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Agriculture & Environment

Soybean Breeders Deliberate Strategies for Improving Productivity



The breeders from USA, Brazil and across Africa, including scientists from CGIAR met at Makerere University on 28th November-1st December 2023 to share experiences, best practices and ideas on collaboration, and to brainstorm on ways of improving productivity.


Soybean (Glycine max) serves as one of the most valuable crops in the world, not only as an oil seed crop and feed for livestock and aquaculture, but also as a good and cheap source of protein for human diet and as a biofuel feedstock.  The protein content of soybean is the highest among legume crops, averaging 40% on a dry matter basis. Soy-foods are generally considered to be nutritious and healthy based on their nutrient composition which includes protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fibres as well as minerals and phytoestrogens (or isoflavones). Due to its nutritional superiority, soybean-based foods are highly recommended for children under 5 years, expectant mothers, and HIV/AIDS patients. Impact studies have shown that regular soy food consumption can reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering serum cholesterol by about 33%. It can also reduce the risk of rectal cancer by 80%, mammary tumour by 40%, and breast cancer by 50%.

The Principal of CAES, Prof. Gorettie Nabanoga appreciated the breeders for leading soybean development initiatives. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Principal of CAES, Prof. Gorettie Nabanoga appreciated the breeders for leading soybean development initiatives.

Economic viability

Production of soybean stands at 264 million MT worldwide, with United States of America (USA), Brazil and Argentina being the largest producers. In Africa, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia and Uganda are the largest producers, with annual volumes estimated at 1.5 million metric tonnes (FAO, 2017). The Soybean Market size is estimated to reach $259 billion by 2030 (IndustryARC – Soybean Market Forecast 2023-2028).

Prof. Phinehas Tukamuhabwa, Principal Investigator for the Soybean Breeding and Seed Systems at Makerere briefs participants about the activities of MAKCSID. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Phinehas Tukamuhabwa, Principal Investigator for the Soybean Breeding and Seed Systems at Makerere briefs participants about the activities of MAKCSID.

The economic viability of soy production is determined by the commercial utilization of both its sub-products, meal and oil, which, respectively, account for about two thirds and one third of the crop’s economic value. Soymeal accounts for over 60% of world output of vegetable and animal meals and occupies a prominent position among protein feedstuffs used in the production of feed concentrates, while soybean oil is the single most important vegetable oil, accounting for 20% of global vegetable oil production. The widespread use of soybean oil in particular as edible oil is mainly due to (i) its plentiful and dependable supplies, (ii) its competitive price, (iii) its neutral flavour, and its stability in both unhydrogenated and partially hydrogenated form. Indirectly, the rapid rise in the demand for compound feed has contributed considerably to the rise in soybean and soyoil production. Soybean contributes significantly to the total value added by the agricultural sector in the major producing countries and particularly so in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and the USA. In these countries, soybean and its two main sub-products also occupy an important position in export earnings from agriculture as well as in terms of total merchandise exports (FAO). In Uganda, soybean is number one income earner crop in Northern and Eastern Uganda. Farmers in the region earn at least UGX1,200,000 per hectare per season.

Prof. Brian Diers from the University of Illinois sharing updates from SIL. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Brian Diers from the University of Illinois sharing updates from SIL.

Challenges undermining productivity

Despite the significant strides registered by soybean growing countries, and the health and economic benefits that the crop presents, a number of challenges still undermine productivity.  These include; pests and diseases, prolonged droughts and prolonged rains, poor agronomic practices, inaccessibility to good seed by farmers, drudgery in the production chain (Planting and harvesting) and market price fluctuations, as well as mismatches in supply and demand. Surging input costs, supply disruptions of fertilizers and alternative crops caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and lingering COVID-19 effects have added more uncertainty and volatility to the soybeans market, driving up the prices. Home grown technologies, local seed business approach, and addressing the whole value chain, are envisaged as some of the strategies to overcome the challenges. Adapting crop management, conserving and improving soil conditions by minimizing tilling, increasing crop diversification, protecting soil from erosion, as well as the development of drought-tolerant varieties, will be key to withstand the emerging climate challenges.

Participants following Prof. Diers' presentation during the meeting. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Participants following Prof. Diers’ presentation during the meeting.

