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Dissemination of Pedagogical Leadership of Academic Staff in Higher Education Institutions to Enhance Graduate Work Readiness and Transition to Work (PLASHE-WIL)



By Nuwagaba John

On Thursday 3th December, 2020, a project titled Pedagogical Leadership of Academic Staff in Higher Education Institutions to Enhance Graduate Work Readiness and Transition to Work (PLASHE-WIL) held a Dissemination Event at Makerere University. The Principal Investigator (PI) of the PLASHE-WIL project is Dr. Ronald Bisaso, Associate Professor and Dean, East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development (EASHESD), College of Education and External Studies (CEES). The project team members include: Dr. Rovincer Najjuma, Co-PI and Senior Lecturer, Department of Foundations and Curriculum Studies, Dr. Florence Nakamanya, Lecturer, EASHESD, Assoc. Prof. Proscovia Namubiru Ssentamu, Uganda Management Institute (UMI), Dr. Pius C. Achanga, Director, Quality Assurance and Accreditation at the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), and Dr. Hamis Mugendawala, Head, Policy Research and Innovation, National Planning Authority (NPA).  Other expert members are: Professor Christopher B. Mugimu, Foundations and Curriculum Studies, Dr. Joseph Kimoga, Assoc. Professor, EASHESD and Dr. David Onen, Senior Lecturer, EASHESD in CEES.  The event started with a prayer led by Dr. Rovincer Najjuma. Dr. Florence Nakamanya who was the moderator welcomed members to the dissemination and gave a preamble of the PLASHE-WIL project.

The event was graced by distinguished stakeholders who attended both physically and virtually. These included; the Guest of Honour – Professor Mary J.N. Okwakol, the Executive Director, National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), Dr. Umar Kakumba, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs), Prof. Fred Masagazi Masaazi, the Principal CEES, Dr. Vincent Ssembatya, Director, Directorate of Quality Assurance, Makerere University, Dr. Robinah Kulabako, Member of the Grants Management Committee (GMC) Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF) and Dr. David Kabugo, Coordinator, Centre for Teaching and Learning Support, CEES. A range of stakeholders from the Inter-University Council of East Africa (IUCEA), the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST), the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES), the Uganda Small Scale Industries Association (USSIA), NCHE, the Directorate of Human Resources (DHR), Makerere University student representatives, academic leaders and staff from different universities attended the dissemination.

Principal CEES, Prof. Fred Masagazi Masaazi

Prof. Fred Masagazi Masaazi in his remarks, welcomed the stakeholders. He congratulated the team led by Dr. Ronald Bisaso for ensuring that the School is continually productive.  He noted that dissemination was a form of accountability and portrays transparency. He applauded the PLASHE-WIL Project Team for entrenching stakeholder engagement in the conception, team composition, conducting the study and the dissemination that attracted higher education experts, students, the private sector, media, student leaders, and academic staff. He informed stakeholders that CEES was committed to more such engagements in the areas of higher education, secondary education, adult education among others. He thanked the Government of Uganda through Mak-RIF for the financial support and guidance in research output reporting.

In her remarks, the Guest of Honour, Professor Mary J.N. Okwakol noted that the involvement of NCHE as a strategic partner in the implementation of the PLASHE-WIL project was anchored on the need to promote the Teaching Excellence Agenda in the Uganda Higher Education system. Realisation of such an important milestone would be through strengthening pedagogical competences of academic staff in the Higher Education sub-sector. Prof. Okwakol further observed that, the key deliverable in this project was a Pedagogical Leadership Programme for training academic staff in universities in Uganda because the Higher Education sub-sector needs pedagogical competent academic staff! The Executive Director, NCHE was equally delighted by the involvement of several partners including Makerere University, the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) and the National Planning Authority (NPA). She noted that, the fact that the findings of the PLASHE-WIL project were based on perspectives of students, academic staff (mainly early career academics), employers, pedagogical leadership facilitators and curriculum leaders, the partnership availedfavourable conditions for uptake of research findings and presented opportunity for policy options which has been a missing link in many innovative endeavours. Prof. Okwakol informed the stakeholders that NCHE sees great potential for creating a critical mass of professional pedagogical leaders in Uganda’s Higher Education system who are not only competent in didactics but also able to integrate graduate work readiness and transition to work skills in teaching and learning processes. She congratulated the PI – Dr. Ronald Bisaso and Team for the great job done. She challenged the team to ensure that they empower lecturers into both good teaching and research in addition to ensuring gender inclusive interventions. She thanked the Government of Uganda through Mak-RIF for funding research on a topical issue and indeed an issue of concern. She officially opened the Dissemination Event.

