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Mak-CARTA Workshop Day Three concludes on a Digital Note



On Wednesday 23rd July 2014, over 100 participants from Institutions in Africa convened in the Conference Hall at the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT), Makerere University for the 5th Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) Workshop plenary session and closing ceremony.

The 5th CARTA Capacity Development Training workshop, which kicked off on Monday 21st July 2014 at Makerere University (Mak), was aimed at supporting research and postgraduate programmes in African Universities.

Professor Mukadasi Buyinza, Director of Research and Graduate Training (RGT) at Makerere University, thanked the participants for their valuable contributions during the training sessions held on Monday 21st July 2014 and Tuesday 22nd July 2014 respectively and further encouraged them to remain with the same level of energy during the presentations lineup for day three.

The highlights for day three of the training workshop focused on recruitment and enrolment of postgraduate students, and Educational Technology in Universities/institutions.

Prof. Buyinza leads Mak team in the discussion.During the training session focusing on recruitment and enrolment of postgraduate students, participants were divided into groups and tasked to develop a recruitment plan for postgraduate students.

 The guidelines for developing recruitment plans required participants to: consider the level of planning at Institutional, School and Individual levels; current context in which the university operates; develop a strategic aim, SMART goals and an action plan; and come up with a realistic budget.

Professor Buyinza chaired the group discussion during which the Makerere University team developed a plan for increasing the intake for postgraduate students. Mr Tito Okumu  Manager of E-learning, Makerere UniversityPresenting on behalf of the team, Mr. Tito Okumu from the College of Education and External Studies (CEES), highlighted the following:

  • The strategic aim is to increase recruitment and retention of quality postgraduate students by 2018.
  • The SMART goals are to: increase postgraduate population by 15% by 2018; increase International postgraduate student popuation by 10% by 2018; increase recruitment of female students in science based programmes by 5%.
  • The recruitment plan for postgraduate students is institutional in scope.
  • The current context is premised on the 10 year Makerere University Strategic Plan which stipulates the need for Makerere University to be a research-driven university.
  • The Directorate of Research and Graduate Training (DRGT) is mandated to coordinate graduate training and research in the University in liaison with Departments, Schools and Committees, College Academic Boards and the University Senate.
  • The Action plan focused on seeking approval from the institutional hierarchies; improving the learning and research facilities; communication to colleges; sensitization of key stakeholders on the need to increase postgraduate students; aggressive advertising, marketing and promotional campaigns, calling for applications, evaluation of applicants and admission; and continuous engagement sessions with the postgraduate students.

The aforementioned interactive group discussions set the pace for a captivating presentation on “Education Technology”, by Professor James R. Carey from University of California, USA.

Professor James R Carey, University of CaliforniaProfessor Carey who advised the University leadership, scholars and participants to embrace digital technology and the concept of hybrid and online instructions in academic institutions, equipped the participants from various African institutions with new knowledge on the management of online teaching and code named as ‘going digital in academia.’

Professor Carey added that the new idea “going digital in academia’ is related to education technology in the digital environment discovered to simplify education processes and ease the access of information.

Focusing on the global changes and the evolution of technology, Professor Carey stressed that technology is part and parcel of an individual’s life, and as such, could not be avoided.

 “The world is developing and technology is evolving, it is high time Africans adopted academic digitalization for a proper and modern research. Apparently many institutions in the North have adopted the idea and are benefiting,” he said.

To attain this, the Professor Carey introduced new e-learning software known as camtasia   to participants. This software encompasses the standard learning systems including Microsoft Word, Power point and Excel, a digital stream of recordings for audio and video plus a screen to enable a learning management system.

“You can manage a class room program, short courses, pedagogy curriculums and degree programs using digital education, and while using camtasia software, you are able to record a video, or audio for a lecture or even using the power point or a combination of all. This makes things easy because you can teach a class while you are far away from the institution. Through technological education, I have managed to teach classes in California while at the same time attending to the workshop here,” he remarked.