Soybean Breeders meeting at Makerere

Soybean breeders from USA, Brazil, and across Africa including scientists from CGIAR on 28th November 2023 met at Makerere University to share experiences, best practices, and ideas on collaboration, and to brainstorm on ways of improving soybean productivity. The meeting held at the School of Agricultural Sciences (SAS), College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) was organized by the Makerere University Centre for Soybean Improvement and Development (MAKCSID) and the Soybean Innovation Lab (SIL) of the University of Illinois with support from USAID. It was coordinated by Prof. Phinehas Tukamuhabwa, Principal Investigator for the Soybean Breeding and Seed Systems at Makerere, and Prof. Brian Diers from SIL, University of Illinois. It was graced by the Principal of CAES, Prof. Gorettie Nabanoga, the Deputy Principal, Prof. Yazidhi Bamutaze, and the Dean, SAS, Dr John Baptist Tumuhairwe. During the meeting, participants shared progress reports of their respective institutions, highlighting the achievements registered in soybean breeding and seed systems, best practices, challenges undermining productivity, and strategies for improvement. In his presentation, Prof. Diers briefed participants on SIL breeding efforts, indicating that 20 varieties had been developed between 2019-2022 up from the 7 developed between 2013-2018. He also shared updates on the renewed funding from USAID, and the support extended towards new breeding programmes at IITA in Nigeria, IITA in Zambia, EIAR in Ethiopia, Makerere University, and SARI in Ghana.

Dr. Godfrey Chigeza from IITA, Zambia (Standing) responds to queries from Prof. Tukamuhabwa about his presentation. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr. Godfrey Chigeza from IITA, Zambia (Standing) responds to queries from Prof. Tukamuhabwa about his presentation.

Delivering a presentation on soybean research in Uganda, Prof. Tukamuhabwa noted that the country had registered significant strides with the production of six high yielding varieties namely; Maksoy IN, Maksoy 2N, Maksoy 3N, Maksoy 4N; Maksoy 5N, Maksoy 6N. Recent impact studies indicated that the new varieties developed by MAKCSID were the most planted and accounted for 93% of the soybean varieties grown by Ugandan farmers. Currently, Maksoy 1N is the most widely adopted variety by farmers, while Maksoy 3N has the largest quantities of foundation seed disseminated by the Centre. According to Prof. Tukamuhabwa, the Centre also established a state-of-the-art seed storage facility for early generation seed (Breeders and Foundation seed) and soybean germplasm used for breeding other varieties. Other facilities are soybean processing equipment (soycow) and Soybean roaster that are used to add value to soybeans. The growth of the soybean sub-sector in Uganda is mainly attributed to the availability of a wide range of improved varieties, government investment in soybean research, and increased private sector investment along the soybean value chain. Despite the achievements, Prof. Tukamuhabwa outlined a number of factors undermining soybean seed systems in Uganda including; the presumed high cost of seed by farmers, counterfeit seed in the market, limited interest in self-pollinating crops by most private seed companies, weak seed policy enforcement, limited access to seed, and unpredictable weather conditions. He expressed gratitude to all development partners that have supported the growth of the MAKCSID programme including; USAID through SIL, the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF VODP), NARO, NAcRRI, RUFORUM, AATF, AGRA, Soybean Africa Limited, NAADS, Smart Foods, ISSD Uganda, IITA, and all local soybean stakeholders.

Abush Tesfaye from IITA, Nigeria delivers a presentation about their programme. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Abush Tesfaye from IITA, Nigeria delivers a presentation about their programme.

At the meeting, participants including Godfree Chigeza from IITA, Zambia; Abush Tesfaye (IITA, Nigeria), Masresha Yirga (EIAR, Ethiopia), Harun Murithi (SIL), Andrew Scaboo (University of Missouri), Elizabeth De Meyer (University of Missouri), and Carrie Miranda (North Dakota State University) delivered presentations on the progress of their breeding and research programmes.

Left to Right: Participants - Dr Harun Murithi, Dr. Jenipher Bisikwa, Dr Tony Obua, and Dr Godfree Chigeza keenly following the presentations. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Left to Right: Participants – Dr Harun Murithi, Dr. Jenipher Bisikwa, Dr Tony Obua, and Dr Godfree Chigeza keenly following the presentations.

