Agriculture & Environment
Mak-RIF, CAES Open Day: VC Reveals Plan to Establish a University-wide Research & Innovations Incubation Centre
3 years agoon

Plans are underway to establish a University-wide Research and Innovations Incubation Centre. This was revealed by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe during the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) Open Day held on 14th December 2021 to showcase outputs of some of the research projects supported by the Government of Uganda through the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF). The event was presided over by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), Maj. Gen. David Kasura Kyomukama. It was attended by, among others, the representative of the Chair Grant Management Committee, Assoc. Prof. Isa Kabenge; stakeholders in the agricultural sector; the Principal, CAES, Prof. Bernard Bashaasha; the Deputy Principal, Dr.Gorettie Nsubuga Nabanoga; members of the Mak-RIF Secretariat led by Ms. Phoebe Kamya Lutaaya; and members of staff and students of Makerere University.
Touring the exhibition stalls, the Vice Chancellor said Management was fast-tracking the formation of a university-wide Research and Innovations Incubation Centre to support researchers to improve their prototypes. “The projects we have seen today are very impressive.It is gratifying to note that our researchers are actively working with communities to address various challenges. This is clear testimony that we are on the right track as a University. I take this opportunity to congratulate all researchers for the great innovations,” he said.

Emphasizing the critical role played by universities in the development of nation states, the Vice Chancellor said Makerere had reached a stage of churning out companies that can transform the country’s economy in the shortest time possible. “Through the Research and Innovations Incubation Centre, this can be achieved. It is our responsibility to ensure our country remains stable by creating employment for multitudes of young people, and enhancing food security. I therefore appeal to the government to support the establishment of the centre.”
The Vice Chancellor reminded the researchers of the need to patent their work. He also advised them to work towards commercialising their products. He expressed gratitude to the Government of Uganda for the continued support towards research and innovations at Makerere University. He also appreciated the University Grant Management Committee for negotiating the support and ensuring it is put to good use. The Vice Chancellor commended the Mak-RIF Secretariat for working tirelessly to ensure the research conducted does not remain on the shelves but is widely disseminated to foster uptake and economic transformation.
During the event, researchers from CAES showcased outputs of various projects including;
- Unlocking the commercial potential of Canariumschweinfurthi (Empafu) indigenous fruits for improved livelihood in Central Uganda – Prof. Jacob Agea. The main objective of the project was to develop high value commercial innovations from the fruit. Specific objectives were to formulate high value wine and jam innovations from the fruit pulp and to assess consumer market acceptability for developed wine and jam innovation.

- Design, construction and evaluation of an automated continuous pasteurizer –Dr Emmanuel Baidhe, Dr Julia Kigozi. Along the juice processing chain, thermal processing by pasteurization is considered to be the most crucial of all unit operations as it increases the shelf life of the juice. Several batch pasteurizers have been locally developed and adopted. However, with the batch system, a particular volume of product is processed per unit time. It is therefore very cumbersome for a processor with large volumes since they have to keep emptying and refilling the vat. It requires a lot of resources in terms of labour (Amit et al., 2017), time and energy to have large quantities of juice processed. The purpose of the study was to design, simulate, construct and assess the performance of the low-viscous juice continuous pasteurizer.
- Enhancing Value addition on Potato-Sorghum enterprises for Improved Livelihoods in Uganda (EVaPoSIL) -Prof. Johnny Mugisha. Potato (Solanumtuberlosum) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolar) are potential pathways for enhancing household incomes, food and nutrition security in South-western Uganda which is characterized by land scarcity, decreasing agricultural productivity, high post-harvest losses and low per-capita income. Potato and sorghum are the region’s main enterprises but their economic and nutrition potential are not fully exploited. Sorghum productivity and profitability are very low and potato harvest losses in form of non-marketable tubers are high. The project sought to enhance the value of both crops by innovative value addition that makes them complements, reduce harvest losses, increase incomes, and make available to consumers a diversity of high quality products. The overall objective was to improve the economic value of potato and sorghum enterprises for improved livelihoods of the value chain actors.

