Vice Chancellor Updates Media on Strategic Plan Progress
2 years agoon
Mak Editor
The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe on Thursday 23rd March, 2023 held a press conference to update members of the Media on the progress made in as far as implementing the University’s ten-year strategic plan 2020-2030. The event held in the Council Room, Frank Kalimuzo Central Teaching Facility, was attended by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs)-Prof. Umar Kakumba, University Secretary-Mr. Yusuf Kiranda, Academic Registrar-Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi and Dean of Students-Mrs. Winifred Kabumbuli.
Also in attendance were; the Director, Gender Mainstreaming Directorate-Dr. Euzobia Mugisha Baine, Manager Counselling and Guidance Services-Mr. Henry Nsubuga, Director Makerere University Innovations Hub-Dr. Cathy Mbidde, Head, Department of Marketing and Management-Assoc. Prof. Peter K. Turyakira, Head, Department of Environment Management-Assoc. Prof. Justine Namaalwa Jjumba and Principal Public Relations Officer-Ms. Ritah Namisango.
The proceedings of the Press Conference follow below;
1. End of Term of the 88th Students’ Guild
I congratulate the Guild President, H.E. Lawrence Alionzi on a very successful albeit short tenure. The 88th Guild Cabinet introduced the Guild Dialogue Series and student community outreach programmes.
2. Strengthening the Safety and Well-being of Students
Makerere University is cognizant of the increasing concerns and emerging needs of addressing risks and safety for Students, Staff and different stakeholders operating within and outside its campus. It acknowledges that students and staff vary in terms of risks of exposure. The University is also aware that providing a Safe and Conducive environment is critical to ensuring that the Staff, University Programmes and Operations run smoothly and effectively to achieve the strategic mission of the University and contribute to the development of our nation.
As a 21st Century Responsive University, Makerere has purposed and is intentional on enhancing its Safety and Well-being measures as one of the pathways to realize our Strategic Vision 2020-2030.
There are some known Risk areas and likely spaces of occurrence including but not limited to:
- Academic/ Learning Spaces
- Accommodation Spaces (within and outside the University Campus)
- Administrative and Support Services Spaces
- Walk ways and other Public Spaces in the University
- Research, Fieldwork and Internship placement spaces
- Campaigns and election of students’ leadership
- Sports and games competitions, among others.
The University has increasingly instituted mechanisms to improve safety including among others, Policies, Guidelines and their Implementation Frameworks:
- Policy and Regulations against Sexual Harassment (as amended 2018);
- The Gender Equality Policy, 2009 (as amended);
- The Student Regulations, 2018;
- The Human Resource Manual (as amended 2022);
- Policy on Students with Disabilities, 2014 (under review by Council), among others.
While several measures have been implemented overtime, Makerere University is committed to Strengthening the Safety and well-being in all these spaces. WHY?
- The University has a clearly stipulated Strategic Direction for 2020-2030 whose achievement heavily relies on a safe and conducive ecosystem.
- To continue providing the Human Right of a Safe Environment to Students and Staff
- A Safe Environment is a pre-requisite for a positive mental health to foster a meaningful Academic Journey (SDG No. 3 and SDG No.4)
- Makerere University as a Thought Leader continues to evolve and improve policies and practices to respond to new and emerging challenges affecting students and staff
- To promote dignity and respect among students and staff
The Journey to Enhance Safety and Well-being Targets the Following:
- Development of Makerere University Safeguarding Policy, through a Co-creation Process Championed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs.
- It shall be a Student-Centered Policy: Student Leaders and Representative shall be actively engaged in Risk Mapping and identification of desirable actions
- A Confidential and Responsive Reporting and Management Systems shall be established to enable reporting and managing of incidences.
- All Students (Undergraduate and Graduate) as well as Staff (Academic and Administrative) will be called upon to actively participate in this process of formulating the Policy, and later its implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation.
- The University Partners especially Accommodation Facilities will be key stakeholders in this process.
