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Journalism Department Holds Annual Media Convention 2023: Youth, Media & Communication Professionals Challenged to Harness Digital Media to Preserve Culture



The College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) through the Department of Journalism and Communication on 12th October 2023 hosted the Annual Media Convention  at Makerere University Yusuf Lule Auditorium. It was convened by Dr. Charlotte Ntulume.

The function was presided over by Her Royal Highness  Sylvia Nagginda  Nnaabagereka represented by the Trustee,  Board  of the Nabagereka Foundation Ms. Judy Kamanyi  under the theme,” Bringing Culture Back in: Media, Communication  and Youth Engagement in the Digital Age”. The Head of Corporation, Norwegian Embassy and the Vice Chancellor Makerere University also graced the occasion.

The key note address was delivered by Associate professor from the University of Johannesburg who runs the School of Communication, and also head of Department of Strategic Communications at the University of Johannesburg and, one of the pioneers of the Department of Mass communication at Makerere University, Prof. Elizabeth Lubinga Nviri .

The function was also punctuated by three panels. The first panel on , “Media, Entertainment and Culture: Looking back into the Future”,  moderated by Dr. Evelyn Cindy Magara comprised leading practitioners in the music, art and film industry including   Dr. Charles Mulekwa, Mr. Andrew Benon Kibuuka, Ms. Joanita Kawalya Muganga and Mr. Abbey Mukiibi.

Dr. Cindy Magara moderating panel of leading artists and practitioners. Annual Media Convention, 12th October 2023, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Cindy Magara moderating panel of leading artists and practitioners.

The second panel on, “Young People and Culture in the Digital Age” moderated by  Hannah Arinaitwe consisted of students including  Sylivia Nankya, Najibu Nsubuga, Reagan Kiyimba, Andrew Sebunya and Cynthia Ashaba.

The third panel on, “Media and Civic Engagement” , moderated by Charles Odongtho  brought together leading media practitioners including  Dr. Jimmy Spire Ssentongo, Ms. Lydia Mirembe Jadwong, Ms. Halima Authman, Ms. Carol Alyek Beyanga and Ms. Agatha Atuhaire.

The event was crowned by the students Excellence Awards presented by representatives of the Newvision, Daily Monitor and the Public Relations Association of Uganda. Three students scooped plaques, some with cash and internship opportunities.

The event was supported by the Uganda Tourism Board, the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority, the Daily Monitor, the New Vision, and the Public Relations Association of Uganda.

The Nnabagereka calls for cultural revival as an important and a matter of urgency

Representing the Nnabagereka of Buganda, the member Board of Trustees on the Nnabagereka Development Foundation Ms. Judy Kamanyi described the theme of the convention as important and timely.

She said the cultural heritage is the embodiment of our nation’s history, values, traditions and collective identity.

“It encompasses the stories passed down through generations, the songs that echo in our hearts, the customs that connect us to our roots, the ways in which we are raised and taught to behave in our respective communities society, and the wisdom that guides us through life’s journey. It is a source of pride, a reflection of who we are, and a legacy we have proudly inherited from our ancestors. Our culture is our source of inspiration as a people.”

Ms. Kamanyi noted that contemporary society, is undergoing rapid change in every aspect, from how children are educated to the world of work with ways of living, cultural heritage, facing numerous challenges.

The onslaught of globalization and the widespread influence of modern technology according to Ms. Kamanyi has ushered in by digitalization which have sometimes overshadowed cultural heritage.

Ms. Judy Kamanyi representing the Nnabagereka. Annual Media Convention, 12th October 2023, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Ms. Judy Kamanyi representing the Nnabagereka.

The digital era, she observed has reshaped the way people live, communicate and interact with the world, thus intertwining  lives with technology, from the mobile phones to the platforms  used to connect with one another.

While these innovations have undoubtedly brought people  closer together, she noted, they have also led to the erosion of some aspects of  culture. While this digitalization has brought  incredible achievements,  advancements and opportunities, it also poses a significant challenge to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage.

She informed participants that the discussion on how we can bridge the gap between culture and the digital era through media, communication and youth empowerment and engagement is urgent in our country’s quest for social transformation.

Aware that media plays a pivotal role in shaping perceptions and understanding of the world, informing decisions and influencing values, Ms. Kamanyi reminded participants that media  has the power to either erode or celebrate cultural diversity and heritage, but at the same time, it can be a powerful tool for cultural preservation.

 “To bring culture back into the spotlight, we must recognize and harness the potential of media as a guardian and promoter of our culture.  This is especially critical in this digital age where media, especially online and social media, has been used to spread stereotypes and misconceptions.

As professionals in the industry and to the students who are training to become media and communication specialists, we have a duty to address this problem. Media in all its forms, including the tradition or legacy newspapers, radio and TV, as well as online outlets, have a responsibility to represent our culture accurately and respectfully”, She guided

Ms. Kamanyi observed that some of the unintended consequences of globalization and the digital age is the erosion of indigenous languages.

Ms..Kamanyi  reiterated the need for people  to  route themselves in their languages expressing pleasure to see that  different languages are being taught here in Makerere University.

“We cannot talk about preserving our cultures or having an identity without preservation of our languages. I therefore urge you to promote and preserve our languages in the family, in our homes and in our communities and in our schools. And I commend the media playing a lead role in this important task through various local language media platforms and programs. I also applaud the School of Languages, Literature and Communication here at the University, which hosts the Journalism and Communications Department, for all its efforts to preserve and promote indigenous African languages.”

 Turning to cultural preservation, Ms. Kamanyi said  it is incumbent upon  communication professionals to provide the right environment, whether in traditional media or online, and in the different spaces in which they  practice, for these inter-generational interactions or engagements to take place.

Universities tasked to develop programs to engage youth in cultural activities

Acknowledging that the greater majority of Uganda’s population belong to the younger generation, Ms.  Kamanyi recognized the older generation with wealth of cultural knowledge She expressed the need for the youth to continue engaging and dialoguing to ensure that traditions are not only preserved, but also adapted and integrated into modern lives.

“We are fortunate to live at a time when communication and connectivity are part of life, and therefore social networking sites are the order of the day, and often time we take this for granted” she said

Prof. Umar Kakumba (2nd Right) presents a gift to the Nnabagereka represented by Ms. Judy Kamanyi. Annual Media Convention, 12th October 2023, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Umar Kakumba (2nd Right) presents a gift to the Nnabagereka represented by Ms. Judy Kamanyi.

Turning to youth engagement and the youth as torchbearers of our culture, Ms. Kamanyi stressed that it is important to engage the youth in cultural promotion and for preservation and the continuity of heritage as they hold the key to cultural resilience, adaptability, and agents of preservation and promotion and,also breathe life into it.

“It is my appeal therefore that this country’s leading university and chief custodians of education, knowledge and innovation to be intentional about creating
 mentorship programs and educational initiatives that empower youth to actively engage in their culture”

 I beseech you to add culture preservation to your priority of research interest. Her Royal Highness believes that this should be supported. To the students, please pay more attention to culture as a matter of utmost importance and urgency.”,

Uganda in need of revival of cultural values

Uganda, like most African nations, Ms. Kamanyi said,  has suffered social upheaval. and disruptions, there is a breakdown in ethics and values which has led to moral decadence and deterioration of social cohesion in  society.

“If we took a critical and honest look at ourselves, we would admit that as a people we have somehow lost some aspects of humanness. With the grave decline in acceptable behavior, especially when it comes around digitalization, I strongly believe that transforming our nation will entail a revival of our cultural values.”

She said although culture has always been around, there are certain aspects that have kind of receded and hence, the need to bring them back to the fore.

To this end,  she added, Obuntubulamu, which is the African philosophy that espouses interconnectedness, humanity, dignity, and communal living, was integrated in Ekisaakate- the flagship program of the Nnabagereka  Development Foundation that targets the young people.

