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Information Seeking Behavior of Secondary School Students during Lockdown



RIF COVID-19 Project: Information Seeking Behavior of Secondary School Students during the Lockdown in Uganda

Executive Summary

1. Introduction

This study addresses the need to effectively meet the information needs of secondary school students during the lockdown in Uganda. When the President of the Republic of Uganda directed that all schools be closed schools on 20th March 2020, students at all levels had to undergo home-schooling. The Ministry of Education and Sports and some schools developed learning materials to facilitate home-schooling during the lockdown. However, access to school libraries is not possible and consequently, there is limited access to information resources necessary for effective study and learning. Students have to study independently at home but the question of how they access the necessary information resources to supplement their studies, remains unanswered. This study sought to establish the information seeking behavior of secondary school students during the lockdown, what sources they use, the challenges they face and thus has proposed a framework for providing library and information services to home-schooling secondary school students during the lockdown in Uganda.The study was guided by the Wilson’s and Krieklas’ model(1999) of Information Seeking. The model attempts to describe the process a user follows to satisfy an information need. It takes into account the user’s previous information-seeking experience. The user uses the tools that are most familiar and easy to use that find results. The model not only applies in the library context, but also to any information-seeking activity just like the one in which homeschooling secondary school students are at the moment.

2. Methodology

A survey was carried out in five districts including Kyenjojo, Sironko, Mukono, Dokolo and Nakapiripirit representing the four major regions of Uganda.  Given the timing of this project, choice of districts was based on the ease with which we could identify EASLIS students in the districts, who would serve as research assistants/guides and ease entry into the communities.These were non-border districts and had not registered any COVID-19 case.  Based on a total secondary school student population of 1,370,583 (UBOS, 2018) we targeted a sample size of 384 (Krejcie& Morgan table (1970). However, the enthusiasm of the students resulted into collecting data from 446 respondents from 22 sub counties. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. Convenience sampling and snowball sampling was used to select individual survey participants. Majority of the respondents (87.9%) were O level students and only 12.1% were A level students.

3. Findings

3.1.How Secondary School Students seek/obtain information during the lock down

It was important to establish whether students were study while at home before ascertaining how they sought information to supplement their learning activities. The study established that 23.77% were using print study materials, 34.53% usedtelevision, while 51.57% used radio. However, 84.97% indicated that the learning materialswere not adequate. Reasons given included inadequate Content (42.95%); inadequate explanations (33.89%), subjects are not balanced (18.12%) and insufficient media Time/Timing for Lessons (5.03%). Thus, 90.4% indicated that they needed more information to supplement their study and learning during the lockdown.

Students Information Needs

Students’ information needs included information about COVID-19, sports, entrepreneurship, counselling, current affairs, religious information, fashion, designand academic information (school schedules, subject-specific information, examinations, etc.)

Information Seeking Practice

Students sought information by:

  • Consulted information sources with a purpose in mind (74.82%)
  • Using radio/television (74.21%)
  • Collaborating with others (73%)
  • Using others to seek information on their behalf (59.3%)
  • Accidently encountering with information (54.5%).
  • Using the internet (32.2%)
  • Using social media (31.1%)
The Project Principal Investigator-Dr. Joyce Bukirwa makes her presentation during the research dissemination on 19th August 2020

On whether the students had been guided or trained on how to seek or find information especially from various electronic resources, the study established that 27.6% had received such training while 72.4% had not.Even though the 27.6% had indicated they had received the training, 33.08% of them could not tell where they got the training. 34.59%had been trained by their schools, parents/relative (23.31%), through self-study (5.26%) and neighbors (3.76%).

3.2 Information Sources used by Secondary School Students during the Lockdown

The information sources used regularly by students included; personal notes (60.08%), radio (24%), personal textbooks (23%) and television (15.02%).  The rest of the information sources includedInternet (8.74%) and newspapers (6.27%).

Students that were satisfied with personal notes were 51.56%, those satisfied with personal textbook were 27.57%, radio (19.73%), television (15.69%) and newspapers (8.74%).

Majority (91.03%) were not satisfied with nearby library as an alternative source of information. The low level of satisfaction with nearby library is attributed to absence of public libraries in the districts. Only, two students expressed awareness about the existence of a nearby public library (Lira Public Library) which was located over 50km from their homes.

