The College of Education and External Studies (CEES) has launched Kiswahili as one of the languages to be taught while...
Nurturing Emerging Research Leaders Through Post-Doctoral Training At Makerere University (NERLP); 2017 – 2019 The Carnegie Corporation of New York has been one of the big...
The early days of the month of June (3rd and 4th 2017) saw the Malawi Deliberative Polling (DP) exercise take place in Nsanje District. The DP...
The Office of the Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released the admission lists for Government sponsored students for Bachelow of Laws for the Academic Year 2016/2017. The Cut Off Points set...
The Deputy Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs of Makerere University, Dr. Ernest Okello-Ogwang has urged PhD Graduates to disseminate research findings to decision makers, communities, media and the...
Experts in business and financial transactions have appreciated the need to build a powerful network of stakeholders committed to substantially reduce Illicit Financial flows in Uganda....