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Research shows need for training of staff and students on online learning



Learners were found to be unsatisfied with Blended learning pedagogy

Education is no longer just about putting pen to paper and memorizing facts. Today, innovative educators in higher education are improving learning through technology, as evidenced by the rapid adoption of technology-assisted teaching methods and blended learning (BL) models.

Blended learning integrates technology and digital media with traditional instructor-led classroom activities, giving students more flexibility to customize their learning experiences.

Although Blended learning has existed in Makerere University since 1991 in the Department of Open and Distance learning, this mode of teaching only recently became common place owing to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration), Prof. Henry Alinaitwe.
The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration), Prof. Henry Alinaitwe.

Following the Covid-19 lockdown, which resulted in the closure of the education sector, Makerere University was forced to adopt emergency Online and Distance e-learning (ODeL). The university since 2019 has adopted blended learning across all disciplines in the university.

The power of blended learning methods, however, lies in their ability to improve the student experience. It is against this background that a team of researchers set out to evaluate blended learning at Makerere University.  Led by Arthur Mugisha, the Principal Investigator, the team set out to study how students understood the blended learning pedagogy, how they used BL during the pandemic, how respondents found BL, peer’s opinions on BL excitement and how BL could be made more exciting.

The study conducted for from December 2021 until July 2022 showed that 66% of the students/ respondents claimed to have a clear understanding of BL pedagogy to be a mixture of face to face and online modes of teaching and learning.

The Principal CEES, Prof. Anthony Muwagga Mugagga.
The Principal CEES, Prof. Anthony Muwagga Mugagga.

However, only 36% of the respondents found BL to be exciting due to:  the flexibility and convenience it brings in the learning, the opportunity to be exposed to new learning technologies like zoom, reduced transport-accommodation-meal costs and disease spread, self-paced learning through downloaded materials, act of bringing the University closer to the communities and competence-based learning leading to promotion at places of work and unfortunately the ability to cheat exams.

The other percentage of 64% was not excited about BL because of the challenges it posed such as; consumption of data, poor network connectivity, length of exams (more than 24 hours), absence of a clear timetable, system failures and technology illiteracy among other things.  

The students made some suggestions which they hope will make BL more exciting. These include a zero-rated system, upgrading the MUELE system (Makerere University E-learning Environment) and training for lecturers and students among other things.

The CEBL Project Principal Investigator, Mr. Arthur Mugisha.
The CEBL Project Principal Investigator, Mr. Arthur Mugisha.

The research team also evaluated the readiness of learners for BL pedagogy as well as the forms of learner support received. Only about 42% reported to have received training on the use of online platforms while 19% reported having received financial assistance, data/Wi-Fi and study gadgets from friends and relatives.  

Research also showed that 51% of the respondents were and are ready to take on BL for continuity while 49% were skeptical and critical making them reluctant to embrace BL

An evaluation of the use of MUELE showed that 82.5% of the respondents found it difficult to navigate the teaching platform. About 98.5% could not join a group on MUELE. The students reported that they did not find the platform user friendly. This, Mr Arthur Mugisha said, calls for some changes on the learning platform.

A chart showing suggestions by students on how to make Blended Learning more exciting.
A chart showing suggestions by students on how to make Blended Learning more exciting.

Learners were found to be unsatisfied with Blended learning pedagogy.

  Over 90% of the students reported not to have received guidance from their lecturers while also feedback on coursework submitted was also slow. It was also noted that majority of the students that required practical/ clinical experiences never received them during the online learning. Results showed that about 80% of the students were disappointed with the online examination system.

Some of the challenges identified with Blended learning are listed in the table below.

BL challenges during Covid-19FrequencyPercentage
High cost of data23129.6%
Poor network21827.9%
No or little practical sessions425.4%
Acquisition of learning devices and their functionality415.2%
Other interruptions in environment415.2%
Difficulty in accessing MUELE405.1%
Limited screen sharing by lecturers374.7%
System inefficiencies334.2%
Unreliable power/electricity supply303.8%
Lack of a clear timetable to follow212.7%
Poor communication/misinformation192.4%
Unnecessary movements-staggered reporting with associated costs101.3%
Disruptions from unmuted Microphones81.0%
Virus leading to jamming and hanging40.5%
Less time during exams/inconsistencies in timing30.4%
Low motivation for online study20.3%
Phishing or frequent adverts10.1%

The learners also identified some possible solutions to the challenges. These include;