3.3 Challenges/Hindrances faced by Secondary School Students in accessing information resources

Students’ access to information is constrained by a number of challenges including lack of access to a nearby library/resource center (92.15%), high cost of data bundles and OTT tax (83.85%), lack of access to the Internet  (72.64%), lack of access to ICTs e.g. computers, smart phones, printing and photocopying services (70.85%), failure to find the relevant information easily (68.60%), inadequate information literacy skills (60.53%), insufficient knowledge of how to use a library/electronic resources (54.93%), lack of access to reading materials while at home (54.48%), lack of access to electricity (59.64%) and lack of appropriate reading space (24.21%).

High cost of radio batteries, unclear timetable for radio and television lessons, travelling long distances to sub counties to collect the study materials were hindrances to accessing information by the students.

Suggestions by the students to overcome the above challenges include:

  • Parents reducing on domestic work to allow more time for study
  • Allocation of more time  for lessons on Television and Radios
  • Dissemination of the radio/television study timetable
  • Establishment of community libraries
  • ICT infrastructure development
  • Alternative energy sources
  • Reduce the cost of Internet access and OTT

4. Conclusion

The closure of schools created an information gap for the learners. Information resources that used to be provided by the school libraries to support their studies, cannot be accessed, while at home.

While studying away from school, 90.4% needed more information and support. In addition, this study has revealed a low level of information literacy level among the students.  While at school, school libraries / teacher librarians would guide access to information resources including how to utilize electronic information resources.

Even with the availability of different information sources like newspapers, radio, Internet, television, personal or borrowed textbooks, students mainly used personal notes (60.08%), followed by textbooks (24%) and radio (23%). The absence of nearby libraries resulted into 90.8% of the students not using libraries as an alternative information source.

Only a few (6.50%) had been supported by their school libraries through book borrowing, distribution of learning materials and provision of reading space.

Therefore, students’ access to information during the lockdown is constrained and this calls for measures to address this information gap and thus support effective study and learning during the lockdown and future pandemics.

Proposed Framework through which Library and Information Services can be provided to Secondary School Students during the Lockdown

The proposed framework for enabling access to library and information services to secondary school students during a pandemic is depicted in the figure below:

Fig 1:   Proposed Framework for provision of Library and Information Services to Learners

Proposed Framework for provision of Library and Information Services to Learners - COVID-19 Project, EASLIS, CoCIS, Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.


The Government of Uganda should

  • Establish an information literacy programme for learners’ independent study and learning.
  • Ensure that regardless of closure of schools, Library and Information Services should be provided to the learners through digital and mobile library services

Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), through the Rural Communication Development Fund (RCDF), should provide funding for the realization of the proposed framework.

The Project Team

The Project team comprised researchers from the East African School of Library and Information Science under the College of Computing and Information Sciences, Makerere University.

  1. Dr. Joyce Bukirwa – Principal Investigator
  2. Ms. Lois Mutibwa – Researcher
  3. Ms. Faridah Muzaki – Researcher
  4. Mr. Richard Batte – Researcher
  5. Mr. Aloysius Ssenono Mwanje – Researcher
  6. Dr. David Luyombya – Researcher


We gratefully acknowledge funding from the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (RIF) Special COVID-19 call.

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The Deputy Principal CEES, Prof. Ronald Bisaso presents canidadates for the conferment of degrees during the Second Session of Makerere University's 72nd Graduation Ceremony on 24th May 2022.

This report on mapping research in education intends to ignite debate on completion of doctoral studies to improve on doctoral throughput, and reflect on emerging research themes in order to strengthen and increase on evidence-based research from the College of Education and External Studies (CEES) that can address a myriad of education related challenges in Uganda and beyond. The College of Education and External Studies (CEES) is one of the ten (10) constituent colleges of Makerere University. Makerere University aspires to be research-led in the current strategic period, 2020-2030 and as CEES journeys ‘Towards a Research-led College’, it is prudent to take stock of research capacity by analyzing PhD graduates of the period 2012-2024 and continuing PhD students admitted by 2022/2023 as well as the emerging research themes in CEES.

First, the total number of PhD completers was 121 in the period 2012-2024 out of whom only six (6) completed in less than 5 years, which is only 5 percent. This is a worrying statistic since at Makerere University, an institutional average of 41% of registered PhD students is reported to complete within four (4) years. Apparently, majority of the completers in CEES complete in 5-9 years represented by 86 PhD graduates. In the same way, among the continuing PhD students, only 59 out of 194 PhD students have spent 3-4 years on the programme perhaps because their year of admission is relatively recent. Second, the research themes that the doctoral research focuses on were explored. Nineteen (19) out of 121 PhD graduates had researched on human resource management, eleven (11) focused on technology in education, eleven (11) on pedagogy/teaching and learning, and only five (5) on inclusive education among others. In the continuing student cohort, there is a surge in students researching on pedagogy /teaching and learning (24), technology in education (20), inclusive education (16), and emergence of a research theme on STEM Education/TVET (17) out of 194 continuing PhD students.

