Rear R-L: Principal CoBAMS-Prof. Eria Hisali, Mr. Ashaba Hannington-MoFPED, Jordan Martindale-FCDO, Ms. Mukami Kariuki-World Bank Country Manager Uganda, Prof. Edward Bbaale-PI PIM CoE and Dr. Willy Kagarura-Manager PIM CoE with some of the trainees who received certificates in Financial and Risk Analysis on 10th March 2022, Freedom Square, Makerere University.
The Public Investment Management (PIM) Centre of Excellence, housed at the College of Business and Management Sciences was on March 10, 2022, launched during the Public Investment Management Open Day held at Makerere University. The launch and Open Day were presided over by Mr. Ashaba Hannington, the Commissioner Projects Analysis and Public Investment Department, who represented the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development,Hon. Matia Kasaija.
The center, with funding from the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office of the UK government (FCDO) through the World Bank, is expected to build capacity of officers involved in management of public investments. The launch of the center was preceded by an Open Day themed “promoting good practices in managing public investments to raise returns”.
The Centre of Excellence awarded certificates to 26 trainees from various government agencies, following a rigorous training in Financial and Risk Analysis.
Prof. Eria Hisali, the Principal College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University.
In a quest to strengthen public investment management, the government of Uganda through the World Bank Group and Commonwealth and Development Office of the UK Government (FCDO) Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF), have supported Implementation of the National Development Plans with interventions carried out through at least seven government institutions. The interventions aimed to strengthen institutions, build technical capacity for relevant government officers, and develop decision making tools including relevant strategies, policies and guidelines, in line with the theory of change and having more efficient and effective systems for public investment management that will ultimately increase the returns on investments and thereby promoting faster growth and the country’s capacity to manage its debt.
In his opening remarks, Professor Eria Hisali the Principal College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS) who represented Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe the Makerere University Vice Chancellor highlighted how 0.6 of every dollar invested is lost hence the need for capacity building and research amongst government institutions to maximize returns. “Having done this we shall have created a huge data bank for policy makers, it is our sincere hope that then all government projects will be subjected to public scrutiny of our center so that we enhance productivity of our public investment”, added Prof Hisali. He extended the University’s appreciation to the World Bank and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the UK Government (FCDO) through UKaid for the tremendous financial support rendered in establishing the PIM Centre of Excellence.
Ms. Mukami Kariuki, the World Bank Country Manager for Uganda.
On behalf of the World Bank, Ms. Mukami Kariuki, the World Bank Country Manager for Uganda said that such policies help to provide economic stimulus and enhance the stock of public assets even in the times of crisis like the Covid 19 pandemic, which can contribute to the achievement of the long-term development goals of growth and development and poverty reduction.
Ms. Kariuki reiterated how clear it is that high levels of investment cannot yield returns if the quality of projects remains poor and that it should take government and stakeholders high efforts in combating such a big challenge through favorable policies and considerable reforms.
She commended the Government of Uganda for aiming at building capacity of government officials and other stakeholders, and developing decision making tools to increase return on investment thereby promoting more rapid growth.
Dr. Willy Kagarura (L) receives Prof. Eria Hisali at the PIM CoE Exhibition Booth during the Open Day.
“We are happy to witness the progress made on strengthening the ‘gate-keeping’ role of the Ministry of Finance. Through tapping into technology, the Government of Uganda has developed the Integrated Bank of Projects, an online information portal to streamline preparation, appraisal, and monitoring of execution of public projects,” said Ms. Kariuki. “The World Bank will further engage the government on its Public Investment Management (PIM) agenda, especially on strengthening its PIM policy and regulatory framework, and a financing strategy to manage public debt and ensure a return on investment”.
She closed off by asking government to focus on demonstrating value for money of public investments, building capacity of ministries and its officials and other implementing agencies in project preparation, reserving resources to facilitate implementation of feasibility studies during the pre-investment stage and formulating a policy framework for public investment management to allow the public scrutinize such investments.
Jordan Martindale who represented FCDO and the British High Commission.
Jordan Martindale who represented the FCDO and British High Commission highlighted the importance of Public Investment scrutiny as a business to every tax payer. She said the systems underlying the appraisal, implementation and monitoring of these projects need to be strengthened.
“It has been great partnering with Government with Uganda as they increase their ability to effectively deliver improved Public Investment Management. Delivering government’s investment pipeline in a manner that offers value for money, timely delivery and the attainment of development outcomes is crucial for achieving the National Development Plan III goals. The UK’s investment of Ush 42.3 billion over the past 5 years has led to evident efficiency gains including an improvement in the capital spending absorption rate which has risen from 60% in 2017 to 86% in 2021, a 4-fold increase in the use of Cost Benefit Analysis to assess projects submitted for approval into the Public Investment Plan, and the successful leveraging of about $600 million in additional development finance,’’ Jordan Martindale, said.