Dr. Ronald Bisaso, the PI in his presentation recognized the generosity of the Government of the Republic of Uganda through Mak-RIF that funded the PLASHE-WIL Project.  He gave the PLASHE-WIL Project overview by noting that there is a graduate employability skill deficiency where 63% of Uganda graduates are unemployable, according to the employers, and that the existing pre-labour market education or training is inadequate (IUCEA, 2014 p.54-55). He observed that the ‘covenant between education and employment is broken’ and the ‘lack of linkage between the training institutions and potential employers’ was articulated in the outgoing National Development Plan II (2015/16-2019/2020, p.39).

To further illuminate the challenge, the PI historicized Higher Education Pedagogy in Makerere University noting that, Pedagogical Skills training was initiated in 1979 because “university lecturers lacked teaching skills and, as a result, some of them were doing a really bad job.” (Ssebuwufu, 2017 p.478). This culminated into the establishment of the Department of Higher Education at Makerere University (now the East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development).  One of the downsides of developing pedagogical capacities of academic staff was the dependence on initiatives funded by development partners e.g. the European Union, Carnegie etc. with ramifications for sustainability. However, in July 2018, Makerere University invested her own resources in pedagogical skills training for Assistant Lecturers (Early Career Academics). This was coordinated by the Directorate of Human Resources and the College of Education and External Studies (through the East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development, the School of Education, and the Centre for Teaching and Learning Support). This was consistent with guidance of the Makerere University Visitation Committee, 2016. The PI further noted that, over 200 assistant lecturers from8 Colleges were trained in learner-centred pedagogy (Makerere University Strategic Plan 2020-2030 p.23). However, there was need to improve on the training programme by embedding Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) philosophies and pedagogy to complement the programme who focus was on the technical competences of writing learning outcomes, delivery methods, integration of technology, assessment, and teaching large classes. This culminated into the PLASHE-WIL Challenge as presented by the PI and Co-PI, Dr. Rovincer Najjuma.

PLASHE-WIL Project Challenge:

PLASHE-WIL Co PI-Dr. Rovincer Najjuma

The increasing numbers of students that graduate every year in a variety of disciplines amidst rising graduate unemployment and employability skill deficiency is both a risk and potential for the country. Embedding graduate work readiness and transition to work strategies in University curricular and pedagogy is one of the employability development strategies that can potentially address rising graduate unemployment. Owing to the complexity and multi-dimensional nature of the challenge, the East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development (EASHESD) in the College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University in partnership with the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) and technical support from the National Planning Authority (NPA), sought to engage with stakeholders including; employers, students, academic staff, pedagogical leadership facilitators and programme leaders to collaboratively develop a Pedagogical Leadership Programme for academic staff to enhance graduate work readiness and transition to work. 

PLASHE-WIL Project Aim:

This project aimed to develop the capacity of academic staff in Pedagogical Leadership and Work-Integrated Learning to enhance graduate work readiness and transition to work competence development. 


The research adopted the design research methodology. Design research combines research, design, and practice. The methodology of this research and innovation project was implemented through a multi-stakeholder partnership. First, a scoping review was done. Second, a consultative stakeholders’ meeting was held to initiate engagement and dialogue on how to enhance graduate work readiness and transition to work through strengthening pedagogical leadership of academic staff in Higher Education Institutions. Third, empirical evidence was collected from 73 employers, 146 academic staff, and 548 final year students stratified in four fields of engineering, agriculture, education and development studies. Fourth, practitioner engagement in interviews and expert meetings. 

Summary of the findings:

Objective One: Employer requirements and expectations

The employers expect graduates to follow workplace principles/rules, possess work readiness skills (e.g. problem-solving, thinking critically, develop professionalism etc.). In addition, graduates are expected to have transition to work skills (e.g. identify personal skills and how they can be deployed). The employers identified Work-Integrated Learning opportunities such as exposure to relevant work setting, understanding workplace cultures as essential for graduates.