- Mainstreaming Career Guidance and Mentorship Services at Makerere University (starting with the development of a policy framework and capacity building for certified mentorship allies);
- Strengthening the Communications and Public Affairs Arm of the University
- To monitor media publicity about the Institution and act accordingly
- To protect the Institution’s Brand
- Accreditation of Hostels -Alternative Accommodation spaces for Students
- Established a Hostel Accreditation Committee to engage with the Hostel Owners Association
- Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to be signed between Makerere University and Hostel Owners Association prior to accreditation of Hostels
- Enhancing the Support Services under the Office of Dean of Students
- Established a Grievance Management Desk and appointed a Student Liaison Officer
- A designated point of contact for reporting concerns or incidents.
- Establishment and Operationalization of the Disability Support Center – set up in a phased manner with basic support facilities for students with disabilities.
3. Makerere University Innovations Hub
Makerere University has a huge potential for research and innovation which has remained in the University due to lack of support mechanisms. Therefore, Makerere University Innovation Hub was established in August 2022, under Vice Chancellor’s Office as a platform to provide support mechanisms for commercialization of innovations towards sustainable industrialization. The primary beneficiaries are students and staff, while the secondary beneficiaries are government, private sector, community, development partners and civil society.
Current interventions
Since its establishment, the following are the interventions
- Operationalization of the Innovation Hub with space and staff for take-off through development of the strategic plan, guides and mapping key players in the ecosystem.
- UGX 2.7 billion has been allocated to commercialization of innovative projects. 40 projects are going through the process of Intellectual Property Management to commercialize.
- Setting up a state-of-art Innovation Pod with 10 design Labs with support from UNDP.
- Mentoring Future Women Graduates in STEM in Africa with support from Royal Academy of Engineering.
- Creating a platform for Innovative Young Persons with Disabilities in Uganda with support from Royal Academy of Engineering
- Providing advisory services, incubation linkages internal and external stakeholders and space to students and staff.
- Training opportunities to students and community through a) Dream Achiever programme in partnership with Impact Media Consortium, b) Ignite Programme with StartHub Africa, and c) Social Equity Programme with Junior Achievement Uganda.
- International collaborations with a) University of York to support commercialization, capacity building and programme rollout and b) University of Cambridge focusing on Enterprise development programmes for Africa.
The Innovations Hub is located at Makerere University Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility.
4. Makerere University introduces Mindset Education Course
Just like any other society that has the desire to grow and develop, Ugandans are seeking change in all aspects of life be it social, political, or economic development. Most underdeveloped countries are facing challenges such as political instability, corruption, poor economic performance, soaring debts, climate vulnerability, etc. all of which are consequences of the inappropriate mindset of the citizens.
Mindset is a set of attitudes or self-perceptions or beliefs people hold about themselves and their abilities. Mindset determines how individuals or groups behave and how they respond to challenging situations. For example, when people believe that the government is responsible for providing them with jobs in order to get a source of income, they are less likely to make an effort to initiate ideas that help them get out of poverty.
In order to establish a change in people’s attitudes, perceptions, or beliefs, Mindset Education has been identified as the remedy to this problem. Mindset Education aims at teaching young people skills on how to respond to the challenges in their everyday lives and to turn challenges into opportunities, building strong minds. It is hoped that the concept of Mind Education will ultimately develop the value of positive thinking that will generate positive attitudes towards work, personal lives and all the other aspects of people’s lives.
It is upon this background that the School of Psychology has developed a course that will be taught to all students admitted to the University, across all academic units on a modular basis. This course will be examined and the results will be included on the academic transcript as an audited course.
Ultimately, we expect this course to promote positive thinking that will generate positive attitudes towards work, build strong minds that will allow our students to overcome life challenges, enhance self-discipline, and inculcate social relationships that nurture respect, compassion, love, and commitment that result in a more fulfilling life.
Mindset Education will be a crosscutting course. The University Management and Senate are involved in the processes to ensure that the University Council and National Council for Higher Education approve the course.
Upon approval, Makerere University will conduct the Mindset Education course in the first semester of the next academic year 2023/2024.
5. Summary Matters Arising from the Question and Answer Session
5.1 Safety of Students with regard to Sexual Harassment Â
Makerere continues to observe a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and has transparently outlined disciplinary measures in line with supporting policies. Six staff have been dismissed since 2018 after complaints were filed against them and the cases investigated to conclusion. 30 cases are currently under investigation.
