The Department of Medical Biochemistry has state-of-the-art equipment that can help in analyzing a range of Biochemical Parameters. MakBRC ( supports our Laboratory management while the...
By Agnes Namaganda The Fogarty International Center of the National Institute of Health in the US has awarded Dr Anthony Batte with a 500,000 USD grant....
By Stella Kakeeto In 2021, the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH/NIAID) awarded Makerere University College of Health Sciences, School of Public Health (MakCHS,...
We thank all staff and students of Makerere University School of Health Sciences (MakSHS) for a job well done in the year 2022. Special thanks to...
The College of Health Sciences (CHS) organized a Quality Assurance (QA) training on Monday 19th June 2023. The purpose of this training was to promote a...
By Balam Ankunda In a bid to address the low death registration rates in Uganda, the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) has joined forces with...
Makerere University School of Medicine (Department of Paediatrics & Child Health) and Busitema University Faculty of Health Sciences are the recipients of a training research grant...
The Society aims to promote professional relevance and teamwork in fostering biology education and scholarship in Uganda Makerere University has mobilized resources to conduct research into...
The Makerere University School of Medicine Malaria Research Training Program, funded by the United States National Institutes of Health (Fogarty International Center) is a collaboration between...
It is with great pleasure that I present to you the second Annual Report of the Makerere University Biomedical Research Centre (MakBRC), which captures our performance...