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FoodLAND Project Research Dissemination: Nakaseke District Farmers Sensitized on Modern Agricultural Practices & Proper Nutrition



******Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project aims to develop, implement and validate innovative, scalable, and sustainable technologies aimed at supporting the nutrition performance of local food systems in Africa, while strengthening agro-biodiversity and food diversity as well as diversity of healthy diets.

Experiences of Nakaseke District farmers

Farmers in Nakaseke District are indebted for the support and training received from the FoodLAND Project. Although many had been engaged in the activity, they lacked knowledge and skills of modern farming. Connected to FoodLAND through VEDCO, a non-governmental and not for profit agricultural organization, the farmers have acquired skills on value addition, precision irrigation/fertigation, smart storage systems, gardening and hydroponics systems, biodegradable mulching, precision crop protection systems, precision harvesting systems and agro-ecological intensification practices.

Dr. Richard Bukenya disseminated the project findings and achievements on behalf of the PI. Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, Funded to the tune of 7 million Euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, research dissemination, Nakaseke District, 16th July 2024.
Dr. Richard Bukenya disseminated the project findings and achievements on behalf of the PI.

According to Ms. Nakawuba Sarah, a widow and tomato farmer in Kapeeka Sub County, Nakaseke District, the knowledge acquired has enabled her to expand, and gain more profits. “I extend my gratitude to FoodLAND and the funders of the project. The knowledge acquired over time has enabled me to expand my farm and earn more money. Due to ignorance, we used to be exploited – people would buy our products cheaply because we lacked knowledge of preservation. The training on value addition has helped us learn how to preserve our products and we are now benefiting more from them. At the time my husband died, we had just a small house built on his father’s land. I am happy that with the support received from VEDCO and FoodLAND, I have bought a plot of land, built a house, and I am able to pay school fees for my children. I once again thank VEDCO and the FoodLAND. Although the FoodLAND project is ending soon, I request that they do not leave us. They should continue training us so that we further improve our skills.”

Mr. Lubowa Samuel Sunday, also a farmer in Kapeeka Sub County, Nakaseke District is equally grateful. Through FoodLAND, several farmers in Nakaseke District have acquired knowledge of climate smart agriculture. “Farming in the dry season is no longer a challenge. Our harvest has increased and we are now earning more. However we still face a number of challenges including the high cost of fertilizers and pesticides. We appeal to the project team to conduct more research on natural remedies for the challenges we are experiencing.”

Participants during one of the training sessions. Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, Funded to the tune of 7 million Euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, research dissemination, Nakaseke District, 16th July 2024.
Participants during one of the training sessions.

Ms. Nankya Jane, a coffee and banana farmer Semuto Sub County, Nakaseke District, the irrigation skills acquired through the project have greatly improved her farm. “The place where I do my farming was so dry, and this, in many cases, affected my yields. Through VEDCO, we were taken to the Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute Kabanyolo (MUARIK) where we acquired skills on proper irrigation and value addition using technologies developed by the FoodLAND Project. If I had acquired these skills when I started 7 years ago, I would be very far. My appeal is that you continue offering training to us. There is a lot more that we need to learn.”

About the FoodLAND project

Launched in 2020, the main objective of the FoodLAND project was to develop, implement and validate innovative, scalable and sustainable technologies aimed at supporting the nutrition performance of local food systems in Africa, while strengthening agro-biodiversity and food diversity as well as diversity of healthy diets.

Butalangu Town Clerk, Ms. Rashida Mutebi on behalf of the Chief Administrative Officer appreciated the project for reaching out and working with the local communities to improve their livelihoods. Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, Funded to the tune of 7 million Euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, research dissemination, Nakaseke District, 16th July 2024.
Butalangu Town Clerk, Ms. Rashida Mutebi on behalf of the Chief Administrative Officer appreciated the project for reaching out and working with the local communities to improve their livelihoods.

Funded to the tune of 7 million euro by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, and led by Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy), the project committed to developing a range of innovations for local agriculture and aquaculture development, as well as to nudging consumers towards healthier eating behaviour in six African countries: Morocco, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The project specifically aimed to empower smallholder farmers and food operators, foster nutrition responsive and sustainable agro-biodiversity, reinforce the productivity and resilience of food supply chains, and create new market opportunities at both the local and global scales, thereby encouraging the flourishing of rural communities. The project was envisaged to create a network of 14 local Food Hubs—paired with 14 separate cities in these countries—that would mobilise relevant actors in rural, urban and peri-urban communities and serve as injection points for testing and introducing the innovations. The 28 partners that comprise the FoodLAND consortium (18 of them African institutions while the other 10 are European) were expected to work together to develop, implement and validate 12 technological innovations; which include organizational and technological innovations for both vegetable and fish farming and food processing systems, together with 17 novel local food products, ranging from fresh, dried and processed vegetables and fish to composite flours and therapeutic foods.

DPMO Wandera James addressing participants. Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, Funded to the tune of 7 million Euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, research dissemination, Nakaseke District, 16th July 2024.
DPMO Wandera James addressing participants.

