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Mak-RIF Counts Gains, Discusses Commercialisation



The Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF) on Monday 4th April 2022 held a special consultative meeting with University Management during which milestones, impact and future aspirations were shared. The meeting was presided over by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe.

To state that Mak-RIF has made some gains since it’s inception in the 2019/2020 financial year would be putting it rather lightly. Now in its third financial year 2021/2022, the UGX 30 Billion per year fund has to date awarded 774 grants out of 1,978 applications; a rate of 39.1%. Along the way, Mak-RIF has developed a number of tools and resources. These include;

  • A standard Request For Proposals (RFP) format,
  • A standard application template,
  • A standard Research & Innovations (R&I) judging template for reviewers,
  • A standard Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) report template,
  • A standard close-out and impact reporting template,
  • A pool of 350 vetted scientific reviewers, and
  • A searchable research database that can provide a lot of information.

“Recently the Office of the Vice Chancellor through the Quality Assurance Directorate (QAD) required an instant report on funding for the SDGs and our IT people ran a quick query and came up with all research projects that are in the seventeen SDG areas” remarked Dr. Roy Mayega who presented Mak-RIF’s progress on behalf of the Grants Management Committee (GMC).

Dr. Roy Mayega makes the presentation on behalf of Mak-RIF GMC.
Dr. Roy Mayega makes the presentation on behalf of Mak-RIF GMC.

“This database can answer a lot of questions for those who want information on research in the University and we wish the same can be rolled out to all other research (projects) so that it can easily be searchable for whatever someone wants” he added.

Dr. Mayega further shared that Mak-RIF has developed an online grants management system, that enables each Principal Investigator (PI) to access key project documents such as the contract, approved proposal and approved budget among others. The PIs also have the ability to enter project milestones into the system and provide quarterly reports on the same. The system then automatically updates the milestone tracker for each of the 774 projects.

Mak-RIF Thematic Areas

In order to ensure that grants are awarded based on national development as well as other priorities, the GMC held consultations with stakeholders from all sectors of Uganda’s economy. The result was a Mak-RIF Research Agenda with fourteen (14) thematic areas namely;

  1. Transforming the Agricultural sector,
  2. Sustainable Health,
  3. Re-Imagining Education,
  4. Water, Sanitation and Environmental sustainability,
  5. Harnessing the Social Sector to drive development,
  6. Harnessing Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage to drive development,
  7. Sustainable Planning, Finance and Monitoring,
  8. Leveraging Public Service and Local Administration for efficient service delivery,
  9. Defence and Security;
  10. Strengthening Law, Governance, Human Rights and International cooperation,
  11. Harnessing Information and Communication Technology to drive development,
  12. Manufacturing , Science and Technology as tools to accelerate development,
  13. Catalysing Business Enterprise, and
  14. Energy and Minerals as drivers of rapid economic development.

So far, the lion’s share of the awards (223) has been claimed by the Sustainable Health thematic area, followed by Transforming the Agricultural sector (100) and Re-Imagining Education (58). Conversely, the three thematic areas of Sustainable Planning, Finance and Monitoring, Defence and Security as well as Strengthening Law, Governance, Human Rights and International cooperation each received seven awards.

Head GAMSU-Prof. Grace Bantebya Kyomuhendo (standing) makes her submission as L-R: Deann of Students-Mrs. Winifred Kabumbuli, Academic Registrar-Mr. Alfred Masikye Namoah, Director Legal Affairs-Mr. Javason Kamugisha and Deputy Principal CHS-Prof. Isaac Kajja (Right) listen keenly.
Head GAMSU-Prof. Grace Bantebya Kyomuhendo (standing) makes her submission as L-R: Dean of Students-Mrs. Winifred Kabumbuli, Academic Registrar-Mr. Alfred Masikye Namoah (Rear), Director Legal Affairs-Mr. Javason Kamugisha and Deputy Principal CHS-Prof. Isaac Kajja (Right) listen keenly.

Additionally, Dr. Mayega pointed out that females received only 26% of the awards, which could partly be attributed to current staffing ratios. According to the 2020 Makerere University Self Assessment Report by QAD, females on average constitute 40% of Human Resources (Academic-29%, Administrative-51% and Support-50%).

To help improve staff potential to compete for Mak-RIF’s as well as other agencies’ grants, the GMC in collaboration with units such as the Directorate of Finance and Office of the University Secretary regularly carries out capacity building activities at college level. Areas previously covered include; grants writing, grants management, research communication and financial reporting. However, further needs assessment revealed project management as one of the areas that ought to be covered by future capacity building activities.