Giving his closing remarks,Dr. Jane Kengeya-Kayondo, the Wellcome Trust, Special Adviser for Africa participates in the workshop. Professor Buyinza, Director, RGT at Makerere University said: “The CARTA Capacity Development Training Workshop for University Faculty and Administrators has been a rewarding engagement. It has been focused and topical, and I therefore call upon all the participants to implement the knowledge they have acquired in their home institutions. I am looking forward to more collaborations and synergies among the partner institutions.”

The CARTA Board Chairperson, Prof. Akinyinka Omigbodun also emphasized the need for networking engagements among the participants to ensure the implementation of the knowledge obtained from the work shop.

On behalf of the participants, Dr. Justine Sikuku, Senior Lecturer, Moi University-Kenya, thanked the CARTA team, APHRC, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training, Makerere University for considering researchers and postgraduate students in African institutions for this educative workshop.

“We have really learnt a lot from this workshop. I hope that each one of us is going to implement the same skills gained from this workshop in our institutions. These memories of the warm welcome and hospitality Makerere University gave us since the first day of our arrival will always remain with us,” he remarked amidst applause.

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MAK-CARTA workshop day one examines research governance in Africa
CARTA's 5th Faculty and Administrators' Staff Workshop, Makerere University Kampala

Article by:   Ritah Namisango and Prossy Nabatte, MAK Public Relations Office


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Bukedde celebrates 30 years: Archbishop Ssemogerere urges media to uphold the truth



The Archbishop of Kampala, His Grace Paul Ssemogerere (2nd Right) is joined by Vision Group CEO Mr. Don Wanyama (3rd Left) and other officials to cut cake on 29th August 2024. #BukeddeAt30 Celebration Mass, Vision Group Headquarters, Plot 19-21, First Street, Industrial Area, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Vision Group which consists of print and broadcast media targeting Ugandans in the different parts of the country and the diaspora is a true and reliable partner of Makerere University. Vision Group has significantly contributed to the realization of Makerere University’s institutional goals through the promotion of its teaching and learning services, research and innovations, as well as coverage of community engagement programmes undertaken by students and staff. In addition, Bukedde, New Vision and other media entities under the Vision Group employ dozens of Makerere University graduates and provides internship training placements/opportunities to many of our undergraduate students every year.

On Thursday 29th August 2024, Bukedde newspaper celebrated 30 years of existence. The three decades (1994-2024) exemplify a remarkable journey of humble beginnings, dedication, resilience and continuous growth. The first copy of Bukedde newspaper was published on 29th August 1994 under the editorship of Mr. Maurice Ssekawungu. Bukedde which started as a black and white publication later transitioned into full colour. Bukedde is a very popular newspaper with a significant circulation in the different parts of the country.

To appreciate the admirable growth of Bukedde and the Vision Group, the Archbishop of Kampala, His Grace Paul Ssemogerere toured the giant media empire accompanied by the Group Chief Executive Officer – Mr. Don Wanyama, Deputy Chief Executive Officer – Mr. Gervase Ndyanabo, the Editor-in-Chief – Mrs. Barbara Kaija, and Bukedde Editor – Mr. Michael Ssebbowa.

Over the years, Bukedde newspaper has witnessed the birth of Bukedde F.M, Bukedde TV 1 and Bukedde TV 2 as well as transformation of the livelihoods of its employees and their families.

The Archbishop of Kampala, His Grace Paul Ssemogerere leads the thanksgiving Mass. #BukeddeAt30 Celebration Mass, Vision Group Headquarters, Plot 19-21, First Street, Industrial Area, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Archbishop of Kampala, His Grace Paul Ssemogerere leads the thanksgiving Mass.

Impressed by the tremendous work and evolution of Bukedde newspaper, the Archbishop praised God for blessing the founding team with the knowledge and wisdom to come up with such a brilliant idea. He also thanked the previous and current leadership and staff for contributing to the success and growth of Bukedde.