In Uganda, the project was implemented in 6 districts namely; Masaka, Nakaseke, Kamuli, Lwengo, Mukono and Wakiso, and was led by Prof. John Muyonga from the Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University. Other members on the project were: Prof. Johnny Mugisha from CAES; Dr. Cassius Aruho, Dr. Puline Nakyewa, Dr. Margaret Masette, Dr. Getrude Atukunda and Dr. Justus Rutaisire from NARO; Mr. Henry Nsereko from VEDCO; and Prof. Dorothy Nakimbugwe from Nutreal.

To date, the project team in Uganda has registered a number of achievements including;

  1. New nutrient enhanced food products – Noodles containing orange fleshed sweet potatoes and biofortified beans; instant flours containing orange fleshed sweet potatoes, biofortified beans and grain amaranth; and dry eggplant. Arrangements are in place for commercialization of the technologies by SMEs.
  2. Establishment of infrastructure at MUARIK for research and training on fertigation (irrigation that supplies water together with manure) and precision irrigation.
  3. Development of technology for smart cold storage of perishable foods such as fruits and vegetables. The technology allows for remote monitoring of temperature and relative humidity.
  4. Development of technology for rodent control in stores. This technology has been shown to be effective in preventing of rodent damage to food in stores.
  5. Promotion of agro-ecological intensification – Applying ecological principles to ensure sustainable agricultural production.
  6. Testing application of bio-based packaging of food
  7. Training of 100 farmers in different production technologies.
  8. Training of 3 M.Sc.
  9. Developing of nutrition guidelines for adults and the elderly.
Mr. Baraka Price training the farmers on precision irrigation. Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, Funded to the tune of 7 million Euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, research dissemination, Nakaseke District, 16th July 2024.
Mr. Baraka Price training the farmers on precision irrigation.

Dissemination of the project findings and achievements to farmers and district leaders in Nakaseke

On 16th July 2024, the project team held a dissemination workshop for Nakaseke District leaders and farmers to sensitize them on different aspects including the research findings and recommendations for improved farming practices. Coordinated by Ms. Josephine Kisakye, and conducted at Butalangu District Headquarters, the workshop was attended by representatives of farmer groups in Nakaseke as well as the district officials, including the CAO, DHO, DPMO and RDC. On behalf of the Project Coordinator, Dr Richard Bukenya, also a member of staff in the Department of Food Technology and Nutrition briefed the farmers on the findings of the project, highlighting the project objectives and progress made thus far, including the technologies, novel raw materials, ingredients and food products developed.  Under the project, a number of technologies for smart farming have been developed and are being tested. These include: Digital tools for precision agriculture, farming management systems like the rodent control system as part of smart storage systems, and the food processing systems like the solar drier.

The farmers receiving training on value addition. Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, Funded to the tune of 7 million Euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, research dissemination, Nakaseke District, 16th July 2024.
The farmers receiving training on value addition.

During the workshop, Mr. Barak Price, a student on the project sensitized participants on the rodent control system. He also trained the farmers on precision irrigation/fertigation. The farmers were also taken through the processes of value addition. Ms. Josephine Kisakye, a researcher on the project discussed the nutrition recommendations developed by the project. In the course of the project activities, it was noted that diets in Uganda are mainly composed of starchy staples, especially cereals, roots, tubers and bananas, with legumes constituting the main protein source. Intake of micronutrient-rich foods is low, despite various interventions to promote consumption of fruits, and vegetables. Ugandan adult and elderly population in both rural and urban areas were found to be at risk of under-nutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies. Nutritional recommendations included: i) Daily consumption of locally available fruits and vegetables, whole starchy staples, and protein-rich foods; including beans, peas, nuts, fish, eggs, and meat; ii) Limiting the consumption of fried foods, salt, alcohol, and sweetened beverages; iii) Hydrate with fluids, preferably water; Regular engagement in moderate-intensity physical activity like brisk walking, digging, swimming, aerobics, and cycling; vi) Undertaking medical examination at intervals of no longer than 6 months to facilitate timely detection and treatment of ailments like diabetes, hypertension, high plasma cholesterol and cancers.

Some of the products developed under the project. Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, Funded to the tune of 7 million Euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, research dissemination, Nakaseke District, 16th July 2024.
Some of the products developed under the project.

Appreciation by the District officials

Butalangu Town Clerk, Ms. Rashida Mutebi on behalf of the Chief Administrative Officer appreciated the project for reaching out and working with the local communities to improve their livelihoods. “The trainings on value addition will go a long way in saving our farmers losses,” she noted, calling for resilience and cooperation amongst the farmers. “It is important that you work together. Always share best practices if you are to improve yourselves and gain more from farming. I also implore you to always keep records of your farming activities.”

In his remarks, Nakaseke District Health Officer, Dr Alija Simon noted that the challenge of non-communicable diseases was on the raise due to poor feeding habits. He expressed gratitude to the project for incorporating the important aspect of nutrition in its research.

Ms. Josephine Kisakye sensitizing the farmers on the nutritional recommendations developed under the project. Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, Funded to the tune of 7 million Euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, research dissemination, Nakaseke District, 16th July 2024.
Ms. Josephine Kisakye sensitizing the farmers on the nutritional recommendations developed under the project.

DPMO Wandera James appreciated the Government of Uganda for investing in farming. He also appreciated the project team for the trainings offered to the farmers in the district, noting that value addition was a key area of focus in the Parish Development Model. “Nakaseke is now becoming a food hub. I thank Makerere University for working with the communities. Initially, research was done but stopped in the shelves of the University. We are happy that you are now working with the communities to identify solutions to the challenges undermining agriculture. Research should be conducted for development.”