Mak-RIF Projects with notable impact

Statistics shared by Dr. Mayega revealed that 241 (31.1%) of 774 Mak-RIF projects awarded to date have been completed. 172 of these projects have submitted their closeout reports. The projects that have completed their closeout reports may be classified according to three categories. These include; Physical Products (102), Policy Advisories (52) and Capacity Building (24), which brings the total number to 178. The discrepancy in total is attributed to a few projects whose outcomes belonged to more than one category, hence creating overlaps.

Furthermore, the completed projects may be classified according to three levels namely; Start-up, Point of transition to scale and While already undergoing scale. 52 (29%) of the projects ended at start-up level, while the majority (111 or 62%) ended at the point of transition to scale. The least (15 or 9%) ended while already undergoing scale. This calls for the adoption of strategies that can facilitate more projects to end while already undergoing scale.

Dr. Mayega’s presentation nevertheless outlined some projects as having notable impact at the time of completion. These included;

  • Strengthening Integrated Screening for TB and COVID-19 in Kampala, Uganda by Dr. Fred Collins Semitala – Results stimulated policy change at the Ministry of Health.
  • Drug and Substance Abuse (DASA) in Primary and Secondary Schools in Uganda: Baseline Survey Implications for National Sensitizations by Dr. Leon Matagi – Findings were used by National Drug Authority (NDA) in their national sensitization programme.
  • Deployment of the new Maksoy soybean varieties for on-farm income enhancement, Food and Nutrition security, Enterprise Development and Job creation in Eastern Uganda by Prof. Phinehas Tukamuhabwa – Led to development of an improved process of soy flour transformation into soy powder. Powder can be fortified so as to yield an instant soy milk powder.
  • Transforming Presumptive Age Estimation In Uganda: Methods, Certainty And The Law by Dr. Annet Kutesa – Provided policy recommendations on age estimation among juveniles undergoing criminal proceedings. May also be used for screening of refugees by UNHCR and Players by Sports Federations.
  • Product formulation and evaluation of a herbal acaricide containing bioactive extracts of Albizia coriaria on acaricide resistant Rhipicephalus ticks by Aguma Bush Herbert – In touch with pharmaceutical manufacturers, Government to undertake large scale production.
  • Optimization of the dosage, adjuvant and route for the candidate anti-tick vaccine by Dr. Kokas Ikwap – Determined appropriate dosage of tick vaccine that elicits highest antibodies. Engaged Alfasan U Ltd. to manufacture vaccine candidate under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
  • Determinants of Death Registration Uptake by Dr. Leonard Atuhaire – Study recommends development of a civil registration and vital statistics policy to guide implementation of death registration in Uganda.
  • Developing an automatically controlled commercial solar-dryer and efficient resource recovery innovations for sustained market responsive fruit production in Uganda by Ahamada Zziwa – Makerere, Renewable Energy Department of MEMD and Lutheran World Relief (LWR) collaborating to scale out dryer among arabica coffee farmers.
  • Enhancing Value addition on Potato-Sorghum enterprises for Improved Livelihoods in Uganda (EVaPoSIL) by Prof. Johnny Mugisha – Developed a range of high quality potato-sorghum based products e.g. cookies, biscuits, waffles. Farmers are encouraged to grow more potatoes, more entrepreneurs in value addition and commercialisation were created.

“In terms of academic research output, we have 103 published papers” said Dr. Mayega, adding that this could be a conservative estimate owing to the fact that researchers are still responding to the circular calling for publications arising from Mak-RIF funding.

Head Mak-RIF, Prof. Fred Masagazi Masaazi makes his submission.
Head Mak-RIF, Prof. Fred Masagazi Masaazi makes his submission.


The notable gains notwithstanding, Dr. Mayega concluded by pointing out low researcher capacity for project management as one of the biggest challenges. This plays out in the form of gaps in timeliness and completeness of periodic reports, as well as lack of timely and quality accountability for funds received. To remedy this, the Mak-RIF GMC will work with the Grants Administration and Management Support Unit (GAMSU) to establish college grants support units.

The financial year versus realistic time-frames for project execution was another challenge outlined by the GMC. This, they suggested may be overcome by classifying the release as a fund that spans at least three years, other than an annual grant. Dr. Mayega also noted financial regulations that restrict the release of money, especially the cap on advances, which leads to several small requisitions that have to each be accounted, as a challenge to smooth project implementation.

Contributing to National Development Priorities

Associate Prof. Charles Masembe who presented on the role of universities in influencing national development noted that the COVID-19 pandemic provided useful lessons on the potential for research and innovations that exists within higher education institutions. “When every country was having challenges, we did not get many people from abroad coming here to help us, we looked inward.”