While launching the Public Investment Management (PIM) Center of Excellence, Mr. Ashaba Hannington on behalf of Hon. Matia Kasaija said the theme for the open day was in line with the government strategy for Economic Development through strengthening the country’s competitiveness for sustainable wealth creation, employment and hopes to achieve it all through the implementation of the Nation Development Plans.
Mr. Ashaba Hannington cuts the ribbon to ribbon to mark the launch of the PIM CoE at the Central Teaching Facility 2 (CTF2), Makerere University.
“Through this reform agenda, the Government has improved her processes including improvement on screening projects before admission in the public investment plan, decrease in number of non-performing projects, accountability on finances through verifiable output and improvement in mechanism of entry and exit of projects from the public investment plan” he said.
Commissioner Ashaba thanked the funders, implored them for more support and pledged government’s support for the Center to ensure successful implementation of government interventions including the newly launched Parish Develop Model.
Professor Edward Bbaale, the Dean School of Economics and the Principal Investigator of the Center of Excellence said the center looks at building capacity amongst trainers to effectively deliver standardized PIM content, and conducting short courses to improve the country’s capacity in PIM. The Centre also aims at offering professional support as an independent external evaluator to the development committee of Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) and carrying out research towards improving the PIM framework in Uganda.
Prof. Edward Bbaale, Dean School of Economics, CoBAMS and Principal Investigator of the PIM Centre of Excellence.
He therefore thanked the World Bank and the UK government for the grant, and the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development, Department of Project Analysis for the support. Prof. Bbaale equally thanked the Makerere University Management particularly the Office of the Vice Chancellor for offering space to house the PIM center of Excellence, as well as CoBAMS fraternity and Cambridge resources international for the support and collaboration.
About eight government institutions showcased innovations and research findings from the grant given by the World Bank and FCDO among which included the PIM Center of Excellence that disseminated research findings on the impact of Covid-19 on public investment management in Uganda and the impact evaluation of the Uganda clean cooking supply chain expansion project that focuses on households’ access to cleaner cooking technologies and the Impact of the Luwero Rwenzori Development Program. The National Planning Authority exhibited their building planning capacity for spatial data and greater Kampala metropolitan Area while the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PDDA) showcased the Electronic Government Procurement system that enables disposal and procurement of public supplies, works and services through the internet.
Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) showcased its contact center upgrade with voice and chat infrastructure containing interactive video response and incident management to enhance simplicity to clientele and innovations in revenue mobilization. The Uganda Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development exhibited its program that focuses on readying the country for actualization of shared infrastructure corridor and physical development plans operationalization.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries exhibited the UgIFT Micro-scale irrigation program, an intensified solar sprinkler system offered at a subsidized price to empower farmers while the Office of the Prime Minister showcased its Enhancement of Productivity, Accountability and Knowledge Systems for Improved Public Investment Outcomes in Education and Health Project.
The newly launched PIM Center for Excellence is equipped with high-tech IT equipment and videoconferencing technologies to support training.
The Public Investment Management (PIM) Centre of Excellence has commenced a three-day refresher training for members of the Development Committee (DC) of the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. The training, which began today in Jinja, aims to enhance the analytical and technical skills of committee members who are tasked with reviewing government projects submitted by various Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs).
The training was today February 19, 2025, officially opened by Dr. Hennery Ssebukeera, who represented the Director of the Budget Directorate. In his opening remarks, Dr. Ssebukeera emphasized the importance of the refresher course in enabling the Development Committee to effectively conduct quality reviews and fulfill its mandate as a key gatekeeper of the Public Investment Plan. He noted that the training would improve the participants’ ability to appraise and implement public investments in line with the Public Investment Management System (PIMS) framework.
Prof. Ibrahim Mike Okumu, represented the Centre Director, Prof. Edward Bbaale.
Speaking at the same event, Prof. Ibrahim Mike Okumu, representing the Centre Director, Prof. Edward Bbaale, expressed the Centre’s gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to Uganda’s PIM cycle. He highlighted the importance of the training in harmonizing the relationship between the MDAs that draft project proposals and the analysts who review them. Prof. Okumu reiterated the Centre’s commitment to building the capacity of government officials in Public Investment Management, thereby supporting the country’s development aspirations.
The need for this training was identified during the Development Committee retreat held in 2024, which revealed limited capacity among DC members in project appraisal, specifically in reviewing prefeasibility and feasibility reports, Dr Ssebukeera noted. In response, the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, in collaboration with the PIM Centre of Excellence, organized this refresher course to strengthen the participants’ technical and analytical skills.
Dr. John Sseruyange reacts during his remarks.