Addressing participants, the Assistant RDC, Nakaseke District, Mr. Muhoozi Michael appreciated Makerere University, specifically the FoodLAND Project, calling for more innervations to support farmers in the district out of poverty. He implored the farmer groups to form a cooperative, noting that the latter forms a better platform for soliciting support.  

Nakaseke District Health Officer, Dr Alija Simon decried the high level of NCDs as a result of unhealthy feeding habits. Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, Funded to the tune of 7 million Euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, research dissemination, Nakaseke District, 16th July 2024.
Nakaseke District Health Officer, Dr Alija Simon decried the high level of NCDs as a result of unhealthy feeding habits.

A similar dissemination exercise was conducted in Kamuli District in Eastern Uganda.

More photos from the FoodLAND project Nakaseke Dissemination

The Assistant RDC, Nakaseke District, Mr. Muhoozi Michael appreciated Makerere University, specifically the FoodLAND Project, calling for more interventions to support farmers in the district out of poverty. Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, Funded to the tune of 7 million Euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, research dissemination, Nakaseke District, 16th July 2024.
The Assistant RDC, Nakaseke District, Mr. Muhoozi Michael appreciated Makerere University, specifically the FoodLAND Project, calling for more interventions to support farmers in the district out of poverty.

Ms. Nankya Jane, a farmer in Semuto Sub County, Nakaseke District, also beneficiary of the FoodLAND Project training irrigating her farm. She's grateful for the training received from the project. Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa, Funded to the tune of 7 million Euros by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, research dissemination, Nakaseke District, 16th July 2024.
Ms. Nankya Jane, a farmer in Semuto Sub County, Nakaseke District, also beneficiary of the FoodLAND Project training irrigating her farm. She’s grateful for the training received from the project.

Hasifa Kabejja

Agriculture & Environment

New Project to Improve Relevance of CAES PhD Graduates



Participants together with the Project Coordinators, Prof. Heinrich Schüle and Prof. John Tabuti (2nd & 3rd R) during the conference at CAES, Makerere University on 17th March 2025. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.

Working with potential future employers of PhD students in Kenya and Uganda, Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project aims to develop curricula that best prepare academic specialists in agricultural sciences for their careers.  


The lack of skills-oriented training significantly undermines the relevance of doctoral graduates in today’s rapidly evolving job market, particularly within industries such as agriculture, where practical expertise and adaptability are essential. While doctoral programmes traditionally emphasize research and theoretical knowledge, they often fail to equip graduates with the hands-on, industry-specific skills needed to address real-world challenges. In agricultural value chains, for instance, the ability to apply advanced research to optimize production, supply chain management, sustainability practices, and technological advancements is crucial. Without a strong foundation in these practical areas, doctoral graduates may struggle to effectively contribute to innovation and efficiency in agricultural systems. From improving crop yields through data analysis to enhancing logistics and distribution methods, agricultural value chains require professionals who can seamlessly integrate research with practical application.

Prof. John Tabuti, ADVALUE Project Coordinator in Uganda addressing participants during the conference. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. John Tabuti, ADVALUE Project Coordinator in Uganda addressing participants during the conference.

What the ADVALUE Project targets to address

Co-funded by the European Union, the ADVALUE Project—Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education—seeks to modernize doctoral education in agricultural and agro-environmental sciences at universities in Uganda and Kenya. This initiative aims to enhance trans-disciplinary skills to promote the development of sustainable agricultural value chains, addressing pressing challenges such as food insecurity, unemployment, and climate change.

Project partners include; Nuertingen-Geislingen University, Germany (NGU); German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture (DITSL); Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU); Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU); Makerere University, Uganda; Uganda Christian University (UCU); University of Nairobi, Kenya (UoN); Pwani University Kenya (PU); Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture, Uganda (RUFORUM). Associated Partners: European Alliance in Agricultural Knowledge for Development, Belgium (AGRINATURA); National Agricultural Research Organization, Uganda (NARO); National Council of Higher Education, Uganda (NCHE); Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO); Ministry of Education Science and Technology Kenya (MoEST). The project PI is Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schüle. In Uganda, the project is coordinated by Prof. John Tabuti.  

Prof. John Tabuti, ADVALUE Project Coordinator in Uganda addressing participants during the conference. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. John Tabuti, ADVALUE Project Coordinator in Uganda addressing participants during the conference.

Project objectives

  1. Develop innovative courses on trans-disciplinary research methodologies and value chain analysis within doctoral programmes.
  2. Strengthen collaboration with key stakeholders to ensure research is demand-driven and fosters innovation.
  3. Enhance the expertise of both academic staff and doctoral students.
  4. Improve quality assurance frameworks and development processes in doctoral education.

To achieve these goals, ADVALUE is developing four modules for PhD students that will be integrated into the curricula of the partner universities in Kenya and Uganda, taking into account the experiences and expectations of local stakeholders and potential future employers. The modules will include topics on scientific work, trans-disciplinary research, rangeland management, and agricultural value chains. The collaboration and exchange between the universities and representatives from the working environment, government organisations and international partners aims to strengthen the career prospects of postgraduate students in East Africa and promote their expertise with regard to the local requirements for achieving the SDGs.

