The European Union through its Programme known as “Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture”- DESIRA is supporting a consortium of 8 International and National research...
Background The DAAD representation in the Kenyan capital Nairobi started as a small adjunct office in September 1973. By 1979, the small office had grown into...
I. Introduction The application period for KDU Global – IUCEA Scholarships 2022 is now open for students from the IUCEA member countries (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South...
The Makerere University School of Medicine Implementation Science (Mak-ImS) Training program, funded by the United States National Institutes of Health-Fogarty International Center is a collaboration between...
Makerere University in collaboration with University of Bergen, Norway; Kyambogo University, Uganda; National Institute of Teacher Education (UNITE); and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences is...
HARNESSING DATA SCIENCE FOR HEALTH DISCOVERY AND INNOVATION IN AFRICA The Makerere University Data Science Research Training Program to Strengthen Evidence-Based Health Innovation, Intervention, and Policy...
In 2010 Makerere University established a Fees-Waiver Scholarship Scheme managed by the Gender Mainstreaming Directorate. The Scheme supports academically bright female students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds...
Call for Applications for Masters and PhD Scholarships Tenable at Makerere University (MAK), Kyambogo University (KYU) and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)...
The European Master programme BIOPHAM (BIO&PHARMACEUTICAL MATERIALS SCIENCE) is a two-year (120 ECTS) programme entirely TAUGHT IN ENGLISH and jointly operated by the University of Lille...
Makerere University in collaboration with the University of Agder, Norway, University of Rwanda, Rwanda and Jimma University, Ethiopia, is implementing a Six (6) years NORHED II...