- Developing dry season feeding technologies for different cattle production systems in Uganda – Dr Justine Nambi-Kasozi. Scarcity, high cost and fluctuating quality of feeds are major constraints to sustainable cattle production in Uganda, particularly during the dry seasons. Use of crop residues plays an important role in reducing feed stress. However, most crop residues are bulky and low in nutrient content hence unable to support maintenance and production requirements of cattle. The objective of this project was to develop crop residue-based multi-nutrient blocks (MNB) and pellets to increase the intake and utilization of crop residues for dry season feeding.
- Digitalizing the Makerere University Soil Test Kit for rapid soil assessment, improved soil management, crop yields and incomes among farmers in Uganda – Emmanuel Opolot. Accurate assessment of soil is key for its sustainable use and management. The Makerere University Soil Test Kit (MAK-STK) comes in handy. It gives results of five soil parameters (pH, N, P, K and SOM) within minutes. However, the results from the MAK-STK are qualitative and thus hard for agricultural extension workers to advise farmers on how much nutrients to add to the soil. The project objectives were to (i) calibrate the MAK-STK with laboratory data for major soil types in Uganda, (ii) develop a digital platform through which the MAK-STK results can be quickly and easily translated to fertilizer recommendations and (iii) build capacity of the agricultural extension officers, farmers and fertilizer input dealers on the use of the Makerere University Soil Test Kit and its digital platform.
- Development of a Safe and Efficacious Anti-malarial drug from Traditional medicine -Prof. John Tabuti. Malaria is still a leading source of illness and death. In 2017, about 219 million suffered from malaria worldwide, with 92% of cases occurring in Africa. Malaria management is complicated by the fact that access is still limited in some places, and there is a possibility of treatment resistance.The goal of this research was to contribute to the development of a safe and efficacious anti-malarial. The specific objectives were: to compile a list of malaria treatment plants in Tororo District and prioritize them to determine the safety of the malaria treating plants.
- Deployment of the new Maksoy soybean varieties for on-farm income enhancement, Food and Nutrition security, Enterprise Development and Job creation in Eastern Uganda – Prof. Phinehas Tukamuhabwa. Over the last 10 years, Makerere University developed six improved soybean varieties namely MAKSOY 1N, 2N, 3N, 4N, 5N and 6N. Unfortunately, the potential of the new MAKSOY soybean varieties had not been fully exploited due to limited farmer access to seed in addition to low skill set in soybean agronomic practices that subsequently leads to low yields. Further, each of the soybean varieties has specific attributes for protein, oil, maturity and yield in the field and efforts had been made to enhance their adoption in different parts of Uganda. However, the role of soybean in contributing to food and nutrition security of different households and communities in the country remains a critical challenge. This project focused on harnessing the value of the different soybean varieties through value addition using soymilk and soy flour for adoption by households, SMEs and also to set up a Soy Processing Unit at MUARIK.

- Improving access to biodiversity data for conservation decision making: A case of the National Biodiversity Data Bank, Makerere University, Uganda – Daniel Waiswa. This project sought to revitalize the NBDB as a one-stop biodiversity data centre enabling easy and fast access for sound biodiversity conservation decision making. The overall objective was to improve access to biodiversity data for conservation decision making while the specific objectives were to: increase stakeholders’ engagement and confidence in the NBDB for enhanced biodiversity data sharing and access, re-designing and operationalizing the NBDB Database for reception, storage and open access to data and enhancing and sustaining the staffing, capacity and infrastructure of the NBDB.
- A Pedal-Operated Seed Cleaner (PoS-Cleaner) To Boost Post Harvest Grain & Legume Quality, Increase School-Study time & Create Financial Freedom in Rural-Uganda – Peter Tumutegyereize. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) annually registers 40-50% of food Post-Harvest Losses (PHLs) worth US$4 billion with 41% and 26% respectively grains & legume losses in Uganda. Maize grains lost alone, could feed over 1.14 million persons for a full year. These losses along the food chain are greatly attributed to poor seed sorting or cleaning. Unclean seeds and foreign materials promote mold development resulting to dry matter loss, nutritional changes, seed quality loss, aflatoxin contamination and PHLs during storage and processing. Despite this, majority of small-scale farmers have no access to appropriate seed cleaning technologies. The available imported seed cleaners in Uganda are energy and cost demanding in terms of ownership, operation and maintenance. Farmers depend on traditional screening or winnowing which is inefficient, time consuming, labour intensive and dust exposure resulting into ill health. For rural schools that depend on in-kind food tuition contributions from parents, students traditionally clean seeds hence reducing their study time and educational performance. The study sought to create intermediate but appropriate post-harvest cleaning technologies.