The Deputy Principal of CAES, Prof. Yazidhi Bamutaze offered valuable insights into the challenges hindering doctoral training. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
The Deputy Principal of CAES, Prof. Yazidhi Bamutaze offered valuable insights into the challenges hindering doctoral training.

The ADVALUE interim conference

The project team held an interim conference at Makerere University on 17th-19th March 2025 to evaluate the state of PhD education in agriculture, incorporating diverse insights from both European and East African perspectives. The conference brought together academic staff, students, and leaders from partner institutions, associated organizations, and key stakeholders in the Agricultural sector.  

The conference aimed to highlight the progress and findings of the project, offering a platform for discussing PhD research on agricultural value chains within higher education institutions (HEIs). A key focus was on trans-disciplinary approaches, as well as fostering dialogue on quality criteria for PhD programs. Additionally, the event served as a formal meeting for the project’s Steering Committee and provided an opportunity for partners to refine their assessments of doctoral education in line with established quality standards and institutional contexts.

Some of the participants at the workshop. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
Some of the participants at the workshop.

Presentation by Mr. Joseph Nkandu on the Agricultural Value Chains in E.A

In his address on the sustainability of agricultural value chains in East Africa, Mr. Joseph Nkandu, Executive Director of NUCAFE (Uganda’s national umbrella organization for coffee farmers), emphasized the vital role that higher education plays in strengthening and advancing agricultural value chains. He stressed the importance of aligning education with the region’s broader development goals to ensure that future generations of agricultural professionals are equipped with the necessary skills for sustainable growth. “Education must become more practical and closely integrated with the region’s development objectives,” he noted. He praised the initiative, noting that the project would greatly enhance doctoral training at partner institutions, empowering students with advanced knowledge and skills to support and sustain agricultural value chains across East Africa. “The sustainability of Africa’s value chains is essential if we are to meet the demands of the growing population,” he added.

Mr. Joseph Nkandu, Executive Director of NUCAFE emphasized the vital role that higher education plays in strengthening and advancing agricultural value chains. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
Mr. Joseph Nkandu, Executive Director of NUCAFE emphasized the vital role that higher education plays in strengthening and advancing agricultural value chains.

Uganda’s agricultural value chains are a cornerstone of its economy. However, several challenges threaten their sustainability, including climate change, which affects crop yields and water availability; inadequate infrastructure, which hinders market access; limited access to finance for smallholder farmers; land degradation; and insufficient technology adoption. Moreover, pest outbreaks and post-harvest losses further undermine the efficiency and profitability of agricultural systems. Tackling these challenges is essential to improving the sustainability and resilience of Uganda’s agricultural sector.

Mr. Joseph Nkandu addressing participants on agricultural value chains in East Africa. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
Mr. Joseph Nkandu addressing participants on agricultural value chains in East Africa.

Remarks from NCHE

In her remarks, Prof. Mary Okwakol, the Executive Director of the National Council for Higher Education, emphasized the critical role of doctoral training in driving societal progress. She explained that advanced research and innovation resulting from doctoral programmes not only contribute to academic advancement but also pave the way for ground-breaking discoveries. “These discoveries, in turn, play a pivotal role in shaping and transforming nation-states by addressing pressing challenges, fostering economic growth, and improving the quality of life for communities.” Prof. Okwakol called for continued investment in doctoral education to harness its potential for national development and global competitiveness.

The representative of the Executive Director of the National Council for Higher Education, Prof. Mary Okwakol addressing participants. She emphasized the critical role of doctoral training in driving societal productivity. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
The representative of the Executive Director of the National Council for Higher Education, Prof. Mary Okwakol addressing participants. She emphasized the critical role of doctoral training in driving societal productivity.

Highlighting the challenges related to Doctoral training, the Deputy Principal of CAES, Prof. Yazidhi Bamutaze, noted that the project was timely and would greatly strengthen the research capabilities of doctoral students, ensuring that their skills are more aligned with current academic and industry needs, ultimately improving the overall relevance and impact of their research outputs. “As Makerere University strives to become a research-intensive institution, the importance of collaboration cannot be overstated. This project will make a substantial contribution to this goal.”

A participant sharing his views on the project. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
A participant sharing his views on the project.

Engagement with smallholder farmer in Matugga

During the conference, the project team had the opportunity to visit the farm of Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, within Nansana Municipality. The visit allowed the team to gain first-hand insight into Mr. Mpiira’s farming practices, observe the challenges he faces, and better understand the impact of various agricultural initiatives in the region. This experience was an important part of the conference, as it provided a real-world context to the discussions on smallholder farming and rural development.

Participants following the proceedings of the workshop. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
Participants following the proceedings of the workshop.

