The Academic Registrar, Makerere University informs all Head Teachers of A’ level schools that the Public Universities Joint Admissions Board (PUJAB) application forms for UACE 2022 Senior Six candidates for the 2023/2024 Academic Year admissions are ready for collection from the university from Friday 2nd December 2022.
The application forms should be collected from the Academic Registrar’s Office, Senate Building, Level 3, Makerere University. Application forms are issued on payment of a non-refundable application fee of UG Shs. 52,000/= per applicant.
You are advised to obtain a payment Reference Number(PRN) to enable you pay the application fees following the procedure below:
- Go to
- Fill in the details of the school i.e. name (including Centre Numbers) e.mail, and phone number. Click ‘next’.
- On the next page scroll through the items and click on PUJAB.
- Adjust the Unit to the number of forms required.
- Generate PRN, print and present to any bank near you with the amount and pay.
- Present receipt to the issuing officer at Makerere University.
The forms are for UGANDANS only.
Please note that only Head Teachers or their authorised representatives will be served.
The closing date for receiving the completed application forms is Friday 20th January 2023.
Prof. Mukadasi Buyinza