A major concern arising from the meeting was the increasing threat of rust. Through efforts of the Centre for Soybean Improvement and Development (MAKCSID), the soybean rust pandemic was brought under control, through breeding and dissemination of superior varieties to the farming communities.

Participants following the proceedings. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Participants following the proceedings.

Going forward, participants emphasized the need to set up a rust reference centre, early warning systems, and disease nurseries – potential lines for monitoring virulence. They also called for an increase in germplasm acquisition, capacity building for germplasm storage and utilization, introduction of bruchid tolerant genotypes, introduction of soybean genotypes suitable for mechanical harvest, mechanization of production processes, leveraging the scarce research infrastructure, and the development of necessary skills amongst scientists and staff. 

Masresha Yirga from EIAR, Ethiopia delivering his presentation. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Masresha Yirga from EIAR, Ethiopia delivering his presentation.

In her remarks, the Principal of CAES, Prof. Gorettie Nabanoga expressed gratitude to participants for leading soybean development initiatives. She also appreciated the development partners for supporting the programme. Commenting on the significance of the crop, she said under NDPIII, soybean had been identified as a game changer and one of the crops to improve the country’s food systems. “The crop has been targeted for its oils and nutritional benefits. It is therefore important that we move it to the next level in terms of resistance to diseases, adaption to climate change, and development of fast growing varieties.” She specifically thanked the breeding team led by Prof. Tukamuhabwa for making Makerere the leading Centre in quality soybean seed production and distribution in the country. During their four-day visit, the soybean breeders visited the screen houses, soybean fields, and the Early Generation Seed Unit at MUARIK where they provided enriching insights for improvement. The team also toured Nakabango/Jinja trials as well as the Bugi ZARDI highland soybean trials.

More photos from the meeting

The Dean, SAS, Dr Johh Baptist Tumuhairwe addressing participants. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Dean, SAS, Dr Johh Baptist Tumuhairwe addressing participants.
Some of the students on the soybean breeding programme. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Some of the students on the soybean breeding programme.
The visitors touring the soybean fields at MUARIK. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The visitors touring the soybean fields at MUARIK.
One of the soybean fields at MUARIK. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
One of the soybean fields at MUARIK.
Prof. Tukamuhabwa (2nd Left) talks to the breeders in one of the soybean fields at MUARIK. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Tukamuhabwa (2nd Left) talks to the breeders in one of the soybean fields at MUARIK.
Prof. Tukamuhabwa responding to an inquiry from Dr Chigeza. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Tukamuhabwa responding to an inquiry from Dr Chigeza.
Prof. Brian Diers (Right) and Andrew Scaboo (Left) assessing the crops in the soybean field at MUARIK. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Brian Diers (Right) and Andrew Scaboo (Left) assessing the crops in the soybean field at MUARIK.
Harun Murithi (Right) conducting an assessment in the field at MUARIK. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Harun Murithi (Right) conducting an assessment in the field at MUARIK.
Prof. Tukamuhabwa responds to inquiries about the soybean field. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Tukamuhabwa responds to inquiries about the soybean field.
The breeders team after touring the soybean field at MUARIK. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The breeders team after touring the soybean field at MUARIK.
The team at the solar irrigation facility at MUARIK. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The team at the solar irrigation facility at MUARIK.
Prof. Tukamuhabwa explaining how the solar irrigation facility works. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Tukamuhabwa explaining how the solar irrigation facility works.
The breeders touring the screen houses at MUARIK. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The breeders touring the screen houses at MUARIK.
The breeders at the soybean seed storage facility at MUARIK. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The breeders at the soybean seed storage facility at MUARIK.
One of the soybean seed storage facilities at MUARIK. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
One of the soybean seed storage facilities at MUARIK.
The breeders touring the Early Generation Seed Unit at MUARIK. Africa Soybean Breeders Meeting, 28th November to 1st December 2023, Makerere University, MUARIK, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The breeders touring the Early Generation Seed Unit at MUARIK.