DC is a statutory committee of government that evaluates the viability of public investment projects. Its statutory composition includes: Office of the President, Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, National Planning Authority, Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA), Office of the Solicitor General, Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development, National Environment Management Authority, Equal Opportunities Commission, Ministry or Work and Transport, Ministry of Water and Environment, Public Private Partnership Unit. The PIM Center of Excellence was recently admitted to the Development Committee as a non-voting member.
The training will cover a wide range of topics, including the role of PIMS in the country’s development goals, the logical flow of project profiles, costing, and the interpretation of interconnections between prefeasibility/feasibility reports and financial models. Additionally, participants will explore the role of public-private partnerships in national development.
Dr. Ssebukeera encouraged participants to actively engage in discussions, share their expertise, and apply the knowledge gained from the training. He noted that this engagement would empower the Development Committee to effectively perform its role in reviewing and approving public investment projects, ensuring they align with national priorities and deliver value for money.
A section of participants follows proceedings.
The Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence, established by the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development in partnership with Makerere University School of Economics, continues to play a pivotal role in building the capacity of MDAs in managing public investments. To date, the Centre has trained over 300 officers and produced several research papers, reflecting its commitment to enhancing public investment management in Uganda.
The training in Jinja is expected to enhance the participants’ capacity to effectively review government projects, thus supporting the effective implementation of Uganda’s Public Investment Plan.
The Public Investment Management Center of Excellence (PIM CoE) was conceived as a result of the 2016 PIM Diagnostic study done by the World Bank and Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development with support from Makerere University School of Economics that discovered inefficiencies in PIM in Uganda.
This report highlights the work, achievements and prospects of the Center. The Center plans to start offering Advanced level training through Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in PIM and Master of Science in Economic and Investment Modelling (MEIM). I am pleased to introduce this report to the public for use by all stakeholders.
I would like to appreciate PIM CoE Secretariat, partners, staff and well-wishers for technical support, daily running of the Center and their role in the realization of these achievements.
Special thanks go to Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, National Planning Authority, Cambridge Resources International (CRI) and Makerere University for the overwhelming support rendered towards the development of the Center.
Prof. Edward Bbaale Principal & Principal Investigator, CoBAMS/PIM CoE
Six Somali government officials have successfully completed a three-day Executive Training in Infrastructure Asset Management, held at Makerere University’s Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence (PIM CoE). The training, funded by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), took place from January 27 to 29, 2025, and aimed to enhance regional capacity in infrastructure planning and management.
The training brought together senior civil servants and policymakers from Somalia, equipping them with practical knowledge and strategies for sustainable infrastructure asset management. It also fostered valuable cross-border collaboration, facilitated by UNCDF Uganda, which played a crucial role in connecting Makerere University with the Government of Somalia.
The program was delivered by experienced faculty from Makerere University’s College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), alongside experts from the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) and the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA). A special session was also led by the Makerere University Bursar, offering practical insights into financial management in infrastructure projects.
Speaking at the opening of the training, Mr. Ncube Mkhululi, the Regional Technical Advisor for UNCDF emphasized the importance of infrastructure asset management in driving sustainable economic growth. He highlighted UNCDF’s commitment to supporting capacity-building initiatives in developing economies, noting that effective infrastructure planning and management are critical to national development. He also expressed confidence in Makerere University’s expertise in delivering high-impact executive training programs for government officials.
During the closing ceremony, Prof. Bbaale Edward, the Principal of the College of Business and Management Sciences expressed gratitude to all partners, including UNCDF, Makerere University management, and the PIM CoE faculty, for their commitment to making the training a success. He emphasized Makerere University’s ongoing efforts to internationalize its research-led agenda, positioning itself as a hub for regional knowledge exchange.
UNCDF Program Manager, Mr. Joel Mundua, the commended the participants for their dedication and encouraged them to share the acquired knowledge with fellow officials in Somalia. This was reaffirmed by one of the participants, who pledged to apply and disseminate the learnings within their respective departments.
Mr. Sunday Denis Aliti, the Program Officer at UNCDF highlighted the importance of ensuring that infrastructure asset management strategies are practical, adaptable, and aligned with national development goals. He commended Makerere University for its leadership in knowledge transfer and regional training and encouraged continued collaboration between universities, governments, and international development partners to strengthen institutional capacity.
Dr. John Sseruyange, Manager of the PIM CoE, applauded both the participants and the expert trainers who contributed to the program. He reiterated the Centre’s commitment to advancing infrastructure asset management through continued training and collaboration with regional stakeholders.
As the training concluded, participants departed with valuable insights and practical tools to improve infrastructure management in Somalia and beyond. The success of this initiative highlights Makerere University’s role as a leading institution in public investment management, fostering capacity-building efforts that drive sustainable development across Africa.