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EBoML Project Proves Boda-Boda Riders Can Learn on the go



Enhancing Behavioural Change of Boda-Boda Riders in Uganda Using Mobile Learning (EBoML) is a three-year project initially funded for one year by the Government of Uganda through the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF). The goal of EBoML is to professionalise the Boda-Boda industry in Uganda using Mobile Learning (mLearning) for positive behavioural change of Boda-Boda riders. The project is being implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Works and Transport (MoWT), Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MoGLSD) and Boda-Boda riders from the two pilot districts of Wakiso and Namayingo.

Speaking at the EBoML Research Dissemination Workshop held on Friday 28th May 2021, the Deputy Principal, College of Education and External Studies (CEES) and EBoML Principal Investigator (PI) Dr. Paul Birevu Muyinda noted that although the Boda-Boda industry employs more than 50% of youth, it lacks order, the riders have limited or no savings and they face a myriad of health risks.

Furthermore, riders by the “nomadic” nature of their work cannot be gathered into the organised classroom settings and given one-off training on behavioural change. The solution; take learning to the beneficiaries wherever they are, provided they have a smartphone and an internet connection.

“We therefore developed a multimedia-based Positive Behavioural Change virtual mLearning Environment (PBC-mLE) for self-paced and/or assisted lifelong learning in; safe-driving principles, health-living and entrepreneurship” remarked Dr. Birevu.

The PBC-mLE was then rolled-out in the pilot districts, evaluated and the purpose of the dissemination workshop was to present findings from that exercise.

Presenting findings from the Entrepreneurship Module, Mr. Turyakira Nazarius shared that the majority of Boda-boda riders (83%) knew the importance of saving and 69% were in the habit of saving regularly, with only 5% admitting to never having saved. The majority (40%) preferred to save with the Boda-Boda scheme, while a third (33%) opted to keep their savings in a secret location at home. 14% saved with a bank, 8% saved with a trusted person and 5% used other undeclared methods.

Further analysis revealed that solving daily household demands and paying school fees at 22% each accounted for the largest expenditure of savings. These were followed by buying household assets and caring for parents at 16% each, servicing loans (7%) and other expenditures (17%).

The Boda-Boda riders were also asked to share the most important skills they would wish to acquire. At 26%, the need for skills on how to secure more capital topped the riders aspirations. This was followed by basic knowledge about the Boda-Boda business at 22%, Marketing at 19% and Customer care at 16%. Record keeping accounted for 13% of the responses while 4% aspired to learn other skills in areas such treating cattle diseases.

The Deputy Principal CEES and EBoML Project PI, Dr. Paul Birevu Muyinda addresses the workshop.
The Deputy Principal CEES and EBoML Project PI, Dr. Paul Birevu Muyinda addresses the workshop.

At the end of the entrepreneurship module, riders were expected to know; the different ways of saving, the different types of businesses, good customer care practices and how to use savings from Boda-Boda riding to start up another business.

“Being a service industry, good or bad hygiene impacts directly on the riders’ lives and those of their customers thereby having an impact on the business” remarked team member, Ms. Lillian Mbabazi from the Department of Performing Arts and Film (PAF) as she presented findings from the Health and Safe-Living Module.

Findings revealed that 66% of Boda-Boda riders acquire health information from their fellow riders or friends, 51% from healthcare providers and 50% from family or the mass media. Other riders reported that they secure information from; health outreaches, social media, school or classes, herbalists, the internet and other sources.

A number of health issues were reported to impact the lives of Boda-Boda riders. Accidental injury, hygiene and substance abuse had the highest recorded impact at 80%, 44% and 42% respectively. Additionally, intentional injury and violence accounted for 38%, unwanted pregnancy and parenting-28.7%, Sexual health-27% and obesity-11%.

Boda-Boda riders reported a number of barriers they faced in accessing healthcare. These, in order of priority included; high costs, long waiting lists, embarrassment, lack of knowledge, long distances to facilities, time constraints and language barrier among others.

Furthermore, healthy eating, emergency services and dental services at 53%, 52% and 45% respectively were reported by the riders as aspects of healthcare that lacked sufficient information. Others reported were; mental health, prolonged disease or condition management, education about physical activity, primary health care, substance abuse and treatment, and reproductive health.