5.2 Accreditation of Hostels and State of Students Halls of Residence
There are more than 70 hostels in the vicinity of the University that accommodate the majority of our students. Whereas the University may not dictate to students where they ought to reside, plans are underway to accredit the facilities. The Dean of Students and Hostel Accreditation Committee are scheduled to meet the Chairperson and Members of the Hostel Owners Association within the coming weeks to discuss the accreditation process.
Maintenance and improvement of infrastructure as well as renovation of Student Halls of Residence is an expensive venture. We therefore thank the Government of Uganda for releasing funds to commence the renovations in a phased approach. We are making every effort to ensure that the renovation of Lumumba Hall commences as soon as possible.
5.3 Patents and Innovations
Several innovations attributed to Makerere University such as the Kiira EV, Vaccines and particularly improved crop varieties continue to improve the livelihoods of the people of Uganda. A lot of research produced by our researchers ought to be commercialized in order to create jobs for our graduates and the youth. Based on the national, continental and global audiences they intend to impact, the 40 projects set to be commercialized under the Makerere University Innovations Hub will undergo Intellectual Property Management procedures with Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB), the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
5.4 Research-led status and Undergraduate student population
The drive to become research-led is a comprehensive process that involves playing a greater role in the knowledge economy, boosting knowledge translation and securing more funds to conduct research. Graduate students play an important role in contributing to the body of knowledge. Therefore, gradually increasing the number of graduate students (at Masters level and PhD) will go in tandem with gradual reduction of undergraduate student numbers in the pathway to becoming research-led. These efforts already got underway with the review of the research and innovations policy as well as related policies.
Makerere will also continue to prioritize knowledge translation through the Schools and research centers. The Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) under the College of Health Sciences is one such center that has distinguished itself in translating research findings into practice in the field. The University will continue to strengthen and increase its international and local agency partnerships so as to tap into more funding, particularly from the research and development budgets of these agencies.
Furthermore, the University’s greatest resource is our academic staff who continue to conduct research and write grant winning proposals. We thank the Government for committing UGX 30 billion annually towards the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF). The University through other avenues such as Mak Holdings intends to convert the University’s land as well as the Intellectual and other properties to generate additional revenue to finance research.
Initiatives such as fully funded PhD scholarships in Engineering as the result of a partnership between Makerere University and King’s College London under the Association of Research Universities in Africa (ARUA) and the Alliance for African Partnerships (AAP) will be encouraged. These hold the potential to facilitate close working relations with industry in order to build research and innovation ecosystems within universities–including training in commercialization and knowledge transfer.
5.5 Enhancing Students’ Welfare
The University Council has approved the Student Work Scheme policy to enable economically disadvantaged students to access job opportunities that can help them pay for their tuition and other needs. For purposes of inclusivity, the scheme will also cater for students with disability and an office has been established to support the implementation of the policy.
To promote mental health and psychological services for the student community, the Counselling and Guidance Centre has established weekly Graduate Support Sessions for postgraduate students. This has been complemented by the training of 120 Counselling Buddies in partnership with the 88th Students’ Guild, to establish a culture of students looking out for other students’ welfare.
5.6 Requirement for Assistant Lecturers to hold a PhD
The University Council has pronounced itself on the need for Assistant Lecturers to hold a PhD within five (5) years. This continues to be the trend that started in the year 2000 following recommendation by the Mujaju report that each Lecturer should hold a PhD. Although only 15% of academic staff had PhDs then, to date, the figure stands at approximately 75%. All Assistant Lecturers on permanent terms of service who had not yet embarked on their PhD studies were reminded to do so and ensure that they have completed their studies by 31st January 2027. The period given by the University Council is fair, given that the normal duration for a PhD is three to five years. To facilitate this process, the University as the employer accords fully paid study leave as well as tuition waivers to staff who enroll on PhD programs at Makerere.
Contributors: Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe-Vice Chancellor, Assoc. Prof. Umar Kakumba-Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs), Mr. Yusuf Kiranda-University Secretary, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi-Academic Registrar, Assoc. Prof. Justine Namaalwa-Program Coordinator of Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, Dr. Euzobia Mugisha Baine-Director of Gender Mainstreaming, Mrs Winifred Kabumbuli-Dean of Students, Mr. Henry Nsubuga-Manager Counselling and Guidance Centre, Dr. Cathy Mbidde-Director Makerere University Innovations Hub, Dr. Peter Turyakira-Head of Department of Marketing, Ms Ritah Namisango-Principal Public Relations Officer and Dr. Grace Milly Kibanja-Dean, School of Psychology.
