Several households in eastern and northern Uganda depend on cassava as their sole starch staple food and source of income. In the 1990s, cassava production was...
On Thursday May 31, 2018, part of the RAN team met with Leo Henghes, Director, United Social Ventures at the RAN Lab to discuss and plan...
On 23rd May 2018, 40 Directors from USAID Feed the Future Innovation Labs visited Makerere University Department of Agribusiness and Natural Resource Economics (DANRE). The remarkable...
The School of Law, Makerere University will this year celebrate 50 years of existence as the premier Law School in Uganda. The Climax of the planned...
The study has been carried out on the Church’s role in reviving Sunday observance among the youth of Achilet Parish. Right from the very beginning of...
Makerere University School of Food Technology Nutrition and Bio engineering has implemented low cost rain water harvesting, irrigation and postharvest value addition technologies among farmer groups...
The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications for the Bachelor of Arts in Social Development degree programme for Day and Evening tenable at Nsamizi Training Institute...
Substance abuse has globally been estimated at 2 billion alcohol users, 1.3 billion smokers and 185 million drug users by the World Health Organization. The trend...
For three days (23rd to 25th May 2018), members of Makerere University Management, Principals, Deputy Principals, Deans, researchers, staff from the Department of the Academic Registrar,...
On Friday, 25th May 2018, Makerere University Business School (MUBS) held the 13th Graduation Ceremony under the theme "Soft skills for business development". 1,431 students graduated...