 Several societal values that make up Obuntubulamu were identified through research, and these are humility, civility, integrity, honesty, sense of shame, responsibility, among others.

With the support of UN Women and the United Nations Development Program, the Nnabagereka  Development Foundation partnered with other cultural institutions in Uganda, including the Kingdoms of Acholi, Alur, Bonyoro, and Busoga, with an indigenous approach to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, that is the SDGs.

The Foundation has also worked, and Her Royal Highness, with other African queens and cultural women leaders from the kingdoms of Ghana, the kingdoms that exist in South Africa, Lesotho and in Nigeria, mindful that they had the power to use their status in society to influence and improve the lived realities of their people.

How can we harness media technology for cultural revival and cultural heritage preservation in the digital era?

According to Ms. Kamanyi, there are  unprecedented opportunities to bring culture back into the limelight using social media, the internet, podcasts, digital storytelling to amplify  cultural messages to reach a much wider national and global audience.

There is  need to encourage the creation of digital content, that celebrates our culture, to engage the youth, and invite the world to explore our culture.

“Through the strategic use of technology, we can showcase our art and our music and our customs to a wider audience, promoting a deeper appreciation of our cultural diversity. The digital revolution has brought new non-traditional players in the media and communication arena.

These include the digital content creators, all producers and influencers. And young people are at the forefront in this space. I therefore implore the Department to continually equip students with the requisite skills and, even more importantly, ethics for these crucial roles.

 You and your associates in the humanities field are best placed to instill a sense of pride and identity among our young people, while almost equipping them with skills needed to navigate the digital era, yet stay rooted in our culture”. Ms. Kamanyi stressed

Ms. Kamanyi highlighted challenges that come with preserving and promoting culture in the digital era. The rapid space of change and the spread of misinformation and the lure of globalized cultures, and the risk of cultural appropriation are hurdles that must be navigate.d

She however said, these challenges are not insurmountable.

“We need to embrace technology as a tool for cultural preservation rather than perceive it as a threat. With regards to solutions, I request the Department of Journalism and Communication to ponder on these challenges. At 35, surely society naturally expects you to have achieved some milestones. You are at a stage where your impact on society should be visible in many aspects and especially matters being discussed today.

I implore you to spread your reach and influence so that your impact in our nation is visible. We are looking up to you to provide professional guidance to the students, cultural associations at the university, like in Nkoba Zambogo, to make culture visible on the university’s agenda, and to encourage our young people to embrace culture with the same vigor and interest with which they have embraced digitalization and globalization.

I wish to emphasize that it is our collective duty to ensure, as our ancestors did, that the transition to modernity does not come at expense of our cultural identity and heritage. Our cultural heritage is not something of the past that we can relegate to the sidelines, but it is a living entity that should evolve with the times, that can drive national transformation.

We must factor culture back as we navigate the digital era, not just as a matter of preserving our past but about securing our future. Our cultural diversity is a source of strength, resilience and inspiration. Let’s work to embrace and promote our culture. Together, we can build a future where our national identity thrives, where diversity is cherished, and where cultural heritage is a driving force for positive change and for our country’s transformation.”She appealed.

VC commends DJC steady growth

Representing the Vice-Chancellor of Makerere University, the Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Academic Affairs Assoc. Prof. Umar Kakumba appreciated the  distinguished alumni and panelists for the wonderful and exciting engagement and insightful discussion rendered.

Prof. Umar Kakumba delivers the Vice Chancellor's remarks. Annual Media Convention, 12th October 2023, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Umar Kakumba delivers the Vice Chancellor’s remarks.

Kakumba, welcomed Her  Royal Highness the Nnabagereka  to Makerere University as guest of honor at the annual media convention 2023represented  by Ms. Kamanyi and the entourage of the Nnabagereka thanking the team for   accepting this second invitation to preside over this media convention, who, in a few weeks ago officiated  the Sarah Ntiro Memorial Lecture.

“We want to appreciate the honor that is rendered to Makerere University, Mama Nnabagereka”

Prof. Kakumba appreciated the organization of the Media Convention 2023 and hailed the department for  remaining consistent in holding this informative and educative activity every year, save the couple of years of COVID-19.

“Journalism has remained consistent and intentional. We also want to applaud you for bringing in our distinguished alumni and the keynote speakers, Professor Elizabeth Mviri Lubinga, all the way from Johannesburg,..and I also want to assure you that the University of Johannesburg and Makerere University have an ongoing collaborative engagement. We have a formal MoU. And so getting you as the head of strategic communication at the University of Johannesburg and getting you as our alumnus and proud ambassador of Makerere, it’s such a great pleasure.

 And we hope that your well-delivered and insightful keynote, will definitely open more doors of collaborative engagement between journalism and communication, a school at Makerere here, and also fostering the existing relationships that we have with the university and many opportunities that will come our way”, The Vice Chancellor appreciated.

Kakumba thanked the panelists, for the participation and for their insightful and being very resourceful in tuning the audience into the digital era and how the challenges can be moderated.

“I note  the challenges of the digital technologies in strengthening culture, but also in strengthening the role of the academy in mentoring our young people, the future generation of many times, of our times and the future.

 I wish to salute this event, that it has also built a strong confidence over the years that the Convention has been held, the confidence has been built, but it has also helped to nurture the continuous engagement and appreciation of the role of media in transforming society”, He hailed :

Professor  Kakumba commended the  Department of Journalism and Communication for the remarkable endeavor, having risen from just a sub-program, not even a section or a unit under the Literature Department then in 1988.

“I want to appreciate the remarkable endeavor in growing this sub-program under the Department of Literature in 1988 to a fully-fledged Department of Journalism and Communication with enviable programs. programs in journalism and communication, which was re-branded, but also the two strong graduate programs, the master’s degree in strategic and corporate communication, and a master’s degree in journalism and multimedia, and a productive PhD in journalism and communication”,

“ I have been informed too, that the department is partnering with the School of Public Health to develop another Masters in Health Promotion and Communication, and which is interdisciplinary, which is very important. Journalism, health, because journalism, communication, communication is a critical tool in transforming society. So the role of the media in health, the role of communication in health, the role of communication in culture, the role of communication in business and entrepreneurship cannot be overstated.” He stressed.

Kakumba  assured the department  that once that program proposal comes in handy in his capacity as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, they  should be able to fast-track it. The DVC chairs the Senate Committee on Academic Programs, Policies, and anything to do with the business of the Senate.

“So we’ll be much more delighted to have that proposal as we are completing the proposal for the Council Restructuring Committee. And indeed Journalism and Communication should should have been a school many years ago, but better late than never. We’ll appreciate that.”He pledged.

He also recognized the college, schools and departmental leadership   for the well elaborated and illustrious efforts, guidance and achieving various milestones in the departments and schools of the college.

Prof. Umar Kakumba (2nd Left) presents Mak souvenirs to keynote speaker Prof. Elizabeth Lubinga. Annual Media Convention, 12th October 2023, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Umar Kakumba (2nd Left) presents Mak souvenirs to keynote speaker Prof. Elizabeth Lubinga.

“The five schools of the college, the over 14 or 15 departments in humanities and social sciences,  have really exhibited quite much in fostering our future, our vision as the institution, but also in demonstrating what the university has been able to do in building human capital development for our country and our region.”.

The professor was pleased with today’s theme, bridging culture back, noting that culture has not gone away at any time but probably culture has been alienated.

He said, the idea of reimagining culture into the digital era and how culture can be made more useful in building a strong foundation for the young people and how culture can also strengthen the modern era of communication has been well expressed by the panelists in creating the enterprise, the future of the enterprise and the future of the business, but a business that should not completely be away from strengthening a society that is productive.