Objective Two: Graduate attributes and aspirations

Final year candidates’ degree experience had developed their pre-professional identity attributes (e.g. matching university to the workplace), work readiness attributes (e.g.  developing social responsibility and accountability like behaving in line with company values) among others.

Objective Three: Academic Staff Competence Profiling

The academic staff were confident that they teach and assess foundational knowledge (theories and principles) and work readiness skills (e.g. team work, professionalism). However, they were less confident that they taught problem-solving yet they were confident that they assessed it.

Objective Four: Pedagogical Leadership Perspectives

Most of the existing pedagogical leadership training focuses on alignment. Pedagogical leaders identified competences academic staff should possess include; team work, co-facilitation, managing industry partnership, case-based teaching philosophies (industry-based learning, scenarios, e-case studies, industry-based cases, projects).

Objective Five: Curriculum Mapping Perspectives

The key focus is on foundational knowledge. There is need for strengthened partnerships between stakeholders (cross-sector, intra-sector, alumni, professional bodies, employers and internship providers. Programme reviews and enhancements should include work readiness and transition to work skill-sets to enact graduate work readiness and transition to work. Programme reviews and enhancements should include work readiness and transition to work skill-sets.

On the basis of the multi-dimensional findings, the Key Deliverables are:

  1. A proposed Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education Pedagogy that embeds Work-Integrated Learning has been piloted among stakeholders drawn from public and private universities and line agencies. The post graduate curriculum includes; a practicum, educational research, Work-Integrated-Learning, higher education dynamics among others.
  2. A PLASHE-WIL framework that illuminates how WIL would create a springboard between the university and other stakeholders to enhance work readiness and transition to work.
  3. PLASHE-WIL reports on pedagogical leadership and work-integrated learning

Responding to the findings of the PLASHE-WIL Project, Dr. Vincent Ssembatya was delighted that the promises made in February 2020 at the stakeholders’ inception meeting at NCHE were being met. He expressed the need for the National Planning Authority to articulate the aspirations of the country and have engagement with the PLASHE-WIL Project Team. He implored the team to think through scaling in space and disciplines whereby the interventions can as well be relevant to the other disciplines without necessarily collecting data on them. Dr. Ssembatya reflected on the imperative to produce employable graduates who are lifelong learners with capacity to disintegrate theories, renew knowledge and invent. This called for pedagogical reskilling of academic staff through a research-informed programme which was the key deliverable of the PLASHE-WIL Project.

Dr. Pius C. Achanga reflected on the possibilities for scaling-up and policy options emanating from the PLASHE-WIL Project findings and congratulated the team. He noted that the deliverables would provide an avenue where lecturers meet the students and engage in disruptive processes. He noted that whereas there has been overemphasis on basic knowledge offered by universities, it was time to reflect concretely on the returns. He made reference to the Mandate of NCHE as enshrined in the Act, section 5(h) within which NCHE agreed to work with Makerere University and others in the implementation of PLASHE-WIL Project. He implored the project team to work with other tertiary institutions to operationalize the project when there is continuation of funding. He also appreciated the contribution of the National Planning Authority.

Dr. Hamis Mugendawala informed the stakeholders that NPA took pleasure to be part of the partnership.  He noted that the project was responding to a terrain that was so scaring for the country.  This was because of the permanent divorce between education and employment where supply was not speaking to demand.  He highlighted the increasing shift in focus from qualification to skills-based employer demands. With regard to PLASHE-WIL, the need for enhancement of the competences of the academy was evident. He noted ‘if the academy does not possess the graduate work readiness and transition to work skills then they cannot deliver them to the students’ amidst the shifting demands of the labour market and industry.  Moreover, there was need to modularize the proposed pedagogical training curriculum and embrace multiple modes of flexible delivery.  He noted that the University should simulate the industry environment as it trains graduates. Dr. Mugendawala informed the stakeholders that the National Development Plan III was in agreement with some of the findings. He requested Makerere University through the DVC-AA to consider inviting industry to Makerere University to ensure that they closely innovate, incubate ideas and embark on production.  He concluded that ‘young people should be trained to work with people and to work with machines’ and that the National Planning Authority was willing to further the collaboration on the PLASHE-WIL Project.

