On Wednesday, 27th May 2020, Makerere University and the Vision Group embarked on a remarkable partnership aimed at popularizing research and innovations.
Welcoming the Vision Group team led by the Editor-in-Chief Ms Barbara Kaija, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe highlighted the relevance of Universities and the academia in community transformation.
Prof. Nawangwe asserts that through research and innovations, Makerere University can significantly contribute towards Uganda’s transformation into a middle income country. In this regard, the Vice Chancellor commended staff and students for the ongoing vibrant research and innovations such as the development of the prototype of Uganda’s electric car (Kiira EV); the Pedal Tap innovation-an affordable, hands-free foot operated water-dispensing device that improves hand hygiene, reduces infection spread and minimizes water waste; development of low-cost ventilators, to be used in the treatment of COVID-19 patients and among others.
He however, noted the need to bring on board influential partners to enhance the dissemination strategies at national and international levels. In line with this strategic direction, the partnership with the Vision Group presents a golden opportunity to Makerere University staff and students to showcase milestones in research and innovations to different stakeholders using multiple media platforms.
“Partnering with Vision Group to highlight Makerere University’s great work, will spur creativity among the youth, hype the interest of the business and private sector towards our innovations. This move will also enable communities to appreciate and embrace our research and innovations,” he remarked.
Ms. Barbara Kaija Commended Makerere University’s efforts to improve livelihoods through research and innovations. On behalf of Vision Group, she expressed willingness to work with Makerere University in the realization of its core functions of teaching and learning, research and innovations, knowledge transfer partnerships and networking.