Charles Ssemugabo – Cohort 9, Makerere University Thesis: Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables: Exposure and Health Risks Among Consumers from Farm to Fork in Kampala...
Most of the antibiotics used to manage diseases in humans and livestock end up in the environment. Antibiotics (ATBs), Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (ARB), and Antibiotic Resistance...
A. Background Dispersal of Antibiotic Resistance and antibiotics in Water ecosystems and Influence on livestock and aquatic wildlife (PAIRWISE) project focuses on dispersal and dynamics of antibiotic resistant...
Makerere University represented by the College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences (Assoc. Prof. Charles Masembe) together with 6 other universities ​​won a...