Dr. Robinah Kulabako, Member of the Mak-RIF Grants Management Committee (GMC) in her speech thanked the participants for attending the dissemination event. She recognized the DVCAA, Makerere University among other dignitaries. She thanked Professor William Bazeyo for steering the GMC and informed members that she was representing him at the dissemination event.  Dr. Kulabako informed the stakeholders that Mak-RIF received 30billion and an additional 15billion to fund multidisciplinary projects from the Government of Uganda.  PLASHE-WIL was one of the 500 multidisciplinary projects funded and she was optimistic that it will surely contribute to the development of the nation and specifically the higher education sector. Dr. Kulabako thanked the Principal Investigator – Dr. Ronald Bisaso and Team for smartly identifying the problem and conceptually thinking through the solution. She urged the team to ensure that the deliverable – the PLASHE-WIL programme is fast-tracked and rolled out. Dr. Kulabako concluded by promising that Mak-RIF will collaboratively engage and leverage additional resources so that projects such as PLASHE-WIL continue to make a positive contribution to the communities we live in.  In a special way, she thanked and noted that the Government of Uganda was willing to continue funding research in Makerere University through Mak-RIF as long we deliver on the promises of innovative deliverables as we work with the respective partners.

The First Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) of Makerere University, Dr. Umar Kakumba

At the Official Closing of the Dissemination Event, Dr. Umar Kakumba, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) was grateful for the value addition by the PLASHE-WIL Project Team led by Dr. Ronald Bisaso. He noted that it was a great team. He informed the stakeholders that his involvement at the inception stakeholders’ meeting held in February 2020 at the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) was because of the innovativeness of the concept. It was on that basis that he graciously deemed it appropriate to officiate at the dissemination event. Dr. Kakumba thanked the National Council for Higher Education for the support extended to the PLASHE-WIL Project and the contribution of the National Planning Authority. He observed that the uniqueness of the PLASHE-WIL Project was the engagement with different actors and other tertiary institutions. He further noted that the deliverables were laudable observing that the starting point for a competitive graduate should be a good curriculum, delivered by competent teachers continually be capacitated through trainings like the proposed PLASHE-WIL programme.  The DVC-AA further requested the PLASHE-WIL Project Team to generate a brief to inform the review of the policy on internship/field attachment/Work-Integrated Learning.  Finally, on behalf of University Management, Dr. Kakumba thanked the Government of Uganda for all the support which has kept staff engaged in writing grants, contacting respondents and disseminating findings among other activities and in process contributing to research productivity and progressive engagement. He thanked Professor William Bazeyo for steering the Grants Management Committee (GMC) and Mak-RIF. He also thanked Dr. RobinahKulabako for her contribution to the GMC and the remarks.  He officially closed the Dissemination Event noting that this was the first phase of dissemination because he looked forward to more disseminations of the PLASHE-WIL Project deliverables.


Call For Applications: Small Scale Action/Field Research Grants on TELLS Project for Senior Researchers at Makerere University



Dr. Mayende Godfrey shares some tools at the training workshop on innovative assessments on 15th March 2023.

Makerere University in collaboration with the University of Agder, Norway, University of Rwanda and Jimma University is implementing a NORAD funded project titled Transformative Education and Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Growth (TELLS).

TELLS aims at developing sufficient stock of gender balanced imaginal, transformative leaders and workforce for sustainable development of Sub-Saharan Nations. In so doing TELLS has the following four (4) objectives

  • Employability – fast-track access to future work markets.
  • Promotion and recognition of excellence in teaching
  • Promotion of new and transformative teaching and learning methods/models
  • Development of policies and new strategies/guidelines for innovative teaching and learning.

The TELLS project wishes to recruit two senior researchers (1 female and 1 male) from Makerere University to each undertake a 161-hour action/field research on emerging education technologies. The 161 hours shall be distributed within a period of six months (July – December 2024). The senior researcher may choose to research on emerging education technologies within these priority areas.

