain-fed agriculture that relies largely on home-saved seed of low quality resulting into low production. Farmers’ reliance...
By Jacinta Nakaye Bukedi region leaders carried out mobilization and sensitization exercises to enable residents in the region understand and embrace the Parish Development Model as...
By Jacinta Nakaye African Institute for Strategic Animal Resource Services and Development (AFRISA) is currently developing a SPEDA validation tool which will be used in the...
Masters of Business Administration (MBA) students of Makerere University have been advised on sustainability of entrepreneurial projects, starting small and understanding the market before engaging in...
Edible insects have the potential to fill the nutrition and income gaps in Uganda and Kenya. They are rich in protein and cheaper to manage. However,...