“So definitely it speaks to the theme that you have selected, bringing culture back in media, communication, and youth engagement in this digital age. It speaks to the impact of the fast advancing technologies of our well-being as a community, as a country, as a nation, as a region, and as a continent, and what culture can significantly contribute.

 I am certain that the discussion at this convention will open our minds more about issues to how to access digital technologies, the quality of the content that is made from time to time, and how that content can be enabled to support the roles of building our strong communities and building public participation and also engaging our development processes”. Prof. Kakumba explained.

The DVC said the university would want to see this engagement and how it turns out, in the productions that are being made, the content that is being written and migrated into knowledge that can inform progressive policy and regulation on digitizing the country and the economy.

In addition, the DVC said, the university would want to see how the discussions  can promote the role of the media and the role of culture in preservation, in social change and empowerment of  people. And also ultimately, it should be able to drive towards the sustainability of our culture and the transformation of our country.

On behalf of the Senate of Makerere University, Kakumba thanked Her  Royal Highness, Mama Wa Buganda, the Nnabagereka  for accepting to grace the annual media convention 2023,the continued passion and gratitude that is extended to Makerere University.

Kakumba also appreciated the Nnabagereka Foundation and all of the programs, and the love for working among the young people in educating them, in  work, in health, the work in culture, including the Kisakate teacher,  among the many programs that the office of the Nnabagereka  has fostered.

DJC transition to a school should have happened 30 years ago-Principal CHUSS

The Principal CHUSS Prof. Josephine Ahikire said,  the department transition into the school is is something that should have happened 30 years ago.

Prof. Josephine Ahikire delivering her remarks. Annual Media Convention, 12th October 2023, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Josephine Ahikire delivering her remarks.

“So the department has had a lot of impact and as a UNESCO’s center of excellence in the region, East Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond has churned out a number of professionals serving in various capacities here in Uganda and beyond in the field of Public relations, communication, media and marketing.” She noted.

Prof. Ahikire said the theme of the convention was purposed to embrace the needs of young people in strategic communication, writing for society, not just for making money, but when when writing, they should have that mission in mind and be mindful of the peoples’ culture.

The Principal thanked the university management for the support to the college and to the department, and for enabling Makerere reimagine itself as a research-led university to be able to serve society to build for the future.

Dean commends the DJC growth, supports proposal to transform into a school

The Dean, School of Languages, Literature, and Communication, Associate Prof. Saudah Namyalo reiterated that the Department of Journalism and Communication (DJC) has organized this annual media convention since 1998, and each time it has provided a platform for discussing emerging issues in the media, journalism, communication, and society in Uganda and beyond.

“This year’s theme is timely as it speaks to the central place of culture in the digital communication era. Moreover, it allows the youth who are particular to Uganda as they are the majority population.

The theme also poses a very important question on the future of the media in the light of culture and entertainment. I’m therefore looking forward to the panels that are well constituted and are certainly going to exude the same clearly”, She said.

Dean Namyalo was happy  to note that the Department of Journalism and Communication has grown immensely, especially in the last few years. Adding that it’s not surprising that at 35 years old, they have built their capacity to research, graduate training, and innovation in journalism, media, and communication.

“And I want to use this opportunity, Vice Chancellor, to inform you that the Department of Journalism has presented their proposal to transform into a school of journalism, media and communication. And we are in total support because they have all the right steps to become a school

Assoc. Prof. Saudah Namyalo speaking during the convention. Annual Media Convention, 12th October 2023, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Assoc. Prof. Saudah Namyalo speaking during the convention.

I am certain that they are a force to reckon in Uganda and in the region as well. As a school, we congratulate them on this and many other milestones and wish them even more success as they work towards building a future flying the Makerere University flag high and growing even further”, she tabled.

She thanked Her  Royal Highness represented by Ms. Judy Kamanyi for accepting the invitation, aware that a few weeks ago, she was here again on a different occasion.

Convention as a platform for Debate on contemporary issues in Media and communication and guiding to curriculum review

The Head Department of Journalism and Communication Dr. Aisha Nakiwala said this annual media event brings together the academia and the industry players to debate contemporary issues in the media and communication.

“It is at these kinds of engagements that we regularly guide ourselves on what to include in our curriculum development. So for the last 35 years of the department and the program of journalism and communication,we have continued to be both forward-sighted and strategic in our approach to training our students and intentional to develop.

And as we look to the future, and specifically as we set ourselves to transition from a department to the school of journalism, media and communication, nothing can be strategic than a deliberate focus on the young people because they are not just great consumers of media content, but they are also the future of journalism, media and communication.”, Nakiwala said.

Dr. Nakiwala asserted that , there is strong evidence, about the strong influence of the media and communication on youth and culture. Thus, the rapidly changing media sector in Uganda and elsewhere in the world has conditioned the Department of Journalism and Communication, to view young people as an important site of cultural production.

She said, that explains why they  chose to focus this year’s convention on the intersection between media, culture and young people.

Dr. Nakiwala appreciated  Ms. Kamanyi, the office of the Nnabagereka, for accepting to offciate this convention .

“ And your being here and the support that we have received from the Foundation is testament to the great service that the Department of Journalism and  Communication is rendering to the cause of young people and to the cause of national development in this country and beyond, which we know is very dear to the heart of Her Royal Highness the Nnabagereka. We therefore pledge our continued efforts in this exceptional service and in serving our clientele better,”The don promised.

Nakiwala  thanked the various sponsors that have funded this event including  the Uganda Tourism Board, the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority, the Daily Monitor, the New Vision, and the Public Relations Association of Uganda, without whom, it would be impossible.

She also  recognized the diligent and meticulous planning that has gone into this event to make it a success giving credit to her team at the Department of Journalism and Communication, Dean,  School of Languages and Communication and  the Principal of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences  for the support  rendered  to the department.

Dr. Nakiwala  also thanked the panelists for honoring the invitaion and sharing their experiences and expertise expressing optimism that the deliberations will spark further debate beyond the walls and gates of Makerere.

Youtha transformative power and catalyst for innovation and change – Keynote speaker

Delivering the keynote address, Prof. Elizabeth Lubinga Nviri was grateful for the strong foundation that she received from this institution, saying, it has helped us to be successful within and outside of the country.

Speaking on reimagining how culture can become an integral part of media communication and youth engagement in the digital age. Prof. Lubinga said already the world is moving towards the internet of things with artificial intelligence and robotics.

She congratulated the Department of Journalism and Communication for 35 years of organizing successful annual media conventions.

Prof. Elizabeth Lubinga delivering her keynote address. Annual Media Convention, 12th October 2023, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Elizabeth Lubinga delivering her keynote address.

The intention, she remarked  is to appreciate the transformative power of the youth as catalysts for innovation, for active participation and leadership in shaping the future of our country, Uganda.

“ It is not secret worldwide that Africa has the youngest population. 2023, Uganda’s median age is 16 years only. If you compare that to Monaco, for example, in Europe, with a median age of 55 years, it means that we have a very young population. And because of that, we would be remiss in excluding the youth in shaping our country”, she asserted.

To achieve this, she expressed the need to reflect on the role of change as inevitable, the critical influence of culture on individuals and society, the changing face of the media in this digital age, media audiences as well as the dynamic and rapid perversion of artificial intelligence.

“Change is inevitable. We cannot manage and control change. And we know that the youth are a very dynamic and a flexible audience that is open to change, socialization, acculturation, information, education and entertainment. We also know that change in society has been fast-tracked by digitization, socio-economic, environmental issues, among others”

Reflecting on COVID-19 pandemic, the professor said it changed the way in which the media operates, but at the same time it elevated the important role of culture in terms of treating COVID-19 to traditional medicine but at the same time, COVID affected media, a number of print media closed as they were not sustainable.