Agriculture & Environment

Mak, Oregon State University Sign Cooperation Agreement



The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe signing the MoU between Makerere University and Oregon State University. Makerere University and Oregon State University MoU Signing to collaborate on i) Exchange of scholars and faculty staff, ii) Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students for research and study, iii) Exchange of academic information and materials, iv) Joint research activities and publications, v) Participation in conferences and academic meetings vi) Joint running of short-term academic programs, vii) Resource mobilization, 19th July 2024, Frank Kalimuzo Central Teaching Facility, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe on 19th July 2024 endorsed the Memorandum of Understanding between Makerere University and Oregon State University to collaborate in different aspects of academics. The MoU signing ceremony was witnessed by members of staff from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) namely; Dr Revocatus Twinomuhangi, Dean, School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences; Dr Lawrence Orikiriza Head, Department of Forestry, Biodiversity and Tourism; and Prof. Jim Ayorekire from the same department. Oregon State University was represented by Dr Ian E. Munanura, an Associate Professor in the Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, College of Forestry, and Ms. Racheal Fahrenbach, Manager International Programs at the College of Forestry.  At Makerere, the MoU will be implemented by the Department of Forestry, Biodiversity and Tourism under the leadership of Prof. Jim Ayorekire. At Oregon State University, it will be implemented by the College of Forestry.

The VC together with representatives from Makerere CAES and Oregon State University display the MoU after the signing ceremony. Makerere University and Oregon State University MoU Signing to collaborate on i) Exchange of scholars and faculty staff, ii) Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students for research and study, iii) Exchange of academic information and materials, iv) Joint research activities and publications, v) Participation in conferences and academic meetings vi) Joint running of short-term academic programs, vii) Resource mobilization, 19th July 2024, Frank Kalimuzo Central Teaching Facility, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The VC together with representatives from Makerere CAES and Oregon State University display the MoU after the signing ceremony.

Under the MoU, the two institutions have agree to mutually promote the following programmes, based on their respective academic and educational needs; i) Exchange of scholars and faculty staff, ii) Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students for research and study, iii) Exchange of academic information and materials, iv) Joint research activities and publications, v) Participation in conferences and academic meetings vi) Joint running of short-term academic programs, vii) Resource mobilization in respect of areas of mutual interest, and any other areas which may promote their mutual interests.

The delegation from CAES and Oregon State University brief the VC about the MoU. Makerere University and Oregon State University MoU Signing to collaborate on i) Exchange of scholars and faculty staff, ii) Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students for research and study, iii) Exchange of academic information and materials, iv) Joint research activities and publications, v) Participation in conferences and academic meetings vi) Joint running of short-term academic programs, vii) Resource mobilization, 19th July 2024, Frank Kalimuzo Central Teaching Facility, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The delegation from CAES and Oregon State University brief the VC about the MoU.

During the ceremony, the Vice Chancellor noted that programmes agreed on in the MoU were in line with the University’s Strategic Plan, and would greatly advance Makerere’s aspiration to become a research-led University. “As we move towards becoming a research-led University, we aim to contribute to the realization of Agenda 2063 which seeks to have Africa produce at least one million PhDs as one of the measures to eradicate poverty from the continent. Partnerships like this will help us achieve our target, by building our supervision capacity,” he explained, pledging support towards the implementation of the MoU.

The VC shares insights on the collaboration. Makerere University and Oregon State University MoU Signing to collaborate on i) Exchange of scholars and faculty staff, ii) Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students for research and study, iii) Exchange of academic information and materials, iv) Joint research activities and publications, v) Participation in conferences and academic meetings vi) Joint running of short-term academic programs, vii) Resource mobilization, 19th July 2024, Frank Kalimuzo Central Teaching Facility, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The VC shares insights on the collaboration.

Dr Ian Munanura on behalf of Oregon State University expressed gratitude to work with Makerere, noting that the partnership would strengthen research capacity of the two institutions and support the mentorship of the next generation of scientists to deal with the challenges facing humanity including climate change and unemployment.

The VC presents sovernirs to Ms. Racheal Fahrenbach. Makerere University and Oregon State University MoU Signing to collaborate on i) Exchange of scholars and faculty staff, ii) Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students for research and study, iii) Exchange of academic information and materials, iv) Joint research activities and publications, v) Participation in conferences and academic meetings vi) Joint running of short-term academic programs, vii) Resource mobilization, 19th July 2024, Frank Kalimuzo Central Teaching Facility, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The VC presents sovernirs to Ms. Racheal Fahrenbach.

