I recommend Rhoda Kalema’s autobiography to everyone who wants to read a first hand account of Uganda’s colonial and post-independence history. This is the story of...
Milugo TK, Tchouassi DP, Kavishe RA, Dinglasan RR, Torto B. Root exudate chemical cues of an invasive plant modulate oviposition behavior and survivorship of a malaria...
With my colleagues—Professors Mugagga, Buyinza, and Masaazi, we published a paper through the Alliance of African Partnership (AAP) consortium, a USA – African research universities alliance...
Applications are invited for three post-doctoral fellowships to be based at Makerere University Regional Center for Crop Improvement (MaRCCI). This fellowship is aimed at supporting training...
INTRODUCTION Makerere University (Mak) is due to celebrate a century of existence in 2022. Among the significant highlights of these centenary celebrations, the University plans to...
I launched three publications by AfriChild Centre and Makerere researchers on the role of research on children welfare. Children are our future and we must take...
I congratulate Dr. Helen Nambalirwa on the publication of her new book which describes in theological terms one of the deadliest civil wars in Uganda. Congratulations!
Africa Centre of Excellence in Materials Product Development and Nanotechnology (MAPRONANO). The Center was developed out of the need to strengthen research and training in the...
The annual self-assessment of Makerere University conducted by the Quality Assurance Directorate (QAD) has shown an improvement in research productivity despite the disruptions to academic activity...
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, (International Association of Universities) IAU presents a new publication focusing on SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all...