Potential solutions to BL challengesFrequencyPercentage
Reduce data costs16631.9%
Go back to face-to-face10720.5%
Stabilise internet or network connectivity6913.2%
MUELE system improvement/upgrade509.6%
Provide compliant learning gadgets275.2%
Lecturers should fully be available online244.6%
Improve learner support systems224.2%
Provide more flexible time tabling132.5%
BL is good except for practicals122.3%
Explore other platforms beyond MUELE61.2%
Create central information repositories61.2%
Provide reliable alternative power sources61.2%
Host should regulated unmuted microphones40.8%
Consult students during decision making40.8%
Provide more time to submit online exams30.6%
Create BL regional centres of Excellence20.4%

The research study recommended BL must be practiced but also improved. Other recommendations include;  

  1. Once practiced, BL should cut cross both academic and non-academic units of the University.
  2. Top Makerere University management needs to take interest in adequately financing and staffing the Institute of Open, Distance and eLearning
  3. On ensuring number 3 above, there is need to attach ODeL specialists (champions) to each of the University units with clear terms of reference.
  4. It is hoped that in the near future regional BL centres of excellence will be created and specialists attached to support off-campus BL activities.
  5. In regard to regional BL centres of excellence, subsidising players who provide alternatives to hydro power to ensure that the remotest of learners is able to participate in BL.
  6. Introduce a basic BL course for both lecturers and learners
  7. Promote the Bring-Your-Own-Device approach for sustainability. Communicate it to the students’ community, parents and/or sponsors
Dr. Pius Achang represented Prof. Mary Okwakol.
Dr. Pius Achang represented Prof. Mary Okwakol.

While speaking during the dissemination workshop, NCHE director of Quality Assurance, Dr Pius Achang who represented the Ed of NCHE, Prof. Mary Okwakol, called on Makerere University to extend support to other institutions of learning because “while NCHE rolled out e-learning, acceptability has been hard”. He hoped that the findings of the research will inform policy on blended learning.

On his part, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and administration) Prof. Henry Alinaitwe, who represented the VC called for continued training of both staff and students in an effort to improve BL uptake. He called on CEES to offer training to all staff inform of teacher training for many lecturers have no teacher training experience.

The Principal of CEES, Prof. Anthony Muwagga Mugagga, called on the government to fund the evaluation of blended learning across the country. The government called on the College of education to support e-learning during the lockdown so it is important that an evaluation of that mode of teaching be done. He thanked the government of Uganda for its continued support to research as the university moves towards becoming a research-led institution. Prof. Mugagga called on the Ministry of Education and Sports to support the collect with ICT equipment as well as support he IODEL centre so that it can offer training in BL across the country.

Dr. Stephen Wandera, represented the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF).
Dr. Stephen Wandera, represented the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF).

He called for uptake of digital technologies but also warned against its dangers such as spread of pornographic materials.

The Director of IODel, Prof. Paul Muyinda Birevu, noted that a similar evaluation among teaching staff had been done so it was important for the team to evaluate the students’ uptake and affordances of blended learning.

Dr. Stephen Wandera, from MakRIF congratulated the project team upon winning the grant and successfully disseminating the findings. He called on the improvement of MUELE to make it for interactive for both staff and students. He encouraged the PI to offer some policy guidance on Blended learning.


  1. Arthur Mugisha
  2. Prof. Paul Birevu Muyinda
  3. Dr. Joshua Bateeze _ KCCA
  4. Dr. Harriet Najjemba
  5. Dr. Robert Ayine- NCHE
  6. Prof. Jessica Norah Aguti – Busitema University

Project Admin

Rose Akanya

Betty Kyakuwa
Betty Kyakuwa


Mapping Research in Education: A Baseline Study on PhD Completion and Emerging Research Themes



The Deputy Principal CEES, Prof. Ronald Bisaso presents canidadates for the conferment of degrees during the Second Session of Makerere University's 72nd Graduation Ceremony on 24th May 2022.

This report on mapping research in education intends to ignite debate on completion of doctoral studies to improve on doctoral throughput, and reflect on emerging research themes in order to strengthen and increase on evidence-based research from the College of Education and External Studies (CEES) that can address a myriad of education related challenges in Uganda and beyond. The College of Education and External Studies (CEES) is one of the ten (10) constituent colleges of Makerere University. Makerere University aspires to be research-led in the current strategic period, 2020-2030 and as CEES journeys ‘Towards a Research-led College’, it is prudent to take stock of research capacity by analyzing PhD graduates of the period 2012-2024 and continuing PhD students admitted by 2022/2023 as well as the emerging research themes in CEES.