About the Department of Forestry, Biodiversity and Tourism at Makerere

The Department of Forestry, Biodiversity, and Tourism under the School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University offers programmes namely; Bachelor of Science in Conservation Forestry and Products Technology; Bachelor of Social and Entrepreneurial Forestry; and Master of Science in Agroforestry. Specific courses offered under those programmes include; Agroforestry Systems, Practices And Technologies;  Drylands Agroforestry; Advanced Community Forestry; Gender Issues In Forestry; Advanced Biodiversity Conservation; Ecophysiology and Agronomy; Forestry For Rural Development; Natural Resource Management; Tropical Forest Ecology And Management; Forestry Business Management; Entrepreneurship In Forestry; Forestry And Food Security; Indigenous Knowledge in Resource Management; Biomass Energy Production and Conservation; Land Use Planning and Watershed Management; Forest Planning and Development; Forest Ecosystems and Livelihoods; and Forest Planning and Development. The Department also conducts a wide range of research in the fields highlighted above. The training offered exposes graduates from the department to a wide range of employment opportunities.

The VC presents sovernirs to Dr Ian E. Munanura. Makerere University and Oregon State University MoU Signing to collaborate on i) Exchange of scholars and faculty staff, ii) Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students for research and study, iii) Exchange of academic information and materials, iv) Joint research activities and publications, v) Participation in conferences and academic meetings vi) Joint running of short-term academic programs, vii) Resource mobilization, 19th July 2024, Frank Kalimuzo Central Teaching Facility, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The VC presents sovernirs to Dr Ian E. Munanura.

About the College of Forestry, Oregon State University

The Oregon State University College of Forestry is an internationally recognized leader that is transforming education, research and policy for managing and sustaining working forest ecosystems in the 21st century. The College offers a world-class education that provides a wide variety of opportunities following graduation. Academic excellence is the hallmark of the College of Forestry programs at Oregon State University. Ranked as one of the premier forestry schools in the world, students find a variety of programs that offer broad education, rigorous depth and professional focus. The College is known for its collaborative research approach to advance knowledge and bring solutions to issues facing forest landscapes and ecosystems. It takes pride in creating new and innovative approaches to help partners enhance people’s lives while improving the health of lands, businesses and vital ecosystems.

A group photo with the VC at the signing ceremony. Makerere University and Oregon State University MoU Signing to collaborate on i) Exchange of scholars and faculty staff, ii) Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students for research and study, iii) Exchange of academic information and materials, iv) Joint research activities and publications, v) Participation in conferences and academic meetings vi) Joint running of short-term academic programs, vii) Resource mobilization, 19th July 2024, Frank Kalimuzo Central Teaching Facility, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
A group photo with the VC at the signing ceremony.

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Agriculture & Environment

Call For Abstracts: 3rd International GORILLA Conference



The 3rd International Conference on Geographical Science for Resilient Communities, Ecosystems and Livelihoods under Global Environmental Change (GORILLA), 4-6 December, 2024. Call For Abstracts. Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The 3rd International Conference on Geographical Science for Resilient Communities, Ecosystems and Livelihoods under Global Environmental Change (GORILLA) aims to take stock of emerging geographic oriented science and knowledge for advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The GORILLA Conference seeks to harness geographic science to advance knowledge and foster positive change in understanding and addressing sustainable development challenges and opportunities at local, regional, national, and global scales. The specific objectives are to;

  1. Facilitate exchange of contemporary resilience building knowledge and innovations in a transdisciplinary manner.
  2. Enhance dialogue to bridge the science-policy-practice interface to address deficits that are limiting the resolution of pressing resilience challenges and shape policy agendas.
  3. Enhance capacities and capabilities of early career scientists through mentorship and dedicated training focused on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  4. Increase knowledge and scientific outputs from Sub-Saharan Africa by facilitating special issue publications
  5. Provide an opportunity for increased networking and beneficial partnerships from attendees with varied backgrounds and professional affiliations to address complex sustainable development challenges.

