The Alliance for African Partnership is now accepting proposals for the Transforming Institutions Strategic Funding Program. Successful applicants will receive up to $20,000 in seed funding to develop...
Introduction The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs), Associate Prof. Umar Kakumba, together with the Deputy Director Directorate of Research and Graduate Training (DRGT), Associate Prof. Robert...
With my colleagues—Professors Mugagga, Buyinza, and Masaazi, we published a paper through the Alliance of African Partnership (AAP) consortium, a USA – African research universities alliance...
The Alliance for Global Health and Science (the Alliance) is a partnership between the University of California, Berkeley and Makerere University. The Alliance seeks to make...
I congratulate our own Prof. Frank N. Mwiine upon being elected President of the Global Foot-and-Mouth Disease Research Alliance (GFRA), a worldwide association of animal health...