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Prof. Eddy Walakira hands over SWASA Headship to Dr. Denis Muhangi



Professor Eddy Walakira on 11th May, 2023 handed over office to Dr. Denis Muhangi as new head, Department of Social Work and Social Administration.

Prof. Walakira started working at Makerere University in 1996 and was ushered into leadership when he was first appointed in Acting Head on 1st November 2012 and subsequently, became substantive on 1st September 2014.

“So that marks over 10 years in leadership of the department and I am grateful for all the time that I have been able to serve” He said.

Reflecting over his leadership style, Prof. Walakira reported that he has emphasized team work, had cohesion, peaceful co-existence and discounted negative talk.

Prof. Eddy Walakira (Left) hands over his report to Dr. Denis Muhangi (Right), SWASA, CHUSS, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.
Prof. Eddy Walakira (Left) hands over his report to Dr. Denis Muhangi (Right).

“We have given every person, freedom to express themselves and because of that, the atmosphere that we have created even in project collaborations and coordination, I have made sure that everyone participates. I have encouraged staff not to look at what individuals do but instead learn from their capabilities and creatively innovate something that they can do themselves”, He said.

That style he said, avoided conflicts and ensured staff stand as a coherent strong team and built a unit that was resourceful.

The department he stressed has not been in a fragile financial situation and has been able to meet costs for big meetings and visiting delegations.

“As a leader, when you get into office, it would be very difficult to start looking at the university to meet all the financial needs of the unit. All along, I have created an environment of flexibility, collegiality, teamwork and being pragmatic so as to take advantage of every opportunity that comes along so that we are able to support university functions and activities”, he explained.

Across all the years, Prof. Walakira said the department has been able to support the part timers who are not paid by the university.

Prof. Walakira highlighted key achievements under his tenure in areas of staffing capacity, teaching and training, developing new programmes, curriculum revision, staff promotion, research, publications and collaborations, infrastructure and facilities, financial resources and supplies, ongoing transformation efforts and maintaining visibility.

Prof. Walakira highlighting a section of his hand over report, SWASA, CHUSS, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.
Prof. Walakira highlighting a section of his hand over report.

He said for the last couple of months, the units has been thinking about the way forward and came to appoint that the department should transform into a school imploring the incoming head to look into what members of staff subscribe to, to move the process forward.

He said the paper work is about to be completed to achieve a higher goal calling for the necessary support to achieve this.

“This s important because it elevates the profession itself, because the higher you go as a unit the more the profession gets the clout to negotiate, be considered important and also to pursue an agenda that truly reflects an agenda that you aspire to as a profession”, Prof. Walakira stressed.

Other remarkable achievements according to Prof. Walakira include improvement in staffing capacity standing at   54% as one of the university units with staffing capacity beyond 50% . By the time he assumed office, the unit had 24 staff, of these 19 teaching and 5 support staff. In terms of qualifications, 63 % of staff had PhDs when he came in but currently 69% hold PhDs.

In teaching and learning Prof. Walakira reported that the department has a Bachelor of Social Works and Co teach Bachelor of social sciences with 4 Masters programmes (with two active namely Master of social Works and Master of social sector planning and management) and a PhD based on research.

Areas that need strengthening in teaching according the Prof. Walakira include teaching in sign language which is depended on part timers, managing complex disabilities and promoting inclusion, teaching quantitative research at all levels, teaching social work and mental health, and the need for staffing in social policy , climate change adaptation and mitigation.

He reported that during his administration, the unit successfully revised the curriculum for the active programs, and was currently revising the curriculum for the master of social sector planning and management and developing a new curriculum for a PhD in social work with an additional description in social work.

Prof. Walakira also reported that the department  developed  a document detailing the minimum standards and  competence framework for social work education and training in the country  to amplify  the relevance of the subject to nation building.

From one Professor and Associate Professor, he said the unit has 6 members at the level of Assoc. Professor with 5 senior lectures from 4 that time with a number of staff who have applied for promotion. The department he reported was outstanding in the area research, collaborations and publications with over 70% of staff actively involved in research and publications.

I accept the responsibility – Incoming Head Dr. Denis Muhangi

 The incoming Head, Dr. Denis Muhangi thanked the outgoing head for the leadership offered, the innovativeness and pragmatism which are necessary for any any leader to thrive amidist limited resources and challenges.