Mak-RIF GMC Members L-R: Dr. Zahara Nampewo, Associate Prof. Charles Masembe, Dr. Sabrina Kitaka, Prof. Frank Mwine and Prof. Moses Joloba listen to proceedings.
Mak-RIF GMC Members L-R: Dr. Zahara Nampewo, Associate Prof. Charles Masembe, Dr. Sabrina Kitaka, Prof. Frank Mwine and Prof. Moses Joloba listen to proceedings.

He noted that socioeconomic transformation takes universities, the government and the business sector working together like a system of gears, with innovations as the vital input into the chain. Citing emerging programmes such as the Parish Development Model (PDM), Assoc. Prof. Masembe said the GMC is ready to include this model as well as other Government programmes into Mak-RIF’s Needs-Responsive Track programme so as to increase Makerere University‘s relevance to national development strategy.

Commercialisation of Research

According to statistics shared by Dr. Roy Mayega in his presentation, only 15 (9%) of 178 projects were completed while already undergoing scale. Dr. Zahara Nampewo who presented on commercialisation of research defined the term as “transfer of knowledge and discoveries to industry by making them into beneficial marketable products/services and therapies that benefit the public.”

Dr. Zahara Nampewo presents on Commercialisation of Research.
Dr. Zahara Nampewo presents on Commercialisation of Research.

Commercialisation of research at Makerere is guided by the Research and Innovations Policy 2008 and the Intellectual Property Management Policy 2008. At the National level, it is guided by the Industrial Property Act 2014 and the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act 2006.

From the preceding definition, it is clear that commercialisation is a process that ought to be guided by the appropriate legal framework in order to benefit the public and inevitably, the researcher. In this regard, Dr. Nampewo outlined five steps of research commercialisation. These are;

  1. Protection of Intellectual Property (IP) – currently handled by the Makerere University IP Management Office
  2. Commercialisation Assessment – through conducting market research
  3. Partnerships – assess opportunities with industry, entrepreneurs and investors
  4. License the technology to a third party in order to move it to the market through a formal license agreement
  5. Own ventures – with support from the University as guided by the IP policy or seeking the funding opportunities from Government or other partners to further develop the innovation.

Reactions to presentations

The Head GAMSU, Prof. Grace Bantebya Kyomuhendo in her submission noted that whereas statistics of attempts by researchers to commercialise their findings from Mak-RIF projects stood at 9%, further university-wide analysis was likely to reveal even more projects yet/unable to undertake commercialisation of their innovations.

The University Secretary-Mr. Yusuf Kiranda (standing) reacts to the presentation as L-R: University Bursar-Mr. Evarist Bainomugisha, Principal CoCIS-Prof. Tonny Oyana, University Librarian-Associate Prof. Helen Byamugisha, Ag. DVCFA-Prof. Henry Alinaitwe and the Vice Chancellor-Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe listen.
The University Secretary-Mr. Yusuf Kiranda (standing) reacts to the presentation as L-R: University Bursar-Mr. Evarist Bainomugisha, Principal CoCIS-Prof. Tonny Oyana, University Librarian-Associate Prof. Helen Byamugisha, Ag. DVCFA-Prof. Henry Alinaitwe and the Vice Chancellor-Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe listen.

She added that together with Mak-RIF, GAMSU will build a comprehensive and robust research management system to capture the variables required by the university. The system, she added, would provide useful data for identifying gaps that can then be used to inform capacity building activities.

The Head Mak-RIF and Facilitator of the day’s discussions, Prof. Fred Masagazi Masaazi in his remarks thanked the Vice Chancellor, Members of Management and all participants for the impressive attendance of the consultative meeting. He said that Mak-RIF had generated a lot of data over the years, which will provide useful pointers for conducting research and managing teams going forward, with emphasis on mutidisciplinarity.

“As a matter of priority, we are going to make a follow-up on some of these projects for commercialisation. This has been a fruitful interaction and we hope to have many more subsequently” added Prof. Masagazi Masaazi.

Addressing himself to the items in the presentations related to funding, the University Secretary Mr. Yusuf Kiranda outlined 1) The Budget 2) Release of funds to the University 3) Release of funds to researchers 4) Accountability for funds released to researchers and 5) Reporting to the Government as five closely interlinked elements that ought to each be taken seriously for successful project implementation.

Ag. DVCFA, Prof. Henry Alinaitwe makes his remarks.
Ag. DVCFA, Prof. Henry Alinaitwe makes his remarks.

Under element 1) The Budget, Mr. Kiranda included a sub-element of Planning, which he said researchers ought to harness by splitting budgets for multi-year projects over two or more financial years in order to avoid stifling project activities. “With proper planning, we can make this problem cease to exist.”

Delays in procurement are some of the other factors affecting accountability for funds released to researchers. In this regard, Mr. Kiranda offered to, at the next Management meeting, move that an independent contracts committee be created for Mak-RIF, owing to its fund value.

