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Engineering, Art & Tech

CEDAT Annual Report 2020



Africa Centre of Excellence in Materials Product Development and Nanotechnology (MAPRONANO). The Center was developed out of the need to strengthen research and training in the thematic areas of materials science and engineering, nanotechnology and nanomedicine in order to develop human resource capacity in applied science engineering disciplines for the development of the great lakes region.

MAPRONANO ACE offers highly specialized short courses in welding technology, health safety engineering, Oil & gas, Monoclonal and Nanobodies generation, Bioinformatics & Next Generation sequencing techniques. Nanomedicine Program is implemented in partnership with College of Health Sciences (MakCHS).

The centre is supported by the World Bank to the tune of USD 6 million.

The centre has registered a number of success/ achievements during the last 3 years, some of which include;

Student Training

  • 1 PhD student & 110 MSc students were enrolled in the academic year 2019/2020.
  • 50 students attended the Short Course in Tablet development of which 22 were regional students from University of Nairobi.

MOUs generated

  • 3 MOUs with Vaal University, Sefako Makgatho University of health Sciences South Africa and industrial partner CODEK Engineering Ltd have been signed, budgets and work plans submitted

Peer Reviewed publications

  • 7 peer reviewed publications in high impact journals have been published and 4 conference papers have been presented by the faculty and students.

Industry Engagement

  • MAPRONO ACE conducted industry engagement and student placements in the Eastern and Western region to promote University-private partnerships. A total of 30 manufacturing industries have participated and over 20 internship placements have been secured for the students.

Gender Awareness and Career Guidance in High School

  • MAPRONANO ACE conducted career guidance and gender awareness in high schools in Eastern and Western Uganda to encourage students mostly girls to take up STEM subjects. Over 35 high schools and over 1,500 students participated.

Revenue Generation (Grants/Contracts at Various Stages)

MAPRONANO ACE won several grant awards from Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (MakRIF) and COVID19 Emergency Fund for:-

  • Viral load determination and antibody profiling among Covid-19 patients UGX 60,000,000 ($16,216.2), Prof. Charles Ibingira (PI)
  • Perfecting the design and testing the feasibility of disinfecting gloves (D-Gloves) UGX 60,000,000 ($16,216.2) Prof. John Baptist Kirabira (PI)
  • Valorization of cassava peels for abatement of active pharmaceutical contaminants from water systems in Uganda UGX 219,720,000 ($59,383.7) Prof. John Baptist Kirabira (PI)
  • Up-cycling plastic wastes by incorporation of agricultural residues for the development of environmentally friendly packaging products, UGX 104,310,000 ($28,191.9) Dr. Michael Lubwama (PI)
  • Nanobody based point of care diagnostic kit for cervical cancer UGX 194,000,000 ($52,432) Prof. Charles Ibingira (PI)

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Mark Wamai

Engineering, Art & Tech

Call for Applications; Makerere University – University of Groningen Erasmus+ Programme (2021 – 2027)



Don’t miss the chance to apply for the Erasmus+ ICM scholarships from the University of Groningen! Four scholarships available for any discipline, with a 90-day mobility period. Apply by 27 March 2025!

Alex Isemaghendera

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Engineering, Art & Tech

Call for Abstracts



Makerere University in conjunction with East African Land Administration Network (EALAN) is organizing a Joint AGRC and EALAN Conference 2025 on the theme; Geo-Enablement for Sustainable Development: Harnessing Innovation in Geomatics and Land Administration.

The deadline for receiving abstracts is 30th April 2025.

Alex Isemaghendera

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Engineering, Art & Tech

Call for applications: Master’s Scholarship for Exchange Semester at TUM for Winter Semester 2025/26, 1 Oct 2025 – 31 March 2026



About the TUM SEED Center

The TUM SEED Center is an Excellence Centre for Exchange and Development, funded by DAAD and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development from 2020 to 2029. The TUM SEED Center conducts research and offers higher education at the intersection of Sustainable Energies, Entrepreneurship and Development (SEED) in the Global South.

The TUM SEED Center consists of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and ten leading technical universities across the Global South, including Bahir Dar University (Ethiopia), Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia), Burkina Institute of Technology (Burkina Faso), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (India), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (Kenya), Makerere University (Uganda), Namibia University of Science and Technology (Namibia), Pontificia Universidad CatĂłlica del PerĂş (Peru), and Stellenbosch University (South Africa).

Who can apply

This scholarship is open to master’s students currently enrolled at one of the TUM SEED Center partner universities, who have an excellent academic record and a strong motivation to apply for an exchange semester at TUM with scholarship support.

We seek engaged students from the Global South, who are highly interested in sustainable development and eager to contribute to meaningful change. Applicants should have a keen interest in sustainable development and interdisciplinary research at the intersection of sustainable energies and entrepreneurship.

SEED scholarship holders are expected to maintain strong academic performance, actively participate in TUM SEED Center activities, and engage in academic exchange with fellow scholars. Women and individuals with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply.

*Application Requirements *

  1. Currently enrolled as a Master’s student at a TUM SEED partner university in a field related to sustainable energies, sustainable entrepreneurship, interdisciplinary or energy policy
  2. Excellent academic track record
  3. Extracurricular skills, social engagement, and strong motivation

*Application Deadline *

Interested students must submit their application by 15 March 2025 via the online application form:

Alex Isemaghendera

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