Boda-Boda riders when not on the move are usually stationed at designated stages. Under personal and workplace hygiene, only 30% of riders reported that they had access to running water for handwashing. Additionally, while 83% of riders admitted to bathing three or more times a week, 6% said they bathed only once a week. On the bright side, 39% of the riders admitted to bathing twice a day.

Ms. Lillian Mbabazi (R) assisted by the day's Emcee, Dr. Godfrey Mayende (L) makes her presentation on the Health and Safe-Living Module.
Ms. Lillian Mbabazi (R) assisted by the day’s Emcee, Dr. Godfrey Mayende (L) prepares to make her presentation on the Health and Safe-Living Module.

In terms of risky sexual behaviour, whereas 65.7% of the riders reported that they had sex with one to two sexual partners in the past 12 months, 23% had engaged in sex with three or more women in the same period. On an alarming note, 57% of the riders reported that they did not use a condom in the past six months prior to the survey.

Engaging with multiple sexual partners is a high-risk sexual behavior especially in the absence of condom use. The researchers therefore sought to find out the number of women impregnated by the riders in the last twelve months. Whereas the majority (53%) reported that they hadn’t impregnated any women in the period, 36% had impregnated one, 6% two, 4% three and 1% four or more.

Further examination of the relationship between riders and the women revealed that whereas 35% had impregnated their wives and 5% their girlfriends, disturbingly, 1% had impregnated a student and another 1% a stranger. 4% admitted to impregnating a girl/woman who was neither a wife, nor a girlfriend, nor a student, nor a stranger. The majority (54%) opted not to state their relationship with the woman they impregnated.

Transactional sex between Boda-Boda riders and clients who fail to pay cash for their trips has often been talked about but with no figures of its extent. Findings from the EBoML team revealed that whereas 88% of Boda-Boda riders reported that they do not engage in transactional sex, 12% admitted to engaging in the practice.

Away from the health and safe-living, the third and final module on Safe-Driving revealed that 63% of Boda-Boda riders sampled had less than five years of riding experience. Nevertheless, 12% admitted to having more than ten years of riding experience and the rest (25%) had six to ten years of experience.

Adulthood is a regulatory requirement for operation of motor vehicles because maturity is considered a critical factor for decision making. The project therefore sought to ascertain at what age the riders first operated a motorcycle. Whereas the majority of riders (84.6%) said that they were 18 years and above at the point of first riding, 6.8% admitted to have started riding while still below 18 years of age. 8.6% of respondents said they were more than 30 years of age at their first riding attempt.

Ms. Nazziwa Sharifah represented the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MoGLSD) at the workshop.
Ms. Nazziwa Sharifah represented the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MoGLSD) at the workshop.

A driving permit is a legal requirement for every Boda-Boda rider. That notwithstanding, only 13% of respondents were in possession of a driving permit, with the majority (87%) having never acquired one. A further analysis of the reasons as to why riders didn’t possess permits revealed the expense involved as the biggest deterrent at 75%. Others reasons cited were; ability to freely ride without a permit (34%), ignorance of permit acquisition procedures (43%) and no time to process the permit (10%). Despite not possessing driving permits, 90% of Boda-Boda riders claimed to know the rules governing the road usage.

The pilot also sought to determine the leading causes of Boda-Boda accidents. Crossing animals at 43.5% were cited as the leading cause, followed by over speeding and other motorists/Boda-Boda riders at 41.5% and 30.5% respectively. Other causes cited included; poor mechanical condition of motorcycles, struggling for passengers with peers, overloading, excitement during celebrations, drink driving and other causes at 21.5%, 16%, 15.5%, 11%, 8.5% and 6.5% respectively.

In terms of training needs under this module, the majority (66%) of riders required training in basic mechanics to help reduce their expenses at the garage. Additionally, 65% required training in road safety while 4% preferred training in both defensive driving and understanding road signs.