- Developing an automatically controlled commercial solar-dryer and efficient resource recovery innovations for sustained market responsive fruit production in Uganda -Ahamada Zziwa. Food insecurity and poor livelihoods continue to prevail in Uganda partly due to high post-harvest losses, limited value addition options and low farm-gate prices particularly for perishable foods (FAO, WFP and IFAD, 2019). The lack of affordable preservation options contributes to over 30% post-harvest losses because majority of farmers have no access to electricity for processing and preserving perishable foods. Harnessing solar energy and its use for food preservation is a viable option for most off-grid farmers. However, the existing solar dryer designs are limited in drying efficiency due to absence of temperature and relative humidity controls which undermines their ability to ensure consistent physical and nutritional quality of dried products. Most dryers are also small drying capacity designs based on only solar light as the drying power which renders them unsuitable for large scale drying and uneconomical (Shaikh and Kolekar, 2015). The project aimed to: 1)design, construct, test and promote a sensor-controlled dual heat source (Hybrid) solar dryer to ensure consistent drying of reasonably large volumes of perishable produce; 2) investigate vermicompost recovery from pineapple waste and cow dung; and 3) optimise biogas production from pineapple waste.
- Development of Nutrient-Dense Recipes and Products from Underutilized Crops to Alleviate Malnutrition among HIV/AIDS Infected Persons in Western Uganda – Agnes Nabubuya. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a global pandemic that is currently affecting 3.7 million people worldwide of which 70% is found in Sub-Saharan Africa. Uganda continues to suffer from scourge of HIV with current prevalence at 7%. Healthcare of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Uganda is constrained by poor nutrition, with estimates of 25% suffering from malnutrition. This project addressed the challenge of malnutrition in PLWHA by using underutilized crops through development of nutrient-dense recipes and products. The research team analysed the nutritional composition of identified underutilized crops and developed nutrient-dense recipes and products for PLWHA.

- Strengthening the resilience and visibility of peri-urban poultry farmers in Wakiso for better marketing and profitability through feeding, post-harvest handling, value addition and resources recovery – Ahamada Zziwa. Globally, COVID-19 has had adverse impacts on the poultry value chain through infecting workers, farmers, stalling production, disrupting the supply chain, and thus affecting product demand. The lockdown led to socioeconomic restrictions and distortions in community dynamics, marketing and sale of products leading to huge losses in the poultry sector (FAO, 2020; Poudel et al., 2020). Transport restrictions to poultry farmers and closure of national borders, weekly markets, institutions, schools, hotels and restaurants, which were the main markets, left farmers with large quantities of unsold poultry products, resulting in financial losses especially to farmers without value-addition options and resources recovery innovations. The overall objective of the project was to strengthen the resilience and visibility of peri-urban poultry farmers for sustained poultry production, better marketing and enhanced profitability through innovative feeding, post-harvest handling, value addition and resources recovery.
- Optimized software for planning and simulation of food aid response during the COVID-19 pandemic and other similar disasters in Uganda – Fildah Ayaa. Covid-19 was declared a pandemic on 11th March 2020. First lockdown measures to contain the spread of the virus effected on 31st March 2020. Covid-19 lockdown disrupted food supply systems, causing food insecurity, especially in urban areas.Uganda’s government food distribution efforts were frustrated by poor planning for both food stock and manpower. Only 12 % of the total population received food aid during lockdown period. Of these, 24% were urban residents and only 7% lived in rural areas (Acayo,2020). The research team designed software for authorities to plan for food distribution during and after the Covid-19 pandemic in Uganda.