  • Policies for use of artificial intelligence and Chatbots in education
  • Innovations in blended teaching and learning
  • Online course development and online tutoring
  • Online Instruction/Learning Design
  • Micro credentials/micro degrees
  • Design, usability testing and evaluation of virtual learning environment
  • Authentic Assessment in online learning environments

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Must be at the rank of Senior Lecturer of above
  2. Evidence of employment at Makerere University
  3. Quality research proposal (maximum 10 pages) with the following research directions, theories and frameworks, materials and methods, research directions, proposed research publication and work plan
  4. A statement of motivation and commitment (Maximum 2 pages)
  5. Commitment to produce at least one (1) quality co-authored publication within the grant period
  6. Having a research team of at least three (3) scholars

Research duration and funding

  1. The grant will last for a period of six months (July to December 2024)
  2. Each research grant will be provided as salary/stipend for research time at UGX 50,000 per hour for 161 hours

Applications Procedure

Submit your application to with a copy to not later than 19th July 2024. Also drop your hardcopy application to the TELLS Office in School of Distance and Lifelong Learning, College of Education and External Studies, Makerere University.

Paul Birevu Muyinda, PhD
TELLS Coordinator, Makerere University

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Boosting Cognitive Development Through Early Childhood Nutrition Education



Integration of nutrition education into the training programs for early childhood development (ECD) teachers research dissemination and launch of the recommendation report by College of Education and External Studies funded by Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), 11th June 2024, AVU Conference Room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

In an ambitious move to enhance early childhood development, researchers from Makerere University’s College of Education and External Studies are advocating for the integration of nutrition education into the training programs for early childhood development (ECD) teachers. This groundbreaking initiative aims to equip future educators with essential knowledge and skills to foster healthy eating habits among young learners, potentially leading to significant improvements in their cognitive development, academic performance, and long-term health outcomes.

The Call for Integration

Led by Dr. Josephine Esaete, the research team highlighted the critical role of nutrition in the overall development and well-being of young children. Dr. Esaete emphasized that teachers, particularly those in early childhood education, have a unique opportunity to shape the eating habits and nutrition knowledge of their students. By incorporating nutrition education into teacher training programs, educators can become powerful agents of change, promoting healthy behaviors that will benefit children throughout their lives.

Dr. Josephine Esaete. Integration of nutrition education into the training programs for early childhood development (ECD) teachers research dissemination and launch of the recommendation report by College of Education and External Studies funded by Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), 11th June 2024, AVU Conference Room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

“By integrating nutrition education into teacher training programs, we can ensure that early childhood teacher educators are equipped with the necessary knowledge to promote healthy eating habits and behaviors among young children,” Dr. Esaete said during the dissemination workshop.

A Holistic Approach

The dissemination of the research and launch of the recommendation report saw a strong emphasis on collaboration. The research team underscored the importance of a cooperative effort between schools, parents, and community organizations to guarantee children access to nutritious foods both at school and at home. This holistic approach aims to address food insecurity and promote overall health and well-being among students, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, where malnutrition is a significant issue. In Uganda, alarming statistics reveal that 49% of child deaths are associated with malnutrition, and a substantial proportion of school-age children suffer from stunting, underweight, thinness, and obesity.

Prof. Anthony Muwagga Mugagga, the principal of the college, reinforced the need for this comprehensive strategy, urging the focus to extend beyond early childhood learners to include those in universal primary education who often face hunger. He highlighted the necessity of addressing food insecurity across all educational settings to ensure that children have access to nutritious meals.

Integration of nutrition education into the training programs for early childhood development (ECD) teachers research dissemination and launch of the recommendation report by College of Education and External Studies funded by Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), 11th June 2024, AVU Conference Room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Ms Harriet Adong, who represented the Makerere University Research and innovation fund, the funding agency congratulated the research team saying that the proposed guidelines are crucial for promoting the health and well-being of young children in schools. She also emphasized the importance of ongoing research and collaboration to ensure effective implementation of these guidelines.

Implementing the Vision

The project activities, already initiated in five primary teacher colleges including Bishop Willis CPTC and St. Aloysius Core Primary Teachers College, aim to make lasting changes in the curriculum. Dr. Esaete and her team are working on a policy brief to advocate for these changes at the governmental level, aiming to influence the Department of Teacher Education, Training, and Development at the Ministry of Education and Sports.