Key Issues Arising from the Workshop

  1. Overemphasis on theoretical science: While science is extensively studied, its practical application remains problematic.
  2. Outdated supervision: Many PhD supervisors are not up-to-date with current research trends. There is a need for educational frameworks that align with the latest development agendas.
  3. Technician mentality among graduates: A significant number of PhD graduates tend to think like technicians rather than innovators. Many struggle to apply the knowledge they’ve acquired and lack the ability to think creatively.
  4. Lack of innovation: There is a notable absence of innovation among doctoral graduates, which hinders progress.
  5. Evolving skillsets in value chains: There is an urgent need to address the changing skillsets required across different value chains.
  6. Unrealistic PhD programme durations: The prescribed durations for PhD programmes are often unrealistic and fail to reflect the complexity of the research process.
  7. Competing priorities: The multiple demands on students’ time hinder their ability to complete doctoral studies in time.
  8. Financial barriers: Limited funding continues to undermine the success and sustainability of doctoral training programmes.
  9. Lack of student commitment: Some doctoral students exhibit a lack of commitment and dedication to their studies, impacting their success.
  10. Negative student attitudes: Students often display an underestimation of the role and guidance of their supervisors, which affects their academic progress.
  11. Inadequate research facilities: Limited access to essential research facilities hampers the quality of doctoral research.
  12. Weak analytical skills: Many doctoral students lack the necessary analytical skills to perform at the required level of their academic discipline.
  13. Gender-based challenges: Gender roles negatively impact the performance and progression of female doctoral students, limiting their academic potential.
  14. Supervisory workload: Excessive workload on supervisors affects the quality and effectiveness of their mentorship.
  15. Need for relearning in value chains: Achieving sustainability in value chains demands continuous relearning and adaptation.
A participant from the University of Nairobi sharing ideas at the conference. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
A participant from the University of Nairobi sharing ideas at the conference.


  1. Dedicated study leave: Doctoral students should be granted leave from other responsibilities to focus fully on their research.
  2. Creating research spaces: Institutions must create dedicated, conducive workspaces for doctoral students to foster collaboration and focus.
  3. Increase funding opportunities: More scholarships and financial support should be made available to PhD students to ease financial barriers.
  4. Research-oriented supervision: Supervisors must establish and maintain active research agendas to ensure they remain relevant and effective in guiding students.
  5. Strengthen institutional collaboration: Encouraging greater collaboration between Higher Education Institutions can foster exchange of ideas and resources to enhance doctoral research outcomes.

Photos from conference activities

In the course of the conference, the project team visited the farm of Mr. Sam Mpiira, a smallholder farmer in Matugga, Nansana Municipality. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
In the course of the conference, the project team visited the farm of Mr. Sam Mpiira, a smallholder farmer in Matugga, Nansana Municipality.

The Project team interacts with Mr Sam Mpiira at his farm in Matugga. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
The Project team interacts with Mr Sam Mpiira at his farm in Matugga.

The Project team interacts with Mr Sam Mpiira at his farm in Matugga. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
The Project team interacts with Mr Sam Mpiira at his farm in Matugga.

The Project team after touring Mr. Mpiira's farm in Matugga. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
The Project team after touring Mr. Mpiira’s farm in Matugga.

The project team in group discussions on the different work packages. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
The project team in group discussions on the different work packages.

The project team in group discussions on the different work packages. Interim Conference of the Advancing Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains through Strengthening Trans-disciplinary Skills and Cooperation in East African Doctoral Education (ADVALUE) Project co-funded by the European Union, 17th-19th March 2025, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Kampala and farm visit to Mr. Sam Mpiira, a dedicated smallholder farmer located in Matugga, Nansana Municipality, Uganda, East Africa.
The project team in group discussions on the different work packages.

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Hasifa Kabejja

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Agriculture & Environment

Mak Launches Urban Futures Project, Unveils Handbook on Urban Heat Management



Stakeholders that attended the launch event pose for a group photo at Fairway Hotel in Kampala on 6th March 2025. Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University in collaboration with University of Waterloo and University of Manchester, launch of project titled: The Urban Future Project: Toward Health Equity, Inclusive Governance and Climate Adaptation in African Informal Settlements, and Urban Heat Risk Awareness Raising and Knowledge Exchange and Urban Heat Management Handbook, 6th March 2025, Fairway Hotel Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

“Toward health equity, inclusive governance, and climate adaptation in African Informal Settlements”

Makerere University, in collaboration with the University of Waterloo and the University of Manchester, on 6th March launched a new project titled: The Urban Futures Project: Toward Health Equity, Inclusive Governance and Climate Adaptation in African Informal Settlements, and Urban Heat Risk Awareness Raising and Knowledge Exchange. The Urban Futures project is the first learning lab initiated to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange amongst the various stakeholders and inclusive decision-making process that addresses complex challenges faced by informal settlements in Kampala.

Dr. Paul Mukwaya, Head of the Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University. Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University in collaboration with University of Waterloo and University of Manchester, launch of project titled: The Urban Future Project: Toward Health Equity, Inclusive Governance and Climate Adaptation in African Informal Settlements, and Urban Heat Risk Awareness Raising and Knowledge Exchange and Urban Heat Management Handbook, 6th March 2025, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Paul Mukwaya, Head of the Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University.

Project Partners: Makerere University, University of Waterloo and the University of Manchester, Institute of Development Studies, Sierra Leon Research Centre, Training and Research Support Centre, Government of Uganda, Kampala Capital City Authority, Act Together Uganda, and Focus for Life Development Link.