 Prof. Lubinga highlighted that one of the constant variables of society is culture, because culture has been tried, it has been proved, it has been tested over a number of years. Academics, according to the keynote speaker  acknowledge that culture is both individual but it’s also a social construct, because individuals vary in how they embrace and engage in attitudes, in values, in beliefs and in behavior.

Culture, she explained occurs if individuals act in harmony with particular behaviours or values. And in Uganda and other societies, there is a bidirectional relationship between the media and culture.

For  example,  she said, the oldest newspapers in Uganda, such as Muno in 1912 and Ebi Famu in Uganda in 1934, were premised on religion but also based on culture. There are also several culturally affiliated broadcasting and print media, including Central Broadcasting Services, radio, Uganda Broadcasting Services, television, Voice of Toro, radio, which is in both ownership and content reflecting Toro history and culture, and TV, loyal to the Busoga Kingdom, Rhino FM, Acholi cultural institution.

 For many years she said, the media have has informed, educated, socialized and entertained society and have cultivated readers, listeners, viewers or consumers of our content. She however noted although today we still have consumers, there is a shift to what is termed as prosumers because prosumers co-create content, they actively participate in media making decisions.

Prof Lubinga also observed that many youth are techno savvy, and because of that they are at the forefront of processes using social, digital media, as well as artificial intelligence proficiently.

“The youth have to be involved in shaping the way forward, because they are more conversant with the digital and social media than everyone else is. So due to digitization, audiences, media and communication have shifted. receivers have changed to instant creators of content. Audiences have changed from passive receivers to influencers of crucial media narratives. Audiences have changed from listeners, viewers, readers to co-creators and innovators.

The media have converged and blurred. So we have to ask ourselves crucial questions. Who and what are the sources of information? Do we still say that the journalist is the source of information? And these are the things that we are going to debate in this convention. And so communication power is shifting from institutional communicators, journalists, public relations officers, to the influence of recipients” she said..

How do we re-imagine the interface between culture, youth and media in this digital age?

The professor suggested that collaboration between stakeholders should be increased with  conscious inclusion of the youth, because no longer are the youth an apathetic audience. They are driving, they are shaping narratives on the ever-growing social media.

She proposed that youth voices should be integrated into co-creating strategies to improve development.

 She also expressed the need to invest and harness artificial intelligence, social media, and digital media to preserve culture without excluding the youth through micro-engagement.

“We should consider a world where AI can do most of the jobs that we are currently doing. We already have digital news readers. Artificial intelligence can create content for us. So what do we perceive the world ahead of us to be? What is our role? We need to re-imagine our role. Micro-engagement enables users to interface with technological devices and systems, which takes place in various forms”. She advised.

Three journalists awarded

Left to Right: Daniel Kalinaki, Mollan Joyce,  Atwine Rhonet, Kababikira Mary , Dr. Aisha Nakiwala and Helen Kawesa  pose for a group photo after the award ceremony. Annual Media Convention, 12th October 2023, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Left to Right: Daniel Kalinaki, Mollan Joyce, Atwine Rhonet, Kababikira Mary , Dr. Aisha Nakiwala and Helen Kawesa pose for a group photo after the award ceremony.

Atwine Rhonet, winner of the New Vision Cranimer Mugerwa Award

Atwine is a multimedia journalist in Uganda who is passionate about solution journalism. Currently, she serves as a health journalist at Solutions Now Africa, which stands as Uganda’s pioneering solutions newsroom. Her primary focus revolves around the creation of compelling narratives that spotlight the innovative models, systems, and solutions that are catalyzing positive change in Africa. Atwine has so far covered topics such as health access in a low-resource setting, Human rights issues, e-learning, congenital abnormalities, mental health, innovations, climate change, and neonatal health.  

Handing over the award, the New vision Chief Executive Officer Don Wanyama thanked Makerere University, and specifically the Department of Journalism and Communication, for inviting them  to hand over this award, saying it is very important.

Wanyama said ,  for about two decades, New Vision and the Department of Journalism and Communication have been  recognizing  the best performing journalism students through the Cranimer Mugerwa Award.

Atwine Rhonet receives the Cranimer Mugerwa Award from the New Vision CEO Don Wanyama (2nd Right). Annual Media Convention, 12th October 2023, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Atwine Rhonet receives the Cranimer Mugerwa Award from the New Vision CEO Don Wanyama (2nd Right).

Cranimer Mugerwa was a photojournalist with the  New Vision who died on March 26, 2001 at Nsambya Hospital after a short illness. He was known for his exceptional talent in capturing powerful and evocative images that told very compelling stories. He was a very brave war correspondent who fearlessly ventured into the war-torn regions, risking his own safety to document the harsh realities of conflict.

His photographs from the front lines captured the raw emotions and devastation experienced by both soldiers and civilians. His work that really stands out was his coverage of the Rwanda genocide in 1994. It was a testament to his unwavering commitment to shedding light on the darkest corners of humanity.

In the face of unimaginable violence and unspeakable atrocities, he fearlessly captured the haunting images of mass killings, displacement, and the indescribable grief of the survivors. His photographs served as a stark reminder of the consequences of hatred and intolerance, motivating the international community to take action and prevent such atrocities from happening.

Mugerwa’s indomitable spirit and determination to expose the truth will forever echo through his powerful images, especially for those victims of the regions of the DRC and northern Uganda at the time, fearlessly again capturing and torturing the despair of families torn apart, the anguish of children forced into soldiering and the destruction of entire communities.

Through his photographs, he shed light on the silent suffering endured by those caught in the crossfire, giving a voice to the voiceless. His unwavering commitment to exposing the truth and advocating for the vulnerable cemented his legacy as a fearless photojournalist and a beacon of hope in what was really some dark times.

Through these powerful images, he brought the horrors of war to the attention of the country and by extension to the world, urging for peace and justice. His courage and dedication will always be remembered in the annals of photojournalism. Mugerwa’s untimely death was a great loss to the field of photojournalism, leaving behind a void. Actually, when he died in 2001, he was just 37 years old.

“So at Vision Group, we believe in recognizing and celebrating journalists who go above and beyond the normal call of duty in their pursuit for truth and accuracy. We are therefore privileged and we are grateful to Makerere University, Department of Journalism, for working with us to keep his legacy alive and to be able to celebrate him whenever we can.

 Of course, this is also a moment for us to reflect not just about Cranmer but a lot of our colleagues who have left us. And of course, coming to mind, you remember the nasty accident that took colleagues like Ken Matovu, Simon Ekarot and others, and so many others who have fallen. So it’s always good to reflect and remember and celebrate their legacy”, Wanyama narrated adding:

“ As you’ve seen, the winner, we’ve given her a million shillings as a cash prize. We’ve also given her a plaque, but as part of the offer, we are going to give her an internship opportunity at the Vision Group. And unlike a lot of the interns who come in and we do not really remunerate them because we are giving you a chance to learn, that every month she will be able to pick 500,000 shillings as net pay, beyond and above what else she will be able to make through her work. So congratulations, Rhonet, and you’re most welcome to the Vision Group”.

Mollan Joyce – winner of the Tebere Maudin Award of the Daily Monitor

Molan  Joyce is a freelance photographer, and student  passionate about freezing moments in time. A journey she began in 2019 during the COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda. She currently practices sports photography for which she has collaborated with several sports teams. For example, she has worked as an official photographer during the Valley College League, the Mushanga League and the Jo’Bok League as an assistant photographer. She has also served as official photographer for the Duncan Africa Society.. Joyce was accompanied by siblings. Daniel Kalinaki, who is the General Manager Editorial of Nation Media Group, presented this award.

Joyce Mollan receives the Tebere Maudin award from the Daily Monitor's Daniel Kalinaki (2nd Right). Annual Media Convention, 12th October 2023, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Joyce Mollan receives the Tebere Maudin award from the Daily Monitor’s Daniel Kalinaki (2nd Right).