Prof. Merab Kagoda, Dr. Josephine Esaete, Dr. David Kabugo. Integration of nutrition education into the training programs for early childhood development (ECD) teachers research dissemination and launch of the recommendation report by College of Education and External Studies funded by Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), 11th June 2024, AVU Conference Room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Key recommendations from the study include:

  1. Sensitizing ECD teacher trainees about the MoES (2013) school feeding guidelines.
  2. Encouraging teacher training colleges to embrace these feeding guidelines.
  3. Continuous parental sensitization on providing healthy and safe midday snacks for children.
  4. Initiating nutrition interventions that start with teacher education.
  5. Reworking the content of nutrition courses taught to ECD teacher trainees to incorporate emerging global nutrition issues relevant to their professional practice.

Paving the Way Forward

The research team, comprising Dr. Josephine Esaete, Mr. Edward Kansiime, Dr. Gaston Ampeire Tumuhimbise, Dr. Michael Walimbwa, and Dr. Alfred Buluma, is committed to seeing these recommendations take root. Their efforts signify a proactive step towards creating a supportive environment where children can learn about nutrition and make healthy choices, ultimately shaping the well-being of the next generation.

As these initiatives progress, the hope is that by equipping educators with the right tools and knowledge, the cognitive development and health of young children in Uganda, and potentially across Sub-Saharan Africa, will see significant improvement. The integration of nutrition education into early childhood development teacher training is not just a proposal; it’s a necessary evolution in educational practice that promises to nurture healthier, more informed future generations.

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CEPIDE Study Identifies Challenges and Solutions for Low Doctoral Completion Rates in Universities



Left to Right: Dr. Mulira from NCHE, Prof. Openjuru, Chair Vice Chancellors' Forum and Prof. Robert Wamala, from Mak-RIF. College of Education and External Studies (CEES), Mak-RIF-funded Capability Enhancement Project for Innovative Doctoral Education at Ugandan Universities (CEPIDE) study research dissemination and launch of Innovative Doctoral Supervision for the 21st Century: Specialized Capacity Building Training Course for Doctoral Supervisors in Uganda, 30th May 2024, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

A recent study by the Capability Enhancement Project for Innovative Doctoral Education at Ugandan Universities (CEPIDE) reveals significant challenges in the country’s doctoral education system. The study, conducted over the period 2011-2024, underscores low conversion and completion rates among doctoral candidates in Uganda, raising concerns about the future of the nation’s research and innovation capacity.

The study findings were released during a dissemination workshop held on May 30, 2024 at Makerere University.

Key Findings:

  1. Low Transition Rates: Only 7.6% of master’s graduates advanced to doctoral studies.
  2. Enrollment Figures: Public institutions enrolled approximately 1,903 doctoral students from 2011 to 2020.
  3. Completion Rates: Of these, only 69.6% completed their doctoral programs by 2024, amounting to just 1,324 graduates.
  4. Institutional Disparities: Makerere University dominated doctoral completions, accounting for 81.4% of the total.
  5. Gender Disparity: Female graduates represented only 33.8% of doctoral completions.
  6. STEM Focus: 58% of doctoral completions at Makerere University were in STEM fields.
Dr. Irene Etomaru - PI of the Project. College of Education and External Studies (CEES), Mak-RIF-funded Capability Enhancement Project for Innovative Doctoral Education at Ugandan Universities (CEPIDE) study research dissemination and launch of Innovative Doctoral Supervision for the 21st Century: Specialized Capacity Building Training Course for Doctoral Supervisors in Uganda, 30th May 2024, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Irene Etomaru – PI of the Project.

Challenges Identified:

The study highlights several constraints impacting the doctoral pipeline, including:

  • Supervision Challenges: Insufficient support and resources for doctoral supervisors.
  • Situational Factors: External and personal circumstances affecting students’ ability to complete their studies.
  • Institutional Factors: Lack of robust support systems within universities.
  • Student Characteristics: Variability in students’ preparedness and resilience.

The team also used the same forum to unveil and launch a course module intended to equip supervisors with more skills. The course named Innovative Doctoral Supervision for the 21st Century: Specialized Capacity Building Training Course for Doctoral Supervisors in Uganda.

Speaking at the launch, the guest of honour, the ED of the NCHE, represented by Dr. Norah Miliira underscored the importance of doctoral studies saying NCHE recognizes the need for critical high-level knowledge and skills to power Uganda’s economy through research and Innovations. Dr. Muliira noted that NCHE had proposed to government to include a National Research Fund in its planning in an effort to support doctoral research. 