Participants. Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University in collaboration with University of Waterloo and University of Manchester, launch of project titled: The Urban Future Project: Toward Health Equity, Inclusive Governance and Climate Adaptation in African Informal Settlements, and Urban Heat Risk Awareness Raising and Knowledge Exchange and Urban Heat Management Handbook, 6th March 2025, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Unveiling the Urban Heat Management Handbook

During the launch event at Fairway Hotel in Kampala, the Urban Heat Management Handbook was unveiled to help raise awareness and promote knowledge exchange on heat stress. The handbook covers critical topics such as understanding heat resilience, assessing heat risk, planning for heat resilience, responding to heat waves, and providing solutions for heat resilience.

Participants sharing personal experiences. Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University in collaboration with University of Waterloo and University of Manchester, launch of project titled: The Urban Future Project: Toward Health Equity, Inclusive Governance and Climate Adaptation in African Informal Settlements, and Urban Heat Risk Awareness Raising and Knowledge Exchange and Urban Heat Management Handbook, 6th March 2025, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Participants sharing personal experiences.

The Urban Futures project will highlight the multifaceted risks faced by informal residents and workers, aiming to create South-South learning opportunities to address these inequitable threats. The study will focus on vulnerable populations in informal settlements and workers, seeking to identify equitable adaptation pathways to address climate risks that exacerbate health disparities.

Participants. Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University in collaboration with University of Waterloo and University of Manchester, launch of project titled: The Urban Future Project: Toward Health Equity, Inclusive Governance and Climate Adaptation in African Informal Settlements, and Urban Heat Risk Awareness Raising and Knowledge Exchange and Urban Heat Management Handbook, 6th March 2025, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Project Approach

The project will adopt a collaborative approach involving diverse stakeholders, focusing on developing health adaptation strategies, building resilience, and fostering growth through knowledge co-generation, continuous learning, evaluation, and improvement. The research will be conducted in three large African cities on the frontlines of climate change: Kampala (Uganda), Freetown (Sierra Leone), and Bulawayo (Zimbabwe). Through interdisciplinary and participatory methods, the study will gather evidence on how climate-related risks impact the daily lives of residents and workers in these areas.

Group one. Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University in collaboration with University of Waterloo and University of Manchester, launch of project titled: The Urban Future Project: Toward Health Equity, Inclusive Governance and Climate Adaptation in African Informal Settlements, and Urban Heat Risk Awareness Raising and Knowledge Exchange and Urban Heat Management Handbook, 6th March 2025, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Group one.

 Key Remarks

In his opening remarks, Dr. Paul Mukwaya, Head of the Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, described the learning lab as an essential space for dialogue among stakeholders in informal settlements. “The Urban Action Lab is our space to discuss urban development challenges together as a community, to find effective solutions,” he said.

Group presentations. Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University in collaboration with University of Waterloo and University of Manchester, launch of project titled: The Urban Future Project: Toward Health Equity, Inclusive Governance and Climate Adaptation in African Informal Settlements, and Urban Heat Risk Awareness Raising and Knowledge Exchange and Urban Heat Management Handbook, 6th March 2025, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Group presentations.

Ms. Anita Kusiima, representing the Executive Director of Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), spoke about the challenges posed by attitudes toward enforcement. “KCCA has initiated strategies like greening, skilling, and livelihood programs. However, we struggle with enforcement. Until statistics like these are shared with communities, people don’t realize how much we are destroying our environment. It’s common to wake up and find over 40 trees have been cut down overnight. In places like Nakasero, many trees are cut during the night. As a country and a city, we face not only poor attitudes toward the law but also towards the quality of life we want to achieve,” she said. “Urban farming has seen success at the household level, greening has been effective, and school programs aimed at raising awareness have also been successful.”

Participants during group discussions. Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University in collaboration with University of Waterloo and University of Manchester, launch of project titled: The Urban Future Project: Toward Health Equity, Inclusive Governance and Climate Adaptation in African Informal Settlements, and Urban Heat Risk Awareness Raising and Knowledge Exchange and Urban Heat Management Handbook, 6th March 2025, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Participants during group discussions.

Dr. Robbinson Kabanda, a Veterinary Doctor at KCCA, emphasized the learning lab’s potential in addressing issues such as budget cuts and the impacts of climate change on Kampala. “With budget cuts affecting many funded activities, this is a great opportunity for Kampala, where the majority live in informal settlements and are especially vulnerable to climate change,” he said. “These collaborative spaces foster innovation and experimentation in urban contexts, bringing together various stakeholders and practitioners to address complex urban challenges through shared learning.”

Mr. Hakimu Ssevviiri, Researcher, Urban Action Lab, Makerere University. Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University in collaboration with University of Waterloo and University of Manchester, launch of project titled: The Urban Future Project: Toward Health Equity, Inclusive Governance and Climate Adaptation in African Informal Settlements, and Urban Heat Risk Awareness Raising and Knowledge Exchange and Urban Heat Management Handbook, 6th March 2025, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Mr. Hakimu Ssevviiri, Researcher, Urban Action Lab, Makerere University.

Mr. Hakimu Ssevviiri, from the Research Urban Action Lab, highlighted the power of the urban learning lab in addressing urban challenges through collaboration, innovation, and community engagement. He emphasized the importance of urban resilience, improved decision-making, and public involvement.

Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University in collaboration with University of Waterloo and University of Manchester, launch of project titled: The Urban Future Project: Toward Health Equity, Inclusive Governance and Climate Adaptation in African Informal Settlements, and Urban Heat Risk Awareness Raising and Knowledge Exchange and Urban Heat Management Handbook, 6th March 2025, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Mr. Peter Kasaija, PhD student, Makerere University.