- Development of a Green Low Cost Touchless Handwash Technology (TW-20 Kit) For Public Shared Spaces – Joshua Wanyama. Effective hand washing with soap for at least 20 seconds and limiting contacts are useful COVID19 preventive measures. However; the existing point-of-hand washing systems are ineffective in achieving the set measures as most of them require individuals to touch the units, have no mechanism in place to ensure hand washing with soap for the recommended time and are therefore prospective contagion points for the pandemic (WHO 2020). There was therefore, a need to develop a low-cost hand washing technology that automatically releases soap detergent without contact and allows users to rub and scrub the hands with soap for 20 seconds before water is released for rinsing. The project aimed to provide a safe water and hygienic technology to boost behavioural hand washing culture and reduce the risk of SARS-COV-2 human to human transmission in public shared spaces. The specific objectives were: i) to re-evaluate and modify the first prototype of TW-20 Kit V1.1 design customized for public settings, ii) to influence public behavioural change towards hand hygiene and product validation by undertaking a comprehensive pilot study in selected shared public spaces in Kampala Metropolitan Area.
- Design and development of an atomized spray drier for egg powder production for use in bakery industries of Uganda – Kivumbi Hussein Balimunsi. Due to the introduction of fast growing breeds of chicken in Uganda, there has been enormous production of high quality eggs, making the country one of the largest egg producers in the region. However, due to the outbreak of COVID19 and the subsequent lockdowns, the prices of eggs drastically reduced to nearly 5000 UGX per tray consequently affecting chicken farmers. This was further worsened by the lack of value addition to the available eggs leading to huge losses. This project sought to explore the utilization of spray drying in the production of high-value products from eggs in Uganda as a measure to minimize losses.
- Automation of communal hand water pumps to eliminate COVID-19 transmission – Nicholas Kiggundu.The research was motivated by the observation that alternative solutions of limiting the spread of COVID-19 such as washing hands with water and soap or use of chemical sanitizers are difficult to enforce especially in the low income rural and peri-urban communities where the boreholes are found. The researchers invented MAKNAI an acronym for the Makerere University – MAK NAyIkondo – vernacular for borehole, a prototype to automate cranking of the hand pump that draws water from a well. Designed by a team from the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (DABE), School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering (SFTNB), College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) the prototype consists of a PV (photovoltaic) panel, battery, solar charge controller, inverter, motor, pulleys, belt, reciprocating arm and a foot switch. The foot switch serves to replace the use of palms and fingers to crank the pump handle, as is the practice while drawing water at boreholes.

- Empowerment of the Agro-Processing Industry to meet the Quantity and Quality Standards for the Local and Export Market; a Programme Enhancing the Practical Skills of Students in Makerere University – Julia Kigozi.
- Mountain Gorilla Tourism Re-examined: Implications of increased visitor numbers to the welfare and behaviour of mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda – Prof. David Mwesigye Tumusiime.
- Developing Biofertiliser Formulations to Unlock Crop Productivity for Improved Food Security and Household Livelihood in Uganda – John Baptist Tumuhairwe
Remarks by the Permanent Secretary, MAAIF (Guest of Honour)
Addressing participants, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Maj. Gen. David KasuraKyomukama commended the innovations at CAES and Makerere University in general. He applauded Makerere University Management and Council for creating an enabling environment for research and innovations. Maj. General Kasura appreciated the Government of Uganda for the enormous investment in research at Makerere and other Institutions of Higher Learning.“With guidance from the President of the Republic of Uganda, H.E Yoweri Kaguta Tibuhaburwa Museveni, the Government has invested heavily in research, one of the major drivers of economic development. The Government has supported the formation of various initiatives aimed at advancing research in the country. In particular, the Government has supported the creation of several research initiatives at Makerere University. This is highly commendable and a great stride towards transforming our economy,” he noted. He appealed to the researchers to invent more technologies to aid the production of quality agricultural products in the country. “We should always ensure our agricultural products are 100% free of aflatoxinto avoid reputational damage,” he advised. Maj. Gen. Kasura pledged support towards the commercialization of the research outputs. He urged the researchers to extensively disseminate their work, saying that knowledge that is not shared is useless.