Dr. Tom D. Balojja - Co-PI of the project. College of Education and External Studies (CEES), Mak-RIF-funded Capability Enhancement Project for Innovative Doctoral Education at Ugandan Universities (CEPIDE) study research dissemination and launch of Innovative Doctoral Supervision for the 21st Century: Specialized Capacity Building Training Course for Doctoral Supervisors in Uganda, 30th May 2024, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Tom D. Balojja – Co-PI of the project.

Prof. Julius Kikooma, the Dean East African School of Higher Education and Development, advised that if we are to meet the development needs of the country, we ought to produce 1,000 PhDs every year.

Prof. Anthony Mugagga, the Principal of CEES called on NCHE to formulate PhD policies that have crosscutting courses, a thing he said would help in quality assurance.

The Executive Secretary-Uganda National Council for Science & Technology, in a speech read for him by Ms Beth Mutumba said the council is set to establish a research integrity code of conduct for which universities will have institutionalized policies to cab unethical practices and continue dissemination of the national regulatory frameworks.

Dr. Hamis Mugendawala who represented the ED of National Planning Authority cautioned universities against focusing on training more PhDs but rather focus on training quality PhDs in skills scarce areas. He pledged NPA’s support in implementing some of the key recommendations of the study.

Participants at the event. College of Education and External Studies (CEES), Mak-RIF-funded Capability Enhancement Project for Innovative Doctoral Education at Ugandan Universities (CEPIDE) study research dissemination and launch of Innovative Doctoral Supervision for the 21st Century: Specialized Capacity Building Training Course for Doctoral Supervisors in Uganda, 30th May 2024, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Participants at the event.

The research is funded by the government of Uganda through the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund. Represented by Prof. Robert Wamala, the MakRIF chair, Prof. Fred Masagazi-Masaazi, congratulated the research team upon the study and said that the findings will be crucial in guiding policy makers and stakeholders in addressing the skills gap in the country. He emphasized the importance of collaboration between universities and government agencies to ensure that research outcomes are effectively utilized for national development. He appreciated government’s support to the university.

Conclusions: The study concludes that Uganda’s doctoral pipeline is “leaky and constrained,” resulting in low participation in graduate education and subsequently fewer researchers in the national system. This shortfall affects the country’s ability to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target 9.5 and hampers progress toward national development goals. Additionally, the underrepresentation of women in research careers may further impede efforts to attain gender parity.


CEPIDE proposes several measures to address these issues:

  • National Framework: Development of a national framework for doctoral education to enhance quality and accountability.
  • Research Culture: Promotion of a supportive research culture, ensuring proper funding and resources.
  • Supervisor Training: Mandatory training and certification for doctoral supervisors.
  • Equity Initiatives: Affirmative actions to boost female participation in doctoral programs and research careers.
  • Quality Assurance: Establishment of a specialized quality assurance system for doctoral education.
  • Institutional Support: Enhanced support services for graduate students, focusing on information, resources, and personal wellbeing.
Participants at the event. College of Education and External Studies (CEES), Mak-RIF-funded Capability Enhancement Project for Innovative Doctoral Education at Ugandan Universities (CEPIDE) study research dissemination and launch of Innovative Doctoral Supervision for the 21st Century: Specialized Capacity Building Training Course for Doctoral Supervisors in Uganda, 30th May 2024, Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Participants at the event.

Implications for the Future:

These recommendations aim to bolster Uganda’s research and innovation ecosystem by improving the doctoral education pipeline. Implementing these measures is crucial for increasing the number of doctoral graduates, enhancing research capacity, and fostering national development. The focus on gender parity and STEM fields aligns with Uganda’s strategic priorities, but addressing systemic issues in the doctoral education system remains essential for sustained progress.


The Capability Enhancement Project for Innovative Doctoral Education at Ugandan Universities (CEPIDE) is part of the Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund (Mak-RIF). It is funded by the Government of Uganda to support impactful research and innovation, aiming to align academic outputs with national development priorities.

As Uganda continues to position itself as a knowledge society, the findings and recommendations of the CEPIDE study offer a roadmap for strengthening doctoral education and, by extension, the nation’s research and innovation potential.

Research Team:

Dr. Irene Etomaru, Dr. Tom Darlington Balojja, Dr. Louis Theophilus Kakinda

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