Issues highlighted at the Launch

  1. There is a critical need for timely interventions to address heat stress and other challenges facing informal settlements.
  2. Informal settlements lack sufficient space for tree planting.
  3. Trees take time to mature, making them a long-term solution.
  4. Reducing electricity costs and improving water access are immediate priorities.
  5. Solar energy use is vital for reducing heat stress, particularly in households.
  6. Strong government policies on heat stress, such as promoting the use of mosquito nets, are essential.
  7. Wetland degradation and tree clearance are major contributors to heat stress.
Dr. Paul Mukwaya (Left) with participants in a group discussion. Department of Geography, Geo-informatics, and Climatic Sciences, Makerere University in collaboration with University of Waterloo and University of Manchester, launch of project titled: The Urban Future Project: Toward Health Equity, Inclusive Governance and Climate Adaptation in African Informal Settlements, and Urban Heat Risk Awareness Raising and Knowledge Exchange and Urban Heat Management Handbook, 6th March 2025, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Paul Mukwaya (Left) with participants in a group discussion.

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Mariam Kasemiire

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Agriculture & Environment

Climate change and resilience in Africa: 2 PhD positions in Uganda



Some of the 19 PhD graduates from CAES at the 75th graduation ceremony. 75th Graduation Ceremony, Day 5, CAES, CEDAT and CHUSS. 17th January 2025, Freedom Square, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Are you passionate about tackling climate-related challenges and empowering climate-affected communities in Africa? Do you aspire to complete academic research with a real-world impact? Join Climares, a groundbreaking research project that supports the climate resilience of at-risk populations in five African countries. For our work in Uganda, we are looking for 2 PhD candidates who will work with either smallholders or refugees and other stakeholders using innovative, participatory research methods. The positions are initially for one year, extended, conditional upon good performance, to a maximum of five years, on a full-time basis. The positions are based in Makerere University, Uganda, Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Climatic Sciences. If successful, the applicants will receive a joint/dual degree with Wageningen University, The Netherlands [PhD A- smallholders] or Erasmus University Rotterdam [PhD B- refugees].

Expected starting date: July 1st – August 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Job description – what you will do?

You will be part of an exciting new research project called Climares ( Climares is a consortium of 7 African and 7 Dutch universities, along with societal partners, working in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Morocco, Senegal, and Uganda. Our mission is to support at-risk populations—smallholders, fisherfolk, urban outdoor workers, pastoralists, and displaced people—by transforming weather and climate data into actionable insights that enhance resilience and enable early adaptation. Climares uses participatory digital and in person research, co-created climate storylines and advocacy methods to ensure that weather and climate information becomes accurate and actionable and integrated with local knowledge systems.

Within the scope of the project, you are expected to develop your own PhD research focus and thematic interest, in close collaboration with your supervisors. The supervision team consists of African and Dutch academics with a range of research areas. You will also be part of an interdisciplinary group of eleven PhD researchers, who are recruited from the five African countries and who will be the core of the Climares project. The PhD researchers will work independently and in collaboration, by sharing knowledge, skills, and experiences.

The PhD projects in Uganda centre around action-oriented research with communities and other stakeholders, such as civil society actors, private actors, and government representatives. The projects aim to support the agency and resilience of communities by creating and supporting Knowledge∞ Action (K∞A) networks. These networks are composed of all stakeholders that have an interest in the resilience of a population group, including affected communities. As a PhD researcher, you will be responsible for setting up and facilitating these networks over a five-year period, and for collecting data on the process. For the duration of the project, you will be part of the Climares Academy that meets online for one day per week for training, supervision and meetings with your peers.

  1. Project A (SMALLHOLDERS) will focus on the climate-related challenges and innovation strategies of smallholders engaged in cash crop production, notably highland coffee cultivation.
  2. Project B (DISPLACEMENT) will focus on refugees and other forcibly displaced persons in Uganda, and their resilience strategies in relation to their experienced climate-related threats and uncertainties.

Where you will work

These PhD positions are based in Uganda, with occasional travel to the Netherlands (or other countries) for training purposes and consortium meetings.

The PhD trajectories will start with an intensive two-month training in the Netherlands. After this, you will return to Uganda to spend significant periods of time with either smallholders or refugees and to start working on the Knowledge∞Action (K∞A) networks. During this period, you will attend online training and reflection meetings one day per week.

You will be a member of the Climares PhD school, called the Climares Academy. Training will include academic courses as well as training on skills and content required for Climares, and individual career development support. Training will be provided by members of the Climares consortium, including academic partners and societal partners such as the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, Deltares, and the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute. PhD candidates will receive cutting-edge teaching and mentoring from a diverse range of experts, combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications.

Supervision and degree

The supervision teams for these PhD projects will consist of scholars from Makerere University and Wageningen University for PhD -A and scholars from Makerere and Erasmus University for PhD-B. With your supervisors, you will develop a detailed PhD project plan, including research activities and milestones. You will also jointly develop and regularly monitor your own career development plan.

You will be admitted to and graduate from Makerere University, as well as – through joint/dual-degree arrangement – from Wageningen University (PhD-A] and Erasmus University [PhD-B] in the Netherlands.