“It is my great pleasure this morning to accept the responsibility being bestowed upon me, I have shaken hands with the outgoing head, received the files and I accept the responsibility. I thank all members for making time to witness the hand over and for the confidence and trust you put in me when you elected me”, Dr. Muhangi appreciated

Dr. Denis Muhangi reacts to a remark during the handover ceremony, SWASA, CHUSS, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.
Dr. Denis Muhangi reacts to a remark during the handover ceremony.

Dr. Muhangi described the  transition  as an important milestone in the history of the department  pledging to carry on the mantle by leveraging on  his predecessor’s’ mode of leadership of collegiality, peaceful conflict resolution and harmonious co-existence.

“We are social workers, we teach, conflict resolution, dialogue and issues of engagement so, we should practice what we teach to help maintain a good environment for us to  prosper”

As he embarks on this journey, Dr. Muhangi said the tasks ahead were clear urging staff to continue with roles of teaching, examining and supervision saying, this was the main reason they exist in the university.

He implored staff to tap into  existing  opportunities and leverage on existing networks nationally and internally and to enhance the brand and  the visibility of the department for better recognition.

He recognized the resourcefulness of every staff hoping  to draw on these resources for collective achievements.

He expressed the need for all to come up with innovative ways of supporting graduate students to complete on time and issues pointed out by the outgoing head.

“I appreciate that what I am taking on is a huge responsibility and I want to pledge that I will do my part to provide support, guidance and enabling environment as will be need. It is also comforting to know that there is the support of the Dean, the Principal’ office and other support units of the university and management”, Dr. Muhangi promised.

He called on staff to continue cherishing the spirit of social support in good and bad times.

The Dean commends efforts to preserve the profession

Presiding over the ceremony. the Dean School of Social Sciences, Dr. Justus Twesiggye said this was historical  in the making for the department to have an elected head after having a record  acting heads who are finally confirmed 

Noting that there is struggle to find  a professional and social activism that promotes social change, Dr. Twesigye expressed the need for new  recruits  to  be part of this culture and learn that it  is professionalization  in social work that one  can hand over, talk and  welcome change.

The Dean, Dr. Justus Twesigye speaking during the handover ceremony, SWASA, CHUSS, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.
The Dean, Dr. Justus Twesigye speaking during the handover ceremony.

“In social development terms, we are happy that now we can make choice that we have more capacity, there is agency and that we can hand over and talk of change without fights. To me this is something we should celebrate as a social work family”, The Dean said.

The Dean thanked Dr. David  Mafigiri  who was  the opponent to the incoming for leading and  engaging Dr. Muhangi in  a peaceful contest, accepting defeat  and pledging to support,  describing these as a sign of maturity  and good growth.

Dr. Twesigye congratulated Prof. Eddy Walakira for successfully having his terms as head of department.

“You should be pleased over this landmark over 10 years in office is not an easy thing. We lost several heads of departments in successive years, but you have been able to live and serve. God blessed you with good health, you have been constant, available and smiling. To be able to lead a team and focus for a long time  is very good. This is God’s Grace”, Dr. Twesigye said.

He reminded staff that the ceremony signifies that when you take over office, you must serve and at one time leave using the adage that when the curtains close, no matter how good a dancer you are, you must leave the stage.

Dr. Twesigye commended Prof. Walakira for the tremendous achievements .

“The first one is minimum standards and competence framework for social work education and training that to me, is really spot on. That document if interpreted well, is going to help us  and even when out of here, we shall be talking of preserving this profession.

The second one is having the Master of social work and Bachelor curriculum that is very extremely important for the identity and professionalization and the core of putting the department where it is”, The Dean commended.

The Dean congratulated Dr. Denis Muhangi and welcomed him to the leadership forum describing him as kindhearted and sober  person capable of taking the department to another level.

Dr. Twesigye reminded the incoming that he will take on more responsibilities including emergencies and will have to account to the Dean, Principal and university Management as the first point of contact.

He said he has inherited leadership with great opportunities  over the years with a good number of PhDs, with the largest number of students who have government scholarships in the university through the special entry scheme, district quotas and disability schemes of almost 30%, then  national merit of about 25-30%.