Kalinaki said this award is given in honor of Rashid Maudin and Richard Tebere. Richard Tebere was one of the founders of the Monitor Newspaper in 1992, and Rashid was on the sports desk. And they were killed in a dry riverbed by a flash flood.

“We give this award out, and I think we have pretty consistently over the last 20 years, to the best journalists in the department. It is personal to me because I think, if I’m not mistaken, that I was the winner of the first award. On top of the award, cash prize and the plaque, we give a paid internship as well. So I noticed that Joyce is already working”. He explained

To  the students who are going out into the world, and those who are probably still here, Kalinaki advised that:

 You probably have heard there’s a lot of turmoil or disruption in the media industry. And many of you will probably be tempted to focus on following the money and going to communications and public relations. And I think there is room for communication, and I think the world needs good communicators.

But what the world needs more than anything else, and what our country and society needs more than anything else, is credible, professional, insightful, and useful journalism that are trying to democratize societies that are trying to manage the distribution of power amongst themselves, need strong institutions to arbitrate that transition.

But the building of those institutions, whether it’s the legislature, the executive and its different branches, or the judiciary, require people who can speak truth to that power. And the discussion that we listened to this afternoon speaks about the digital landscape, so the citizen role in that holds power accountable.

So I invite you all to, whatever you end up, whether it’s in mainstream journalism, whether it’s in communication, not to lose the agency that you have to speak truth to power, to be professional, to hold people accountable, especially those that have given you power, to be citizens who work for the country that they want to live in, rather than expect someone else to do it for them.

Kababikira Mary gets the PRAU Best Communication Award

The department received support from the Public Relations Association of Uganda (PRAU), who presented the Best Communication Major Award, Kababikira Mary was the best in the Communication track. Ms. Helen Kawesa, who is an advisor at PRAU Governing Council presented the award to Kababikira. Kababikira, a student   currently works with USAID, SBCA as a Communication and knowledge management intern.. She also works as a volunteer at Zente Sec, assisting the PR and marketing team to handle the company’s social media platforms. 

Winner PRAU Award Kababikira Mary receiving it from Ms. Helen Kawesa (2nd Right). Annual Media Convention, 12th October 2023, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Winner PRAU Award Kababikira Mary receiving it from Ms. Helen Kawesa (2nd Right).

Ms. Helen Kawesa works in the Parliament of Uganda. She thanked Makerere University for inviting PRAU to be part of this annual media convention.

“We  have a partnership with the department, and every year we award the best communication students in the academic year. I’m very happy to have the best communication students in the Department of Journalism at Makerere University. So congratulations  Mary. And I’m so happy that today all the winners are ladies. Ladies, communication is our field. So let’s thrive and take it away from this gentleman in a good way.

In PRAU we give our plaque. Then we have another package also of our internship. So you’ll be an intern for one year at the Node Group. Node Group is one of the biggest PR firms now in Uganda. Exciting. We give you membership in the PR Association of Uganda for one year, so starting January next year, you have free membership in that association, which is a very good one .. And then, next month, we have an East African PR week. We are hosting a very big conference where all the East African countries are coming together, practitioners are coming together from East Africa for a week in a conference which will be in Jinja. The cost of that attendance is 1.6 million. So we are giving you free attendance to that conference, that’s your crown. You’ll be able to hold on with the high and mighty in the PR field, not only in Uganda, but in East Africa. And I’m sure from there, we’ll only hear about you flying high. So congratulations to you, Mary. Wish you the best.

 And,  let us emphasize the professionalism in whatever field we are doing. In communications, it’s not easy, but if we are professional, we take it further and we do bigger” , Kawesa advised.

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Humanities & Social Sciences

CHUSS Biannual Newsletter Jan-Jun 2024



The Principal CHUSS, Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala. College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Welcome to this edition of the CHUSS Bi-Annual Newsletter. The issue highlights major activities that have unfolded in the college between January and June 2024. It covers major thematic areas of Teaching and Learning, Human Resources, Knowledge transfer and partnerships.

Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala

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Humanities & Social Sciences

Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over CHUSS Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nkabala



Prof. Josephine Ahikire hands over CHUSS leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala on 31st May 2024 in the CHUSS Smart room. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

“As outgoing Principal of the biggest college, the most vibrant college, the college with the power of the word, the college with the power of language, the college with the power of vibe, I hereby hand over to you Professor Helen Nkabala Nabalirwa..”

“I extend my congratulations to Prof. Helen Nkabala, the incoming Principal and I pledge full support in her new position, so that at  CHUSS, we remain on the move”.

That was  Prof. Josephine Ahikire message as she handed over  the  instruments of power to  the newly elected Principal for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala on Friday 31st May 2024. Nkabala pledged participatory leadership and assured attendees that CHUSS will continue to excel.

The afternoon handover over ceremony held in the College Smart room was witnessed by  the University Secretary and Director Human Resources represented. Prof. Nkabala’s family (mother, uncle and sister, her spouse Mr. Nkabala) witnessed the occasion.  The Principal College of Natural Sciences Prof. Ireeta Tumps, Head GAMSU Prof. Sylvia Nanyonga Tamusuza, staff  from Makerere University staff tribunal, Prof. Amanda from CEDAT, also graced the occasion. Members of CHUSS management and staff including Deputy Principal Dr. Eric Awich, Deans, Heads of departments, coordinators, support and administrative staff attended the ceremony.

I have enjoyed my tenure says outgoing Prof Josephine Ahikire

Prof. Josephine Ahikire said, CHUSS has created a cohort of leaders especially women to take it on.

“I have truly enjoyed my tenure as Principal and I send my appreciation to my Deputy Principal Assoc. Prof. Eric Awich, the Deans and heads. We delivered as a team right from the top to the last person. Now  that public universities are being run as government departments Prof. Ahikire called for  collaborative spirit  from all administrators, college and schools  and departments  to be able to deliver” .

Ahikire paid special recognition to Makerere University top management for their unwavering support and for  creating enabling environment  for members of  CHUSS to deliver what they  pursue as their  mantra, CHUSS on the Move.

“ I learnt one thing from the current Vice Chancellor that not all people need to line up to have a document signed. So, I removed some of those benches from the Principals corridor. Not all people have to sit and wait for a travel form to be signed”, she said.

Prof. Ahikire receives a certificate of recognition from the US representative Simon Kizito. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Ahikire receives a certificate of recognition from the US representative Simon Kizito.

She also extended gratitude to the  donors who have supported the college especially  those supposedly unmarketable fields around the humanities and social sciences. She noted that as the rest of the donors  pursue the marketable fields along the neoliberal agenda, the soul of humanity  is falling apart. She pointed out  the Mellon Foundation and the Gerda Henkel Siftung for being at the fore front and whose funds  have been used  to create vibrancy at CHUSS.

Giving an overview of her hand over report, Ahikire said the role of the Principal is guided by the Universities and Tertiary Institutions Act  and the College statute whose functions are stipulated in there. CHUSS, she said, is one of the biggest units of the university offering the oldest disciplines which provide the key for unlocking the human potential for development.

In the report, the Professor  highlighted human resources status in the college comprising 11 prof. 26 associate professors 44  senior lecturers, 87 lecturers and 70 Assist lectures, 26 administrative staff and 52 support staff noting that, the college was still bottom heavy with more assistant lecturers than lecturers.

The report also indicated the college assets in terms of office equipment, furniture and computers mostly acquired through projects, subvention development fund or furniture and fittings.

The report further highlighted the college wide projects in terms of how they operate through the Principals office, stores and assets register, the budget performance, ledger for each project, the project balances and the cohorts of PhD training.

Prof. Ahikire receives a gift from CHUSS Deans presented by Dr. Baluku Martin. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Ahikire receives a gift from CHUSS Deans presented by Dr. Baluku Martin.