We are looking for an interdisciplinary team of PhD researchers. We therefore invite candidates with various profiles to apply.

Requirements for both candidates:

  1. You have a master’s degree or an equivalent diploma in social sciences, climate sciences, geographical sciences, environmental sciences or a related field;
  2. You have experience with, and a strong affinity for, research related to climate change, climate resilience, climate change impacts, or climate vulnerability;
  3. You possess strong research skills, either qualitative or quantitative, and have experience working with communities, preferably using participatory methods;
  4. You are motivated to develop your methodological skills in both qualitative and quantitative research;
  5. You are a resident of Uganda, or have extensive experience working in Uganda, preferably with either smallholders (PhD-A) or refugees (PhD-B). For participatory research with communities, it is important that you are familiar with local customs and that you speak one of the relevant local languages.
  6. You are able to carry out your work independently and proactively, and you are also able to work well in a team. You support the idea of interdisciplinary teamwork and knowledge sharing.
  7. You have excellent academic skills (analytical thinking, scientific writing and presentation), evidenced for example by a good review of your master’s thesis and potentially some scientific publications;
  8. You have excellent social skills that will allow you to work with communities, other stakeholders and other PhD candidates over a long period of time.
  9. Proficiency in English is a must. Graduation at one of the Netherlands universities must be done on the basis of a dissertation in English.

What we offer

We offer you an interdisciplinary PhD position, where you will obtain academic skills with practical application, in an enthusiastic team of world-renowned scholars and organizations working on climate issues.

The expected start date of this position July 1st – August 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. You will be based at Makerere University, the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Climatic Sciences, one of the Departments within the School of College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

We offer a competitive remuneration as well as research costs.

The initial contract has a duration of one year (12 months), to be extended to five years conditional upon performance.

About the Home University: Makerere University

General description

Established in 1922 as a technical college, Makerere University was affiliated to the University of London until 1963 when it became one of the three constituent colleges of the University of East Africa. It became an independent University in 1970 by Act of Parliament. This status continued until 2001 when the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act was enacted ( Makerere University is committed to providing transformative and innovative teaching, learning, research and services responsive to dynamic national and global needs.

The successful PhD candidates will be hosted at the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Climatic Sciences, one of the Departments within the School of College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences ( The Department offers crosscutting academic programmes and research, combining the aspects of Human, Physical and Environmental Geography. Our research foci spans climate science, climate change and earth observation; Coupled human-environment systems, demography and development; disaster risk management and reduction and Urban and regional systems, transformations and sustainability.

About the Host universities

A) Wageningen University

Position A, focusing on smallholders, will be co-supervised by Wageningen University in the Netherlands. Wageningen University is the most renowned life science university in the Netherlands, hosting high quality research and training on biodiversity, climate change, food security, health, and society. The mission of the University is ‘ to explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life’. The university contributes with impact-oriented often interdisciplinary research and hosts a strongly international community of staff and students.

The PhD research on smallholders is interdisciplinary in nature. The supervision team from Wageningen University will combine social science (from the chairgroup Sociology of Development and Change, SDC, part of the Social Science Department) and environmental science (from the chairgroup Soil Physics and land management, SLM). SDC hosts expertise on rural and urban development, natural resource governance and conflict, vulnerability and resilience; and a strong tradition of fieldwork and collaborative methodologies. SLM hosts expertise on sustainable land management, soil and water conservation, and farmer-led adaptation and innovation.

B) Erasmus University

Position B, focusing on refugees and other forcibly displaced persons, will be co-supervised by the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), part of Erasmus University, in the Netherlands. ISS is an international graduate school of policy-oriented critical social science. Established over 60 years ago, ISS brings together academics and students from the Global South and North to study political, economic, and social developments in transition economies. It has a long tradition in action-oriented research and a wide range of expertise working on and with African societies.

The PhD candidate will be embedded in The Hague Humanitarian Studies Centre, a research centre for academic and applied research, teaching and training, and networking and impact in the field of humanitarian studies that focuses on the impact of humanitarian crises, including climate-related disasters and displacement.

Application process

The deadline for applications is 25 March 2025. You can apply by emailing your application to:

Position A: PLUS
Position B: PLUS

Clearly indicate whether you are applying for position A (smallholders) or position B (refugees).

The application must be in English. Please note: We strongly discourage the use of generative AI in your application.

Please include the following documents:

  1. A motivation letter (max. two pages)
  2. A curriculum vitae (CV)
  3. Names and contact details of two referents
  4. A concept note or description of research ideas of not more than 4 pages, outlining the intended focus, possible research questions, and the methodological and theoretical focus
  5. publications if any; and as it is often difficult to judge the applicant’s contribution to publications with multiple authors, a short description of the applicant’s contribution must be included.

After reviewing all applications, we will make a shortlist of candidates who are invited for an interview. There might be a second interview before a final selection is made.
Interviews will be online and are to be scheduled for April 9, 10, and 11.

Further information

For more information on Climares, please visit:

For specific questions, please contact:

  1. Prof Frank Mugagga; Email: or for the position on smallholders (position A)
  2. Dr. Paul Isolo Mukwaya; Email: or for the position on refugees (position B)

Mak Editor

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