Compiled by: Makerere University Public Relations Office
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Vice Chancellor Updates Media on Digital Transformation, DVCs Search & Various Issues
9 hours agoon
March 4, 2025By
Mak Editor
The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe on Tuesday 4th March, 2025 held a press conference to update members of the Media on Automation of University Business Operations, the Search for the First and Second Deputy Vice Chancellors in charge of Academic Affairs (DVC AA) and Finance and Administration (DVC F&A) respectively, as well as a host of various issues. The event held in the Council Room, Main Building, was attended by the Acting (Ag.) DVC AA and substantive Academic Registrar-Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, Ag. DVC F&A-Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta, Dean of Students-Dr. Winifred Kabumbuli and the Director for ICT Support (DICTS)-Mr. Samuel Mugabi.
Also in attendance were; the Deputy University Secretary-Mr. Simon Kizito, Representative of the Ag. Manager Planning and Development-Mr. Moses Oluka, Outgoing Guild President-H.E. Vincent Lubega Nsamba, Deputy Chief – Public Relations-Ms. Betty Kyakuwa and staff from the Offices of the Vice and Deputy Vice Chancellors.
The proceedings of the Press Conference follow below;
Vice Chancellors’ Press Statement
As we commence the month of March, I wish to start by thanking all our staff for their diligent and dedicated service to our University and Country. Makerere University occupies a prominent position in the region when it comes to teaching and learning, research and innovation as well as knowledge transfer partnerships. I therefore wish to update the public on a few developments:
1. Automation of University Business Operations
Makerere University’s Strategic Plan (2020-2030) prioritizes digital transformation (DX) to establish the institution as a research-led, digitally driven university. To this end, the University Council has approved several Management Information Systems whose aim is to further professionalize management of university functions. In line with Uganda’s Buy Uganda Build Uganda (BUBU) policy, Makerere has embraced in-house software development as a sustainable approach to business process automation. Leveraging student and staff expertise, the university has developed several information systems to enhance efficiency and transparency.
Key systems include:
- Academic Management Information System (ACMIS) – Enables online student applications, tuition payments, results access, and timely graduation. ACMIS successfully supported the 74th and 75th graduation cohorts.
- Electronic Human Resource Management System (eHRMS) – Automates job applications, leave management, promotions, and payroll accuracy, improving staffing planning.
- Financial Management System (Mak-FMS) – Facilitates digital requisitions, approvals, and financial monitoring, increasing transparency and reducing paperwork.
- Biometric Attendance Management System – Tracks staff presence and ensures adherence to schedules. A student attendance system will soon provide mobile-based lecture attendance monitoring.
- Academic Registrar’s Electronic Document and Records Management System (AR-EDRMS) – Digitizes student records and credential verification, set to greatly reduce the need for physical visits from April 2025 onwards.
- Grants Management Information System – Monitors financial performance, research alignment with the National Development Plan, and research outputs.
- Hospital Management Information System – Still in early implementation, but evolving to automate hospital operations.
These systems have streamlined operations, improved service delivery, and enhanced transparency, reinforcing Makerere’s commitment to digital transformation and innovation in higher education. This is why you no longer have students in long queues, while transcripts and certificates are given to the student before graduation day.Â
2. Search for Deputy Vice Chancellors –A/A and F/A
The search for individuals to fill the positions of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration) at Makerere University has officially commenced.
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration) – DVC F&A
The Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor Finance and Administration has not had a substantive official since 2020 when the high court nullified the appointment of Prof. William Bazeyo, after one of the contestants alleged that the process was irregular. The second attempt to have the positioned filled substantively was again stopped by court following a petition by the same contestant.
Last year, the contestant withdrew the case, allowing for the search process to resume. Upon its resumption, however, another contestant petitioned court. The University Council has now guided that the university holds a fresh search for a substantive DVC F&A.
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) – DVC AA
For the position of DVC AA, the former’s term ended in Dec 2023, whereupon he was given a short acting contract. While his appraisal was going on, he petitioned court, citing delays in completing his appraisal. Owing to the court matter, the University Council could not continue with his appraisal. However, Council has decided it is time to substantively fill the position hence setting up the search committee.