Major accomplishments

Prof. Ahikire reported that in the recent years, the college made progress in terms of staff  promotion and most were still in the process . “In the last three years, a total of 87 members have been promoted. Six professors, nine associates, 35 senior lecturers, and 37 lecturers”.

She said, the college has one of the biggest student population in the university adding that, there has been improvement in terms of graduate output. .

“In the last graduation, we had 30 PhDs. I have put the graduation trends, especially for graduate programs, and the fact that we have really improved, means that supervision level has improved, the processing of examination has also improved, and the processing of results has also improved. And that is something that everybody in this room can actually own.”

 Notably, she also reported that the college was  able to pilot a students’ management system.

“When I came into office, you’d ask this student, what is the progress and you’d never know how to track. So as of now, at the touch of a button, you can know that if this student submitted a thesis or a dissertation, this is where it has reached”, she explained.

Prof. Ahikire displays the plaque from the college presented to her in recognition of her exemplary service. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Ahikire displays the plaque from the college presented to her in recognition of her exemplary service.

Among the  challenges, Prof. Ahikire highlighted  the limited  teaching and office space, accreditation of courses, limited human and financial resources including  grant and research portfolio,

In terms of the issues to consider, Ahikire stressed  the need to pursue  the research- led agenda  and graduate training, and expressed the need for the academic board to be facilitated to serve as a driving force behind CHUSS research agenda. Ahikire called upon  staff to  first have the research agenda, and then mobilize resources and have Graduate training as a pivotal aspect of research and  to continuously upgrade the infrastructure.

Prof. Nkabala hails Predecessor for laying foundation. Assures that CHUSS will Continue to Excel

Assoc. Prof. Nkabala appreciated the outgoing Principal for laying the ground.

“A very good afternoon, friends. It is with a lot of humility that I stand before you this afternoon, taking over what that is already done. I would like thank my predecessor, who has just handed over, Principal Emeritus Professor Josephine Ahikire, Thank you for laying the ground, and thank you for handing over. Friends, I would like to start by acknowledging the core people who make what CHUSS is”. Nkabala aknowlegded.

Incoming Principal, Assoc. Prof. Helen Namabalirwa Nkabala making her remarks. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Incoming Principal, Assoc. Prof. Helen Namabalirwa Nkabala making her remarks.

Nkabala also recognized deans, heads, administrative, support and all staff for leading CHUSS to where it is assuring them that college will remain on move.

“ I want to give you my assurance that while I know that change is difficult, I cannot lie to you that there is no change. We have changed and you have seen that. But CHUSS will continue to excel with your support. What we did, is to change the driving seat, but you are the engine”, Prof. Nkabala assured and remarked that  she counts on the Professors to offer support and guidance.

“So it is up to us, me and you and Prof. Ahikire as one of the critical Professors and others. I want to pay allegiance and also assure you that for CHUSS to go forward, we are looking up to you to offer   academic leadership. So when we come please accept us. You rightly noted that e are bottom heavy, I will continue from where you have stopped and do my best”. Nkabala promised adding:

“I will reach out to all the leaders and I want to assure all the staff in CHUSS,  that I will reach  to each and every one of you. So, dear deans present, heads of departments, I will request that we have an entry meeting in each and every school and department. We are 16 and we shall talk together to see how we carry on this work that I start today”, she asserted.

Prof. Nkabala's uncle (Left)  and mother (Centre) witnessing the handover. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Nkabala’s uncle (Left)  and mother (Centre) witnessing the handover.

Nkabala also called on the office of the university secretary for support.

“I was excited when I heard the US pledging total support, underline the word total support, because Professor Ahikire  said, you give them funds for one course, yes, yet we have 37 programmes. So, when I knock on your door on Tuesday, because Monday is a public holiday, please receive me”

Stating that she hails from a very humble background, Nkabala requested staff  to be friends to  work together and  to see the continuity in a very peaceful way.

University Secretary Recognises Prof. Ahikire for exemplary leadership: Counsels on leadership qualities

Representing the Makerere University Secretary, the Deputy University Secretary Simon Kizito offered reflections on leadership dynamics during the handover ceremony.

The Secretary began by acknowledging the universal truth that despite our religious teachings, we all stumble and make mistakes. Drawing a parallel between these human imperfections and the challenges of leadership, he emphasized the importance of continuous learning and growth.

The University Secretary's representative Mr. Simon Kizito giving his remarks. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The University Secretary’s representative Mr. Simon Kizito giving his remarks.

He  shared bits of wisdom collected from his own experiences. He spoke of the inevitability of conflict in leadership roles, urging leaders to approach conflicts with a positive mindset, viewing them as opportunities for resolution and growth

With a touch of vulnerability, he opened up about the loneliness that often accompanies leadership positions. “It’s not easy,” he admitted, “to make tough decisions and stand by them.” But he offered reassurance that in the face of solitude, there lies an opportunity for leaders to make a positive impact through their actions.

The University Secretary spoke of failure as a natural part of the leadership journey, urging leaders to embrace setbacks as stepping stones to success. He reminded the audience that time is finite, urging leaders to make the most of their tenure by prioritizing effective time management and delegation.

Mr. Nkabala (standing) husband to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala witnessed the handover. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Mr. Nkabala (standing) husband to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala witnessed the handover.

The Secretary emphasized the importance of self-care and the acceptance of feedback in maintaining effective leadership. With genuine warmth, he expressed gratitude for the exemplary leadership of outgoing Principal Ahikire, promising continued support for CHUSS under its new leadership.

He expressed his confidence in the future of CHUSS, reaffirming the collective commitment to excellence and growth at the institution.

Director Human Resource Grateful for Ahikire’s leadership says, Change is Inevitable

Represented by Makubuya Godfrey, the Director Human Resource Makerere University guided on the need to appreciate  that change is inevitable.

“In a leadership, things happen for a cause. And once they do, then the leaders have to accept because God is in between whatever is happening, either for or against. So as this has happened, that change is coming and we are glad it’s coming, you know, we know at a given time it will happen”,

The Director appreciated Professor Ahikire  for her service to the university.

Mr. Godfrey Makubuya representing the Director Human Resources. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Mr. Godfrey Makubuya representing the Director Human Resources.

“She has served us for quite some time. And we are very grateful for that leadership. You know, she served even before a deputy principal, acted as  Principal and  became principal. We are grateful that God provided you that opportunity to offer yourself and the leaders at the time. So, an opportunity is now here that she has to hand over to another leader”. he noted.

As an outgoing principal, Makubuya believed  many of the staff  had interacted with Prof. Ahikire  at different levels and  shared a lot.

“And, Professor Nkabala, we welcome you to this college. Of course, it’s not new to you, but in leadership of the college. And it’s our pledge that actually we will work with you to take the college and our university in the right direction”. He added

Front row: Assoc. Prof. Helen Nkabala (4th Left) and Prof Josephine Ahikire (5th Left) in a group photo with some staff members after the handover ceremony. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Front row: Assoc. Prof. Helen Nkabala (4th Left) and Prof Josephine Ahikire (5th Left) in a group photo with some staff members after the handover ceremony.

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Humanities & Social Sciences

Mak Luminaries Call for the Promotion of Humanities & Literature in Uganda’s Education System for a Balanced Citizenry with Human & Moral Values



Prof. Arthur Gakwandi (Centre) Prof. Umar Kakumba (5th Right) and Prof. Austin Bukenya (4th Right) in a group photo with the CHUSS College leadership and other luminaries after the opening session of the Celebration. The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Makerere University Literary legends Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Austin Bukenya have commended government effort in promoting Natural sciences and building the middle class economy with reservations.

Whereas promotion of natural sciences is backed by good intentions, the professors contend that downgrading humanities and social sciences will result into a population without human and moral values.