Celebrating the Holy Mass, Archbishop Ssemogerere informed the congregation that the founding date of Bukedde newspaper (29th August) is the feast day for St. John the Baptist in the catholic church.  He urged the staff of Bukedde and the media in general to uphold the truth in the course of their work.

Focusing on the gospel reading from the book of Mark 6:17-29, the Archbishop said:

“In the catholic church, we celebrate and remember John the Baptist for standing for the truth.  This day of celebration has coincided with the feast day of John the Baptist, who was beheaded because of standing for the truth. He stood for what was the truth until the very end. I pray that you will have the courage to stand for the truth even under very challenging circumstances.”

Ssemogerere highlighted that King Herod respected John the Baptist because he always stood for what was right, and as such, King Herold consulted him. Although Herod and John the Baptist were friends, when Herod took his brother’s wife, John the Baptist courageously confronted him, and informed him that adultery was wrong before God. This truth irritated the said concubine, who when presented with an opportunity tricked her little daughter to request for the head of John the Baptist on a plate. To fulfill his promise to his daughter, King Herold ordered one of his servants to satisfy the request of his little daughter, and consequently, John the Baptist was beheaded.

The Archbishop of Kampala, His Grace Paul Ssemogerere (3rd Right) with Vision Group staff and guests at the celebration. #BukeddeAt30 Celebration Mass, Vision Group Headquarters, Plot 19-21, First Street, Industrial Area, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Archbishop of Kampala, His Grace Paul Ssemogerere (3rd Right) with Vision Group staff and guests at the celebration.

Archbishop Ssemogerere rallied the media and the congregation to stick to the truth so that young people and humanity in general understand the consequences of promiscuity, adultery and the quick desire for money. His Grace appealed to Bukedde to continue publishing the truth in form of stories and airing information about the dangers of HIV/AIDS. “People need to hear the truth so that they understand the consequences of their actions, which not only threaten life, but lead to loss of life,” he added.

His Grace Ssemogerere acknowledged Vision Group for involving the catholic church in the 30 years’ celebration. He also thanked Bukedde and Vision Group for helping the catholic church in evangelization. “Through your media channels, you have not only dedicated space and airtime to messages that are spiritually uplifting, but you have also enabled the church to reach out to God’s people.”

The Archbishop called upon God to bless Bukedde and Vision Group abundantly as we wait for BukeddeAt50 celebrations in the near future.

After the thanksgiving mass, Bukedde’s current Editor – Mr. Michael Ssebbowa introduced the founding Editor – Mr. Maurice Ssekawungu and the editor who took on the mantle when he retired – Mr. Geoffrey Kulubya. The wonderful gentlemen (Ssekawungu and Kulubya) waved to the Archbishop and the congregation amidst applause from Bukedde staff and friends.

Mr. Ssebbowa then set the pace for the Archbishop and the entire audience to watch a documentary with powerful messages on the evolution of Bukedde from humble beginnings to greater heights.

In this documentary, the founding editor, Mr. Maurice Ssekawungu explained how the name “Bukedde” was selected. In this beautiful journey, they had come up with an idea of a Luganda newspaper, but did not have a name. So, William Pike, the CEO and Mr. Maurice Sekawungu put out a call for proposals. According to Ssekawungu, they received 90 submissions. That William Pike desired a name that would resonate with brightness. Finally, from the 90 names submitted by different people, they selected the name “Bukedde.”  Mr. Ssekawungu explained that Bukedde meant a new day or a new morning, which presented new possibilities, new opportunities and hope.

In the same documentary, the Archbishop and the congregation listened to testimonies from staff of Bukedde who with a lot of happiness and pride attributed their success in different spheres of life to Bukedde media. Some of them have been nurtured, trained and skilled to become very powerful and respected journalists. Some of them credited Bukedde for being their source of livelihood while others highlighted that Bukedde has made them very popular and also provided an opportunity to them to network with people from different spheres of life.