The representative of the Chair, Makerere University Grant Management Committee, Prof. Isa Kabenge expressed gratitude for the support rendered by the Government, noting that the impact of the research projects is invaluable. Since Financial Year 2019/20, the Government through Mak-RIF has supported 711 multidisciplinary research and innovation projects across the 10 colleges of Makerere University. The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) has obtained 79 projects across the three financial years.
In his remarks, the Principal, CAES, Prof. Bernard Bashaasha applauded the researchers for the great initiatives. He extended appreciation to Makerere University Management, the Government of Uganda, and development partners for supporting the researchers to explore their full potential. “The research generated at the College is highly commendable and has played a critical role in shaping the national and global policies,” he said.
Similarly, the Deputy Principal appreciated the researchers, CAES Management, the University Management, Government and development partners for the support that has enabled the college to generate productive research.
About Mak-RIF
The Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF) is a funding stream to support generation and translation of high impact research and innovations to drive Uganda’s development Agenda. This initiative is funded by the Government of the Republic of Uganda.
Objectives of the Fund
- Developing and funding a robust research agenda based on National development priorities identified from academia, government, implementing partners, and industries.
- Supporting the dissemination of high-quality research and innovations in a way that impacts development policies and programs.
- Supporting the growth of research leadership capacity in the university.
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Agriculture & Environment
Mak, CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform drive equitable & inclusive agricultural development through enhanced gender & agriculture curricula
2 hours agoon
February 11, 2025By
Mak Editor
****In this blog, we share about efforts to enhance the gender and agriculture curriculum as an avenue to drive equitable and inclusive agricultural development. This work was done through a partnership between the Makerere University and the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform.
Gender equality is a key pillar to achieving sustainable development goals. However, in agrifood systems, achieving these goals has been a challenge because of the complex social and gender relations that govern most communities in sub-Saharan Africa.
Although agriculture remains the backbone of many economies in Sub-Saharan Africa, providing livelihoods for a significant proportion of the population, gender inequalities are prevalent in this sector. For example, several gender-based constraints contribute to gender yield gaps. In addition, despite their immense contributions, women often face systemic barriers in agriculture as a result of social norms, which limit their access to and control over productive resources, decision-making processes, and agricultural extension services.
These disparities not only undermine gender equality but also constrain agricultural productivity, food security, and rural development. Addressing challenges such as these requires an understanding of the intersection between gender and agricultural development, which can inform policies and programming in the sector. One avenue to understanding and tackling these complex issues is through equipping professionals in agricultural-related fields with the necessary skills and knowledge through relevant curricula in institutions of higher learning.
University curricula as a pathway to tackle gender in agriculture-related issues
In a move to contribute to addressing the gap in gender-related knowledge and skills among agricultural professionals, the Gender-responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT) Phase 3 initiative – a collaboration between Makerere and the CGIAR GENDER Platform – fortified the existing gender and agriculture curricula at Makerere University that was last updated more than 10 years ago. The course materials were revamped to align with changing needs and the latest knowledge and best practices in gender and agrifood systems. Graduates of these programs are to be equipped to handle the challenges in the world of work in gender and agriculture. The same initiative also supported the development of two innovative postgraduate programs in gender and agriculture at Makerere University– a Masters and a Post Graduate Diploma, due to be launched soon. These aim to provide transformative and innovative teaching, learning, research, and services responsive to dynamic national and global needs.

A consultative approach to gender and agriculture curriculum development
Recognizing the need for collaborative curriculum design, Makerere University conducted physical and online stakeholder consultations in the last quarter of 2024. The physical workshop held in Kampala, Uganda, was attended by a diverse group of experts in gender, agriculture, monitoring and evaluation, and university management, among others. The online survey, targeting a diverse audience of experts in gender and agriculture globally, attracted over 70 respondents from 22 countries across five regions – Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, North America, South America, and Europe. The experts (mainly in gender studies, rural development, and agricultural economics) were from academia, national agricultural institutes, CGIAR centers, NGOs, and international organizations. The purpose of the consultation was to gather respondents’ perceptions about the relevance of the post-graduate programs, key competencies students should have upon completion of the programs, priority topics, and any existing materials they believed would be beneficial to adapt or incorporate into this curriculum, among other things.

Priority topics suggested by stakeholders include: gender concepts and why gender matters in agriculture, gender and climate change, inter-sectionality, gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation, women’s empowerment, gender transformative approaches, gender-responsive research design, data collection, analysis and reporting, and gender and seed systems. These are some of the topics that have been integrated into the curricula. They are also part of the improved existing undergraduate and graduate programs shared as open-access materials to allow other teachers and teaching institutes across the globe to draw on these efforts for their own courses.