First, the total number of PhD completers was 121 in the period 2012-2024 out of whom only six (6) completed in less than 5 years, which is only 5 percent. This is a worrying statistic since at Makerere University, an institutional average of 41% of registered PhD students is reported to complete within four (4) years. Apparently, majority of the completers in CEES complete in 5-9 years represented by 86 PhD graduates. In the same way, among the continuing PhD students, only 59 out of 194 PhD students have spent 3-4 years on the programme perhaps because their year of admission is relatively recent. Second, the research themes that the doctoral research focuses on were explored. Nineteen (19) out of 121 PhD graduates had researched on human resource management, eleven (11) focused on technology in education, eleven (11) on pedagogy/teaching and learning, and only five (5) on inclusive education among others. In the continuing student cohort, there is a surge in students researching on pedagogy /teaching and learning (24), technology in education (20), inclusive education (16), and emergence of a research theme on STEM Education/TVET (17) out of 194 continuing PhD students.

To compound the research themes at CEES, PhD student and academic staff research funded by the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund (MakRIF) focused on quite similiar themes. Finally, areas of research that have been dominant across specialities in CEES in the last and next 5-10 years were highlighted by 28 academic staff at different ranks who responded to a survey. Overall, this report presents us with an opportunity to further reflect on the CEES Research Agenda, how to tap and maximize the potential of expertise in CEES, how to harness the diverse PhD research in education and research by academic staff in order to strongly generate impactful research and innovations, and contribute to policy and practice through policy briefs, knowledge briefs, and guidelines for uptake in education and the education system.

Ronald Bisaso, PhD. FUNAS.
Associate Professor of Higher Education and Deputy Principal, CEES.

Mak Editor

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DSTVE Welcomes New Leadership as Dr. Batiibwe Takes Over



Dean School of Education-Prof. Mulumba Mathias (2nd L), Directorate of Human Resources' Mr. Patrick Mutebi (2nd R), Internal Audit Directorate's Ms. Mbabazi Winnie (R) and another official witness as Dr. John Ssentongo (3rd R) hands over to Dr. Marjorie Batiibwe (3rd L). Department of Science, Technical and Vocational Education (DSTVE), School of Education, College of Education and External Studies (CEES) transition in leadership from Dr. John Ssentongo to Dr. Marjorie Batiibwe, January 28, 2025, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The Department of Science, Technical and Vocational Education (DSTVE) at the School of Education, College of Education and External Studies (CEES) witnessed a transition in leadership on January 28, 2025, as Dr. John Ssentongo officially handed over the reins to Dr. Marjorie Batiibwe. The handover ceremony, presided over by the Dean of the School of Education, Prof. Mulumba Mathias, was attended by key stakeholders, including Mr. Mutebi Patrick from the Directorate of Human Resources, Ms. Mbabazi Winnie from Internal Audit, and other departmental staff.

In his farewell remarks, Dr. Ssentongo, who has served as Head of Department (HoD) for four years, expressed his gratitude to the university management, CEES leadership, and DSTVE staff for their unwavering support throughout his tenure. He highlighted several accomplishments during his leadership, including:

  • Curriculum Development – Successful reviews of the Bachelor of Science with Education, Postgraduate Diploma in Education, and Master of Education Science Education programs.
  • Infrastructure Upgrades – Renovation of the DSTVE building, refurbishment of the Resource Center, and enhancement of laboratories.
  • Staff Development – Promotion of several academic staff and recruitment of new lecturers.
  • Campus Beautification – Landscaping and greening of the DSTVE compound to enhance the learning environment.

Speaking at the event, Prof. Mulumba Mathias, Dean of the School of Education, commended Dr. Ssentongo for his dedicated service and transformative leadership at DSTVE. He acknowledged the outgoing HoD’s efforts in strengthening the academic and administrative structure of the department, particularly in curriculum development and facility improvements.

“Dr. Ssentongo has demonstrated exceptional leadership, resilience, and dedication in steering DSTVE towards excellence. His tenure has set a solid foundation for growth, and we are confident that Dr. Batiibwe will continue this momentum. The School of Education remains committed to supporting DSTVE in addressing existing challenges, particularly in staffing and resource mobilization,” remarked Prof. Mulumba.

He further urged Dr. Batiibwe to build on the department’s achievements and work closely with university leadership to advance technical and vocational education.