Concluding remarks

The Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration)-Ag. DVCFA, Prof. Henry Alinaitwe who also serves as the Chairperson GAMSU Steering Committee reiterated the need for GAMSU and Mak-RIF to work closely together to put in place systems that will lead to effective management of research and boost outputs. He also called for the need to further strengthen the IP Management Office so as to boost commercialisation of research.

The DVCAA, Associate Professor Umar Kakumba makes his submission.
The DVCAA, Associate Professor Umar Kakumba makes his submission.

“As we think about commercialisation, we need to think about big funding as well as reliable partners who will not take advantage of initiatives by our researchers. I challenge our Directorate of Legal Affairs to scrutinise all contracts and MoUs so that they are watertight” emphasised Prof. Alinaitwe.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs)-DVCAA, Associate Prof. Umar Kakumba admitted that the advent of Mak-RIF had brought to light the immense potential of Makerere staff to conduct research that informs national development priorities.

“One of the requirements of Mak-RIF is that teams must work with different organs outside the university and we are seeing the University being taken out of the Ivory Tower. Under Mak-RIF we were able to see the connection between Makerere and the rest of the stakeholder communities and agencies, both Government and Non-Governmental” added the DVCAA.

Associate Prof. Kakumba nevertheless urged the Mak-RIF GMC to go beyond the statistics and focus on impact evaluation. “We need to touch base with what has been the real value of transformation that our research has done to the community.”

The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe thanked the Mak-RIF GMC for a job well done so far.
The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe thanked the Mak-RIF GMC for a job well done so far.

Delivering the meeting’s final remarks, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe thanked the Mak-RIF GMC for the a job well done in as far as effectively managing the funding from Government, hence bringing great pride to the university. “But as you have heard from the comments, we can do much more with the money the Government is giving us to help the transformation of our country. That is why we are here.”

One of the proposals put forward by the GMC in response to a request from Management was the inclusion of a PhD support component in Mak-RIF starting financial year 2022/2023. Lauding this decision, the Vice Chancellor noted that, “as Africa we need to produce more PhDs. If we don’t, we are doomed… the older generation are retiring and we must replenish.”

Reiterating the need for commercialisation of research, the Prof. Nawangwe called for the setting up of more business incubation centres (beyond the Food Technology and Business Incubation Centre), provided that the University Intellectual Property Management Policy is strictly adhered to.

Mark Wamai


Advert: Position of First Deputy Vice Chancellor



Front View of the reconstructed Main Building, Makerere University. Date Taken 8th November 2024. Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Makerere University is governed by the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, Cap 262. The University is seeking applications from suitably qualified applicants for the position of First Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The First Deputy Vice Chancellor must possess a strong background in academic leadership, teaching, research, and strategic institutional management.





The First Deputy Vice-Chancellor will report to the Vice–Chancellor and shall:

  1. Assist the Vice Chancellor in performance of his or her functions and in that regard be responsible for the Academic affairs of the University
  2. In the absence of the Vice-Chancellor, perform the functions of the Vice-Chancellor and,
  3. Perform such other functions that may be delegated to him or her by the Vice Chancellor or assigned by the University Council.


To provide leadership and Coordination of academic and academic research matters to ensure effective and efficient implementation of policies, teaching and research programmes.


  1. Initiate, obtain approval of policies, plans and programmes that will enhance the academic and professional excellence of the University.
  2. Initiate, coordinate curriculum development and review for all courses offered at the University.
  3. Ensure that all examinations are set and marked in accordance with established Regulations.
  4. Coordinate the appointment of external examiners.
  5. Oversee the selection and admission of qualified students.
  6. Oversee the development of research programmes by liaising with Principals of Colleges/Deans of Schools and submit them to Senate and Council for approval.


  1. Hold a PhD or any other academic doctorate.
  2. Be at the rank of associate or full professor level in an institution whose academic ranking is comparable with that of Makerere University as accepted by Senate.
  3. Be a Ugandan citizen within the age bracket of 40 to 65 years at the time of application.

7.1 Academic Qualifications

  1. Earned a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate in a relevant discipline.
  2. Minimum 5 years of progressive academic experience, including teaching, research, and academic administration at the level of dean of a school or higher.
  3. At least 20 peer-reviewed publications in reputable journals indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, or equivalent databases.
  4. Supervised at least ten (10) postgraduate students (Masters and PhD) to completion and graduation; at least three of these students must have been at the level of PhD.