They proposed that ,for holistic human development, both natural, humanistic and social sciences must be promoted.

The two professors were speaking during their 80th Birthday on 5th April 2024 at Makerere University‘s Yusuf Lule Auditorium. The Department of Literature in collaboration with the School of Languages Literature and Communication and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences organised a half day literary event codenamed: Celebrating Literary Legends: Gakwandi and Bukenya@80 aimed  at recognizing, celebrating and debating these two literary legends as part of Makerere’s literary luminaries that have contributed to her indisputable literary iconicity. Arthur Gakwandi and Austin Bukenya are seminal writers and literary scholars in Makerere University and Uganda’s history,  widely celebrated beyond Uganda’s borders.

Prof. Austin Bukenya (Right) and Prof. Arthur Gakwandi (2nd Right) pose with some of the gifts they received at the event. The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Austin Bukenya (Right) and Prof. Arthur Gakwandi (2nd Right) pose with some of the gifts they received at the event.

Reflecting on the Ugandan Society for the years he has lived and where the country is heading, Prof. Arthur Gakwandi noted that Government has focused and made progress in expanding  the  middle income class. He however noted that no one is concerned about the kind of  middle class being created.

“I see people driving huge land cruisers on the highway and they lower window screens and throw  bottles and banana peelings in the middle of the road. This is the middle class.  I see people having a lot of money but peddling conspiracy theories, exchanging insults. Is that the kind of middle class we want? Gakwandi wondered adding that:

“So we are racing to improve the economy, introduce science by giving further incentives but Ubuntu which is the oil that creates the society, the personal relationship between people is lacking. I see people building walls around themselves and people do not know each other and only interact with money.” Gakwandi stated

Gakwandi expressed fear that the country is creating a middle class that does not serve people.

The middle class, he said  is supposed to balance between the rich indulgences and lack of concern by those who are privileged on one hand, and those at the bottom who have no voice and are trapped in poverty. But if we have a middle class that does not play that role, then it’s not serving its society.

Prof. Arthur Gakwandi making his remarks. The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Arthur Gakwandi making his remarks.

Prof. Gakwandi justified the unique power of the humanities and social sciences – Literature inclusive.

The unique power of literature according to Prof. Gakwandi  is to enable readers to enter the lives of other people to experience their pain, their pleasures , their ambitions and their fantasies which, no other discipline comes close to.

“History can tell you how many people died in the 2nd world war, who were the principal actors and their roles in determining the outcomes. Even science can tell you the role of technology, the role it played in tilting the balance and economics can assess the impact of the war on economies of the countries.

But none of these can convey the personal anguish of the people who were caught up in various localities during the phases of the war, but, a novelist can capture the impact of the social and emotional life of those who were caught in the war. And when you get emotionally connected to people, you stop regarding them as statistics. So it is important to make Literature an important  element of our education system and promote literature as a life-long source of leisure that has the ability to connect”, Gakwandi stressed.

Prof. Arthur Gakwandi (Left) receiving the department gift from Prof. Sr. Dominic Dipio (Right). The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Arthur Gakwandi (Left) receiving the department gift from Prof. Sr. Dominic Dipio (Right).

Prof Gakwandi commended the department of Literature for the recognition and courteous relationship nurtured over the years.

“What is most touching is that I keep reading the Ugandan newspapers about people fighting for office, jobs, undermining each other and trying to exclude others so as to take their positions. What has been good at the Literature department where I have spent so many years is that we had such a good courteous relationship with each other and myself, I left the department three times and every time I came back, they were happy to welcome me back. There was no rivalry, no competition…” He added

He saluted the leadership of literature department for thinking about this kind of occasion to recognise the contribution made to the growth of the department adding that he feels gratified that people that he taught have ascended  to levels of professors.

Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and family cutting the cake. The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and family cutting the cake.

Humanities are being systematically degraded, ignored and underfunded – Prof. Austin Bukenya

Prof Austin Bukenya observed that the humanities are being systematically degraded, ignored and underfunded.

“We have to mount a certain fight to keep the humanities on the front path. We write not simply to pleasure ourselves but we write in order to sustain and develop society.

Bukenya called for respect of humanities and social sciences if the country is to produce a civilised middle class population.

Prof. Austin Bukenya speaking. The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Austin Bukenya speaking.

“The sciences are going to help us advance technically and economically but they are not going to help advance humanity –the Ubuntu. Please, make humanities including literature visible, desirable and acceptable.

Philosophy teaches you to think. Language teaches you how to communicate and literature teaches you how to feel and those are the processes of humanisation. We need a human society not just a country of mechanical robots”, Prof Bukenya appealed and dismissed as false the reasoning that humanities and social sciences are unemployable.

Offering guidance on how to make lives worthwhile, Prof Austin Bukenya advised participants to have passion, love and faith.

“Be driven  and have passion for things that  you care and feel strongly about and they will keep you going.  Secondly love yourself and other people. But if you don’t love yourself, you can’t love other people and you will have low esteem. Everybody has something to contribute to your being and thirdly, have faith and believe in yourself and others especially the potential in other people to do good”, These, Bukenya said  kept him going and  loving his students

Prof. Austin Bukenya (Centre) receiving department gifts from Prof. Okello Ogwang (Left) and Prof. Sr. Dominic Dipio (Right). The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Austin Bukenya (Centre) receiving department gifts from Prof. Okello Ogwang (Left) and Prof. Sr. Dominic Dipio (Right).

Vice Chancellor honors Gakwandi and Bukenya as unrivalled class of academics

Presiding over the function as Chief guest, the Vice Chancellor represented by his Deputy in charge of Academic Affairs Assoc. Prof. Umar Kakumba hailed the  Department of Literature for making  it part of their vision and aim to celebrate the people that have built for the future, describing the initiative as a great part of the ubuntu philosophy, to share the joy and achievements of those who have gone before them, and working toward inspiring the future generation.

“Their achievements outshine most of us, but also remind us that the academic journey ahead many of us is something we ought to take in order to be like they are or even greater than they are. After all, the latter generation must build on what they have found ”,  Kakumba stated

He said the nature of scholarship these two gentlemen nurtured serve as  a reminder  of the centrality of both the literary and creative arts to human development and humanity.

“While we read stories about the characters they have created, we are reminded of our situation in the world, and how important it is to see the human being as the focus of our relationships. I am sure the students’ performances will not only entertain us, but will awaken us to the truth about our being in a world that needs healing, laughter and celebration. This is what we do in Africa when we celebrate people. This is what makes CHUSS and the Department of Literature unique”, Kakumba emphasized adding that:

“Bukenya and Gakwandi belong to a class of academics that are unrivalled. Having shared them with the world, both in academia and diplomatic service shows that Makerere truly takes its place on the world map. I have heard what they have studied and dedicated their lives to, showing that we have played in a role in building both theory and practice of the literary arts.

Assoc. Prof. Umar Kakumba representing the Vice Chancellor. The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Assoc. Prof. Umar Kakumba representing the Vice Chancellor.

This is a journey that many of us ought to take. What they have built, we must build further and never let die. Orature is a central field of study in the Department of Literature. Seeing the man who gave it its breath seated here with us is not only awe-striking, but humbling. That is what makes the academy an amazing place”.

“Today, as we celebrate these two legends, we are reminded of our place in the twenty first century. We give due honor to the people that played a part in making the academy a place where debates and conversations about life start and keep happening. It must not end here. It is a tradition we must continue. This is what keeps our disciplines alive”, The Vice Chancellor lauded

Gakwandi and Bukenya make life real – Prof. Josephine Ahikire

The Ag. Principal College of Humanities and Social Sciences Prof. Josephine Ahikire described the day as an occasion to celebrate the practitioners of life, for this is what Literature is about.