Despite the potential and opportunities, the Dean noted that the identity crisis was still present in the profession which cannot be accounted for, adding that he has not had of a full professor in social work as long as he can remember .

Noting that there is is so much suppression to fight against, the Dean implored the incoming head, to capitalize on the opportunities to tackle critical challenges such as the teaching culture, negative publicity, the staffing gaps, graduate completion rates, attracting the super cream undergraduate students to enroll for masters  and ensure the professionalization of social work is revisited, understood and  pursued to the latter.

Prof. Eddy Walkira hailed  for exemplary leadership

Assoc. Prof. Asingwire Narathius , a mentor and the previous leader who laid the foundation for the department applauded the outgoing head for  exemplary leadership.

“I thank you so much Prof. Walakira for appreciating to bring you in the leadership. I mentored you and you have not disappointed me. You have left the department united, the level of cohesion is unrivaled and I am sure Dr. Muhangi will pick from there. This is very positive environment with the Dean being part of us”

Prof. Asingwire joined university leadership as Ag. Head Department of Social Work in 1998 and served for 13 years in acting and substantive positions. He came when the department had lost two heads within a  short time and at the turbulent times when then Vice-chancellor had appointed a committee of inquiry into the department.

“To serve 10 years Prof. Walakira, that is not a short time and certainly in 10 years, that is a long term of service. I thank all colleagues for giving you unwavering support. Dr. Muhangi is coming into office through the power of the ballot. This is the first time the department has held an election”. Prof. Asingwire commented.

He clarified that no one was stifling democracy but staff could not respond to calls for nominations and some would not qualify.

“Thank you for making this office very attractive. I pray that Dr. Muhangi will even make it more attractive so that when his term expires, that everyone will seek to be nominated and we will have a variety of choice”, Prof. Asingwire stated.

 Assistant Lecturer, Agatha Kafuko congratulated the outgoing head upon the milestones over the 10 years and the incoming upon his election and appointment.

“Social work has contributed significantly to professional development especially in the area of child protection in Uganda. Also with social labs now, we are contributing significantly to the university’s strategic goal in terms of innovative ways of teaching and community engagement”,

Dr. Denis Muhangi

Dr. Muhangi is an experienced researcher with over 15 years experience in conducting social research and evaluation studies. His work has been in the areas of HIV/AIDS, malaria prevention, water and sanitation, livelihoods, orphans and vulnerable children, and governance. Dr. Muhangi completed his PhD studies at Queens University of Belfast in the UK, his PhD research focused on government-NGO partnerships in HIV/AIDS response in Uganda. His PhD research built on his many years of work in the area of HIV/AIDS as well as in the area of government relations with other actors, such as NGOs, CBOs, FBOs, and the private-for-profit sector. His other fields of interest include social policy reform, social services design and delivery, and institutional development. He brings with him extensive experience in conducting social research, mainly using qualitative (including PRA) methods, with fair knowledge of quantitative methods. He is competent in designing research studies such as baselines, reviews, and impact assessments. He is also competent in designing M&E systems. He has exceptionally good conceptual and analytical skills, skills for making presentations, and writing skills – including writing for publication. He has previously worked as a consultant for reputable organizations such as UNDP, UNICEF, UPHOLD, Directorate of Water Development, PSI/PACE, and several local Ugandan NGOs. His work has been a wide range of sectors including HIV/AIDS; Orphans and Vulnerable Children; Water Supply, Hygiene and Sanitation; Health; Income Generation and Livelihoods; Poverty alleviation; and Institutional/organizational Development.

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Humanities & Social Sciences

Mak develops new model to aid teaching of Maths in Lower Secondary Curriculum



Makerere University has developed a new Mobile Application to aid the teaching of Mathematics using performing arts in Lower Secondary Curriculum.

“Mathematics is very important in life. The Government Policy on Science Education declared mathematics compulsory for lower secondary school learners as the driver of all sciences. However, the performance of students in mathematics is inadequate. Most students fear mathematics. Others believe mathematics is very hard,” said Prof. Sylvia Antonia Nakimera Nannyonga-Tamusuza, the Principal Investigator of the project.

She noted that despite numerous government interventions, including improving teachers’ conditions, teaching facilities and infrastructure, learners’ performance of Mathematics is still not impressive. 