7.2 Strategic Planning & Governance

  1. Evidence of having served or participated in university-level strategic planning processes including, membership to strategic planning committees and contribution to policy development and institutional growth.
  2. At least five years of demonstrated experience in academic programme accreditation processes contributing to the securing approvals from the relevant national or international regulatory bodies.
  3. Demonstrated evidence in leading at least one (1) higher education ICT integration initiative, improving online learning, digital governance, or student information systems or the development of at least one online course curriculum.

7.3 Leadership & Administrative Experience

  1. A minimum of 5 years of senior academic leadership in a recognized institution comparable to that of Makerere University, as accepted by the Senate, at the level of Dean of a School or higher.
  2. Participated in the development and implementation of at least two (2) academic policies improving quality assurance, curriculum development, or institutional governance.
  3. Demonstrated ability to lead a school or college, ensuring optimal performance and professional development of members.
  4. Proven track record of mentoring at least 10 faculty members toward career progression and research output, including co-teaching, publication, and capacity development in areas of teaching and training, grants, research and innovations.
  5. Participated in at least three (3) university committees or initiatives on academic policy development, research and publications, or student affairs.
  6. Participation in mediation of at least five (5) student or faculty grievances, ensuring fair and transparent resolutions.

7.4 Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Development

  1. Led or contributed to the development of at least five (5) accredited academic programmes or curricula at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
  2. Participated in the Designing and conducting at least 10 faculty development workshops focused on pedagogy, research methodologies, or curriculum advancement.

7.5 Research & Innovation

  1. Secured at least $200,000 in competitive research grants from national or international funding agencies.
  2. Established or managed at least one (1) research centre, or college wide research programme or industry-academic partnerships.
  3. Published a minimum of five (5) books, or 5 book chapters, or patents (separate from the papers in peer reviewed journals), contributing to knowledge production in the discipline.
  4. Organized at least three (3) international or national research conferences, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.

7.6 Financial & Resource Management

  1. Successfully managed academic budgets exceeding UGX 500,000,000= in a leadership role.
  2. Led at least two (2) faculty resource mobilisation initiatives, increasing funding for research, scholarships, or infrastructure.
  3. Secured at least one (1) international academic partnership to enhance funding, student exchange, or faculty development.
  4. Developed and executed at least three (3) cost-cutting strategies, optimising institutional resources without compromising academic quality.

7.7 Stakeholder Engagement & Collaboration

  1. Built at least five (5) partnerships with government agencies, private sector stakeholders, or international academic institutions.
  2. Successfully led at least two (2) community engagement or outreach programmes, strengthening university-industry relations.
  3. Served on or contributed to at least three (3) University, national, or international education policy boards, shaping higher education discourse.

7.8 Personal Attributes

  1. Proven record of upholding institutional integrity, with no record of financial mismanagement or ethical violations.
  2. Demonstrated decision-making and problem-solving skills, having led at least five (5) crisis resolution initiatives.
  3. Recognized for academic leadership excellence, receiving at least one (1 ) award or recognition for contributions to higher education.


An attractive remuneration package that is in accordance with Makerere University terms and conditions of service.


The First Deputy Vice Chancellor shall hold office for a period of five years and shall be eligible for re- appointment for one more term.


Interested applicants are invited to submit their application letters. The following documents shall comprise a complete application:

  1. A signed letter of application;
  2. A vision statement;
  3. Curriculum Vitae with contact details signed and dated by the applicant;
  4. Copies of required minimum number of publications;
  5. Certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates.
  6. Three (3) letters of recommendation;
  7. Copies of letters of appointment to leadership positions at the level of Dean of a School in a national accredited university or other academic institution;
  8. A copy of the applicant’s National Identity Card or passport;
  9. A copy of the last clearance from the Inspector General of Government or other equivalent national body.
  10. Referees should be advised to send confidential reference letters, addressed to the Chairperson Search Committee for the Position of First Deputy Vice Chancellor and delivered directly to the address below by 5:00 pm on Monday 24th March, 2025.
  11. The references should cover the following areas: the applicant’s academic credential, experience, leadership, managerial and administrative skills and personal integrity.

Both Hardcopy and Electronic (Email) applications shall be accepted.

a) Hardcopy applications: Both confidential letters and sealed applications marked “CONFIDENTIAL: POSITION OF FIRST DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR” should be addressed to:


b) Electronic media (e-mail) applications should have all the above documents scanned and emailed to by 5.00 pm East African Standard Time on Monday 24th March, 2025.

Please note that:

a) Incomplete applications or applications received after the closing date and time will not be considered.

b) Only shortlisted applicants shall be contacted.

For more Information and inquiries: Visit our website OR email us on OR Call Telephone number: +256-414-532634 during working hours (between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday).


Prof. Mukadasi Buyinza

Mak Editor

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Advert: Position of Second Deputy Vice Chancellor



Mak Main Building

Makerere University is governed by the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, Cap 262. The University is seeking applications from suitably qualified applicants for the position of Second Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The Second Deputy Vice Chancellor holds a pivotal role in financial governance, institutional planning, and administrative leadership.