To ensure a rigorous and objective selection process, the University Senate on 26th February constituted two Search Committees – one for each of the vacant positions. The committees were given two (2) months in which to report back to Senate. Senate will then forward the required three (3) names to Council. We hope that this process will be completed within three (3) months.
3. Students Work Scheme
Every year, over 1,000 students drop out of university due to failure to raise tuition. The University Council has negotiated various work schemes to support such students. Some of these include; Mastercard Female Scholarships Scheme, Chinese Ambassador Scholarship, Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Scheme, Welcome Trust Scheme, NORAD as well as the University Graduate Fellowship Scheme which waives tuition for students who engage in teaching. The university has also got a Staff Scholarship Scheme, which waives tuition for staff that wish to further their education. Despite all these interventions, we still continue to see students dropping out of university. To this end, the University Council established the Students Work Scheme, through which students can raise fees.
Through the work schemes, students access part-time employment to help them meet their financial needs and also, to get work experience which they will use in search for gainful employment after studies. Under the Scheme, 56 students were recruited as Hall Attendants and office attendants. Their roles include cleaning and assisting in administrative duties. Another 10 were attached to a private company as sales representatives. Students work part-time, with flexible hours that do not conflict with their academic commitments. They receive a modest salary of Shs1.2m as compensation for their services, helping them meet their financial needs. The successful recruitment of 66 students under the scheme is just the beginning. We plan to expand the program to more than 100 students and include more diverse roles across different departments.
4. Guild Elections
Makerere University is set to hold elections for a new Students Guild Council on 12th March, 2025. These elections provide an important platform for students to exercise their democratic rights and actively participate in shaping the leadership that will represent their interests. The university administration encourages all students to fully participate in the electoral process, so as to ensure that their voices are heard and their concerns are represented in the governance of the institution.
We extend our appreciation to the outgoing Guild President, Mr. Vincent Lubega Nsamba, and his leadership team for their dedicated service and contributions to the student community. Under his leadership, the Guild Council has advocated for student welfare, promoted peaceful dialogue, enhanced student engagement and strengthened student governance.
The university administration, in collaboration with the Student Electoral Commission, is taking necessary measures to ensure free and fair elections as well as safety and security of all staff and students of the university during and after electioneering.
5. Disability Support Centre
The University has a comprehensive policy on Disability and recently Council approved a Safe Guarding Policy. Both policies will go a long way in supporting students. Owing to this, Council recently established the Disability Support Centre, with support from Mastercard Foundation which has provided initial equipment and staff.
Located at Level 1 of the Frank Kalimuzo Building, this dedicated space is transforming the educational experiences of students with impairments, fostering a sense of community, and equipping them with vital academic and life skills. The Centre will support the students in various ways so that they don’t have to move from building to building for support.
The Endowment Fund, recently conducted the MakRun, whose proceeds will go towards supporting the Disability Centre.
6. Infrastructure development
With substantial support from the Government, Makerere University has made significant strides in enhancing its critical infrastructure for teaching, research, and student residences/welfare, alongside initiating new infrastructure projects.
Following the phased approach to renovate student halls of residence, the University Management is pleased to report that the renovation of Lumumba Hall was completed in 2024, while that of Mary Stuart Hall is ongoing. On completion of the renovation of Mary Stuart Hall, the Contractors will proceed to Complex Hall. The University has also constructed two (2) new buildings for the School of Law and School of Dentistry.
Others include;
- School of Graduate Training and Research Building
This building will go a long way in helping the university achieve its strategic goal of becoming research-led. The building will house study rooms for PhD students and an innovation hub. We appreciate Tororo Cement who are funding this project, with support from the First Lady, to the tune of US$8 million.
- School of Public Health Building
The construction of the School of Public Health building, near the Eastern Gate is nearing completion. This project was an initiative of the staff of the school who raised the funds that kick started the construction. The building is supposed to be a 6-storey two tower building, with an Auditorium that has since been completed. We appreciated the support of our partners such as the government of Uganda, the government of the Netherlands and USAID through the American Hospitals Abroad.
Advert: Position of First Deputy Vice Chancellor
1 day agoon
March 3, 2025By
Mak Editor
Makerere University is governed by the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, Cap 262. The University is seeking applications from suitably qualified applicants for the position of First Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The First Deputy Vice Chancellor must possess a strong background in academic leadership, teaching, research, and strategic institutional management.