Important dates

  • Conference Dates: 4th – 6th December 2024
  • Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 30th August 2024
  • Latest Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 31st October 2024

Conference Topics

(a) Geographies of Climate Change, Climate Justice and Just Transition: Spaces and Patterns
(b) Biodiversity Informatics, Sustainable Ecosystems, Landscapes and People
(c) Green Growth and Transitions to Land Degradation Neutrality and Net Zero
(d) Water Governance and Watershed Resilience for Sustainable livelihoods
(e) Interconnected Geohazards and Disasters in a Changing World
(f) Polycrisis: Migration, Displacement, Conflict and Humanitarianism
(g) The changing Geography of Agrifood Systems
(h) Nature Based Solutions for Inclusive and Equitable Development
(i) Emerging and Novel Technologies for Societal Resilience
(j) Sustainable Cities and Urban Systems in SSA
(k) Geographies of Energy and Energy Transitions
(l) Environment and Health

Submission of Abstract

A 250-word abstract on the topics of the conference is required for those intending to make presentations. Both oral and poster presentations in the conference will be accepted. In addition, specific proposals for sessions may also be accepted. Abstracts will be submitted online at

Please see downloads for Conference Materials

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Agriculture & Environment

Mak, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology Sign Collaboration Agreement



The representative of Makerere University Vice Chancellor, also Dean SFEGS, Dr Revocatus Twinomuhangi handing over signed MoU to the Vice President of NUIST. Makerere University-Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) MoU Signing to formalize collaboration in teaching and learning, research and publication, technology transfer, and resource mobilization, 12th July 2024, School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS) Board Room, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

*****Under the MoU, the two institutions will among other activities, collaborate in the areas of teaching and learning, research and publication, technology transfer, and resource mobilization in respect of areas of mutual interest.

Makerere University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) to formalize collaboration. Under the agreement, the two institutions intend to leverage each other’s respective strengths, experience, technologies, methodologies, and resources to achieve shared and complementary goals. Areas of cooperation will include; i) Mobilization of resources in respect of areas of mutual interest, ii) Conducting research, publishing research findings, and promoting outreach to the relevant state and non-state actors, iii) Exchanging academic and technical information including transfer of technology between the two institutions within acceptable institutional structures and policies, iv) Staff and student exchanges, v) Strengthening networking and identifying partnership opportunities between the two institutions/parties, and vi) Organizing and participating in joint academic activities such as seminars, workshops and conferences in respect of areas of mutual interest. The two institutions are also in negotiations to establish an African climate school to strengthen research and training in atmospheric science/ meteorology.

The Representative of Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Dr Revocatus Twinomuhangi and the Vice President of NUIST signing the MoU. Makerere University-Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) MoU Signing to formalize collaboration in teaching and learning, research and publication, technology transfer, and resource mobilization, 12th July 2024, School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS) Board Room, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Representative of Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Dr Revocatus Twinomuhangi and the Vice President of NUIST signing the MoU.

On 12th July 2024, representatives from the two institutions met at Makerere University to sign the MoU and further deliberate on the proposed areas of collaboration. Besides the other proposed areas of collaboration, the meeting held at the School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS) discussed the Reverse 2+2 programme proposal, a joint education programme collaboratively designed by both parties. The programme is implemented in two phases. Phase one covers the first two years, during which students undertake full-time studies at a foreign institution, completing prescribed courses (earning transcripts from the foreign institution) and meeting admission requirements of NUIST. Phase two spans the next two years, with students studying full-time at NUIST. Upon completing the required courses, practical activities, and graduation projects offered by NUIST, students will receive a graduation diploma from NUIST and a bachelor’s degree from both institutions. At Makerere University, the MoU will be implemented by the School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences, and will be coordinated by Dr Alex Nimusiima, Senior Lecturer and Coordinator of the Meteorology Unit. At NUIST, the programme will be managed by Dr. Yueyue Yu, Professor of school of Atmospheric Science.

Dr Revocatus Twinomuhangi briefing the NUIST delegation about Makerere, and specifically the School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences. Makerere University-Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) MoU Signing to formalize collaboration in teaching and learning, research and publication, technology transfer, and resource mobilization, 12th July 2024, School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS) Board Room, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr Revocatus Twinomuhangi briefing the NUIST delegation about Makerere, and specifically the School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences.

In his remarks presented by the Dean, School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences, Dr Revocatus Twinomuhangi, Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe pledged support to ensure successful implementation of the programme. “The field of atmospheric science/ meteorology, the main focus of this cooperation, is very important especially for our country Uganda which depends mainly on rain-fed agriculture and also in this era of climate change where strengthening this discipline will be important for successful adaptation and mitigation of climate change,” he noted, emphasizing the importance of partnership in fostering Makerere’s aspiration of becoming a research-University.