4.      ROLE

The Second Deputy Vice-Chancellor will report to the Vice–Chancellor and shall:

a)     Assist the Vice Chancellor in performance of his or her functions and in that regard shall oversee the finances and administration of the University;

b)     Be responsible for the Planning and Development of the University and,

c)      Perform such other functions that may be delegated to him or her by the Vice Chancellor or assigned by the University Council.


To provide strategic leadership and ensure efficient and sound financial, human and fiscal resources management in the University.


a)     Provide leadership in Strategic planning and governance, leadership and administrative experience, Human resource and performance Management, Stakeholder engagement and collaboration.

b)     Provide leadership in preparation and implementation of the University’s recurrent and capital budgets.

c)      Monitor the development and implementation of the University’s accounting procedures, manuals and other documents relating to financial control and Management as per approved financial regulations.

d)     Oversee income and expenditure of all income generating units of the University.

e)     Coordinate the production of the University-wide Financial Reports by Colleges and Units.

f)      Management of human resources in the University.

g)     Oversee the management of University Estates and Assets.


a)     Hold a PhD or any other academic doctorate.

b)     Be at the rank of associate or full professor level in an institution whose academic ranking is comparable with that of Makerere University as accepted by Senate.

c)      Be a Ugandan citizen within the age bracket of 40 to 65 years at the time of application.

7.1 Academic Qualifications

a)     Earned a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate should be acceptable by Senate.

b)     At least five years of financial or administrative leadership experience at the level of school dean/director or higher in a higher education institution, public service, or corporate institutions.

c)      Supervised at least ten (10) postgraduate students (Master’s and Ph.D.) to completion. At least three of the students must be at the PhD level.

7.2 Strategic Planning and Governance

a)     Experience in leading large administrative teams at the level of dean or higher, demonstrating efficiency and productivity.

b)     Proven record in developing and executing strategic plans, aligning financial and administrative objectives with institutional goals.

c)      Evidence of developing and implementing financial policies that have improved financial efficiency, transparency, and risk management.

d)     Evidence of implementing organisational restructuring or process improvements to ensure operational efficiency.

e)     Ability to develop and implement institutional policies, ensuring compliance with national higher education and financial regulations.

7.3 Leadership & Administrative Experience

a)     Minimum 5 years of senior academic leadership in a recognized institution comparable with that of Makerere University, as accepted by Senate.

b)     Demonstrated    experience    in    managing    budgets    exceeding    UGX 500,000,000=, ensuring financial sustainability and accountability.

c)     Proven ability to mobilize resources, secure grants, and attract external funding to support institutional growth.

d)     Experience in conducting financial forecasting, cost control measures, and investment strategies to optimize institutional resources.

e)     Track record of leading financial audits and compliance assessments in alignment with national and international financial regulations.

f)      Experience in handling procurement, asset management, and infrastructure development, ensuring transparency and value for money.

7.4    Human Resource and Performance Management

a)    Track record of leading workforce planning, recruitment, and talent development strategies, ensuring a high-performance institutional culture.

b)     Experience in implementing performance-based appraisal systems, leading to improved staff efficiency and accountability.

c)      Proven ability to foster industrial harmony, resolving labour disputes and improving employer-employee relations.

7.5    Infrastructure Development and Resource Optimization

a)     Experience in overseeing capital development projects, ensuring timely delivery and cost efficiency.

b)     Track record of overseeing the maintenance and expansion of university facilities, enhancing institutional infrastructure.

c) Proven ability to negotiate and manage contracts for outsourced services, ensuring cost-effectiveness and quality standards.

7.6 Digital Transformation and ICT Integration

a) Experience in integrating ICT solutions in financial and administrative operations, improving service delivery and efficiency.

b) Evidence steering the automation of financial, procurement, and HR systems, reducing paperwork and improving real-time decision making.

c) Proven ability to implement cybersecurity measures that safeguard institutional financial and administrative data.

7.7 Stakeholder Engagement & Collaboration

a) Demonstrated experience in building partnerships with government agencies, donors, private sector investors, and international organizations to enhance institutional funding.

b) Proven ability to engage faculty, students, and staff in financial decision-making, ensuring transparency and inclusivity.

c) Experience in negotiating contracts, partnerships, and collaborations that have led to financial and administrative growth.

7.8 Personal Attributes

a) High level of integrity, transparency, and ethical leadership, with a record of financial prudence.

b) Strong analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, backed by evidence of successfully managing complex financial and administrative challenges.

c) Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills, ensuring effective stakeholder engagement.

d) A visionary leader with the ability to drive financial sustainability administrative efficiency, and institutional growth.


