Some may call it unconventional others holistic/alternative. But what is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT)? This alternative therapy uses the power of mind to heal the...
The Estates and Works Department (EWD) has embarked on Phase 2 of renovation of sanitary facilities in the University. The renovation works will be carried out by Block...
Technology Consults (TECO) presented the proposed Makerere University 30 year Master Plan, covering the Main campus, the College of Health Sciences and Makerere University Agricultural Research...
Makerere University’s School of Language, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) has signed an implementation agreement with the Somali International University (SIU)...
Makerere University has contracted Kenya Airport Parking Services (KAPS) Limited to run commercial parking services at the Main Campus. KAPS is to introduce a 24-hour automated...
TURN8 is pleased to announce ROUND 3 of TURN8 seed accelerator, the unique program launched by DP World to promote entrepreneurship and innovation! TURN8 continues to...
The Hasso-Plattner-Institute in Information and Communications Technology for Development, affiliated with the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cape Town, is offering Computer Science...
The University of Groningen (1614) is hosting a wide range of summer schools. Summer schools are a wonderful way to bring bright students and inspired researchers...
The Japanese Government (MEXT; the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) offers number of scholarship programs every year to international students who wish to...
Applications are now open for the two-week 2014 LSE-UCT July School in Cape Town, run in South Africa this summer by LSE and the University of Cape Town...