 “Literary legends like Gakwandi and Bukenya make life real or like our students say “ They make life tick”, because they  talk about, reminisce, reflect, debate, analyse, comment and simultaneously live life.  In short they bring life to life”. She said

Prof. Josephine Ahikire delivering her remarks. The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Josephine Ahikire delivering her remarks.

In 2022, Ahikire reported that the Department of Literature celebrated the lives of literary giants: Rubadiri, Ngugi  and Wangusa but that time each icon had a separate platform. This time round in 2024, she explained, the department decided to reinvent its style and try out a double portion approach celebrating Prof Gakwandi and Prof Bukenya on the same afternoon.

“This afternoon the College of Humanities and Social Sciences is sitting at the feet of two literary legends to show strongly the great heritage we are so very proud of. Prof Gakwandi and Prof Bukenya have nurtured the Department of Literature and its sister departments  through challenging times.

They carried out the work of sustaining the name of this university through the Amin years and at some point the situation was so tense that they had to leave or they would have been lost in the mist of violence. We are grateful for their resilience, prudence and for their courage as well as for always living for Makerere and Uganda even for the times when they were far away from here”, the principals appreciated.

Students performing on stage. The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Students performing on stage.

Prof. Ahikire also stated that this event  put the student community at the centre of the celebration so that they  understand the importance of pillars. The literary scholar Ngugi wa Thiong’o keeps insiting that all scholars that use the term orature to talk about Africa’s wealth of verbal arts should acknowledge that Pio Zirimu and his student Austin Bukenya while here at Makerere University coined the term which is being used world wide.

“We celebrate Prof Gakwandi in equal measure and acknowledge the foundational work he carried out in demonstrating how the African novel was relevant to contemporary experience and building a base for African literary criticism from the perspective of an African critic. We also take particular note of the work he has done in the field of creative writing as a mentor and a creative writer himself,” Ahikire stressed.

She was hopeful that students will look with pride and admiration to Gakwandi and Bukenya’s unique and time-tested efforts and choose to continue Makerere’s vibrant legacy of ‘building for the future’.

Prof Gakwandi and Mwalimu Bukenya are crucial pillars – Assoc. Prof. Saudah Namyalo

The  Dean, School of Languages, Literature and Communication Assoc. Prof. Saudah Namyalo  said, the school was  proud to present two courageous voices whose academic and creative work embarks on journeys that crisscross from the real world to the imaginative and from the imaginative to the real world to teach the values of being fully human.

“As a school, we are proud to celebrate two eminent literary critics and creative writers in Makerere University and Uganda’s history.  Prof Gakwandi is widely known for his novel Kosiya Kifefe and its ideas on colonial and post independence experiences and for grappling with thoughts on the transitions between the city and the village, poverty and privilege. Prof. Gakwandi both as a literary critic and creative writer has demonstrated that stories and their analysis keep us connected to our communities but also make us aware of human folly” the Dean stated.

Assoc. Prof. Saudah Namyalo speaking during the celebrations. The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Assoc. Prof. Saudah Namyalo speaking during the celebrations.

In Mwalimu Bukenya, the Dean explained that school  was celebrating  a man who has been hailed as a true East African, who is at home in all East Africa,  and is claimed as belonging to the whole region.

“In fact sometimes our Kenyan siblings do point out that the man’s name has the word  Kenya in it so he truly belongs to Kenya even by name. When he speaks Kiswahili the Tanzanians turn and tell us to send their brother back home. When Makerere Counts the years he has served here, they feel justified to say that his roots are indeed here. So the school is proud to name you, Mwalimu, among its own and to celebrate you on Makerere grounds, your first academic home”. Said Namyalo.

She thanked the Department of Literature for giving a chance to  students to recognize the achievements of those before them, so that they too can be inspired to craft brave new worlds to insist that the study of humanity is valuable and priceless.

Gakwandi and Bukenya opened my academic career – Dr. Edgar Nabutanyi

The Head Department of Literature Dr. Edgar Nabutanyi thanked Prof Gakwandi and Mwalimu Bukenya  for giving the university this honor to celebrate them.

Nabutanyi expressed gratitude to the Vice Chancellor for making time to celebrate with the department and for continuously heeding to the department call.

The head also thanked the Dean and Principal for untiring support to the department given the numerous activities they engage in. Nabutanyi extended appreciation to Chair organizing committee for the successful organization of the event.

Dr. Nabutanyi introduced and thanked outstanding members of staff who have won national and international awards to show the genealogy of great work that the department of Literature has produced. He said the winners stand on the shoulders of the giants like Gakwandi and Bukenya being celebrated for their great work.

Dr. Edgar Nabutanyi making his remarks. The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Edgar Nabutanyi making his remarks.

The two celebrated gentlemen according to Edgar Nabutanyi  are important in his life.

“In mid 2000s I was assigned Prof. Bukenya as my  supervisor for MA and during those days, I was young and thought I was clever and I had an exaggerated sense of what I could do as a dissertation. I told him I wanted to read the African Novel using the architype theory.  He spent ten minutes explaining what architype were and recommended Prof. Gakwandi’s  book and the novel – Contemporary experiences in Africa.

This, in a way opened my academic career and a few years later, Prof. Abasi Kiyimba during my defense of my thesis commended me for having done good work and mastered not only the theory but also the area”. He narrated

Dr. Nabutanyi continued to attribute his success to the two celebrated  professors citing that during his teaching career at O-level, his student nicknamed him  Kifefe in shortened form as Kife and the name is  still popular with students he taught that time.

He said the two, Gakwandi and Bukenya have been influential expressing hope and pledged that the new crop of students will live to the good works that these elders have done.

He thanked Prof. Gakwandi and Bukenya for gracing the corridors of the literature department and doing the wonderful work. He also extended gratitude to their families for sharing with them.

The Chair Organising committee thanked all participants and the Gakwandi and Bukenya family for gracing the occasion.

Prof. Susan Kiguli speaking. The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Susan Kiguli speaking.

Kiguli recognized the efforts by the committee in providing the forum to promote critical debate and advance awareness of homegrown talent and outstanding service to humanity beyond Makerere’s century of existence.

Kiguli described Prof. Austin Bukenya as an orator who speaks many many languages fluently while Prof Arthur Gawandi as widely travelled and one who has met and dined with great writers.

In the spirit of continually drawing attention to our own work and accomplishments at Makerere University, the Department of Literature  showcased oral performances from the students, readings, a keynote address by Prof. Abasi kiyimba and a panel discussion of  Gakwandi and Bukenya Scholars.

Left to Right Panelists: Dr. Chris Kirunda, Mr. Ismail Magezi, Dr. Innocent Masengo, Prof. Sr. Dominic Dipio and Chair Assoc. Prof. Susan Kiguli. The Department of Literature, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Celebrates Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Prof. Austin Bukenya at 80, 5th April 2024, The Auditorium, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Left to Right Panelists: Dr. Chris Kirunda, Mr. Ismail Magezi, Dr. Innocent Masengo, Prof. Sr. Dominic Dipio and Chair Assoc. Prof. Susan Kiguli.

Most of the activities of the day were carried out by students from the Department of Literature in a bid to inspire them to think of the importance of following the work of our own scholars and practitioners. This effort aims at focusing on Gakwandi and Bukenya’s monumental achievements and promoting  creative writing, critical debate and cultural production within Makerere University, Uganda and beyond.

The Keynote lecture by Prof. Abasi Kiyimba is downloadable below.

More readings below:

 Makerere Celebrates Literary Titans: Gakwandi and Bukenya  in Newvision:

Mak set to honor Gakwandi and Bukenya @80:

Gakwandi and a few rebels of Ugandan literature Wednesday, April 03, 2024:

Makerere Honors Professors Arthur And Austin For Their Contribution To Literature. Church of Uganda Family TV:

Makerere Professor Bukenya and Gakwandi honored. Beg TV:

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