An attractive remuneration package that is in accordance with Makerere

University terms and conditions of service.


The Second Deputy Vice Chancellor shall hold office for a period of five years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for one more term.


Interested applicants are invited to submit their application letters. The following documents shall comprise a complete application:

a) A signed letter of application;

b) A vision statement;

c) Curriculum Vitae with contact details signed and dated by the applicant;

d) Copies of required minimum number of publications;

e) Certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates;

f) Three (3) letters of recommendation;

g) Copies of letters of appointment to leadership positions at the level of Dean of a School in a national accredited university or other academic institution;

h) A copy of the applicant’s National Identity Card or passport;

i) A copy of the last clearance from the Inspector General of Government or other equivalent national body;

j) Referees should be advised to send confidential reference letters, addressed to the Chairperson Search Committee for the Position of Second Deputy Vice Chancellor and delivered directly to the address below by 5:00 pm on Monday 24th March, 2025;

k) The references should cover the following areas: the applicant’s academic credential, experience, leadership, managerial and administrative skills and personal integrity.

Both Hardcopy and Electronic (Email) applications shall be accepted.

(a) Hardcopy applications: Both confidential letters and sealed applications marked


should be addressed to:


(b) Electronic media (e-mail) applications should have all the above documents scanned and emailed to search.dvcfa[at] by 5.00 pm East African Standard Time on Monday 24th March, 2025.

Please note that:

(a) Incomplete applications or applications received after the closing date and time

will not be considered.

(b) Only shortlisted applicants shall be contacted.

For more Information and inquiries:
Email us on OR Call Telephone number: +256-414-532634 during working hours (between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday).


Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (PhD)

Mak Editor

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Mak Co-operative Society financial performance excites Members: More strategies proposed for continuous growth



MUMCS Members pose for a group photo with their Chairperson-Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, Secretary-Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta and Treasurer-Prof. Juma Kasozi at the AGM on 26th February 2025. Makerere University Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society (MUMCS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) to discuss the Society’s financial performance, progress and future plans, 26th February 2025, Main Hall, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

On 26th February 2025, members of Makerere University Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society (MUMCS) convened for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to discuss the Society’s financial performance, progress and future plans.

MUMCS has realised significant growth and financial stability, with a strong commitment to its members. The pay incentive bonus, remains at 14.5% of surplus returns until a future review. As the Society continues to grow and expand its services, it is expected to play an increasingly important role in promoting financial inclusion and economic development in Uganda.

Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (Left) delivers the Chairperson's address alongside Prof. Juma Kasozi (Right). Makerere University Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society (MUMCS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) to discuss the Society’s financial performance, progress and future plans, 26th February 2025, Main Hall, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (Left) delivers the Chairperson’s address alongside Prof. Juma Kasozi (Right).

MUMCS has 136 active members who are members of staff at Makerere University. MUMCS has a Board of Directors and Secretariat that works with the Investments Committee, Loans Committee, Finance Committee, Welfare Committee, and the Supervisory Committee.

The Chairperson of MUMCS, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe welcomed the Members (physically present at Makerere University Main Hall and those who were following virtually via zoom) to the AGM. He encouraged the Members to continue saving and investing in the cooperative society.

Left to Right: Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta, CPA David Ssenoga, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe and Prof. Juma Kasozi. Makerere University Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society (MUMCS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) to discuss the Society’s financial performance, progress and future plans, 26th February 2025, Main Hall, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Left to Right: Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta, CPA David Ssenoga, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe and Prof. Juma Kasozi.

To kick start the AGM, the Chairperson made reference to the Agenda, which had been shared ahead of time to the respective Members. The Agenda focused on critical issues such as achievements, dividend allocation, recruitment plans, loan repayment strategies, potential investment opportunities, among other items. Following the adoption of the agenda during the AGM, the Chairperson invited the Secretary- Prof. Tumps Winston Ireeta, and the Treasurer- Prof. Juma Kasozi to present to the AGM key highlights.

Prof. Kasozi confirmed that the performance of the society was satisfactory. The Treasurer’s report, highlighted the society’s significant progress in 2024. The society disbursed loans amounting to UGX 1 billion, while savings accrued amounted to UGX 1.8 billion, and share value stood at UGX 386 million. The society’s total assets available for investment are worth UGX 2.25 billion, with a return on investment of 12.95%. The AGM was informed that the Cooperative’s balance sheet exceeded UGX 2billion, a testament to its robust financial position.

Prof. Juma Kasozi (Right) alongside Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (Left) presents the Society's performance. Makerere University Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society (MUMCS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) to discuss the Society’s financial performance, progress and future plans, 26th February 2025, Main Hall, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Prof. Juma Kasozi (Right) alongside Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (Left) presents the Society’s performance.

