First Year students (Freshers) are by tradition given an “acclimatization” period of normally one week which is referred to as the “Orientation Week”. The Freshers report on Campus one week earlier than the Continuing students and during this week they are introduced to the key facilities in the University as well as other important aspects of life at the University.
Schedule of Semesters for Academic Year 2016/2017
Orientation Week:
Getting used to a new place can be pretty daunting, but that is what orientation week is all about; getting to know your surroundings, meeting students and staff members. This makes you feel comfortable enough to hit the ground running when the semester starts. It is a great chance for you to familiarize yourself with the University.
Saturday 6th August, 2016 to Friday 12th August, 2016 (7 Days) – Orientation Week
Semester One
Saturday 13th August, 2016 to Saturday 10th December, 2016 (17 Weeks)
Ceremony of Admission
Friday 19th September, 2016. Time: 2.30 p.m. in the Freedom Square (All Freshers are required to wear the undergraduate gown).
Semester One Vacation
Saturday 10th December, 2016 to Friday 20th January, 2017 (7 Weeks)
Semester Two
Saturday 21stJanuary, 2017 to Saturday 20th May, 2017 (17 Weeks)
Semester Two Vacation
Saturday 20th May, 2017 to Saturday 29th July, 2017 (10 Weeks)
During this week, arrangements are made to enable the Freshers meet and be addressed by Key Officers, Wardens and Student Leaders who welcome the students.
Arrangements are also made to enable the Freshers acquaint themselves with such key facilities at the University like the Library, University Hospital, Games and Recreation Facilities etc. Freshers are expected to take advantage of the week to survey and acquaint themselves with the general Campus lay out. Another major activity during the Orientation Week is Registration.
All Freshers must ensure that they are registered first centrally and then with each of their respective Colleges/Schools.
Orientation Events
Saturday 6th August, 2016
Resident Freshers report to their respective Halls of residence or private Hostels by 5.00 p.m. It is the responsibility of each student to make his/her own travel arrangements to the University or private hostel.
Monday 8th August, 2016
All Freshers shall report to the Freedom Square for a meeting with the University officials at 9.00 a.m.
Programme for the Day
9.00 a.m – 12.30 p.m address from the following University officials:
â–Ş Guild President
â–Ş Deputy Registrars
â–Ş The Academic Registrar
â–Ş Dean of Students
â–Ş Director University Health Services
â–Ş Director Counseling & Guidance Centre
â–Ş The Principal Games Tutor
â–Ş The University Bursar
â–Ş The University Chief Security Officer
The Freedom square is the open ground in front of the main Administration Building where official functions of the University are normally performed.
Freshers are expected to be seated by 9.00 a.m.
For a candidate to qualify to be a bonafide student of the University, he/she must be registered. Registration is a mandatory requirement of the University which must be done within the first two (2) weeks from the beginning of the semester by every student.
Registration will commence on Monday 8th August, 2016 starting at 9.00 a.m. each day.
Ensure that you complete all the required registration formalities within the prescribed time in order to avoid disappointments later.
Registration Requirements
For registration purposes, the originals of the following must be produced by each Fresher:
â–Ş Admission Letter, O’Level Certificate/Pass Slip (UCE or Equivalent)
â–Ş A’Level Certificate/Pass Slip (UACE or equivalent)
â–Ş Birth Certificate
â–Ş An Identity Card from the previous A’level School. The Diploma Holders must produce Identity Cards from their previous College.
â–Ş Three photocopies of each of the “O” and “A”Level Results Slips/Certificates, and Transcripts/Certificates from the awarding Institutions in case of Diploma Holders.
â–Ş Seven most recent passport-size photographs. (Current Likeness)
â–Ş Copies of the Pay-in/Deposit Slip acknowledging payment of the following fees for each government sponsored student to Makerere University Fees Collection Accounts:
a) University Rules Booklet – Shs.2,000/=
b) Undergraduate Gown – Shs.16,000/=
c) Identity Card – Shs.45,000/=
d) Guild Subscription fee – Shs.10,000/=
e) Endowment fee – Shs.10,000/=
f) Senior Common Room fee – Shs.5,000/=
g) Sports Contribution fee – Shs.15,000/=
h) National Council for Higher Education fees – Shs.20,000/=(Payable to
the National Council for Higher Education Account)
Change of Programme/Subjects
(a) Change of Programme
Since selection for specific programmes was made according to each candidate’s performance and order of programme choices, taking into account the available subject combinations and time-table limitations, there is normally little need to change the programme or subjects. However, some places become vacant when some of the students admitted do not take up the offers. Such places are filled through the change of programme/subjects.