Principal Investigator – Prof. Sylvia Antonia Nakimera Nannyonga-Tamusuza

To address this problem, Prof. Nannyonga-Tamusuza working with a team of researchers from Makerere University and the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) focused on using the power of performing arts, which includes music, dance, drama, story-telling, and visual-audio arts to make the studying of mathematics more captivating and enjoyable.

The research team developed the MusickingMaths App to enhance the teaching of Mathematics through music. The App is an interactive digital platform between the learner and the knowledge facilitator to support the learners in creating songs about mathematical concepts learned. 

Prof. Nannyonga-Tamusuza explained that the created songs are shared with the knowledge facilitator for evaluation and feedback on the learners’ performance of the mathematical concepts.

She made the remarks during the dissemination of research findings of the project titled Integrating Performing Arts to Enhance Teaching/Learning Mathematics in Lower Senior Secondary Schools in Uganda (IPATELMASS) at Makerere University on June 25, 2024.

Prof. Nannyonga-Tamusuza explained that the new model is an intervention to improve the teaching/learning of mathematics in lower secondary schools in Uganda. She pointed out that IPATELMASS is a participatory action-based research project whose main objective was to inform the development of an Integrated Performing Arts-Mathematics Teaching Learning (IPAMTeL).

Funded by the Government of Uganda through the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), the collaborative venture brought together researchers from the performing arts and mathematics experts from Makerere University, the National Curriculum Development Centre, National Teachers’ Colleges and mathematics teachers from Mubende. 

“This Project speaks to Uganda’s National Development Plan IV, which attributes the poor economic performance to the limited application of science, innovation, and technology,” Prof. Nannyonga-Tamusuza elaborated.

The findings of this research, which was conducted using learners from Mubende Army Secondary School and Kitenga Secondary School in Mubende District, indicate that learners improved in comprehension, critical-thinking skills, concentration span, and memory retention of mathematical concepts and principles.

Other outcomes include improved understanding: learners were better at comprehending mathematical concepts through visualisation and experiencing abstract ideas through performance and dramatization, learners improved other intrinsic values, such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and tolerance.

Prof.Nannyonga-Tamusuza told participants that the learners developed positive attitudes towards Mathematics.

“Learners’ attitudes shifted, making them more positive and open to learning mathematics,” Prof. Nannyonga-Tamusuza added.

Learners and their teacher from Mubende Army School

This was re-affirmed by the learners from Mubende Army School who testified that their participation in the research project completely changed their negative perception about mathematics. “Participating in the Makerere University project proved to us that mathematics can be taught anytime (in the morning, afternoon and evening hours).  Previously, we thought math was so hard, that it could only be taught in the morning hours.”

Consequently, the learners from Mubende Army School appreciated Makerere University for integrating performing arts into the teaching of math, which has made learning enjoyable.

The research team came up with a number of recommendations including; the need for teacher training and professional development and specialised training for teachers to integrate performing arts into mathematics instruction effectively. As such, resources and funding must be allocated to professional development programs that provide teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Chief Guest Hajji Ismael Mulindwa, Director of Basic and Secondary Education at the Ministry of Education and Sports

Additionally, researchers recommended: further research on how student learning and achievement can be assessed or evaluated in arts-integrated mathematics education, research and development; the need to support ongoing research and evaluation of the effectiveness of arts-integrated mathematics education and community engagement; as well as policies that encourage partnerships between schools, arts organisations, and community stakeholders so as to enhance arts-integrated education.

The Principal, College of Humanities and Social Science (CHUSS), Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala who represented Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe appealed to the Government of Uganda to provide more research funds saying times have changed due to technological advancement. 

Prof. Nambalirwa Nkabala proclaimed that the launch of the model that integrates performing arts into the learning of math, was testimony that both the sciences and humanities can work together to make the world a better place.

She commended Prof. Nannyonga-Tamusuza and the research team from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences for taking on a multi-disciplinary approach to research that brought on board scientists, mathematicians, as well as partners in the education sector namely the National Curriculum Development Centre and the schools.

She appreciated the research team for coming up with a solution to address the inadequate performance of students in mathematics.

“With research that seeks to improve the studying of mathematics, Makerere University is fully endowed to make contribution towards the development of Uganda,” Prof. Nambalirwa Nkabala stated.