Summary of the Key statistics:

  • Total loans disbursed: UGX 1 billion
  • Savings: UGX 1.8 billion
  • Share value: UGX 386 million
  • Total assets available for investment: UGX 2.25 billion
  • Return on investment: 12.95%
  • Unit trusts: UGX 801,127,970 (ICEA LION) and UGX 608,138,265 (UAP OLD MUTUAL)
  • Surplus: UGX 166 million
  • Dividends: The payment of dividends not exceeding 10% of the surplus.

The Auditor’s report was presented, confirming that the society’s financial statements provide a true and fair view of its financial position as of December 31, 2024. The Auditor commended the society’s management for their excellent work in managing the society’s finances.

“I commend the Board and Secretariat for having a well-managed and governed society. Your scheme is one of the best. We are glad that Makerere University Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society, the balance sheet is above UGX 2 billion,” CPA David Ssenoga said.

The Society Auditor, CPA David Ssenoga. Makerere University Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society (MUMCS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) to discuss the Society’s financial performance, progress and future plans, 26th February 2025, Main Hall, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
The Society Auditor, CPA David Ssenoga.

During the AGM, members proposed the following strategies to spur the continuous growth of MUMCS:  Undertaking sensitization, publicity and mobilization drives/campaigns, development of publicity materials such as brochures, encouraging members to take loans, presenting proposals to reward bonus incentives to the highest savers and members with a significant number of shares, as well as providing financial incentives to members who take loans and repay them faithfully. In addition, the strategies stated in the MUMCS Strategic Plan will be implemented to ensure financial diversity and sustainability.

The Chairperson of the Supervisory Committee, Prof. Fredrick Jones Muyodi presented the committee’s report, highlighting the society’s compliance with the Co-operative Societies Act and the by-laws. Other Members of the Supervisory Committee include: Dr. Hamidah Nakato and Dr. Fred Edgar Nabutanyi. The Supervisory Committee reported that during its meetings, it reviewed various activities undertaken by the Board of Directors. They noted that since the AGM meeting held in February 2024, several achievements had been realized. These included the approval of new bylaws, a revised credit policy, and the establishment of the MUMCS office.  The Supervisory Committee reported that 12 members joined MUMCS in 2024. The Committee appreciated Mr. Raymond Nsereko for developing the MUMCS logo and acknowledged Ms Ritah Namisango for coordinating the branding of the MUMCS office.

Chairperson of the Supervisory Committee, Prof. Fredrick Jones Muyodi presents his report. Makerere University Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society (MUMCS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) to discuss the Society’s financial performance, progress and future plans, 26th February 2025, Main Hall, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Chairperson of the Supervisory Committee, Prof. Fredrick Jones Muyodi presents his report.

In their report, the Supervisory Committee presented the proposed candidates for consideration as Members of the Vetting Committee namely:  Prof. Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala, Prof. Lawrence Mugisha and Dr. Alex Okello.

It was gratifying to note that the AGM unanimously agreed to have the Vetting Committee constituted as per the proposed names.

The Vetting Committee is expected to develop the Fit and Proper test for all applicants vying for the positions on the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board, advertise the positions and administer the Fit and Proper test (written through Nomination Form and Oral), and present the successful applicants to MUMCS members for elections.

Ms Ritah Namisango speaks on behalf of the Welfare Committee. Makerere University Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society (MUMCS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) to discuss the Society’s financial performance, progress and future plans, 26th February 2025, Main Hall, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.
Ms Ritah Namisango speaks on behalf of the Welfare Committee.

On behalf of the Welfare Committee, Ms Ritah Namisango applauded the Board and Secretariat for implementing the Welfare Policy. The Members of the Welfare Committee include: Michael Kasusse, Ritah Namisango and Oscar Mugula. She noted that with the implementation of the Welfare Policy, Members are in position to receive support towards Weddings, Medical obligations, and bereavement as per the terms and conditions specified in the policy. Noting that the society exists to advance the welfare of its members, she thanked the AGM for approving the proposed UGX 10million for such purposes.

The Board informed the AGM that in compliance with the rules and regulations that govern the sector, various policies including human resources, anti-money laundering, and procurement are being developed for MUMCS.

In his concluding remarks, the Chairperson of MUMCS, Prof. Nawangwe acknowledged the cooperative’s impressive financial returns, noting that it outperformed other savings schemes in terms of interest. He also urged members to avoid unnecessary withdrawals, emphasizing the long-term benefits of keeping their savings within the cooperative society. He commended the team responsible for the cooperative’s success, including the Secretariat and Fund managers.

Ritah Namisango
Ritah Namisango

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