This Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) fellowship – offered in partnership with host institutes throughout the developing world – covers all...
The ResilientAfrica Network (RAN), School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences (CHS), Makerere University wishes to announce the preliminary information regarding the Call for Applicatinos...
Following the Makerere University Council Policy to outsource catering services in the University, the Dean of Students wishes to inform all Students, Staff and members of...
The Makerere University Chancellor, Prof. George Mondo Kagonyera inaugurated the first Board of Trustees in charge of the Makerere University Endowment Fund (MakEF) at a ceremony...
The Office of the Academic Registrar Makerere University is pleased to announce that the following candidates have been recommended for admission to the programmes indicated against...
The Department of the Academic Registrar would wish to inform all First-Year Government Sponsored Students that your admission letters are ready and have been forwarded to...
Makerere University and the University of Zurich (UZH) held a two-day health-focused symposium aimed at strengthening the existing collaborations and paving way for new research partnerships....
African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) is a career-development program that equips top women agricultural scientists across sub-Saharan Africa to accelerate agricultural gains by...
On 4th July, 2014, the Vice Chancellor Prof. John Ddumba-Sentamu signed three Memoranda of Understanding on behalf of the Makerere University with representatives from three universities...
Ms. Irene Itol from School of Law, Makerere University who emerged winner of the first ever Commonwealth Moot Court Competition on the International Criminal Court (ICC)...