By Bernard Buteera It was pomp and fanfare as the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program (MCFSP) at Makerere University celebrated the...
Makerere University has signed a Frame Agreement to extend the cooperation with University of Bergen, UiB, for a period of ten years. The Agreement, signed on...
Livingstone Hall has launched a code of conduct to guide student relations in the Halls of residence. This code, the first of its kind, is written...
Makerere University and Kyambogo University in conjunction with the Network of African Designers proudly present the Kampala International Design Conference 2015 under the theme "Design Unlimited:...
“Sorghum is generally recognised to be a resilient crop, surviving under conditions of low soil fertility and drought, unlike most other crops,” said Moses Tenywa, a...
Makerere University together with the University of Bergen (UiB), have today launched a Greenwood Research Consortium and Collaboration codenamed; “P.H Greenwood Research Consortium”, to boost fishery...