To compound the research themes at CEES, PhD student and academic staff research funded by the Government of Uganda through Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund (MakRIF) focused on quite similiar themes. Finally, areas of research that have been dominant across specialities in CEES in the last and next 5-10 years were highlighted by 28 academic staff at different ranks who responded to a survey. Overall, this report presents us with an opportunity to further reflect on the CEES Research Agenda, how to tap and maximize the potential of expertise in CEES, how to harness the diverse PhD research in education and research by academic staff in order to strongly generate impactful research and innovations, and contribute to policy and practice through policy briefs, knowledge briefs, and guidelines for uptake in education and the education system.

Ronald Bisaso, PhD. FUNAS.
Associate Professor of Higher Education and Deputy Principal, CEES.

Mak Editor

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Call for Applications: Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Course



An aerial photo of the College of Health Sciences (CHS), Makerere University showing Left to Right: The Sir Albert Cook Memorial Library, School of Biomedical Sciences, Davies Lecture Theatre, School of Public Health, Mulago Specialised Women and Neonatal Hospital (MSWNH)-Background Left and Nakasero Hill-Background Right, Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

The Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS) is pleased to announce the upcoming Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Course, scheduled to take place from February 26th to 28th, 2025 at the MakCHS Conference Room.

Organized under the SUSTAIN Program, this course is designed to promote excellence in research ethics by equipping participants with a framework that integrates established scientific, professional norms, and ethical principles in research activities.

Course Objectives
Participants will gain the knowledge and skills to identify, manage, and prevent research misconduct, ensuring adherence to ethical standards.

Course Outline
Topics include:

  • Introduction to Professionalism and Ethics
  • Human Subjects Protection and Regulatory Framework in Uganda
  • Humane Handling of Animal Research Subjects
  • Mentor-Mentee Relationships
  • Conflict of Interest Management
  • Collaborative Research (International, Industry)
  • Responsible Financial Management
  • Data Acquisition, Management, Sharing, and Ownership
  • Responsible Authorship and Communication

Target Audience
This course is ideal for:

  • Researchers and Research Administrators
  • Research Assistants and Study Coordinators
  • Graduate Students and Supervisors

Course Fee: UGX 205,000 or USD 56
The fee covers meals and refreshments during the training.

Payment & Registration Details
Payments should be made to:

  • UGX Account: 9030005655047, Stanbic Bank Uganda Ltd, Makerere University College of Health Sciences Research
  • USD Account: 8705613993904, Standard Chartered Bank, MAK CHS NIH

Please share payment proof via email or WhatsApp and bring a hardcopy deposit slip on the first day of training to:

Miriam Musazi
Department of Anatomy, Bioethics Centre, Room C4
Mobile: +256 782 363 996 / +256 701 363 996

Registration Deadline: February 21, 2025

Please note that only fully registered participants by this date will be admitted.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your research ethics skills and network with professionals committed to advancing ethical research practices.

Mak Editor

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Call for Applications: Masters Student Mobility to Norway 2025



Makerere University (MAK) in collaboration with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Uganda Martyrs University (UMU) and Regional Universities Forum (for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) are implementing a five-year CoSTClim project (Collaborative Action for Strengthening Training Capacities in Climate Risk and Natural Resource management). The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of training, education and research at the partner institutions with a dedicated focus on climate risk, disaster risk management and natural resource management. CoSTClim builds on a range of other capacity development projects funded by the Norwegian Government at the partner institutions, and has a specific focus on education.

One of the components of CoSTClim is student mobility from Uganda to Norway and from Norway to Uganda. Therefore, we are inviting applicants from Makerere University and Uganda Martyrs University for Masters student mobility scholarships to NTNU for the Autumn semester in 2025. There are five mobility scholarship slots available for this year. The scholarship will cover 5 months (August-December 2025) stay at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. The successful candidates can enroll in selected course units at NTNU as well as leveraging the stay to write their master’s thesis. The width and breadth of available course units from which the candidates can select are found:

Limited research supervision will also be given by NTNU staff but the primary supervision responsibility stays with the allocated supervisors at Makerere University or Uganda Martyrs University.

Application procedure is in the document below. The deadline is Friday 28th February 2025.

Mak Editor

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