In her acceptance speech, Dr. Marjorie Batiibwe expressed her commitment to building on the successes of her predecessor, strengthening academic programs, and addressing the critical staffing gaps. She emphasized the need for collaborative leadership to propel DSTVE to greater heights.

As DSTVE embarks on this new chapter, the department remains steadfast in its mission to train skilled educators and enhance technical and vocational education in Uganda.

Betty Kyakuwa
Betty Kyakuwa

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Over 40 UBTEB Students Graduate from the Centre for Life-Long Learning at CEES



Officials pose for a group photo with some of the over 40 graduates of the 6th Cohort of UBTEB-accredited diplomas and certificates offered by CLL. Centre for Life-Long Learning (CLL), College of Education and External Studies (CEES) over 40 students of the 6th Cohort successfully graduate with diplomas and certificates in various fields accredited by the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB), 24th January 2025, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Makerere University’s Centre for Life-Long Learning (CLL) under the College of Education and External Studies celebrated a significant milestone on January 24, 2025, as over 40 students successfully graduated with diplomas and certificates in various fields accredited by the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB).

The graduation ceremony, held at Makerere University, marked the sixth cohort to complete their academic programs at the Centre, highlighting its role in equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for professional and personal growth.

The ceremony included a moment of pride for Namagembe Saidat, who emerged as the best-performing student. She graduated with a Diploma in Secretarial Studies, achieving an outstanding CGPA of 4.86. Saidat’s accomplishment reflects the Centre’s commitment to academic excellence and nurturing top-tier professionals.

Left to Right: Dr. Oscar Mugula, Dr. Harriet Nabushawo, Namagembe Saidat, who emerged as the best-performing student and another official pose for a group photo. Centre for Life-Long Learning (CLL), College of Education and External Studies (CEES) over 40 students of the 6th Cohort successfully graduate with diplomas and certificates in various fields accredited by the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB), 24th January 2025, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Left to Right: Dr. Oscar Mugula, Dr. Harriet Nabushawo, Namagembe Saidat, who emerged as the best-performing student and another official pose for a group photo.

In his address, Dr. Oscar Mugula, the National Coordinator of CLL, congratulated the graduates for their resilience and hard work over the two years of study. He commended the government for revising the admission policy for diploma programs, which now requires only one principal pass instead of two. This policy adjustment, he noted, has significantly increased student enrollment and widened access to higher education opportunities.

Dr. Mugula also encouraged the graduates to register with professional bodies as technicians, emphasizing that such affiliations would enhance their employability and competitiveness in the job market.

Speaking on behalf of the Principal of the College of Education and External Studies (CEES), Dr. Harriet Nabushawo extended gratitude to the government, particularly the Ministry of Education and Sports, and UBTEB for entrusting CEES with the training of diverse education stakeholders. She further thanked Makerere University’s management for its unwavering support of the College’s activities and acknowledged the collaboration with the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology, which provides access to laboratories and workshops essential for student training.

Dr. Harriet Nabushawo (Centre), Dr. Oscar Mugula (Right) and another official follow proceedings. Centre for Life-Long Learning (CLL), College of Education and External Studies (CEES) over 40 students of the 6th Cohort successfully graduate with diplomas and certificates in various fields accredited by the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB), 24th January 2025, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Dr. Nabushawo urged the graduates to consider advancing their studies by enrolling in degree programs to further enhance their qualifications. Additionally, she shared valuable life skills and encouraged the graduates to adopt a mindset of continuous learning and self-improvement to remain relevant in a dynamic labor market.

The graduation ceremony underscored the transformative impact of lifelong learning in fostering socio-economic development and empowering individuals to achieve their full potential. The Centre for Life-Long Learning continues to play a pivotal role in bridging educational gaps and promoting inclusivity in higher education.

As the graduates embark on their professional journeys, their success serves as a testament to the dedication of CLL’s faculty and staff, as well as the vital role of Makerere University in nurturing skilled professionals equipped to contribute to national development.

The Department of Performing Arts and Film (PAF) entertains the congregation. Centre for Life-Long Learning (CLL), College of Education and External Studies (CEES) over 40 students of the 6th Cohort successfully graduate with diplomas and certificates in various fields accredited by the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB), 24th January 2025, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) Conference Hall, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Congratulations to the graduates, faculty, and all stakeholders who made this milestone possible!

Betty Kyakuwa
Betty Kyakuwa

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