The NUIST delegation during the MoU signing ceremony at Makerere. Makerere University-Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) MoU Signing to formalize collaboration in teaching and learning, research and publication, technology transfer, and resource mobilization, 12th July 2024, School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS) Board Room, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The NUIST delegation during the MoU signing ceremony at Makerere.

Commenting on the MoU, the Vice President Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology committed to support the programme with hope that it will serve as a role model in the educational cooperation between Uganda and China.

Prof. Dr. Yueyue Yu briefs the team about NUIS. Makerere University-Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) MoU Signing to formalize collaboration in teaching and learning, research and publication, technology transfer, and resource mobilization, 12th July 2024, School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS) Board Room, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Dr. Yueyue Yu briefs the team about NUIS.


Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST), founded in 1960 and renamed from Nanjing Institute of Meteorology in 2004, was designated as one of the national key institutions of higher education in 1978. NUIST is co-constructed by the Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government, the China Meteorological Administration (CMA), the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) and the Ministry of Education. In 2017, NUIST was on the list of China’s “Double First-class” construction universities and disciplines as well as Jiangsu high level universities. Currently, NUIST has about 35800 full-time students, including 28,300 undergraduate students, 6,200 postgraduate students and 1,300 international students. There are more than 2,000 full-time faculty members, with more than 120 high-end scholars including academicians of Chinese, EU, French, and Russian Academies of Sciences, MOE Special Professors and National Distinguished Young Scholars. 

Prof. Dr. Yueyue Yu addressing the team on the cooperation agreement. Makerere University-Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) MoU Signing to formalize collaboration in teaching and learning, research and publication, technology transfer, and resource mobilization, 12th July 2024, School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS) Board Room, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Dr. Yueyue Yu addressing the team on the cooperation agreement.

NUIST has established cooperative relationship with over 100 overseas universities and colleges from over 30 countries and regions including Yale University, Harvard University, the University of Reading, the University of Manchester, South East Technological University, Carlton University, Delft University of Technology, Macquarie University and Monash University. To date, the WMO Regional Training Centre Nanjing at NUIST has trained over 4,300 senior meteorological and hydrological professionals for 158 countries and regions and become the world’s largest training centre of top quality. Diversified cooperation modes with worldwide first-class universities is a characteristic of NUIST’s international cooperation, among which to establish joint research institutes is the most effective one.   

More photos from the event

The Head, Department of Geography, Geo-Informatics and Climatic Sciences, Dr Paul Mukwaya briefing the team about the programmes at Makerere. Makerere University-Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) MoU Signing to formalize collaboration in teaching and learning, research and publication, technology transfer, and resource mobilization, 12th July 2024, School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS) Board Room, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Head, Department of Geography, Geo-Informatics and Climatic Sciences, Dr Paul Mukwaya briefing the team about the programmes at Makerere.

Members of staff from the Department of Geography, Geo-Informatics and Climatic Sciences at the MoU signing ceremony. Makerere University-Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) MoU Signing to formalize collaboration in teaching and learning, research and publication, technology transfer, and resource mobilization, 12th July 2024, School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS) Board Room, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Members of staff from the Department of Geography, Geo-Informatics and Climatic Sciences at the MoU signing ceremony.

Dr Alex Nimusiima, coordinator of the programme at Makerere addressing the team. Makerere University-Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) MoU Signing to formalize collaboration in teaching and learning, research and publication, technology transfer, and resource mobilization, 12th July 2024, School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS) Board Room, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Dr Alex Nimusiima, coordinator of the programme at Makerere addressing the team.

Festus Luboyera, the Executive Director Uganda National Meteorological Authority called on Makerere to embrace the collaboration. Makerere University-Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) MoU Signing to formalize collaboration in teaching and learning, research and publication, technology transfer, and resource mobilization, 12th July 2024, School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS) Board Room, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Festus Luboyera, the Executive Director Uganda National Meteorological Authority called on Makerere to embrace the collaboration.

The team is in negotiations to establish an African climate school to strengthen research and training in atmospheric science, meteorology. Makerere University-Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST) MoU Signing to formalize collaboration in teaching and learning, research and publication, technology transfer, and resource mobilization, 12th July 2024, School of Forestry, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences (SFEGS) Board Room, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The team is in negotiations to establish an African climate school to strengthen research and training in atmospheric science, meteorology.

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