The dissemination workshop would have been incomplete without feedback from the project beneficiaries. Speaking on behalf of the Boda-Boda riders, Mr. Ayebazibwe Rogers and Mr. Alibe Jonathan both based in Wakiso District thanked the EBoML team for according them the opportunity to access lifelong learning without interrupting their work schedules. The riders highlighted some of the valuable lessons learnt in each module as;

Under the Entrepreneurship Module:

  • How best to start up a small scale business alongside the Boda-Boda job
  • Importance of saving money even the least earnings and why one should save
  • Customer care
  • How to deal with losses
  • Book keeping
  • Good work ethics and appreciating the value of work

Under the Safe-Driving Module:

  • Importance of the wearing helmets and protective gear
  • Defensive driving
  • Simple mechanics
  • Importance of road signs and colour codes
  • Smartness and presentability
  • Road use in consideration of other road users

Under the Health and Safe-Living Module:

  • How to avoid use of drugs and narcotics
  • How to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Healthy dieting
  • Good personal hygiene
  • A health body is the primary tool of work
  • A healthy rider attracts more customers

The riders’ representatives nevertheless asked that the learning materials be adapted into simpler English and make use videos/illustrations that are relevant to the Ugandan setting.

In her remarks, Ms. Nazziwa Sharifah who represented the Permanent Secretary (PS), MoGLSD expressed her Ministry’s gratefulness at being part of the project. She said the Ministry under its Department of Occupational Safety and Health inspects workplaces for safety standards and investigates accidents, occupational diseases and dangerous occurrences. She noted that though informal, the Boda-Boda industry, was an asset to the National workforce.

“I therefore encourage Boda-Boda riders as assets in our workforce to always ensure that they wear their helmets and maintain good personal hygiene and health practices” she said.

Ms. Nazziwa reassured participants of of her Ministry’s readiness to protect the rights and safety of all workers, the majority of whom are youth. She equally recommended that since the majority of the Boda-Boda riders were either illiterate or semi-literate, the EBoML project should translate learning materials into local languages so as to reach more beneficiaries.

The MoGLSD representative also shared that the Green Jobs and Fair Labour Market Programme under her Ministry is tasked with, among other objectives, providing support to youth and women in form of affordable credit and grants at both individual and group levels. She therefore urged the Boda-Boda riders to always value their group schemes.

Mr. Katunguka James represented the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Works and Transport (MoWT) at the workshop.
Mr. Katunguka James represented the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Works and Transport (MoWT) at the workshop.

Representing the PS, MoWT, Mr. Bageya Waiswa, the Senior Road Safety Officer in the same ministry, Mr. Katunguka James commended CEES for the EBoML innovation that is going to tremendously address behavioural change among Boda-Boda riders and improve road safety. Pointing to the over 3,500 lives lost per year due to road traffic accidents, the PS said there was need for a multi-sectoral approach to influence the behaviour of road users in order for Uganda to achieve the 50% reduction in road traffic fatalities target by 2030.

“Riding competence and discipline is a key foundation for road safety that demonstrates the rider’s abilities to use the road without endangering his/her life or other road users” he explained.

He added that findings by the EBoML project findings would go a long way in helping Government to develop scientifically proven evidence-based interventions aimed at improving behavioural change of Boda-Boda riders in Uganda.

Mr. Bageya in his speech read verbatim by Mr. Katunguka equally pledged his Ministry’s support and continued partnership with CEES and promised that MoWT would spearhead the implementation of project findings.

He challenged every participant to play to play their part in sustainable road safety enhancement, concluding that “Road safety begins with you, with me and road safety is a shared responsibility.”

Please see Downloads for the detailed presentations

Mark Wamai


Mapping Research in Education: A Baseline Study on PhD Completion and Emerging Research Themes



The Deputy Principal CEES, Prof. Ronald Bisaso presents canidadates for the conferment of degrees during the Second Session of Makerere University's 72nd Graduation Ceremony on 24th May 2022.

This report on mapping research in education intends to ignite debate on completion of doctoral studies to improve on doctoral throughput, and reflect on emerging research themes in order to strengthen and increase on evidence-based research from the College of Education and External Studies (CEES) that can address a myriad of education related challenges in Uganda and beyond. The College of Education and External Studies (CEES) is one of the ten (10) constituent colleges of Makerere University. Makerere University aspires to be research-led in the current strategic period, 2020-2030 and as CEES journeys ‘Towards a Research-led College’, it is prudent to take stock of research capacity by analyzing PhD graduates of the period 2012-2024 and continuing PhD students admitted by 2022/2023 as well as the emerging research themes in CEES.