The First Deputy Vice-Chancellor will report to the Vice–Chancellor and shall:
- Assist the Vice Chancellor in performance of his or her functions and in that regard be responsible for the Academic affairs of the University
- In the absence of the Vice-Chancellor, perform the functions of the Vice-Chancellor and,
- Perform such other functions that may be delegated to him or her by the Vice Chancellor or assigned by the University Council.
To provide leadership and Coordination of academic and academic research matters to ensure effective and efficient implementation of policies, teaching and research programmes.
- Initiate, obtain approval of policies, plans and programmes that will enhance the academic and professional excellence of the University.
- Initiate, coordinate curriculum development and review for all courses offered at the University.
- Ensure that all examinations are set and marked in accordance with established Regulations.
- Coordinate the appointment of external examiners.
- Oversee the selection and admission of qualified students.
- Oversee the development of research programmes by liaising with Principals of Colleges/Deans of Schools and submit them to Senate and Council for approval.
- Hold a PhD or any other academic doctorate.
- Be at the rank of associate or full professor level in an institution whose academic ranking is comparable with that of Makerere University as accepted by Senate.
- Be a Ugandan citizen within the age bracket of 40 to 65 years at the time of application.
7.1 Academic Qualifications
- Earned a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate in a relevant discipline.
- Minimum 5 years of progressive academic experience, including teaching, research, and academic administration at the level of dean of a school or higher.
- At least 20 peer-reviewed publications in reputable journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, or equivalent databases.
- Supervised at least ten (10) postgraduate students (Masters and PhD) to completion and graduation; at least three of these students must have been at the level of PhD.
7.2 Strategic Planning & Governance
- Evidence of having served or participated in university-level strategic planning processes including, membership to strategic planning committees and contribution to policy development and institutional growth.
- At least five years of demonstrated experience in academic programme accreditation processes contributing to the securing approvals from the relevant national or international regulatory bodies.
- Demonstrated evidence in leading at least one (1) higher education ICT integration initiative, improving online learning, digital governance, or student information systems or the development of at least one online course curriculum.
7.3 Leadership & Administrative Experience
- A minimum of 5 years of senior academic leadership in a recognized institution comparable to that of Makerere University, as accepted by the Senate, at the level of Dean of a School or higher.
- Participated in the development and implementation of at least two (2) academic policies improving quality assurance, curriculum development, or institutional governance.
- Demonstrated ability to lead a school or college, ensuring optimal performance and professional development of members.
- Proven track record of mentoring at least 10 faculty members toward career progression and research output, including co-teaching, publication, and capacity development in areas of teaching and training, grants, research and innovations.
- Participated in at least three (3) university committees or initiatives on academic policy development, research and publications, or student affairs.
- Participation in mediation of at least five (5) student or faculty grievances, ensuring fair and transparent resolutions.
7.4 Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Development
- Led or contributed to the development of at least five (5) accredited academic programmes or curricula at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
- Participated in the Designing and conducting at least 10 faculty development workshops focused on pedagogy, research methodologies, or curriculum advancement.
7.5 Research & Innovation
- Secured at least $200,000 in competitive research grants from national or international funding agencies.
- Established or managed at least one (1) research centre, or college wide research programme or industry-academic partnerships.
- Published a minimum of five (5) books, or 5 book chapters, or patents (separate from the papers in peer reviewed journals), contributing to knowledge production in the discipline.
- Organized at least three (3) international or national research conferences, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.
7.6 Financial & Resource Management
- Successfully managed academic budgets exceeding UGX 500,000,000= in a leadership role.
- Led at least two (2) faculty resource mobilisation initiatives, increasing funding for research, scholarships, or infrastructure.
- Secured at least one (1) international academic partnership to enhance funding, student exchange, or faculty development.
- Developed and executed at least three (3) cost-cutting strategies, optimising institutional resources without compromising academic quality.
7.7 Stakeholder Engagement & Collaboration
- Built at least five (5) partnerships with government agencies, private sector stakeholders, or international academic institutions.
- Successfully led at least two (2) community engagement or outreach programmes, strengthening university-industry relations.
- Served on or contributed to at least three (3) University, national, or international education policy boards, shaping higher education discourse.