The Archbishop of Kampala, His Grace Paul Ssemogerere (3rd Right) is joined by Vision Group CEO-Mr. Don Wanyama (Rear 2nd Left), Deputy CEO-Mr. Gervase Ndyanabo (Front Left), Founding Bukedde Editor-Mr. Maurice Ssekawungu (Waving), His successor-Mr. Geoffrey Kulubya (Right), Current Bukedde Editor-Mr. Michael Ssebbowa (Rear Left) and other officials. #BukeddeAt30 Celebration Mass, Vision Group Headquarters, Plot 19-21, First Street, Industrial Area, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Archbishop of Kampala, His Grace Paul Ssemogerere (3rd Right) is joined by Vision Group CEO-Mr. Don Wanyama (Rear 2nd Left), Deputy CEO-Mr. Gervase Ndyanabo (Front Left), Founding Bukedde Editor-Mr. Maurice Ssekawungu (Waving), His successor-Mr. Geoffrey Kulubya (Right), Current Bukedde Editor-Mr. Michael Ssebbowa (Rear Left) and other officials.

Building on to the story of success and hard work, the Chief Executive Officer of Vision Group, Mr. Don Wanyama stated that Bukedde has just not survived, but it has actually thrived. He recognized the Government of Uganda for the different media channels under the Vision Group, which includes Bukedde newspaper whose achievements and impact are crystal clear. “One of our biggest highlights was in 2014 when we were marking the 20th anniversary of this newspaper. On that day, Bukedde sold a record of 100,000 copies in a single day. This is an achievement that has not been registered by any newspaper in Uganda,” he said.

Noting that Bukedde remains the best-selling newspaper in Uganda, Mr. Wanyama appreciated the loyal readers, past and present staff, advertisers and distributors for their hard work, sacrifices, support as well as being the lifeblood that keeps Bukedde progressing.

Ms. Barbarah Kaija, the Editor-in-Chief of Vision Group said Bukedde is one of Uganda’s most widely newspapers because it appeals to the ordinary person. “Its content centres on the ordinary person with issues that impact him or her in society. It is a people-centered approach with coverage bringing out the human interest angle.”

In his congratulatory remarks, the Vice Chancellor of Makerere University, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe re-affirmed the readiness of Makerere University to intensify its mutually beneficial relationship with Vision Group in order to contribute to the transformation of Uganda. Once again, the Vice Chancellor acknowledged the Vision Group for being a valuable partner during celebrations of Makerere University at 100 years (1922-2022) which lasted for a year (commencing on 9th October 2021 up to 8th October 2022).  Prof. Nawangwe also thanked the Vision Group for contributing to the resounding success of Makerere University Run 2024 (MakRun2024) held on Sunday 18th August 2024.

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Change of Programmes/Course for Undergraduate Admissions 2024/2025



Frank Kalimuzo Building

The Office of the Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released admission lists for those recommended for change of course/ programme for Degree/Diploma Scheme and Direct entry for Private/Government sponsored students for the Academic Year 2024/2025.

The lists can be accessed by following the links below:

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Enrollment and Registration of Semester I 2024/25



First Year Students being registered Sem I 2014/15

To All Students

For a candidate to qualify to be a bonafide student of the University, he/she MUST enroll on the system and be registered. Registration is a mandatory requirement of the University which must be done within the specified time at the beginning of the semester. Failure to do so will automatically lead to your place being forfeited to another candidate. Official Registration/Verification of documents is ongoing using the Academic Information Management System (ACMIS).

Ensure that you complete all the required registration formalities starting with enrolment within the prescribed time as per the Fees Payment Policy and registration programmes provided by your respective Colleges. The system cycle will be closed on 18th October,
2024 being the deadline for normal registration.

Registration Requirements
For registration purposes all first year students MUST produce their Original documents
as indicated on their admission letters for validation and verification purposes. At the end
of enrolment and the online registration exercise, new students will be required to submit
3 photocopies of their academic documents which will be
their Registrars for record purposes.

Further details can be found in the document below:

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