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Mak Wildlife Students to Train at MRC Kenya



Thanks to efforts of Dr. Joelia Nasaka, an Assistant Lecturer at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB), the Mpala Research Centre (MRC) is prepared to host at least 20 Makerere University students of the Bachelor of Wildlife Health and Management, CoVAB for a week. The Centre Management, Science Initiative Group (SIG) at the Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University has offered US$5,000 as a contribution to costs required for the students training.

MRC is a well-respected, international research facility located beneath the shadow of Mount Kenya in Laikipia County, with over 200km² landscape. MRC is home to over 7,000 elephants, most of the world’s wild dogs, the endangered grevy’s zebra  among other wildlife species. The Centre is also surrounded by livestock populations of the Turkana natives and other privately owned ranches. It is home to researchers and scientists from all around the globe who use state- of-the-art technologies like drones to tackle issues of human-wildlife conflict and thus ensure that both conservation and human-livelihood goals are met.
The MRC camp facility for Students' classroom and dining
The Centre is also moving to work with other East African researchers and research institutions. Thanks to Dr. Nasaka’s efforts, Makerere University has also been identified to build a partnership with Mpala Research Centre. This working partnership will ensure that wildlife students from Makerere University can acquire more knowledge on drylands resources management and skills in use of world-class technologies like drones to ensure more effective conservation of wildlife resources in Africa and beyond. The Centre is also ready to offer   experiential learning through field studies, internship opportunities, research assistantships and fellowships in the near future.
MRC's Fire pit for recaps after a day’s work. Left is Prof. Rubenstein and Right is Ms. Chloé Cipolletta, Program Director of the National Geographic East Africa Fund
The training is a grand opportunity for Makerere’s Wildlife Health and Management students change their mindsets, get exposed to quality research and improve their networks and working relationships. It follows Dr. Nasaka’s visit to Princeton University, USA in November 2014 where she met Prof. Dan Rubenstein- Head, Department of Zoology and Evolutionary Biology and other Professors at the Institute for Advanced Study. Through the Science Initiative Group, and RISE which funds her PhD, she was invited to visit MRC where Prof. Rubenstein also serves as a board member.

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Re-advertisement: Undergraduate Programmes 2024/2025



A section of the University Road

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications from Ugandan, East African, and international applicants for the undergraduate programmes under Government Sponsorship (BVL) and private sponsorship scheme for the 2024/2025 Academic Year.

Each applicant should:

a) Have the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with at least five passes, or its equivalent and at least two principal passes at Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) obtained at the same sitting. For day programmes only candidates who sat A’ Level in 2023,2022 and 2020 are eligible to apply. For evening, afternoon, and external programmes, a candidate is not restricted on the year of sitting A’ Level.


d) Degree from a recognised/Chartered Institution

Further details on the re-advertised programmes , fees structure, and the procedure of submitting applications can be accessed from the document below:                                            

The closing date for receiving applications for undergraduate admissions is Friday 26th July 2024.                                                           


  1. Applicants are strongly warned against presenting forged or other people’s academic documents to support their applications for admission.  The consequences, if discovered, are very grave indeed.
  2. Do not buy any other documents not originating from the Academic Registrar’s Office.  Those who buy them do so at their own risk. 
  3. The Academic Registrar has not appointed any agent to act on his behalf to solicit for additional funds other than the application fee stated above.    
  4. Applicants are advised to use the right programme names and codes. The university will not be responsible for any wrong information entered in the system by applicants.     

Prof. Mukadasi Buyinza

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Freshers’ Orientation and Registration For 2024/2025 Academic Year



To All First Year Students;
First Year students (Freshers) are by tradition given an “acclimatization” period of one week
which is referred to as the “Orientation Week”. The Freshers report on Campus one week
earlier than the Continuing students and during this week they are introduced to the key facilities in the University as well as other important aspects of life at the University.

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Admission Lists -Disability, Sports and District Quota Schemes 2024/25



Students move towards Main Building on University Road

The Office of Academic Registrar, Makerere University has released the admission list of candidates admitted under the Disability, Sports and District Quota Schemes with Government sponsorship 2024/25 Academic Year.

Kindly follow the links below to access the lists:-

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