The College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources & Biosecurity (COVAB), Makerere University in Partnership with Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden with funding support from Swedish Research Council for Tick-Borne Pathogens Project 2017-2019 will conduct a Bioinformatics and Metagenomics Workshop from 10th-14th September, 2018.
Workshop Aims:
To introduce graduate students/fellows to- bioinformatics and high throughput sequencing data analysis. The workshop will consist of 4 full days of training in bioinformatics and metagenomics questions, data handling, taxonomic classification and visualization.
Target Audience
Graduate students (MSc, PhD) and Post-doctoral Fellows with a molecular research project or planning to undertake molecular research with interest in metagenomics. Only 20 slots are available for this workshop.
Course Modules:
- Basic Unix
- Introduction to R (data manipulation and visualization)
- Quality control of HTS datasets
- Metabarcording : 16 S ampllicons analysis
- Viral metagenomics
Teaching and Learning Methods
The Course will be taught mainly using computer based platforms in combination with short lecture sessions.
Workshop Fees: Free (covered by the project)
Please RSVP by 15th August, 2018 by sending email to Dr. Lawrence Mugisha at copied to Deputy Principal Secretary, COVAB at:
The body of your email must include the following information:
Your Full Name (Surname, Given Name)
Your Affiliation (Including year of study, program or departmental affiliation, and University)
Contact information (Home Address, Email Address, and Phone Number)
Reason for attending the workshop (1 paragraph)
Name and contact information for one reference (Professor or Colleague)
Venue: Room 400: College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources & Biosecurity (COVAB) and Ruth Keesling Wildlife and Research Centre
Time: 9am to 05:00pm daily
For more details, contact:
Co-Principal Investigator and Workshop Host
Dr. Lawrence Mugisha, BVM, MSc, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Wildlife & Aquatic Animal Resources
College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources & Biosecurity (COVAB)
Email: mugishalaw@,
Tel: +256772566551
Registration: Registration for the workshop is now Open.