Launching the IPAMTeL model, the Chief Guest Hajji Ismael Mulindwa, Director of Basic and Secondary Education at the Ministry of Education and Sports applauded Makerere University for taking the lead in solving a national problem.

Part of the audience following proceedings

“I encourage our schools to emulate Makerere to spice up mathematics,” he guided. “I appeal to researchers to do more research in the education sector so as to inform policy.”

Hajji Mulindwa hailed the University Management and the Grants Management Committee for putting the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund to good use.

On behalf of the National Curriculum Development Centre, Dr. Bernadette Nambi, the Director Curriculum Review and Instructional Material Development said the model will not only enhance teaching in the lower curriculum, but also contribute to holistic learning. She noted that the model makes the student the centre of learning and helps teachers to bring mathematics closer to the learners through making it easier for learners to remember concepts.

The Academic Registrar of Makerere University, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi implored the different units at Makerere University to work together to bring the best out of each discipline. “This is the away to go. I believe the time is right for the different departments to work together,” Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi said.

He appealed to the university lecturers to invest more time in mindset change and create awareness about the need for the same among the teaching class and community at large.

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Humanities & Social Sciences

CHUSS Biannual Newsletter Jan-Jun 2024



The Principal CHUSS, Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala. College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS), Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Welcome to this edition of the CHUSS Bi-Annual Newsletter. The issue highlights major activities that have unfolded in the college between January and June 2024. It covers major thematic areas of Teaching and Learning, Human Resources, Knowledge transfer and partnerships.

Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala

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Humanities & Social Sciences

Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over CHUSS Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nkabala



Prof. Josephine Ahikire hands over CHUSS leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala on 31st May 2024 in the CHUSS Smart room. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

“As outgoing Principal of the biggest college, the most vibrant college, the college with the power of the word, the college with the power of language, the college with the power of vibe, I hereby hand over to you Professor Helen Nkabala Nabalirwa..”

“I extend my congratulations to Prof. Helen Nkabala, the incoming Principal and I pledge full support in her new position, so that at  CHUSS, we remain on the move”.

That was  Prof. Josephine Ahikire message as she handed over  the  instruments of power to  the newly elected Principal for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala on Friday 31st May 2024. Nkabala pledged participatory leadership and assured attendees that CHUSS will continue to excel.

The afternoon handover over ceremony held in the College Smart room was witnessed by  the University Secretary and Director Human Resources represented. Prof. Nkabala’s family (mother, uncle and sister, her spouse Mr. Nkabala) witnessed the occasion.  The Principal College of Natural Sciences Prof. Ireeta Tumps, Head GAMSU Prof. Sylvia Nanyonga Tamusuza, staff  from Makerere University staff tribunal, Prof. Amanda from CEDAT, also graced the occasion. Members of CHUSS management and staff including Deputy Principal Dr. Eric Awich, Deans, Heads of departments, coordinators, support and administrative staff attended the ceremony.

I have enjoyed my tenure says outgoing Prof Josephine Ahikire

Prof. Josephine Ahikire said, CHUSS has created a cohort of leaders especially women to take it on.

“I have truly enjoyed my tenure as Principal and I send my appreciation to my Deputy Principal Assoc. Prof. Eric Awich, the Deans and heads. We delivered as a team right from the top to the last person. Now  that public universities are being run as government departments Prof. Ahikire called for  collaborative spirit  from all administrators, college and schools  and departments  to be able to deliver” .

Ahikire paid special recognition to Makerere University top management for their unwavering support and for  creating enabling environment  for members of  CHUSS to deliver what they  pursue as their  mantra, CHUSS on the Move.

“ I learnt one thing from the current Vice Chancellor that not all people need to line up to have a document signed. So, I removed some of those benches from the Principals corridor. Not all people have to sit and wait for a travel form to be signed”, she said.

Prof. Ahikire receives a certificate of recognition from the US representative Simon Kizito. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Ahikire receives a certificate of recognition from the US representative Simon Kizito.

She also extended gratitude to the  donors who have supported the college especially  those supposedly unmarketable fields around the humanities and social sciences. She noted that as the rest of the donors  pursue the marketable fields along the neoliberal agenda, the soul of humanity  is falling apart. She pointed out  the Mellon Foundation and the Gerda Henkel Siftung for being at the fore front and whose funds  have been used  to create vibrancy at CHUSS.