Longer-term postgraduate programs Vs short- term courses
The post-graduate programs draw inspiration from the GREAT program, which was instrumental in training over 360 agricultural researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia since 2015. Lessons from GREAT revealed the need for longer and more extensive academic offerings to develop professionals who can lead transformative change in the sector. In line with this, the majority of the consulted stakeholders (87 percent) rated the postgraduate programs as very important as opposed to short-term courses. They emphasized the need for longer-term educational initiatives to deepen theoretical understanding and practical application. This would help to create a pool of experts/ gender-responsive professionals capable of advocating for equity at every level of the agrifood system, filling the gaps in capacity that short-term training programs do not usually address.
Proposed structure and next steps
The programs will adopt an interdisciplinary approach, integrating insights from agriculture, gender studies, sociology, and rural development. Stakeholders also proposed that the programs leverage existing resources, such as CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform materials and evidence explainers, and FAO resources on gender and agriculture, while ensuring continuous evaluation and updates to remain relevant to evolving needs. Partner universities in Uganda that are developing similar programs include: Mountains of the Moon University in Western Uganda, University of the Sacred Heart Gulu, and Muni University in Northern Uganda.
With revamped training materials and these new academic programs on gender and agriculture, Makerere University contributes to higher education that can drive systemic change in agriculture. These programs will empower change-makers who will shape the future of agriculture into one that is inclusive, equitable, and sustainable.
Report: Online Consultation on new programs in Gender and agriculture, October 2024
Report: Consultative Workshop on new programs in Gender and agriculture, September 2024.
Revised Gender and Agriculture Course materials:
By Elizabeth Asiimwe, Losira Nasirumbi Sanya, and Marlène Elias.
For more information, please contact:
Florence Birungi Kyazze, PhD
Senior Lecturer and GREAT Project P.I
Department of Extension and Innovation Studies
Agriculture & Environment
PhD Scholarship Announcement (1 Position): Sustainable Energy Transitions in EA
3 weeks agoon
January 21, 2025By
Mak Editor
Makerere University, through the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Climatic
Sciences and the School of Social Sciences & Makerere University Business School, in
collaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway), University of
Stavanger (Norway), University of Juba (South Sudan) and Technical University of Kenya
(Kenya) received a grant from NORAD under NORHED II projects to implement activities for
Project QZA-21/0159 – Programme 2021-2026 entitled “Capacity building for socially just
and sustainable energy transitions in East Africa”. This project aims at building the capacity of the workforce within the East African region to implement a just and sustainable low-carbon energy agenda by imparting the relevant skills and knowledge through education, research and outreach. To this end, this project is now inviting suitable candidates among Makerere University Staff to submit applications for a PhD scholarship tenable at Makerere University for a period of 3 years.
About the project
The East African region has embraced the global drive to transition to low carbon economies and clean energy. However, a key challenge is the persistent lack of knowledge, capacity and skilled personnel to support the transition. The project focuses on building capacity and competence through education, research and outreach to ensure that the region has a workforce with the relevant skills set and knowledge required to implement and demand for a just and sustainable low-carbon energy transition agenda.
The PhD position at the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Climatic Sciences,
Makerere University will focus on the theme: Energy infrastructure, environmental impacts
and changing social practices.