Students who wish to change programmes first of all register according to the registration time-table for the programmes and subjects (where applicable) to which originally have been admitted. Each student who may wish to change his/her programme/subject is required to pay an application fee of Shs.6,000/= plus the bank charges to Stanbic Bank, dfcu Bank, Post Bank, Centenary Bank and crane Bank.
(b) Change of Subjects
Students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences or the College of Education and External Studies may wish to change their subjects. Change of Subject will be done online on payment of Shs.6,000/=, to either Stanbic Bank, dfcu Bank, Post Bank, Centenary Bank or crane Bank.
Students should be aware that changing one subject may result in a change of College. Before students apply to change their programmes, Colleges and Subjects, they are encouraged to seek advice on the cut-off point(s) for programmes, requirements for specific subjects and possible subject combinations.
Students are notified and warned about this Senate ruling that any one transferring to another subject or College without proper authority will be liable to discontinuation from the University.
A student who has been permitted to change his/her programme or subject(s) is issued with a letter stating so, and on receipt of such a letter that student should complete the ACCEPTANCE Part and return a copy of each to the Undergraduate Admissions and Records Office, the former and the new College/School.
The change of programme/subjects will be done online from Monday 8th August, 2016 to Friday 12th August, 2016 at Level 3, Senate Building.
N.B: It is advisable that only those students who meet the cut-off points for the desired programmes may apply.
Effect 2016/2017 Academic year, all students admitted by Makerere University at the Makerere University Business School-MUBS campus are required to pay Ugx. 190,000 directly to Makerere University Fees Collection Account Number: 9030005866749 at Stanbic Makerere Branch.
Please take note that the Identity Card fee of Ugx. 45,000 is paid once and hence the above figure will adjust to Ugx. 145,000 after the 1st year of study. The details of the total figures is as follows;
Ugandans (Ugx) Other Nationals (Ugx)
Registration 50,000 101,000
Examination 50,000 151,500
Technology 25,000 50,000
Identity Card 45,000 45,000
Affiliation 20,000 20,000
Total Ugx.190,000 Ugx. 367,500
You will be required to present the receipts for the above fees at the end of your program in order to access your academic documents.
Accommodation for year one students 2016/2017 in the University Halls of Residence.
1. Government Sponsored
a) A’Level direct merit entrants offered the following study programmes maybe accommodated in the Halls of Residence to which they are attached as indicated on the admission letter. Eligible students not able to take up the accommodation offer for very strong reasons should inform the Dean of Studentsin writing before Monday 1st August, 2016 and submit your application to Room 214, Senate Building:
i) Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering (AGE)
ii) Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (AGR)
(iii) Bachelor of Architecture (ARC)
iv) Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
v) Bachelor of Science in Medical Radiography (BMR)
vi) Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (CIV)
vii) Bachelor of Science in Conservation Forestry & Products Technology (CFP)
viii) Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (ELE)
ix) Bachelor of Industrial and Fine Art (FIN)
x) Bachelor of Science in Food Sciences and Technology (FST)
xi) Bachelor of Laws (LAW)
xii) Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying and Geometric (LSG)
xiii) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MAM)
xiv) Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MEC)
xv) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (NUR)
xvi) Bachelor Social and Entrepreneurial Forestry (SEF)
xvii) Bachelor Science in Quantity Surveying (SQS)
xviii) Bachelor Statistics (STA)
xix) Bachelor Pharmacy (PHA)
xx) Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (VET)
b) Non Residents
The rest of the government sponsored students, including all those admitted through Diploma and Mature age entry schemes (irrespective of study programmes offered) shall be Non Residents and eligible for Food and Living out allowance. Register with the Warden’s Office at your Hall of attachment upon arrival.
c) Change to Private Programmes
Students admitted on government sponsorship but who choose to take up alternative study programmes under private sponsorship shall lose all government related benefits and should not claim for any.
d) Students Admitted Under Disability Scheme
Students in the above Scheme may be resident in the Halls of attachments indicated on their admission letters, irrespective of the study programmes offered.
e) Students Admitted Under Sports & District Quota Schemes
Students admitted under these categories will be treated as in 1(a) and (b) above, subject to availability of bed space by the time their admission is finalized.
2. Change of Halls of Attachment
This is PROHIBITED except where Gender was mixed up i.e female attached to Male Halls or vice versa.
3. Privately Sponsored Students
a) A few bed spaces have been reserved for privately sponsored students. Once admitted privately sponsored students who wish to be accommodated should apply to Dean of Students in Room 214, Senate Building for Bed space.
b) Privately sponsored students granted permission to reside in Halls of Residence may pay for meals at the nearest Food Court. There are six Food Courts located in Africa, Nkrumah/Nsibirwa, University Hall, Mary Stuart, Galloway House and Kabanyolo Hostel.
Alfred Masikye-Namoah