Giving an overview of her hand over report, Ahikire said the role of the Principal is guided by the Universities and Tertiary Institutions Act  and the College statute whose functions are stipulated in there. CHUSS, she said, is one of the biggest units of the university offering the oldest disciplines which provide the key for unlocking the human potential for development.

In the report, the Professor  highlighted human resources status in the college comprising 11 prof. 26 associate professors 44  senior lecturers, 87 lecturers and 70 Assist lectures, 26 administrative staff and 52 support staff noting that, the college was still bottom heavy with more assistant lecturers than lecturers.

The report also indicated the college assets in terms of office equipment, furniture and computers mostly acquired through projects, subvention development fund or furniture and fittings.

The report further highlighted the college wide projects in terms of how they operate through the Principals office, stores and assets register, the budget performance, ledger for each project, the project balances and the cohorts of PhD training.

Prof. Ahikire receives a gift from CHUSS Deans presented by Dr. Baluku Martin. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Ahikire receives a gift from CHUSS Deans presented by Dr. Baluku Martin.

Major accomplishments

Prof. Ahikire reported that in the recent years, the college made progress in terms of staff  promotion and most were still in the process . “In the last three years, a total of 87 members have been promoted. Six professors, nine associates, 35 senior lecturers, and 37 lecturers”.

She said, the college has one of the biggest student population in the university adding that, there has been improvement in terms of graduate output. .

“In the last graduation, we had 30 PhDs. I have put the graduation trends, especially for graduate programs, and the fact that we have really improved, means that supervision level has improved, the processing of examination has also improved, and the processing of results has also improved. And that is something that everybody in this room can actually own.”

 Notably, she also reported that the college was  able to pilot a students’ management system.

“When I came into office, you’d ask this student, what is the progress and you’d never know how to track. So as of now, at the touch of a button, you can know that if this student submitted a thesis or a dissertation, this is where it has reached”, she explained.

Prof. Ahikire displays the plaque from the college presented to her in recognition of her exemplary service. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Ahikire displays the plaque from the college presented to her in recognition of her exemplary service.

Among the  challenges, Prof. Ahikire highlighted  the limited  teaching and office space, accreditation of courses, limited human and financial resources including  grant and research portfolio,

In terms of the issues to consider, Ahikire stressed  the need to pursue  the research- led agenda  and graduate training, and expressed the need for the academic board to be facilitated to serve as a driving force behind CHUSS research agenda. Ahikire called upon  staff to  first have the research agenda, and then mobilize resources and have Graduate training as a pivotal aspect of research and  to continuously upgrade the infrastructure.

Prof. Nkabala hails Predecessor for laying foundation. Assures that CHUSS will Continue to Excel

Assoc. Prof. Nkabala appreciated the outgoing Principal for laying the ground.

“A very good afternoon, friends. It is with a lot of humility that I stand before you this afternoon, taking over what that is already done. I would like thank my predecessor, who has just handed over, Principal Emeritus Professor Josephine Ahikire, Thank you for laying the ground, and thank you for handing over. Friends, I would like to start by acknowledging the core people who make what CHUSS is”. Nkabala aknowlegded.

Incoming Principal, Assoc. Prof. Helen Namabalirwa Nkabala making her remarks. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Incoming Principal, Assoc. Prof. Helen Namabalirwa Nkabala making her remarks.

Nkabala also recognized deans, heads, administrative, support and all staff for leading CHUSS to where it is assuring them that college will remain on move.

“ I want to give you my assurance that while I know that change is difficult, I cannot lie to you that there is no change. We have changed and you have seen that. But CHUSS will continue to excel with your support. What we did, is to change the driving seat, but you are the engine”, Prof. Nkabala assured and remarked that  she counts on the Professors to offer support and guidance.

“So it is up to us, me and you and Prof. Ahikire as one of the critical Professors and others. I want to pay allegiance and also assure you that for CHUSS to go forward, we are looking up to you to offer   academic leadership. So when we come please accept us. You rightly noted that e are bottom heavy, I will continue from where you have stopped and do my best”. Nkabala promised adding:

“I will reach out to all the leaders and I want to assure all the staff in CHUSS,  that I will reach  to each and every one of you. So, dear deans present, heads of departments, I will request that we have an entry meeting in each and every school and department. We are 16 and we shall talk together to see how we carry on this work that I start today”, she asserted.