First, the total number of PhD completers was 121 in the period 2012-2024 out of whom only six (6) completed in less than 5 years, which is only 5 percent. This is a worrying statistic since at Makerere University, an institutional average of 41% of registered PhD students is reported to complete within four (4) years. Apparently, majority of the completers in CEES complete in 5-9 years represented by 86 PhD graduates. In the same way, among the continuing PhD students, only 59 out of 194 PhD students have spent 3-4 years on the programme perhaps because their year of admission is relatively recent. Second, the research themes that the doctoral research focuses on were explored. Nineteen (19) out of 121 PhD graduates had researched on human resource management, eleven (11) focused on technology in education, eleven (11) on pedagogy/teaching and learning, and only five (5) on inclusive education among others. In the continuing student cohort, there is a surge in students researching on pedagogy /teaching and learning (24), technology in education (20), inclusive education (16), and emergence of a research theme on STEM Education/TVET (17) out of 194 continuing PhD students.

To compound the research themes at CEES, PhD student and academic staff research funded by the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund (MakRIF) focused on quite similiar themes. Finally, areas of research that have been dominant across specialities in CEES in the last and next 5-10 years were highlighted by 28 academic staff at different ranks who responded to a survey. Overall, this report presents us with an opportunity to further reflect on the CEES Research Agenda, how to tap and maximize the potential of expertise in CEES, how to harness the diverse PhD research in education and research by academic staff in order to strongly generate impactful research and innovations, and contribute to policy and practice through policy briefs, knowledge briefs, and guidelines for uptake in education and the education system.

Ronald Bisaso, PhD. FUNAS.
Associate Professor of Higher Education and Deputy Principal, CEES.

Mak Editor

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DSTVE Welcomes New Leadership as Dr. Batiibwe Takes Over



Dean School of Education-Prof. Mulumba Mathias (2nd L), Directorate of Human Resources' Mr. Patrick Mutebi (2nd R), Internal Audit Directorate's Ms. Mbabazi Winnie (R) and another official witness as Dr. John Ssentongo (3rd R) hands over to Dr. Marjorie Batiibwe (3rd L). Department of Science, Technical and Vocational Education (DSTVE), School of Education, College of Education and External Studies (CEES) transition in leadership from Dr. John Ssentongo to Dr. Marjorie Batiibwe, January 28, 2025, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The Department of Science, Technical and Vocational Education (DSTVE) at the School of Education, College of Education and External Studies (CEES) witnessed a transition in leadership on January 28, 2025, as Dr. John Ssentongo officially handed over the reins to Dr. Marjorie Batiibwe. The handover ceremony, presided over by the Dean of the School of Education, Prof. Mulumba Mathias, was attended by key stakeholders, including Mr. Mutebi Patrick from the Directorate of Human Resources, Ms. Mbabazi Winnie from Internal Audit, and other departmental staff.

In his farewell remarks, Dr. Ssentongo, who has served as Head of Department (HoD) for four years, expressed his gratitude to the university management, CEES leadership, and DSTVE staff for their unwavering support throughout his tenure. He highlighted several accomplishments during his leadership, including:

  • Curriculum Development – Successful reviews of the Bachelor of Science with Education, Postgraduate Diploma in Education, and Master of Education Science Education programs.
  • Infrastructure Upgrades – Renovation of the DSTVE building, refurbishment of the Resource Center, and enhancement of laboratories.
  • Staff Development – Promotion of several academic staff and recruitment of new lecturers.
  • Campus Beautification – Landscaping and greening of the DSTVE compound to enhance the learning environment.

Speaking at the event, Prof. Mulumba Mathias, Dean of the School of Education, commended Dr. Ssentongo for his dedicated service and transformative leadership at DSTVE. He acknowledged the outgoing HoD’s efforts in strengthening the academic and administrative structure of the department, particularly in curriculum development and facility improvements.

“Dr. Ssentongo has demonstrated exceptional leadership, resilience, and dedication in steering DSTVE towards excellence. His tenure has set a solid foundation for growth, and we are confident that Dr. Batiibwe will continue this momentum. The School of Education remains committed to supporting DSTVE in addressing existing challenges, particularly in staffing and resource mobilization,” remarked Prof. Mulumba.

He further urged Dr. Batiibwe to build on the department’s achievements and work closely with university leadership to advance technical and vocational education.