7.8 Personal Attributes
- Proven record of upholding institutional integrity, with no record of financial mismanagement or ethical violations.
- Demonstrated decision-making and problem-solving skills, having led at least five (5) crisis resolution initiatives.
- Recognized for academic leadership excellence, receiving at least one (1 ) award or recognition for contributions to higher education.
An attractive remuneration package that is in accordance with Makerere University terms and conditions of service.
The First Deputy Vice Chancellor shall hold office for a period of five years and shall be eligible for re- appointment for one more term.
Interested applicants are invited to submit their application letters. The following documents shall comprise a complete application:
- A signed letter of application;
- A vision statement;
- Curriculum Vitae with contact details signed and dated by the applicant;
- Copies of required minimum number of publications;
- Certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates.
- Three (3) letters of recommendation;
- Copies of letters of appointment to leadership positions at the level of Dean of a School in a national accredited university or other academic institution;
- A copy of the applicant’s National Identity Card or passport;
- A copy of the last clearance from the Inspector General of Government or other equivalent national body.
- Referees should be advised to send confidential reference letters, addressed to the Chairperson Search Committee for the Position of First Deputy Vice Chancellor and delivered directly to the address below by 5:00 pm on Monday 24th March, 2025.
- The references should cover the following areas: the applicant’s academic credential, experience, leadership, managerial and administrative skills and personal integrity.
Both Hardcopy and Electronic (Email) applications shall be accepted.
a) Hardcopy applications: Both confidential letters and sealed applications marked “CONFIDENTIAL: POSITION OF FIRST DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR” should be addressed to:
b) Electronic media (e-mail) applications should have all the above documents scanned and emailed to by 5.00 pm East African Standard Time on Monday 24th March, 2025.
Please note that:
a) Incomplete applications or applications received after the closing date and time will not be considered.
b) Only shortlisted applicants shall be contacted.
For more Information and inquiries: Visit our website OR email us on OR Call Telephone number: +256-414-532634 during working hours (between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday).
Prof. Mukadasi Buyinza
Advert: Position of Second Deputy Vice Chancellor
1 day agoon
March 3, 2025By
Mak Editor
Makerere University is governed by the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, Cap 262. The University is seeking applications from suitably qualified applicants for the position of Second Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The Second Deputy Vice Chancellor holds a pivotal role in financial governance, institutional planning, and administrative leadership.
The Second Deputy Vice-Chancellor will report to the Vice–Chancellor and shall:
a) Assist the Vice Chancellor in performance of his or her functions and in that regard shall oversee the finances and administration of the University;
b) Be responsible for the Planning and Development of the University and,
c) Perform such other functions that may be delegated to him or her by the Vice Chancellor or assigned by the University Council.
To provide strategic leadership and ensure efficient and sound financial, human and fiscal resources management in the University.
a) Provide leadership in Strategic planning and governance, leadership and administrative experience, Human resource and performance Management, Stakeholder engagement and collaboration.
b) Provide leadership in preparation and implementation of the University’s recurrent and capital budgets.
c) Monitor the development and implementation of the University’s accounting procedures, manuals and other documents relating to financial control and Management as per approved financial regulations.
d) Oversee income and expenditure of all income generating units of the University.
e) Coordinate the production of the University-wide Financial Reports by Colleges and Units.
f) Management of human resources in the University.
g) Oversee the management of University Estates and Assets.
a) Hold a PhD or any other academic doctorate.
b) Be at the rank of associate or full professor level in an institution whose academic ranking is comparable with that of Makerere University as accepted by Senate.
c) Be a Ugandan citizen within the age bracket of 40 to 65 years at the time of application.
7.1 Academic Qualifications
a) Earned a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate should be acceptable by Senate.
b) At least five years of financial or administrative leadership experience at the level of school dean/director or higher in a higher education institution, public service, or corporate institutions.
c) Supervised at least ten (10) postgraduate students (Master’s and Ph.D.) to completion. At least three of the students must be at the PhD level.
7.2 Strategic Planning and Governance
a) Experience in leading large administrative teams at the level of dean or higher, demonstrating efficiency and productivity.
b) Proven record in developing and executing strategic plans, aligning financial and administrative objectives with institutional goals.
c) Evidence of developing and implementing financial policies that have improved financial efficiency, transparency, and risk management.
d) Evidence of implementing organisational restructuring or process improvements to ensure operational efficiency.
e) Ability to develop and implement institutional policies, ensuring compliance with national higher education and financial regulations.