About the theme: Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy is fundamental for halting anthropogenic climate change. However, both non-renewable and renewable energy infrastructure associated with onshore wind, hydropower and solar photovoltaic generation can be land use intensive and impact conservation areas (Rehbein et al., 2020). For instance, in Uganda, petroleum resources are located on shore within the Albertine Graben – a global biodiversity hotspot (Plumptre et al., 2017). Renewable energy infrastructure projects such as hydropower dams and support infrastructure (power lines) have traversed protected areas including national parks. So far, limited attention has been given to whether the aggregated effect of energy transitions poses a substantial threat to national, regional and global biodiversity. Hence, this project will address the environmental impacts of energy infrastructure and how social practices are affected by it.
Main tasks
- The successful candidate will be admitted to the PhD program in Geography at Makerere University. The student must complete the PhD program consisting of mandatory and elective courses and a major research component.
- Collect and analyse data.
- Produce a PhD thesis, preferably based on 3-4 peer-reviewed articles published in key international journals.
- Disseminate results at national and international conferences.
- Be an active participant in the day-to-day project activities.
How to apply: Interested applicants should submit applications by e-mail to Prof Frank Mugagga ( / and Dr. Charlotte Nakakaawa Jjunju (, including:
- a brief statement of interest or cover letter describing your motivation to apply (max 1 page);
- a concept note or description of research ideas of not more than 4 pages, outlining the focus, possible research questions, and the methodological and theoretical focus;
- a curriculum vitae (CV) of max 4 pages;
- A copy of the master’s thesis.
- publications if any; and as it is often difficult to judge the applicant’s contribution to publications with multiple authors, a short description of the applicant’s contribution must be included.
- contact information (with phone numbers and e-mail addresses) for two persons who may act as referees.
Application deadline: Soft copies of the applications must be received by 21st February 2025 to the above indicated email addresses.
Eligibility requirements, qualifications and experience: The applicant should have completed a Master’s Degree in any of the following Disciplines; – Geography/Geographical Sciences, Land use and Regional Development, Disaster Risk Management or any other closely related subject. Applicants should have an excellent academic and educational record (Minimum: Upper Second for undergraduate and an average of B for the Masters) and strong analytical and writing skills (any peer-reviewed publications or previous research experience will be an advantage). Successful applicants will be expected to contribute to the project’s publication targets and will be encouraged to publish in international, peer-reviewed ISI journals. The candidates should be able to work independently but also as part of the project team.
Age limits: Not more than 40 years (female applicants) and 35 (male applicants) at the time of
PhD study conditions: The successful applicant is expected to register on the PhD-program at the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Climatic Sciences at Makerere University. The candidate will be jointly supervised by Scholars from Makerere University, supported by colleagues from the Project Team.
The selection process: Applications will be evaluated by an independent evaluation committee. The Project Team will make the final selection of successful candidates based on recommendations from the evaluation committee.
Expected start date: The planned starting date is 15th March 2025. After that, they are
expected to further develop their research proposals with guidance from the supervisors and to
follow Makerere University’s admission procedure to apply for admission to the PhD Programme in Geography. The PhD scholarship period starts when candidate is formally admitted to the PhD Programme.
PhD Duration and Scholarship: The PhD candidate will be expected to complete studies within 3 years. The successful candidates will have a competitive scholarship covering tuition, functional fees and research costs.
For specific inquiries about the scholarship, please contact Prof Frank Mugagga Email: /; or Dr. Charlotte Nakakaawa Jjunju
This call is subject to equal opportunities for all and qualifying women and candidates with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Agriculture & Environment
562 Graduate from CAES, Best Researchers & Teachers Recognized
3 weeks agoon
January 20, 2025
The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) proudly presented 562 students for the award of degrees and diplomas at the 75th Graduation Ceremony of Makerere University. Among the 562 graduates, 19 earned PhDs, 97 received Master’s degrees, 11 were awarded postgraduate diplomas, and 435 graduated with Bachelor’s degrees.