In her acceptance speech, Dr. Marjorie Batiibwe expressed her commitment to building on the successes of her predecessor, strengthening academic programs, and addressing the critical staffing gaps. She emphasized the need for collaborative leadership to propel DSTVE to greater heights.

As DSTVE embarks on this new chapter, the department remains steadfast in its mission to train skilled educators and enhance technical and vocational education in Uganda.

Betty Kyakuwa
Betty Kyakuwa

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Over 40 UBTEB Students Graduate from the Centre for Life-Long Learning at CEES



Officials pose for a group photo with some of the over 40 graduates of the 6th Cohort of UBTEB-accredited diplomas and certificates offered by CLL. Centre for Life-Long Learning (CLL), College of Education and External Studies (CEES) over 40 students of the 6th Cohort successfully graduate with diplomas and certificates in various fields accredited by the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB), 24th January 2025, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Makerere University’s Centre for Life-Long Learning (CLL) under the College of Education and External Studies celebrated a significant milestone on January 24, 2025, as over 40 students successfully graduated with diplomas and certificates in various fields accredited by the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB).

The graduation ceremony, held at Makerere University, marked the sixth cohort to complete their academic programs at the Centre, highlighting its role in equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for professional and personal growth.

The ceremony included a moment of pride for Namagembe Saidat, who emerged as the best-performing student. She graduated with a Diploma in Secretarial Studies, achieving an outstanding CGPA of 4.86. Saidat’s accomplishment reflects the Centre’s commitment to academic excellence and nurturing top-tier professionals.

Left to Right: Dr. Oscar Mugula, Dr. Harriet Nabushawo, Namagembe Saidat, who emerged as the best-performing student and another official pose for a group photo. Centre for Life-Long Learning (CLL), College of Education and External Studies (CEES) over 40 students of the 6th Cohort successfully graduate with diplomas and certificates in various fields accredited by the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB), 24th January 2025, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Left to Right: Dr. Oscar Mugula, Dr. Harriet Nabushawo, Namagembe Saidat, who emerged as the best-performing student and another official pose for a group photo.

In his address, Dr. Oscar Mugula, the National Coordinator of CLL, congratulated the graduates for their resilience and hard work over the two years of study. He commended the government for revising the admission policy for diploma programs, which now requires only one principal pass instead of two. This policy adjustment, he noted, has significantly increased student enrollment and widened access to higher education opportunities.

Dr. Mugula also encouraged the graduates to register with professional bodies as technicians, emphasizing that such affiliations would enhance their employability and competitiveness in the job market.

Speaking on behalf of the Principal of the College of Education and External Studies (CEES), Dr. Harriet Nabushawo extended gratitude to the government, particularly the Ministry of Education and Sports, and UBTEB for entrusting CEES with the training of diverse education stakeholders. She further thanked Makerere University’s management for its unwavering support of the College’s activities and acknowledged the collaboration with the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology, which provides access to laboratories and workshops essential for student training.

Dr. Harriet Nabushawo (Centre), Dr. Oscar Mugula (Right) and another official follow proceedings. Centre for Life-Long Learning (CLL), College of Education and External Studies (CEES) over 40 students of the 6th Cohort successfully graduate with diplomas and certificates in various fields accredited by the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB), 24th January 2025, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Dr. Nabushawo urged the graduates to consider advancing their studies by enrolling in degree programs to further enhance their qualifications. Additionally, she shared valuable life skills and encouraged the graduates to adopt a mindset of continuous learning and self-improvement to remain relevant in a dynamic labor market.

The graduation ceremony underscored the transformative impact of lifelong learning in fostering socio-economic development and empowering individuals to achieve their full potential. The Centre for Life-Long Learning continues to play a pivotal role in bridging educational gaps and promoting inclusivity in higher education.

As the graduates embark on their professional journeys, their success serves as a testament to the dedication of CLL’s faculty and staff, as well as the vital role of Makerere University in nurturing skilled professionals equipped to contribute to national development.

The Department of Performing Arts and Film (PAF) entertains the congregation. Centre for Life-Long Learning (CLL), College of Education and External Studies (CEES) over 40 students of the 6th Cohort successfully graduate with diplomas and certificates in various fields accredited by the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB), 24th January 2025, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Congratulations to the graduates, faculty, and all stakeholders who made this milestone possible!

Betty Kyakuwa
Betty Kyakuwa

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