Prof. Nkabala's uncle (Left)  and mother (Centre) witnessing the handover. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Nkabala’s uncle (Left)  and mother (Centre) witnessing the handover.

Nkabala also called on the office of the university secretary for support.

“I was excited when I heard the US pledging total support, underline the word total support, because Professor Ahikire  said, you give them funds for one course, yes, yet we have 37 programmes. So, when I knock on your door on Tuesday, because Monday is a public holiday, please receive me”

Stating that she hails from a very humble background, Nkabala requested staff  to be friends to  work together and  to see the continuity in a very peaceful way.

University Secretary Recognises Prof. Ahikire for exemplary leadership: Counsels on leadership qualities

Representing the Makerere University Secretary, the Deputy University Secretary Simon Kizito offered reflections on leadership dynamics during the handover ceremony.

The Secretary began by acknowledging the universal truth that despite our religious teachings, we all stumble and make mistakes. Drawing a parallel between these human imperfections and the challenges of leadership, he emphasized the importance of continuous learning and growth.

The University Secretary's representative Mr. Simon Kizito giving his remarks. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The University Secretary’s representative Mr. Simon Kizito giving his remarks.

He  shared bits of wisdom collected from his own experiences. He spoke of the inevitability of conflict in leadership roles, urging leaders to approach conflicts with a positive mindset, viewing them as opportunities for resolution and growth

With a touch of vulnerability, he opened up about the loneliness that often accompanies leadership positions. “It’s not easy,” he admitted, “to make tough decisions and stand by them.” But he offered reassurance that in the face of solitude, there lies an opportunity for leaders to make a positive impact through their actions.

The University Secretary spoke of failure as a natural part of the leadership journey, urging leaders to embrace setbacks as stepping stones to success. He reminded the audience that time is finite, urging leaders to make the most of their tenure by prioritizing effective time management and delegation.

Mr. Nkabala (standing) husband to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala witnessed the handover. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Mr. Nkabala (standing) husband to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala witnessed the handover.

The Secretary emphasized the importance of self-care and the acceptance of feedback in maintaining effective leadership. With genuine warmth, he expressed gratitude for the exemplary leadership of outgoing Principal Ahikire, promising continued support for CHUSS under its new leadership.

He expressed his confidence in the future of CHUSS, reaffirming the collective commitment to excellence and growth at the institution.

Director Human Resource Grateful for Ahikire’s leadership says, Change is Inevitable

Represented by Makubuya Godfrey, the Director Human Resource Makerere University guided on the need to appreciate  that change is inevitable.

“In a leadership, things happen for a cause. And once they do, then the leaders have to accept because God is in between whatever is happening, either for or against. So as this has happened, that change is coming and we are glad it’s coming, you know, we know at a given time it will happen”,

The Director appreciated Professor Ahikire  for her service to the university.

Mr. Godfrey Makubuya representing the Director Human Resources. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Mr. Godfrey Makubuya representing the Director Human Resources.

“She has served us for quite some time. And we are very grateful for that leadership. You know, she served even before a deputy principal, acted as  Principal and  became principal. We are grateful that God provided you that opportunity to offer yourself and the leaders at the time. So, an opportunity is now here that she has to hand over to another leader”. he noted.

As an outgoing principal, Makubuya believed  many of the staff  had interacted with Prof. Ahikire  at different levels and  shared a lot.

“And, Professor Nkabala, we welcome you to this college. Of course, it’s not new to you, but in leadership of the college. And it’s our pledge that actually we will work with you to take the college and our university in the right direction”. He added

Front row: Assoc. Prof. Helen Nkabala (4th Left) and Prof Josephine Ahikire (5th Left) in a group photo with some staff members after the handover ceremony. Prof. Josephine Ahikire Hands Over College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) Leadership to Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, 31st May 2024, CHUSS Smart room, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Front row: Assoc. Prof. Helen Nkabala (4th Left) and Prof Josephine Ahikire (5th Left) in a group photo with some staff members after the handover ceremony.

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