7.3 Leadership & Administrative Experience
a) Minimum 5 years of senior academic leadership in a recognized institution comparable with that of Makerere University, as accepted by Senate.
b) Demonstrated experience in managing budgets exceeding UGX 500,000,000=, ensuring financial sustainability and accountability.
c) Proven ability to mobilize resources, secure grants, and attract external funding to support institutional growth.
d) Experience in conducting financial forecasting, cost control measures, and investment strategies to optimize institutional resources.
e) Track record of leading financial audits and compliance assessments in alignment with national and international financial regulations.
f) Experience in handling procurement, asset management, and infrastructure development, ensuring transparency and value for money.
7.4 Human Resource and Performance Management
a) Track record of leading workforce planning, recruitment, and talent development strategies, ensuring a high-performance institutional culture.
b) Experience in implementing performance-based appraisal systems, leading to improved staff efficiency and accountability.
c) Proven ability to foster industrial harmony, resolving labour disputes and improving employer-employee relations.
7.5 Infrastructure Development and Resource Optimization
a) Experience in overseeing capital development projects, ensuring timely delivery and cost efficiency.
b) Track record of overseeing the maintenance and expansion of university facilities, enhancing institutional infrastructure.
c) Proven ability to negotiate and manage contracts for outsourced services, ensuring cost-effectiveness and quality standards.
7.6 Digital Transformation and ICT Integration
a) Experience in integrating ICT solutions in financial and administrative operations, improving service delivery and efficiency.
b) Evidence steering the automation of financial, procurement, and HR systems, reducing paperwork and improving real-time decision making.
c) Proven ability to implement cybersecurity measures that safeguard institutional financial and administrative data.
7.7 Stakeholder Engagement & Collaboration
a) Demonstrated experience in building partnerships with government agencies, donors, private sector investors, and international organizations to enhance institutional funding.
b) Proven ability to engage faculty, students, and staff in financial decision-making, ensuring transparency and inclusivity.
c) Experience in negotiating contracts, partnerships, and collaborations that have led to financial and administrative growth.
7.8 Personal Attributes
a) High level of integrity, transparency, and ethical leadership, with a record of financial prudence.
b) Strong analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, backed by evidence of successfully managing complex financial and administrative challenges.
c) Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills, ensuring effective stakeholder engagement.
d) A visionary leader with the ability to drive financial sustainability administrative efficiency, and institutional growth.
An attractive remuneration package that is in accordance with Makerere
University terms and conditions of service.
The Second Deputy Vice Chancellor shall hold office for a period of five years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for one more term.
Interested applicants are invited to submit their application letters. The following documents shall comprise a complete application:
a) A signed letter of application;
b) A vision statement;
c) Curriculum Vitae with contact details signed and dated by the applicant;
d) Copies of required minimum number of publications;
e) Certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates;
f) Three (3) letters of recommendation;
g) Copies of letters of appointment to leadership positions at the level of Dean of a School in a national accredited university or other academic institution;
h) A copy of the applicant’s National Identity Card or passport;
i) A copy of the last clearance from the Inspector General of Government or other equivalent national body;
j) Referees should be advised to send confidential reference letters, addressed to the Chairperson Search Committee for the Position of Second Deputy Vice Chancellor and delivered directly to the address below by 5:00 pm on Monday 24th March, 2025;
k) The references should cover the following areas: the applicant’s academic credential, experience, leadership, managerial and administrative skills and personal integrity.
Both Hardcopy and Electronic (Email) applications shall be accepted.
(a) Hardcopy applications: Both confidential letters and sealed applications marked
should be addressed to:
(b) Electronic media (e-mail) applications should have all the above documents scanned and emailed to search.dvcfa[at] by 5.00 pm East African Standard Time on Monday 24th March, 2025.
Please note that:
(a) Incomplete applications or applications received after the closing date and time
will not be considered.
(b) Only shortlisted applicants shall be contacted.
For more Information and inquiries:
Email us on OR Call Telephone number: +256-414-532634 during working hours (between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday).
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