CAES PhD Graduates
The PhD graduates from CAES included Dr Achola Esther, Dr Akecha Tobby, Dr Baguma Karubanga Julius, Dr Birungi Pauline, Dr Burungi Rosemirta, Dr Fentaw Abate Asmamaw, Dr Habtemariam Assefa, and Dr Idd Ramathani. Others were: Dr Mukama Massa Henry, Dr Mbaziira James, Dr Mugisa Immaculate, Dr Musoke Charles, Dr Nabasumba Sylvia, Dr Nalubwama Sylvia, Dr Nansereko Sophie, Dr Ochen Morris, Dr Odoi Juventine Boaz, Dr Sseremba Emmanuel Owen, and Dr Twase Ismail.

Makerere University Graduation Highlights
A total of 13,662 students received degrees and diplomas of Makerere University at the 75th graduation ceremony held on 13th-17 January 2025. Of these, 143 graduated with PhDs, 1,813 with Masters degrees, 11,454 with Bachelor’s degrees, and 243 with postgraduate diplomas. 53% of the graduates were female and 47% were male. Notably, 44% of the PhD graduates were female underscoring the growing involvement of women in high-level academic research. 16% of the students graduated with post-graduate degrees and diplomas. A total of 491 students graduated with first class degrees.

CAES Graduation Ceremony
The CAES students, along with their peers from the College of Engineering, Design, Art, and Technology (CEDAT) and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS), graduated on the final day of the ceremony, Friday, 17th January 2025.

Chancellor’s Remarks
During the ceremony, Makerere University Chancellor, Dr. Crispus Kiyonga, congratulated the graduates upon the achievement. He extended his gratitude to the faculty, administrators, parents, and guardians for their continuous support throughout the students’ academic journeys.

In his address, Dr. Kiyonga highlighted the immense potential of Uganda’s agricultural sector, advocating for increased collaboration between the university, and medium- to large-scale farmers, as well as local communities to further improve the sector. “Such partnerships could provide students with hands-on experience while supporting the growth of Uganda’s agricultural economy,” he noted. He called for stronger collaborations with the private sector to commercialize innovations emerging from the University.

In line with the President’s directive, Dr. Kiyonga underscored the importance of integrating Political Economy into the university curricula. He stressed that this knowledge is essential for the strategic utilization of Africa’s resources and the continent’s economic transformation.

Vice Chancellor’s Remarks
In his address, Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, equally congratulated the graduates and acknowledged the contribution of the teaching staff, administrators, the families, and guardians of the students. Prof. Nawangwe congratulated Dr. Kiyonga upon his appointment indicating that his wealth of experience would be invaluable to the university’s future development.

Highlighting the achievements registered in the past year, Prof. Nawangwe praised the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences for its outstanding research output, which has immensely contributed to the development of Uganda’s agricultural sector. “The College continues to be one of our flag bearers in research. In 2024, the College continued to lead vital initiatives focused on driving sustainable change in Africa’s agricultural and environmental sectors, particularly addressing the challenges of climate change and the need for inclusive sustainable agri-food systems,” he noted. Key of the initiatives and projects undertaken by the College included:
- Makerere University-IOWA State University Community Transformative Initiatives: This project has positively impacted communities in Kamuli District, enhancing livelihoods through programs in agriculture, education, nutrition, and environmental conservation.
- Building Capacity for Climate-Resilient Food Systems in Africa (CaReFoAfrica): A three-year academic mobility scheme co-funded by the EU, aimed at addressing agricultural sector challenges by enhancing human capacity in climate change mitigation and adaptation.
- Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems, and Climate Change (AfPEC): Funded by DANIDA, this project promotes agroforestry practices to protect biodiversity and mitigate climate change in the disaster-prone Mt. Elgon region.
- FoodLAND Project: Funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020, this initiative seeks to develop innovative, scalable, and sustainable technologies to improve the nutrition performance of Africa’s local food systems.
- Centre for Tourism Development: In collaboration with the University of Oregon and Penn State University, CAES has embarked on developing a centre dedicated to addressing tourism challenges, including wildlife-community conflicts near game reserves.

Research excellence and Teacher Recognition
During the 75th graduation ceremony, Makerere University recognized the best researchers and teachers from each of the 10 Colleges. CAES produced the overall best teachers of the year at Makerere University namely: Dr Steven Lwasa (Department of Agribusiness and Natural Resource Economics), Dr Patrick Musinguzi (Department of Agricultural Production) and Dr Joshua Wanyama (Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering). The Senior Researcher Award was presented to Prof. Richard Edema (Department of Agricultural Production), Prof. Yazidhi Bamutaze (Department of Geography, Geo-Informatics and Climatic Sciences), Assoc. Prof. Anthony Egeru (Department of Environmental Management), and Assoc. Prof. Isa Kabenge (Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering). The Mid-Career Researcher Award went to Dr Robert Mugabi (Department of Food Technology and Nutrition), Dr Dramadri Isaac (Department of Agricultural Production), Dr Joshua Wanyama (Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering), and Dr Ephraim Nuwamanya (Department of Agricultural Production). Dr Erion Bwambale (Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering), Dr Denis Nsubuga (Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering), and Dr Robert Asiimwe (Department of Agribusiness and Natural Resource Economics) were recognized as the best Early Career Researchers.
75th Graduation CAES Pictorial

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